A/N: So this is my version of where Emily saves Jayden instead of Kevin in 'The Great Duel. I got the idea from DreamStar14. Hers was really good so I wanted to make one of my own, though not exactly like hers. It has some twists with Jemily romance. It's Emily's POV, and it starts at the end of 'Fight Fire With Fire', when Jayden's leaving. It goes until the end of 'The Great Duel', though might skip some parts. I might continue after depending on the general like/dislike. And if you've read some of my other stories, you know I'm a huge lover of romance. So, just, brace yourselves.

"It's really great to have another girl on the team," I say to Lauren warmly. Mia nods in agreement. Not that Mia isn't a great girlfriend, she is. She's my best friend. But now it will be somewhat more even- me, Mia, and Lauren vs. Jayden, Mike, Kevin, and Antonio.

Okay, maybe not too even, but now the weight isn't hugely tipped to one side.

And don't get me wrong, I love the guys. They're great friends, and teammates. Mike always making us laugh, Antonio helping him with that and being the forever optimist, Kevin the responsible, loyal one and Jayden…

Well, Jayden being the great person he is. He's the ideal guy-brave smart, nice, not to mention good-looking, and self-sacrificing…But sometimes, you just have something you can only talk to a girl about. Juts some good, old-fashioned girl talk.

"Oh thanks," I say to Kevin who hands me a drink of lemonade. He simply gives a little half-smile and raises his eyebrows a little, probably overhearing what I just said. I give him a sweet smile in return. Kevin knows how I feel about him, we're super good friends.

With the sun shining warmly down on us, a new teammate here to help us, Jayden all healed up and the guys cooking their burgers, this is a day to remember and cherish.

"We should totally have a girls day out," I continue enthusiastically. Mia nods and makes a little sound of agreement.

"Yeah," she says. Lauren looks back at Mia, then to me. She smiles. As she just put something in her mouth, she can't exactly say anything. She shrugs, still smiling and chewing. But then she stops and her eyes fill with sadness as she stares at something behind me. Confused I turn on my stool and see Jayden walking out of the front doors of the house with a large drawstring bag in one arm and I wooden box in the other hand. He still looks a little weak and hurt, but when you're Jayden, every minute wasted not training and instead resting is a moment of your life not working towards being the best you can.

But Jayden's learned to loosen up and have fun. I would like to think it was some of my doing but it was really the whole team's contribution. When we finally had a day off, Jayden was too busy training and told us to go on ahead. But then he made the valuable discovery of having to balance training with fun and even encouraged Kevin that taking time off of training isn't bad. From then on, he had been more cheerful, less stressed and just all around happier.

But now he looked anything but happy.

"Hey, now look who's up," Antonio says. He's holding a plate full of burgers. "Come on Jayden. It's your sister's homecoming party." He waves his spatula around. "And we've even got cake!" But I see the sadness enlarge in Lauren's eyes and Jayden doesn't even crack a smile.

"Come on," Mia encourages him. But Jayden juts stands there, his face expressionless but the sorrow deep within his eyes. I feel fear twist its way inside me.

What's wrong? What's happened?

Antonio, noticing Jayden's unenthusiastic response, fades a little. He looks to Kevin who takes the plunge.

"Jayden…what's wrong?" he asks. I really want to know what's troubling him, so I can help him. But at the same time, I don't want to know.

Lauren looks down for a moment then gets up and walks towards him. As Jayden hands her the wooden box, I see everyone's confused expression that my face probably also mirrors.

"What's the deal?" Mike hesitantly asks. They don't answer but Jayden simply opens the box. It contains all of his discs and…the black box. I gasp and jump off my chair as Mia gets up to. The rest are too shocked to move.

"You all need to follow Lauren now," Jayden states without emotion. Like reciting lines. It feels like he's looking straight at me, talking only to me and I feel the fear deepen inside me. "She's the new red ranger and…your leader." It seems to give him pain to say it. But I'm…I'm experiencing the pain he's trying to hide. And it's breaking me. "I'm going away," Jayden finishes.

"What do you mean?" I get out, since the others don't say anything. I don't understand. Yes I do. I want you to stay. I know you need to go. But I don't want you to.

"Y-you mean on a trip, right?" Mike clarifies. I feel grateful he wants to help us all understand. But I can tell from Jayden's expression the answer before he says it. And it breaks me even more.

"I mean permanently," Jayden says. And there goes the rest of my heart. It's torn, shattered, broken beyond compare. Everyone starts to ask the same questions at once.

"What?" Antonio exclaim.

"What do you mean?" Mia asks.

"You can't!" Mike declares. But all I can get out is

"Why?" in a small voice.

"Are you serious?" Kevin looks like this is a bad dream. Someone's worst nightmare. And it is. It's mine.

"Jayden, you can't go," Mia cries, taking a few steps forward. "You know how we all feel." A muscle tightens in Jayden's jaw, but that's the only difference in expression. I look from Mia to Jayden to Lauren back to Jayden with saddened horror.

"I know. But Lauren alone has the sealing power. She's able to do what I could never do. End this fight. Bring peace." And he gets that determined, brave face on that I know at once that no one can talk him out of it.

Not even me. But I'm sure going to try.

"You all need to rally around her."

"But we need you too!" Antonio breaks in. "Lauren, tell him." But she remains silent, the sorrow plain in her eyes but knowing that it's right. "Well go one. Tell him!" Antonio says louder. Jayden clenches his jaw again as Lauren stares down. Just then, Ji comes out. His expression is stone-cold too. This isn't good.

"Mentor…what is this?" Mike asks, hurt, as he walks forward a few steps. "Jayden's leaving. H-how could you keep this from us?" Kevin and Antonio walk from behind the table to stand beside Mia and me. I try to put a brave face on, to stand tall, but I can't stop the sadness and betrayal crossing my face. Mentor doesn't answer.

"Come on!" Mike yells. "Make him stay!" He sounds like a kid giving a tantrum when he doesn't get what he wants. For once, I am glad of Mike's outspokenness. That's exactly what I want to say to, but I can't get my mouth to work. I can't form concrete thoughts. All I feel is hurt and sorrow and pain, worse than any Nighlok could ever inflict.

"You can't stop him," Mentor finally says. Mike just stands there, shocked and anguished. "No one can." Mike looks down, disgusted.

"Ji…you've been my guiding light." Mentor nods. "Thank you…for everything," Jayden says a little sadly. We all walk forward because Jayden looks like he's about to leave. Forever. A part of our lives that blows with the wind and now he's drifting away.

"Mike…Kevin…Mia…Antonio…Emily," Jayden recites, placing a hand on each of our shoulders as he says our name. It seems that he keeps his hand on mine the longest and looks at me a little more, but that could just be wishful thinking.

The cries for comfort of a broken heart.

"It's been an honor…to fight by your side," And I can tell he's letting his emotions shine through to us for the briefest of moments. He looks at us then starts to walk away.

"I'm going with you," I utter to my surprise. Everyone looks at me a little surprised too, but I stand firm. I can't let him leave alone. He can't leave me alone either. I try to wipe the depressed feelings off my face, but I don't think I succeeded.

Jayden looks like this is a tough decision to make, like an inner turmoil is going on inside him. And for the first time in his life, it looks like he doesn't know what to do.

"You're a Samurai ranger," he finally says to me, looking at me straight in the eye. "I'm counting on you to stay, to fight by my sister's side."

"But I want to fight by your side." I whimper just a little. The pained look is in his eyes again. For a moment he looks like he'll relent, but then his judgment takes over. He looks down, then puts his hand on my shoulder and gives a little squeeze. I stare at him, scared this will be the last time I'll see him again. And I don't think I can handle that.

"I know you'll make her as proud of you as you've made me," he tells me. I sense he's about to pull away and I place my hand on top of his. I'm trying to do something, anything to make this moment last, to delay his depart. Jayden leans in closer to me.

"I'm sorry Emily. Stay strong," he whispers softly then slides his hand out from under my grasp. He turns his back on us and starts to walk away. The rest of the team comes to stand closer to me and Mike puts his arm around my shoulders-more for my comfort or his own, I don't know. Lauren and Mentor stand together, his arm around her, the two who knew the truth-and had kept it from us.

I stare after him longingly, knowing the one thing I thought would always be constant, the one thing I knew I could depend on no matter what, the one person who was always there, is walking out of my life forever.

"This can't be happening," I mumble, still struggling to not let my tears fall. I had to be strong for Jayden. It's what he wanted.

Though if he's not going to be around anymore, I don't know how strong I can be.