I wanted to get this story over with so I can start a new one :D Sorry if it was a bit rushed.

Chapter 11 – Confessions

Lucy's POV

Today is another beautiful day. The sun is shining brightly over Magnolia. I place my head on the table bored. Today is the day that Natsu and the others come back from their mission. I can finally face my fears and confess to Natsu. I wonder how this will turn out? Good or bad? Why are they taking so long?

"Hey Lucy, what are you doing?" Mira asked me while wiping the table. I stare up to look at her. "Oh nothing, just bored." I sighed. "Don't worry Lucy, they'll be back soon." Mira smiled. I just nodded. Suddenly the door slammed open. "Were back!" a familiar voice shouted. I peak my head up to see a blue cat flying around. There was also Gray and Erza, but a pink haired boy was missing.

"Hey Lucy!" Happy came flying towards me. "Hey Happy." I smiled. "Where's Natsu?" I asked while I look around the room. "Natsu got beaten up when we were fighting a gang of mages." Happy frowned. "He was totally going to get killed if we didn't help him." Gray said as he sat beside the cat. Juvia also sat beside him. I was shocked. Natsu got beaten up? He was strong enough to beat master Zero by himself and also sent master Hades flying. "Is he okay?" I asked worried. "Yes, we took him home to rest." Erza said as she sat beside me. "How did he get beat up?" I asked them. "He probably still hasn't finished recovering from the lack of movement for so long." Erza said. "How badly injured is he?" I asked. "Well a few bruises on the chest and arms." Gray said. "Also a punch in the nose. His nose was bleeding a lot." Happy smiled as he thought of the salamander's bloody nose.

"Hey Lucy, why don't you go take care of him?" Mira winked from behind me. I was startled by the bartender. She could be pretty quiet sometimes. "Why me?" I asked the white haired mage. "Because you like him!" Mira squealed. I quickly got up and covered Mira's mouth. "You like hiiiiiiiiiim!" Happy shouted. I shot Happy a glare. "Juvia thinks so to!" Juvia smiled and nodded. "I think I'm going to go home for the day." I said and left the building.

My heart is beating so fast now. I went home and sat down on my chair to keep calm. Mira couldn't keep a secret. I told her not to tell anyone and then she says it out loud. That is the last time I'm telling her my secrets. But maybe she is right, I should go give Natsu a visit, too see how he's doing. I left my house and went to Natsu's house. I turned the knob knowing that he doesn't lock the door. I went in but there was no sign of Natsu. All I saw was Pans and pots everywhere unwashed and leftover food rotting in the corner. I went to Natsu's room to see a sleeping salamander. His chest and arms were bandaged. I felt really bad to see him like this. The Natsu I knew was happy and always running around, but now he is hurt and not able to move. But at least he was quiet. I closed the door and went to clean his house, again…

I went and picked up all the pans and pots and washed them in his kitchen. I set the pots out to dry and then I took a broom and got rid of the leftovers. I then grabbed a mop and mopped the entire room. After I was done everything was sparkly clean, just like the last time I cleaned it. I was pretty exhausted, but at least his house looks better. Sometimes I wonder why I even help him clean his mess. I went back into the kitchen to put the pots and pans back into their rightful spot. I grabbed a chair to step on so I can put the pots and pans back into the top shelf. When I put the last one back, the chair wobbled and I lost balance and fell. I was sure I was going to get a bruise but suddenly a pair of arms caught me by the arms before I fell on to the floor.

"Careful Luce." a familiar voice mumbled. I turn around to see Natsu with a grin. "I thought you were sleeping." I blush at the fact that he was still holding on to me. "I was but then I had a feeling. Something weird. And when I came out I saw you about to fall so I caught you. Maybe I have a sixth sense. A sense of knowing when you're in danger." Natsu grinned. I can feel my heart pound. I blush even harder. I swear I can explode of being so happy. "I'm sorry Natsu." I mumble. "It's okay Luce, you don't have to go on mission with me." He grinned as he let go of me. "No, I'm sorry for everything." I cover my face with my hands as I knew I was going to cry. Suddenly something wrapped around me. A pair of strong arms were around my waist. I peak to see Natsu giving me a hug. He didn't say anything. I lifted my hands from my face and returned the hug. "Don't cry anymore Luce. Every time you cry, you make my heart ache." he whispered. I just nodded and hugged him tighter. I can feel him tense up. He quickly flinched and let go of me.

"Did you get stronger Luce?" He winced in pain. He was back to his usual self. I just smiled and nodded. "Never mind, it was probably because of my bruises." he said as he pointed at his chest and arms. "Well then, I'm sorry for being weak." I glared at him. "Nono, I didn't mean that!" he shouted. "Then say you're sorry." I smirked. "I'm sorry." he mumbled. I can't believe that I got the might salamander to apologize. "You should get some rest." I suggested to him as he rubbed his chest. I held him to his room as he couldn't walk properly. After I escort him to his bed I turned around to go out the door but he grabbed my arm. "Are you leaving?" he pouted. I shook my head. "I'm just going to get you some water." I said. "Promise me you won't leave?" he pouted again. "Promise." I nodded. He then gave me a grin. It seems like he hasn't grown much in these past six years. Still acting like a child.

I went to get him a glass of water and when I walked in the room he just stared at me with a confused look. "Why are you staring at me?" I asked him curiously. He just continued to stare, not even blinking. I wave my hand in front of his face so he would snap out of his little day dreaming. He finally snapped out of it and grinned. He put his hands behind his head and smiled. "It's just that I haven't seen you for so long. You're still as pretty as always!" the salamander continued to grin. Did I hear him right? He called me pretty? My face is getting warmer every second. Natsu thinks I'm pretty?

"Eyy Lucy, stop day dreaming…" I feel a shake and went back to reality. "Huhh?" I said confused. "Are you okay Luce?" Natsu asked me while he's still shaking me. IT WAS JUST A DREAM?! I face palm myself in my mind and gave him the glass of water. "Thanks!" he smiled as he handed me the cup. I turn around to head out the door. "Lucy, could we speak for a minute?" Natsu asked while he blushes. Natsu blushing? Why?

Natsu's POV

I believe that it's time to do this. Now that she is so close to me, I'm not letting her leave again. Lucy walks over and pulls the chair to her side. "Yes?" she replied. "Well I always wanted to tell you this…" I mumble. It was harder than I thought. Come on! I can't back down now! It's either now or never. "Well I like you." I said quickly and looked away. God, I've never been this scared in my life before. Why isn't she saying anything? I turn around to peak at her, only to see her smiling. "I know you do Natsu! And I like you to." the blonde smiled. I stared at her confused. Does she know what I'm not talking about? "You do?" I asked her with my eyebrow up. "Yeah, you're my best friend aren't you?" she smiled. She doesn't get it does she… "NONO! I DON'T LIKE YOU! I LIKE LIKE YOU! YOU KNOW THE THING YOU GUYS CALL LOVE?" I shouted and began to pant after, inhaling and breathing deeply.

Lucy's POV

I stare at him confused. Then I start to laugh. This was too funny! What did he say? He loves me? Eyy Lucy you're losing it again. I should stop day dreaming. Like he would ever say that to me. I rose my hand and slapped myself once. Natsu's mouth just dropped. Not working, might need to try another one. Again, I slapped myself. It hurt pretty badly but everything is still the same. I raise my hand again but this time the rose haired mage caught it before it made contact with my cheek. "STOP HITTING YOURSELF LUCY!" Natsu screamed at me. Wait a second, if it hurt does that mean I'm not dreaming? "Natsu what did you say again?" I asked him. "STOP HITTING YOURSELF!" He yelled. I shook my head, "Nono, before that!" Natsu began to blush. "I said that I love you." He looked away again. Could it be? Did he really say that? "Really?" I asked him once more, just to make sure. He turned back and rose up a bit. He looks more confident. "I, Natsu Dragneel love you, Lucy Heartfillia!" He shouted.

Without hesitation I stood up from my chair and got right in front of Natsu's face. "I LOVE YOU TOO!" I yelled. It was silent for a second. Suddenly Natsu stood up also and grinned. "Really?" He asked. "I loved you since I left." I mumbled. I really didn't want to tell him the reason I left was because of him. That would probably make him feel bad. He put his arm around my waist and pulled me into a hug. Oh how I loved that warm feel when we make close contact.

After that we held hands and went off to the guild. Natsu kicked open the doors and everyone stared at our direction. "What do we have here? Two love birds finally going out?" Gray smirked. Natsu just glared at him. Erza came up to me and shook my other hand. "C-c-congratulations… Lucy…" Erza mumbled. "LUCY!" Mira squealed as she saw the lock between our fingers. "Hey Mira." I waved and smiled. "Seems like you guys finally sorted things out." She smiled. I just nodded. Why does Mira have a dark aura surrounding her? "So when's the baby coming?" Mira blurted out loud. "MIRA!" I yelled. She just ran away giggling. I turn around to see Natsu gone. Where did he go? I search around the room to finally see him fighting with Gray. Natsu Natsu, always the same. But that is what I like most about him. Always so childish and funny. When I get in trouble, he would help me, always be there for me. Everything is perfect! Except for one thing… Why is Erza still shaking my hand? And… "Hey Lucy, now that you and Natsu are finally together, LET'S GET GRAY AND JUVIA TOGETHER!" Mira yelled. Gray stopped fighting and stared at Mira with a shocked face. He then got hit by Natsu's flaming fist to the face. Juvia just looked at Mira with hearts in her eyes. Oh Mira, you're too funny.




And that concludes this story. Hope you guys enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Thanks for all the supports and please continue to review! Also, tomorrow I might have the first chapter of my new story up. But no promises :D Until next time!