Everyone was bustling about the Argo II.

Hazel was moving metal sheets from the lower deck to the engine room and other various places. Jason and Frank were flying around trying to tie down sails. Leo was trying to handle the bigger problems, while explaining to the rest of the crew how to do the easier, yet still complicated, jobs at the same time. Piper and Nico were ferociously trying to follow Leo's orders.

Nico was heading down to the engine room to get some pressure levels. He passed Hazel who was struggling with a rather large sheet of imperial gold. She looked ready to pass out. And she did.

Nico barely caught her. He started running up to her room. She woke about halfway to her room.

"What happened?" She mumbled.

"Passed out. I'm taking you to your room." Nico said.

"No. I can get back to work." Her words were slurred.

"No. You need to rest. You've done enough. I'll take over your job."

"But you can't control metals." Her eyes were half shut. "Only I have that power." She yawned.

"And with great power, comes the great need to take a nap." Nico said as he reached Hazel's room.

She was asleep before he reached her bed. He lied her down on her purple sheets and pulled her black comforter up around her. He left her room, shutting the door.

He took over her job and the bustling about continued.

Hazel woke up in her bed. She had no idea how she got there. She had a headache, and she was thirsty. She got up, and took a shaky step towards her door. She made her way to the cabinets with the magic dishes. She grabbed a cup and willed it to fill with water. She quickly finished it and headed back to her cabin.

Her room was at the end of the row. She had to pass seven other rooms. Behind Coach Hedge's door, she cold here him murmuring "die" in his sleep. It suspiciously sounded like the Pokemon theme song. Behind Frank's door, she could here snoring. She noticed smoke coming out of Leo's room. He must have been on fire. Thankfully he fireproofed his room. She walked past Jason's door and felt lots of wind on her feet. She fell. Who knew you could actually trip on air? She passed Percy's room and heard light snoring. Nico was using Percy's room until Leo got a new one built. She passed Piper's room and had the sudden urge to find a Narwhal named Mr. Rogers and sing The Duck Song to it. She passed Annabeth's room and stopped dead in her tracks.

She heard an assortment of sounds in there. Raspy breaths. Light gurgling. Scared squeaks. Sobbing. Shrieks.

She opened the wooden door and looked over at the bed. Her heart almost stopped. In it were to bodies that were almost unrecognizable. They were covered with monster dust, blood, and dirt. They had wounds that looked close to infection. Clumps of hair were missing. What was left was matted. A foot was twisted at a hundred-eighty degree angle.

They were in a tight embrace. They were clutching to one-another's shirts. They each had a leg intertwined together. There was pained looked on both of their faces. Tears leaked from their closed eyes leaving clean streaks on their faces. The sight was heartbreaking to Hazel. She backed out of the room. She walked over to Percy/Nico's room. She pounded on the door.

She heard Nico wake with a start. "No daisy!" He yelled as he sat up. Hazel pounded on the door again and she heard Nico grumble and open the door. "What?" He asked angry that he was woken up at three in the morning. Hazel didn't say anything. She just grabbed his wrist and dragged him to Annabeth's room. Nico's breath caught when he saw his friends. "Get the others." he managed.

"Hedge too?"she asked. He nodded.

Hazel left to wake up the others. Piper woke exclaiming "Grapes!". Leo yelled something about a women named Tia. Frank mentioned weasels. Jason woke with a snort and a colorful word or two about Octavian in Latin. Hedge simply screamed "DIE!" All were angry with Hazel until they saw Percy and Annabeth.

Hedge wanted to separate the two, but Piper and Jason held him back. Nico had drifted beside the bed. Hazel knelt down and put a comforting hand on his shoulder.

Piper came over and gingerly put a hand on Annabeth's shoulder. Annabeth tensed, and Percy's grip tightened. "Their freezing." Piper said. "Somebody grab a blanket." Frank got one from the supply closet and draped it over their bodies. "Let's go to bed. They need to rest."

Everyone silently nodded and went back to bed. But they all kept worrying about the two demigods.