Author's Note:

Sorry for such a long wait. Anyway, enjoy this chapter!

Chapter Ten:

Standing on the balcony, right over the interior of the ballroom, Prince Justin observed the guests underneath, dancing merrily and gaily conversing with one another. Crossing his arms, he leaned on the railing to get a better view. He raked his eyes over the crowd lazily in search of something that might catch his eyes. This is so boring, he thought and stifled a yawn.

The king had thrown this ball for his son, so he could find a suitable partner for himself but since Prince Justin was in no mood of saying his vows right now, so he had decided to stick to this balcony and take a long nap after this whole matchmaking thing was over. If his father asked, he would just say that he found no-one pretty enough to catch his eyes.

It's such a shame that the ladies of Ingary are so hungry for attention, he thought contemptuously as he observed some young ladies flirting with a group of men. He sneered when one of those ladies pretended to lose her footing and landed straight into the arms of the most handsome man of the group. They have no shame, he thought scornfully and turned around to grab a glass of wine from the wine table.

He was about to pour wine in his glass when he saw Madam Suleiman making her way towards him. Marvelous! Now I have to deal with this old hag, he turned back to the balcony again and took a sip of wine from his glass, the cold liquor cooled down his burning throat.

He leaned on the railing, with wine glass in one hand and started to observe the guests again.

"Found someone suitable enough?", Madam Suleiman asked him as she approached him.

Why should I tell you? So that you could prance to father's quarters and inform him immediately, he rolled his eyes as he mentally answered her.

"No. Suleiman, in fact, you should go and tell my father that next time if he decides to throw a matchmaking ball for me, he should invite ladies that at least have some manners", he replied sardonically.

"All the ladies that have been invited belong to reputed families, your highness"

"Well, then I suppose their 'reputed families' forgot to teach them any manners", he stated satirically with another eye roll.

"You should observe more keenly, your highness, you might find someone to your liking. You just have to look harder, that's all."

Keep your advice to yourself, you ugly witch, "Okay, point duly noted. Anyway, where is Howl? You told me that he was attending the ball."

"He's here, I saw him a few minutes ago. He's probably looking for you, I'll go find him and send him to you."

"Uh-huh", Prince Justin wasn't really listening to her as a certain lady, standing alone in a secluded alcove, had caught his attention. He studied her carefully while sipping from his glass. She was a beautiful lady whose decorum was very modest, demeanor was so elegant and etiquette were so polished, she wasn't like any of the ladies there. She had a certain civility in her gaze and her gait was so elegant as if the Queen herself had done her upbringing. She wasn't casually flirting with anyone and was minding her own business, and by the looks of it, she was searching for someone.

A light smile touched Prince Justin's lips when she bumped into someone and apologized immediately for her carelessness.

"Prince Justin, do you want me to do something else for you?", Madam Suleiman asked him.

"Hmm?", Prince Justin kept his gaze locked on the lady in the ballroom, "did you say something?"

"I asked if you needed me to do something else for you."

"Umm, No, you may leave now. And, Suleiman, who is that girl?", he asked as he pointed to that lady's direction with his glass.

"That's Sophie Hatter, your highness, a very fine young lady."

"Sophie Hatter huh?", he grinned as he took a last sip from his glass.

Looks like I don't have to stick to this balcony after all…

... …. …. …. …. …. …. ….

Where is he? He's taking so long, Sophie thought as she searched the crowd again to find Howl. Julia was dancing with Sir Jake, so now Sophie was all alone. People were starting to stare at her and a few men had also made advances at her but she had politely turned them down. She was getting nervous all over again, and since she knew no one here, she had no choice but to move back to the secluded alcove again.

She turned around, but as soon as she did, she bumped into a masculine chest. She quickly recoiled and started to apologize but the gentleman just smiled at her, took her gloved hand and kissed it.

"Looking for someone, miss?", the gentleman asked, still holding her hand.

Sophie pulled back her hand quickly, "I-umm-I was just looking for a friend", she replied nervously.

The gentleman grinned at her nervousness, "you seem to be nervous, please don't be."

"I'm not nervous, I'm just startled, that's all"

"I'm sorry to startle you, miss. I'm Justin, and you are?", he said omitting that he was a prince.


"You have a beautiful name, just like you", Prince Justin said with a lope sided grin.

Sophie shot him a wary look.

"It was a compliment, Sophie", he chuckled when she eyed him suspiciously.

"Umm, yes, thank you", she said trying to dodge him. She looked around again in hope to find Howl somewhere.

"Do you have a partner?", Prince Justin asked trying to have her attention, he was starting to get annoyed when she wasn't taking much interest in the conversation.

"Partner?", she asked puzzled.

"Dance partner", he elaborated

"Well, no-", she wasn't able to complete her sentence because Prince Justin cut in.

"Dance with me, please", Prince Justin offered her his hand.

Sophie eyed his hand, and cautiously stepped back, "I don't dance."

Prince Justin noticed her retreat, "Nonsense, this is a ballroom, now come on!", he took her hand and guided her to the dance floor.

Sophie was shocked by way Justin had treated her so casually, but she couldn't back out of the dance floor now, since the whole ballroom was watching them, which was very strange. So, she had no choice but to accept his offer.

"That was very rude of you, Sir Justin", Sophie said angrily as Prince Justin looped his arm around her back and started to waltz.

Sir Justin? Prince Justin chuckled, She's clueless.

"There's nothing rude about dancing, Sophie", he said studying her exquisite features.

"You forced me to dance with you", she was getting annoyed with his attitude.

"I merely tried to entertain you by offering you a dance, it was pitiful to see such a beautiful lady standing in the ballroom without a partner", he smiled at her.

"I came here with a friend, he was just busy with something, so that's why I was standing alone", she averted her gaze.

"Where is your friend anyway?", a grin was starting to appear on his thin lips.

"He had certain business to attend to", she quickly replied.

"Hmm? Remind me to tell your friend to never leave a young lady unattended in a ballroom. I'm sorry to say this, but I'm afraid your friend is a horrible escort", he smirked when he saw her annoyed expression.

"Don't say that, you don't know anything about him", Sophie looked at him with annoyance.

"Why don't you enlighten me then?", his grin was becoming cheekier.

"I don't discuss my friends with strangers", her facial expressions clearly showed her irritation.

Prince Justin chuckled at her answer. He was enjoying her company more than he had expected to, moreover, she was so oblivious of the fact that she was dancing with Prince Justin. This keeps getting better and better, He thought grinning.

"Strangers don't dance together, Sophie", his eyes were twinkling with a challenging look.

"You are very arrogant, Sir", her eyes were carrying a hint of warning.

"Yes, I'm told that a lot, and you know what else people say about me?", he looked straight into her eyes and tightened his arm around her back.

"What?" , she was starting to get a queasy feeling when his arm tightened around her.

Prince Justin dropped his eyes on her lips, "that I'm a very good kisser", as soon as those words escaped his lips, he pulled Sophie closer and thrust his lips down on hers.

Everyone in the ballroom stopped what they were doing and started to watch them, men chuckled while women seethed.

Sophie could feel the small hair rise on the back of her neck as apprehension set in. But before she could push him away, she was pulled back into another masculine chest. She had a terrified look on her face as she faced Prince Justin, who was breathing heavily and grinning at her. She turned to see who had pulled her back, and was more terrified to see a furious Howl who was about to lose his temper.

Howl gently pushed Sophie aside and strode menacingly towards Prince Justin, his eyes were filled with rage and he looked like he was ready to rip someone apart.

Prince Justin just stood there, with a smug look on his face, challenging Howl with his eyes to attack him.

Howl came face to face with him and in a very low menacing voice he said, "you might be a prince, but if you ever mess with what's mine, I'll rip your throat apart", saying that he turned around, grabbed Sophie by the arm strode out of the ballroom into the lawns outside, while Prince Justin just stood there grinning ear to ear and thinking, Game On!

…. …. …. …. …. …. …. ….

Sophie had never seen Howl so angry before, he was pacing back and forth and raking his fingers through his hair without a break. Sophie was standing near their carriage and silently contemplated on what had just happened. So much had happened in one night, that she just wanted to go to bed and have a good night sleep. But here she was, with an infuriated Howl.

"Howl, I'm sorry", Sophie finally spoke up.

"Sorry for what?", Howl asked puzzled.

"For spoiling your night", her tone carried a hint of sadness.

"No, Sophie", he walked in front of her and held her by her shoulders, "you didn't spoil anything", he sighed and closed his eyes, "It's just that cocky prince, what he did today made me lose control, I just-" , he didn't continue and just exhaled and tightened his hold on her, "Sophie, I know I'm not supposed to say this but-", he shut his eyes close again and after a moment he opened them and looked into her eyes, "Sophie, I love you, okay? and it makes me extremely angry to see you with someone else", he let her go and raked his fingers through his hair again.

Sophie came into a state of trance as she heard Howl's confession, and suddenly all the memories she had with him started to play over and over again in her mind, she remembered what Julia had told her, Julia was right! And what was more surprising too her was the fact that she had a confession to make too.

"Howl", she slowly started, "I have to tell you something too."

Howl looked at her and was taken aback by the look in her eyes.

"Howl, I've been feeling strange these past few days", she was averting her gaze.

"Tell me what's wrong, Sophie, are you feeling alright?", Howl forgot all about his worries and became concerned for her health.

"No, Howl, you've got it all wrong!", she exclaimed, "I meant- I feel strange when I'm with you, I get this queasy feeling and my heart seems to run wild whenever I'm near you. Howl, I-I feel alive when I'm with you. You have changed me so much, and I like this change", she stopped for a moment when she couldn't find any more words to describe her feelings. Exasperated with herself she looked at Howl who was mere inches away from her, and who had a very serious look on his face. For a moment, Sophie felt scared, but then she went on, "Howl, I would be lying if I said I didn't feel uneasy with all the women of Ingary fawning over you."

She took a step back when she saw the fierce look in Howl's eyes. "Sophie, are you trying to tell me that-"

"Yes, Howl, I'm trying to tell you that I love you too!", She whispered slowly and she stepped back again when Howl started advancing towards her. Howl had an intense look in his eyes and he was gazing directly into her eyes, which was making Sophie jittery all over. Sophie stopped in her track when her back hit the door of the carriage, Howl stopped too and placed his hands on both sides of her, entrapping her.

Sophie suddenly felt a gust of nostalgia as she remembered their encounter in her shop, it was like the same thing was happening all over again. Sophie's heart was thumping loudly, Howl's eyes were roaming on her lips and his breathing was becoming heavier by every second. "You don't know how happy that makes me feel", he whispered on her lips and lightly kissed her lips.

Sophie gasped and Howl groaned, and without wasting his time, Howl captured her rosy lips fully. At first, Sophie didn't know what to do, but then slowly she tilted her head and started to respond to the kiss. Her heart was racing wildly and her legs started to feel like jelly, she suddenly lost her footing but Howl caught her in his arms. Howl was kissing her so gently, that she suddenly wanted to cry. She was an idiot to deny her feelings for him. He was an amazing person, and most importantly, he was the one for her.

When they broke the kiss, both were breathing heavily from the lack of air, Sophie was feeling light-headed and embarrassed all of a sudden. A pinkish tint adorned her cheek and nose and Howl chuckled, "I'm the luckiest man on earth", he said as he kissed her forehead and hugged her tightly.

"And I'm the luckiest woman", She smiled at him as she hugged him back.

"Oh and, Howl, did you just call Justin a prince?"...

... ... ... ... ... ... ...


Hope you liked it. Please review!