A/N: I know that this fandom has few readers left, but I can't help but put out a story for it. It is my favorite movie. I watch it at least once a month. :D


Chapter 1: Once upon a time… In Nazi occupied France

I saw fireworks from my bedroom window. That is how it began. Death and catastrophe started with parades, laughter, and fireworks led by evil with charming faces. So many starved Germans willingly believing a man who claims that we are great and destined for a life of luxury instead of the squalor that we lived in. However, I knew, even at the tender age of 19, nothing comes without a price.

I first noticed the price we would all pay when Ethel went on a "trip", but then I noticed that all the Jews in my neighborhood were leaving and those how didn't want to leave were soon forced. I watched people I had played with and cry with, be treated like dogs. I watched as my mother morphed into something twisted. She would sneer at the Jewish men and women she once called friends. Was I the only one who saw what was happening?

I soon found myself spending less and less time at my home, especially after Mom had a new Nazi boyfriend to fawn over and a daughter to forget. Soon I stopped returning home all together choosing to instead to rent a room, with my cousins in France, with the meager earnings I made by performing small jobs and tasks.

The year was now 1941 and life in France was easier then Germany but Nazis were prominently present and just as insufferable as back at home in Deutschland. I was headed back up to the little farm where I washed clothes. They could have done it themselves, my boss had three daughters but they liked me and I them. At the present moment, I did not know that this would be the day I would remember as the day I met the devil.

I heard the vehicles before I saw them. I figured that it must be a patrol so my hand slipped into my pocket finding comfort in my papers. I have seen girls dragged off into dark corners for forgetting their papers. The Nazi men called it private questioning, but no one believed a word of it, they just turned I blind eye to it. For what could they really do for the girls who returned shaken and the pretty dresses ruffled and torn?

I internally screamed when the car stopped in front of me. They driver looked ahead not casting me a single glance. The front passenger eyed me, but nothing was as unnerving as the man in the back seat. He was an older gentleman, about the age Papa would have been if was still alive. His hair was graying at the edges but he was still quite attractive. However, his grin sent a chill down my spine, like if someone had poured ice water down the back of my blouse.

"Bonjour, mademoiselle!" said the man in perfect French, but he had and Austrian accent. He rested himself on the door and extended his hand. "I am Colonel Hans Landa of the SS."

"Bonjour, monsieur," I say as steadily as possible, even though I am sure like I am sweating like a sinner in church (A/N: American Southern saying. Could not help but throw it in. :D). Nothing good ever comes out when an SS Officer is involved, especially the Jew Hunter. There is only one place he could be headed, the same place I was headed. The LaPadite farm. "My name is Lena Zimmerman, Sicherheitsdienst des Reichsführers," I hesitantly gave him my hand in which he kissed my knuckles, his eyes never leaving mine. Though, he did not let go of my hand.

"Ah, a German girl!" Colonel Landa said, his smile getting impossible larger. "What brings you to France, Fräulein Lena?" he asked switching to German, which piqued the interest of the two other passengers who obviously did not speak a lick of French.

"I am staying at a Cousin's," I answered simply, but not curtly. I wanted them to leave but I did not run the risk of angering them. Only bad news could come of that.

"Are you headed there now? We will give you a lift. Young beautiful woman shouldn't walk alone."

"Nein, Sicherheitsdienst des Reichsführers. I don't want to intrude. I am only headed for work."

"I insist," he said smiling, but he gripped my prisoned hand tighter showing there was no room for negotiations. He let go of my hand opened the door before sliding over, making room for me. "So, where is this job of yours, Fräulein Lena?"

"The LaPadite farm," I answer reluctantly while gripping the handles of the bag of laundry resting between my feet.

"Wunderbar! Just where I was headed. Maybe you can answer a few questions about the LaPadite in favor of the ride, hmm?"

"I will answer what I can, though I do not know much. I only do their laundry." Fick.

"Ah, we both know that is not true." I watched as his eyebrows knitted and his tone became cold, showing me a glimpse of his true nature. However, as quickly as the scowl came it went and his smile and jolly tone was back. "House workers learn all kinds of things, especially from laundry. Speaking of which, that is quite a bit of laundry for only four members of a household."

"I got behind," I lied, though I am not sure if he believed it.

"Tsk, tsk. Not a good work ethic," he chuckled, wagging a finger at me as if I was a naughty child caught having a cookie just before dinner.

"Won't happen again," I decided that apologizing for actions was the best route to take.

"Good girl," He said patting my knee.

"Colonel Landa, wir sind hier."

"Danke, Wilhelm." Going by the look on the driver's face that was not his name, but it also seemed that the young man was too scared to correct the SS Officer. "Shall we, Fräulein?" he asked opening the door for me. I was entirely grateful that we were here before he could ask any more question, though I dreaded what would come of the yet to come . I stepped out of the vehicle and saw monsieur LaPadite. He was as white as a fresh linen sheet. I knew that this looked very bad and it was, but it looked as if I turned them in. I wanted to scream that is wasn't me, but even if I could it would just have gotten us all killed.

"Ah, Lena, would you mind waiting out here? This is a private discussion. After we are done, I will let you deliver your laundry and will return you home safely," he said cheerfully and patted my check. I resisted the urge to jerk back.

I watched them disappear into the small house and Charlotte, Julie, and Suzanne exit. They made their way to my side, all were wide-eyed and shaking with fear. Charlotte looked to me with a vicious glare.

"You," she growled.

"Charlotte…" Suzanne pleaded.

"Did you do this?"

"Non, I swear it." I tried to plead with her. She had to understand.


There was no reasoning with, but who could blame her. All signs pointed to me. I arrived with the Jew Hunter and they did not tell me there secret, I found out accidently. I wept, I couldn't control it.

I watched in horror when Colonel Landa exited the house calling for us, but gestured for the soldiers. The walked into the house their guns ready. I screamed when I heard the gunshots. Knowing that the Jewish family that I had started to call my own was dead and I was being blamed for it.

Across the field, I saw someone running. Shosanna! It had to be her. Before I realized it, I was running after her. I was jerked to the ground roughly by one of the German soldiers.

"Stoppen!" He yelled. He held me down by waist and pinning my arms above my head, leaving my legs to knee him the crotch. When it made contact, I found myself free and I reached for his pistol. I only meant to threaten him, but he came at me and I pulled the trigger. The bullet tore through his throat. Blood splattered all over my torso and face. I watched as he gripped his throat in vain before dropping to the ground dead. The two others soldiers rushed out of the house to see their fallen comrade. The yelled and screamed at me to drop my weapon or they would shoot. However, their voices faded into the background as I stared at the man I had just killed, his gun still pointing at him. What scared me the most was that I felt nothing but content. No guilt, no shame. I didn't feel happy, but I felt that this man was better off dead.

"Fräulein Lena," Landa said as he snapped his fingers, bringing me back from my daze.

I yelp and jumped back when I noticed how close he was. I pointed the Nazi Luger at him. "Don't come any closer," I warned him, my voice shaking. My muscles tensed, ready to run. He must have seen the movement because he smirked.

He raised his hands in mock surrender and stepped back. "Where will you go, Lena? There is no where you can hide from me."

"I can try." I took a couple steps back, placing myself closer to the safety of the woods. I half expected for him to shoot me, but his head just fell back and he gave a hearty laugh.

"I like you, Fräulein Lena. I wish we could have parted on more friendlier terms. But alas, we could not. If you want to run, by all means, do so. However when I find you, have no doubt that I will, I will kill you." I blankly stared at him.

"What are you waiting for? Run!"

I quickly backed up into I was in the forest. When I entered the trees, I quickly turned around and darted off into the unknown.

A/N: So what did you think? Did you like it, hate it? Should I continue?