The down side of Love, Loyalty and Duty.

Inro: Hi people, since this is my first chapter I really need you guys to answer my question at the end of this chappy, and I also hope you enjoy~! First real guy couple fanfic xD. (longest chapter ever.)

Warning: This is M for a reason, and though there may be no drugs there is still violence, course language, sexual references and scenes and also the use of alcohol.

Disclaimer: I do not own Lord of the Rings. Cause if I did, THIS is how it would end~!

Chapter one: A plague of memories.

Finaly the war was over and peace was falling over the entire Middle Earth. However; one King's mind still bore scars of what happened during those times of great peril and undying loyalty. Though, these scars were not ones of evil or destruction... no. These were scars of secrets and of passion. Secrets to be taken to the grave and not revealed to any and should be long forgotten by even those who caused them. Secrets of forbidden love, nights of endless passion and promises that should have never been made by either party. Although, it seems, the king did not heed these warnings. Instead his mind relived those days in it's dreaming state. The longing, the pain, the need. It was deadly in the sense that it could take over you by the mere mention of a name, kingdom, kin or color. Now that all were mentioned at once, King Aragorn felt as if he were drowning in those emotions. At the worst possible time.

"Prince Legolas, son of Thranduil, King of Mirkwood will be arriving at Gondor palace by sundown-" declared the messenger, scroll in hand. "-to congratulate the royal couple on the coming of the prince." With that the scroll was rolled closed and the messenger bowed low before taking his leave.

"Legolas?" Whispered the queen. "Oh it's been so long! Prepare the royal guest chamber in the west wing at once!" she ordered the maids, who bowed and left to complete their duty. "Oh there is so much we must discuss." Arwen smiled glee fully at her husband before taking her leave.

Aragorn smiled back and watched as she went to help prepare. "He'll be here soon... much too soon, I cannot be ready in time." Aragorn's smile faded into an anxious grimace. 'Can one ever be ready for this?' He sighed once again as the memories that plagued him returned with full force. Lost in thought, he delved deep into his mind and thought back on what started it all. One look.


Aragorn had the first watch this night and that suited him just fine, his thoughts were far too jumbled for him to have much sleep tonight. They had lost both Bromir and Gandulf in battle, possibly Merry and Pippin, and Elbereth knows where Frodo and Sam are. Honestly the Fellowship was a mess. And in the midst of it all, Aragorn's largest concern at this moment was about how he was feeling for one of his comrades. 'One would think that this war would be the most pressing matter in a man's head. Not. His. Love. Life. Or lack thereof seeing as mine is all but gone thanks to me releasing Arwen from our vows. I don't regret it however, she deserves so much more than I... what I don't understand however is the new feelings that have plagued me this past week, ever since we escaped from the mines of Moria. When I jumped from that ledge and our arms wrapped around each other, for a brief moment time stopped as I gazed into his eyes, but only for a second.

Aragorn thought back on the events of the past week, trying to decode them for any hidden message. First the looks they shared. Far too long and far too inappropriate. The way Legolas looked shyly away when Aragorn eyed him was too tempting. Those as well as the delectable smirks and the way they shared glances. Then there were the gestures, brief but monumental. They could read each other so easily, as if on the same wave-length. And do not forget the touches: accidental, unconscious, subconscious... they effected him far too much. Perhaps it was merely all the stress getting to him... yes, that must be it... however... His eyes wondered to the sleeping elf once again. 'I have never seen such a beautiful creature in all my life...' Aragorn felt his mouth go dry and he swallowed heavily. 'Beauty unmatched by any man... and rivaled only by one women... one women...Arwen!' Aragorn shook his head of any thoughts concerning the blonde elf and thought of the raven-haired beauty awaiting his return. 'That's right, Arwen is waiting for me... I love her and her alone.'

With that thought firmly set in his mind, Aragorn withdrew his eyes from the sleeping prince and watched the fire dance across it's wooden plains. This peace only lasted minutes however, before his gaze once again slipped to the elf by his side. 'I wonder if those golden tresses are as soft as I imagine them to be... silk or spiderweb?' His hand unconsciously raised itself to the elf's head, tracing the the outline of his frame before stroking his platinum locks. Aragorn snapped his eyes to Legolas' own as his skin made contact with his hair. The ice blue orbs were still glazed over with sleep as his form lay still, making Aragorn relax slightly. He focused on the strands now entrapped in his grasp as his thumb traced over the fine silk. 'It's softer than anything I have ever felt before...' Aragorn brought the lock of hair to his lips, brushing the softly across his face before laying it gently back in place.

His eyes then traveled across to his face, burning every inch into his memory. Skin pale yet colored with a light peach shade, eyes beautiful shade of misty ice blue, plump lips parted slightly to allow breathing. 'It's perfection, pure perfection. He's so beautiful it makes you want to cry... this has to be a a dream I could kiss him...and how I long to kiss him...' Aragorn took in a shaky breath and gulped, eyes darting once more to his lips. His tongue slid across his own in anticipation. Aragorn was so engrossed on the look of Legolas' lips, he missed how the elf below him's eyes once again gained their clarity. Too drawn in by temptation, Aragorn pressed his lips to Legolas' before the elf could question the man above him. When their lips made contact, Legolas gasped into the kiss, surprise making him jerk, both actions alerting Aragorn to his awakened form.

Aragorn's grey eyes snapped open and met with bewildered blue. There was a pause, one in which lips were moving against each other yet eyes remained large and surprised. Slowly both regained their senses and Aragorn felt that Legolas was about to pull away. 'Oh no you don't. If I'm revealed, I might as well get all I can out of it.' With that Aragorn shut his eyes and his arms encircled Legolas, his entire body going over the elf's. One hand held the back of Legolas' head, pushing their lips together harder, with finger's threading themselves in his delicate golden mane; whilst the other arm wound around Legolas' waist, hand at his hip, pushing their bodies together with a firm grip. Aragorn's tongue took advantage of Legolas' gape to enter his sweet cavern, twisting their tongue's together in an intimate dance. After a few moments, Aragorn's efforts were rewarded by the elf shyly responding, eyes fluttering closed as he also succumbed to temptation. When Aragorn's lips drew away from Legolas', it was only for a second before they crashed back together.

Legolas now returned the kiss with full force, his arms wrapping around Aragorn like a vice. One hand threaded into Aragorn's chestnut tresses and the other gripping the back of his shirt like his life depended on it. The heat finally got too much however and the shirt in his grasp found itself almost ripped off the body it clothed, not that Legolas complained of course, he was the one who removed it when he found his shirt off his body and leggings on their way. Aragorn smirked at the delicate little sounds escaping his elf's mouth and the way Legolas desperately tried to keep his voice down so as not to wake Gimli to this rather unusual sight. 'He is far too adorable for his own good... Elbereth help me for I know he will be my undoing.' Aragorn thought as Legolas flipped them over to straddle Aragorn in all his naked glory. 'Oh my Elbereth' Aragorn gasped inaudibly and gaped at the naked elf-like God -'Or more goddess'- above him.

Legolas grinned at the stupefied look Aragorn was giving him, licking his lips, which then chose to travel down Aragorn's neck. "Are you a nymph or an elf you tease?" Aragorn whispered huskily in his ear. Legolas smirked at this and bit gently into Aragorn's neck, eliciting a groan from said man.

"I am purely elf, as you know better than any other." Legolas' voice chimed, bringing a smile to Aragorn's lips as he guided Aragorn's hand to his member. Aragorn squeezed it gently, making Legolas throw his head back in pleasure, arching above the man.

'Such beauty and honesty is mine alone.' Aragorn pulled Legolas down to him and kissed him roughly. Legolas smiled gently into the kiss and once again traveled down Aragorn's body, strewing kisses where he could. Aragorn smiled as he hit a ticklish spot and flipped them over so he was on top. "May I?" he requested getting a full blown grin from his elf, his eyes twinkling with curiosity. Aragorn almost forgot what he was about to do. He grinned back and leaned in for another kiss. Their kiss lasted long, and it was not until Aragorn felt something pressing against his chest did it recoiled as if he had been burned, leaving a puzzled elf in his wake. 'Arwen.' was the one thought ringing in his head.

'Arwen... no no no' Aragorn's eyes widened in shock, his hand went to clench the pendant around his neck.

"What is it Ellesar?" Aragorn almost groaned at the beauty of that voice but steeled himself.

'Nothing except for the fact that I almost claimed you while wearing a token from my lover.' Aragorn just shook his head and retrieved a cloak which he gently wrapped around Legolas' body "Thank you Ernil nin-" His words were in elvish. "-for offering me something so precious. However..." Aragorn stopped briefly, knowing that Legolas was slowly realizing what's happening.

"Your love for the Evenstar binds you, as does her love for you..." Legolas nodded, his mask of indifference was placed once again on his face as he replied in elvish.

" it is not only that." Legolas' mask cracked and confusion was painted across his features. Confusion and pain. "...I am afraid that if we are complete, you will die in grief, for elves love so strongly and they only love once... for they remain forever loyal to the ones that hold their hearts. And I would rather give up my life than see yours fade." Legolas' eyes showed understanding and more pain. "For me to act on this and reveal my feelings for you was the greatest folly I may have ever made." Aragorn continued.

"No mellon nin. No folly was committed, simply something that needed to be said before the regret could pile on." Legolas sighed softly before laying back down on the mattress.

"...You still think of me as a friend even though I wronged you so?" Aragorn's eyes widened.

"Yes you did wrong me. You wronged me by giving me a taste of something I could never have. Why must I pay the price for your needs?" Legolas pinned him with a glare. "You also wronged me by thinking that I could ever die of grief and leave my kingdom in ruin. I am Legolas Greenleaf, prince of Mirkwood and son of King Thranduil. I will not bow my head and let death consume me." The fire in Legolas' eyes made Aragorn burn. "And finally, you wronged me by thinking that I will think you any different for acting on your emotions, for I know you love me just as much and in the same way I love you." Legolas smiled at the shock in Aragorn's face. "You will forever be my mellon nin, comrade, and brother in arms, Aragorn, son of Arathorn, heir to the throne of Gondor." his eyes sparkled. They then turned slightly melancholy. "And you will also forever be my melleth."

Aragorn suppressed a gasp yet could not stop from crashing his lips against Legolas'. "Legolas I love you. I love you." he spoke these words in both elvish and english, kissing his lips countless times.

It was Legolas' turn to push back. "Stop melleth, didn't we just agree that it was not to be?" Legolas looked at him sharply.

"...Yes... we did." Aragorn stared longingly into his eyes before sighing and drawing away. "We did." he muttered to himself, running a hand through his hair as he walked towards Gimli. "Awaken Gimli, it is your watch." with that Aragorn walked dazedly towards his own sleeping spot, drawing his sheet above him before staring at Legolas, who watched him as well. '...did we really?'


"I fear that in truth, we really did not Legolas... my love." Aragorn ran a frustrated hand through his hair as the rest of the memories came flooding in. "We did nothing of the sort." With that he sat in his throne and waited, waited for the dreaded words to be spoken.

There was then a knock sounded on the door. "The Prince Legolas, son of Thranduil, King of Mirkwood has arrived my lord, and is requesting he see you." Aragorn looked sharply at his servant.

Breathing deeply Aragorn nodded. "Bring him in."

Please note that the prologue like thing will be 2 chapters long at least and the second will probably not be as long... and it's not really a prologue, just memories before things start moving forward. Explanations and such y'know? Just so yr not out of the loop. ;p ALSO. Could someone tell me if I should have mpreg, it will be a very interesting twist on my story... and a lot more drama, me thinks unknown child on Aragorn's part (Legolas is the mommy xD). So then both have heirs and Legolas dun need to have a wife... cause he only needs Aragorn... yeah. xD