Welcome to Haunted Revenge, the sequel to the DLS-S Cruise! This is my first time writing a sequel to a fanfiction story, so hopefully it'll turn out okay. And it's important that you've read the DLS-S Cruise so that you understand what's happening and what has happened. Seriously, if you haven't finished the story, go and do that before you read this, because there's a bunch of spoilers in here.

Disclaimer: I do not own Big Time Rush, or anything else you recognize. I only own the plot, and I'm not making money off of that (sadly).

Warnings: This story is, for the time being, rated T, though it might move to M if it gets too dark. But for now, the warnings are cussing, sexual innuendos, mentions of teenage sex, mentions of violence, and a certain stalker...

So, a HUMONGOUS thank you to everyone who stuck by the DLS-S Cruise, and who will end up reading this. I'm always nervous about posting a new story, and this one is no exception. And it's probably going to be a little slow at first, but it will eventually pick up pace. Anyway, hopefully I've got the timeline pretty well established, but just in case, the story starts three weeks after the DLS-S Cruise ends. One more order of business (sorry, but if you've read my stories, you know I tend to write EXTREMELY LONG A/Ns). The DLS-S Cruise's rating is about to get changed to M because of the sex and violence in it.

Enjoy the chapter!

Chapter One: Consequences of Our Mistakes

Katie's POV

*Excerpt from In Tune magazine*

It has been three weeks since pop star James Diamond and reality TV show host, Carlos Garcia, along with their former band mates, two family members, Rocque Record producer, and Rocque Record Assistant Producer, escaped near death on the cruise ship they were reportedly vacationing on. Allegedly, a time bomb was buried within the ship and exploded, killing four people, including CEO of Griffin Enterprises Arthur Griffin, and reality show producer Snake Timmons, who were also onboard with the pop star and host.

It is unconfirmed as to who placed the bomb on the ship, and it is unclear on just who the assassin was targeting, but there have not been any more attempts on Diamond's and Garcia's lives, so it may have been Griffin or Timmons who were the intended victims.

"It's an awful tragedy, and we mourn deeply for their families," James Diamond said last week at a press conference. He has had ties to Arthur Griffin's daughter, socialite and model Mercedes Griffin, and some say they were romantically involved at one time. However, when asked about these rumors, he just shakes them off. "She's a very good friend of mine, we've known each other since we were 16. I'll always be there for her, and her for me."

In fact, Diamond has been seen around town with ex-band mate Kendall Knight's younger sister, Katie Knight, 19. Whether the two are in a romantic relationship has yet to be seen, although there have been rumors that they were involved three years ago, just before the band broke up. Whether this could have had anything to do with Big Time Rush's mysterious and sudden breakup, this unbiased reporter is not at liberty to say, but it seems like a very likely answer to the question that many pop-music-lover fans have been asking themselves for three years. Of course, if evidence comes to light that his relationship was, in any way, sexual with Miss Knight, then he will be brought in front of a judge for statutory rape.

However, the chances of anyone prying into his and Miss Knight's relationship from three years ago, whether friendly, romantic, or sexual, is very slim, so James Diamond fans can relax.

Nevertheless, it appears that Miss Knight has moved into his Beverly Hills mansion with him for the time being, without her brother and mother, who were also on the cruise.

In other Big Time Rush news, BTR appears to be rekindling their old flames, as they have been seen out and about together. Could there be a Big Time Rush reunion on the horizon? Is there a chance that we may be hearing new music from them? Big Time Rush fans can only hope.

Stay tuned for more news about the bands' alleged reconciliation, their love interests, and their mysterious and fortunate escape from the cruise ship!

(This is an excerpt from the July issue of InTune Magazine, your go-to magazine for all things pop music!)

I shook my head as I folded up the magazine article and shoved it into my purse. Unbelievable. Even three weeks later, there were still articles popping up about our escape from the DLS-S Cruise and James' and my relationship.

Mom looked over at me and patted my leg. "Whatever they said, I'm sure it's lies."

I shook my head. "It's all speculation, they don't have any solid facts. They were talking about a Big Time Rush reunion."

"That'd be wonderful!"

"Or it would be a complete disaster," I replied. "Kendall, James, and Logan, still want to kill each other – Kendall wants to kill James for sleeping with me, James wants to kill Logan for being the reason the band fell apart, and Logan just wants to kill everyone for getting in the way of his dreams of becoming a world class surgeon."

"Honey, you're exaggerating," Mom said patiently. "They've forgiven each other – more or less. How are you and James doing?"

I shrugged.

"Have you taken a pregnancy test yet?"

I shook my head. "I haven't even bought one."

"You need to. Your period's two weeks late – you could very well be pregnant."

"I'm aware."

"We'll get you a couple on the way home from the police station," she decided, speaking to me reassuringly. "You need to know whether or not you and James will be parents."

I swallowed hard, setting the June issue of InTune Magazine back on the rack. The sheriff was going to call us in any moment. They may have identified the captain, who had been killed on the DLS-S Cruise, and wanted us to take a look at his picture so that we could give them an affirmative or negative on his identity. Mom and I were the only ones at the police station because the others had work or negotiations or patients to check up on.

"I know you don't want to think about it," Mom said to me softly, "but you do need to know. You need to take responsibility for your actions."

"Even though those actions took place on the cruise of hell?"

"When it results in a new life being created, then yes."

I sighed. "Fine. I'll take one tonight."

"Have you and James talked about this at all?"

"A little bit…"

"Are you two still undefined?"

"Yeah. We haven't actually said whether or not we're together. I mean, we love each other and I'm staying in his house, but…" I shook my head. "It's just as confusing as it was three years ago."

"Only this time it's legal," Mom put in.

"Thanks for that," I mumbled. It was true, being sixteen and sleeping with a nineteen year old was pretty illegal in the state of California, but she and my older brother, Kendall, didn't need to bring it up every five minutes. At one point, Kendall had even threatened to have James sued for sleeping with a minor, even though it had happened ages ago. That had not been a fun conversation, needless to say.

"Did you really think Kendall and I would be happy to hear that you were sleeping with James at sixteen?"

"I didn't think you and Kendall would find out. And this isn't the place to talk about – we're in a police station, where it's their job to arrest people for breaking the law."


A moment later, one of the officers walked over to us. "Mrs. Knight and Miss Knight? Chief Flanders is ready for you now."

We got to our feet and followed the officer to the chief's office. We walked in and sat down in the chairs opposite the chief. He sat at a huge, sturdy oak desk, with papers spread out all over it. He looked at us as we took our seats. "Thank you for making the time to come here to identify one of the victims," he said cordially to us.

"It's not a problem," Mom replied enthusiastically, as if it was her greatest dream to come down to the police station to look at pictures of dead people.

He nodded. "This will only take a minute, I promise." He reached into one of his files and pulled out a picture of the captain. Mom and I both nodded in immediate recognition.

"That's him," she said at once. "That's Captain Montgomery."

The chief sighed. "Well, all right. Thank you. Do you by any chance know his family?"

Mom and I both shook our heads.

"Well, thank you anyway. You can go."

We got to our feet and trailed out of the office, back down the hall, to the waiting room. We made our way back out to the car and climbed in.

Mom looked over at me. "So, Savvy-Mart?"

"Fine," I sighed, pushing a loose strand of brown hair behind my ear.

"You have to know sooner or later."

"I know."

"And periods usually aren't more than a week late, even if they're held up because of stress."

"I'm very aware of that," I snapped.

"Just making sure you do know that."

"I do." I sighed again, leaning against the seat's back.

Mom sighed too and started the car, before signaling out of the police station parking lot. She drove us through town, to the Savvy-Mart, where she parked. I reluctantly got out of the car, and followed her in. I tugged my black hoodie a little more tightly around me, as if shielding myself from what I was convinced were judgmental and haughty stares, even though no one glanced at me more than once.

But I could almost hear the whispers, the rumors: 'Diamond has been seen around town with ex-band mate Kendall Knight's younger sister, Katie Knight there have been rumors that they were involved three years ago if evidence comes to light that his relationship was, in any way, sexual with Miss Knight, then he will be brought in front of a judge for statutory rape…'

At the time, James and I hadn't even considered the consequences of what we were doing. I mean, I suppose we knew, on some level, that it was illegal, but it never even occurred to us that he could get in trouble for it. I wasn't sure if the charges would be dropped if I didn't sue him, but I didn't want to risk it. We were sixteen and nineteen when we had begun our relationship, and we had been in love; or so it had seemed at the time.

Now, I wasn't sure if I had ever truly been in love with James. Was it possible to be in love with someone when you were only sixteen? Maybe it was possible with puppy love, but I doubted it was real, true love. But I hadn't mentioned that part to James. He was so sure that we had really loved each other three years ago, and that because of that, we could get our relationship back.

But I doubted it. I really did.

Mom and I headed to the female section, where all the sanitary pads and tampons and different types of contraception were laid out. I glowered at them. They were mocking me. I wouldn't be using sanitary pads and tampons for another eight months at least, and the contraception could have saved me from getting myself into this mess.

Although, if I had had any sense of self-control and restraint in the first place, I probably wouldn't have been looking at pregnancy tests.

And then there was James Diamond…

My mom and I examined each pregnancy test, and finally selected three, just for good measure. I pulled my hood up over my hair so that it curtained my face, and followed Mom to the self checkout stand, where we scanned the pregnancy tests. She threw in a couple of Kit-Kats and Hershey's Cookies n' Crème bars. I looked at her curiously, and she shrugged.

"If the tests come out positive, you'll doubtlessly be needing chocolate."

"Way to be positive, Mother," I mumbled, but nevertheless bagged the chocolate bars with the tests. I slipped the plastic bag into my purse, and we headed back out to the car.

"So…home?" Mom asked. "Back to James' place, I mean?"

I nodded. "Please? James will probably be home from the studio soon."

"All right," she agreed, and changed lanes, heading in the direction of James' house.

As she drove, I sent him a quick text: We identified Captain Montgomery & we're on our way back to your place. You there yet?

It took a few minutes for him to text back: Literally just pulled into the driveway. And I keep telling you, it's your place too.

I shook my head. I really did care for him, I really did, and I really did love him, but I was still haunted by our past. It had been a little easier to forget and forgive about it when we had been on the DLS-S Cruise, when we were positive we were going to die. We had been roomed together, and the fact was, we had never gotten closure from our sudden and forced breakup. Feelings and hormones had quickly gotten out of hand, and we had ended up sleeping together…repeatedly…by the hour…Plus, even though our bathroom cabinets had been graciously stalked up with condoms and such, we had never actually made it into the bathroom to grab them.

Definitely very heated exchanges…

Mom pulled up in front of James' house about five minutes later. She parked on the curb, and leaned over to hug me and kiss my forehead. "Whatever happens, you'll be okay," she told me firmly. "You and James both. I strongly believe that you will get through this. Lots of luck, and let me know what the tests say as soon as you can, okay?"

I nodded, my eyes blurring slightly. I wasn't sure exactly why there was a sudden lump in my throat, but I had a feeling that it had to do with her being so nice and supportive. I was just beginning to truly realize how lucky I was to have a mother like her.

"I love you," I choked out, wiping my eyes with the back of my hand.

"I love you too, sweetie," she said gently. She passed me a tissue and kissed my forehead again. "Good luck."

"Th-thanks." I took a moment to compose myself, and then I grabbed my purse and climbed out of the car.

James' black Dodge Challenger, which he had bought the day after we had returned to LA, was sitting in the driveway. James had offered to buy me a car, any car I wanted, but I had turned him down. It was bad enough I was living with him and sleeping in his bed with him; I didn't want to throw a car into the mix.

You guys probably hate me right now, and I wouldn't blame you in the least. You're probably all going "Well, if you aren't in love with him and aren't sure you want to be with him, then why are you living with him and sleeping with him? Turning down his car doesn't exactly make you a saint." The thing is – and this isn't going to make me sound any better – I don't know how I feel about him. I mean, I can't imagine not being with him, but at the same time, what happened in our past does hurt. He dumped me harshly three years ago, and even though it turned out that it was to protect me while keeping himself out of jail, to this day it still stung. It wasn't something I could get past easily, no matter how badly I wished I could.

But once again, I couldn't deny that there was a part of me – a huge part – that just wanted to forget what had happened, that loved him more than anything else in the world. It was too bad that the smaller, grudge-holding part was so strong.

I made my way up the driveway to the double doors of his house – well, practically a mansion; he was, after all, a famous pop star and movie star – and pulled out my key from my purse. I got the doors opened, and waved to my mom, before slipping into the entrance hall.

James' house looked just like every guy's dream bachelor pad – lots of black and white and chrome everywhere. It was a bit like living in an auto parts store, to be completely honest.

To be fair, ever since I had moved in with him, he had been adding touches of other colors – there were red roses on the front hall table, blue and green cushions on the couch in the living room, and he had switched out his black and white checkered bedding for soft gold. He was talking about redecorating the entire house so that I would feel more comfortable in it, but I still wasn't sure how long I was going to stay with him. Although if I was pregnant…

I gulped at the thought as I closed the doors shut behind me.

"Katie?" I heard James call from upstairs.

"Yeah, it's me," I replied.

"I'm in the bedroom," he told me, and I gripped my purse a little more tightly as I mounted the stairs. I headed up to the room, my heart beginning to pound. The moment of truth was growing closer…

The bedroom door was open and James was sitting at his desk, scrolling through a home designer webpage. He smiled when he saw me, and I couldn't help but give him a smile back.

He held out his arm, and I walked across the room so that he could wrap his arm around my waist. He reached up to peck my lips. "You got everything taken care of at the police station?"

I nodded. "Yeah. And…um…my mom and I stopped by Savvy-Mart."

"How savvy of you," he cracked, and I let out a reluctant giggle. Damn him for having such an infectious smile and just downright being charming. It wasn't fair. No wonder I couldn't let him go, not when he was everything I could ever want.

"So," he continued on, "what'd you get?"

Biting down on my lip, I opened my purse and pulled out the plastic bag. I shrugged out of my hoodie and tossed it on the bed, feeling young and tiny and vulnerable in my jeans, t-shirt, and sneakers, my brown hair falling down my shoulders. I was sure my eyeliner and mascara was smudged, and my lip gloss had long since been chewed off. I wasn't old enough for this. I wasn't an adult. I was just a scared, little nineteen year old girl who had tried to play grown up and had failed at it.

James spun the chair around to face me, watching me. Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted a picture of us on his desk. It had been taken not too long after we had gotten together. Our arms were around each other, and we were smiling happily at each other, not a care in the world.

I wanted nothing more than to go back to that moment, to freeze time forever and ever, but this wasn't a fantasy novel. This was real life, and James and I had to face our consequences. And besides, I reminded myself, there was always the chance that I wasn't pregnant. My period might have simply been late because of how stressed and traumatized I had been. There was still that hope, still that possibility, and I was clinging desperately to it.

Not for long though…

James looked at me expectantly. "Katie-Bear?"

My eyes closed in response to the childhood nickname. I heard him get up from the chair and walk over to me, wrapping his arms around me, pulling me gently to him.

"Sweetie?" he gently nudged me. "What's wrong?"

I pulled back, biting my lip again. I reached into the plastic bag and retrieved the pregnancy tests.

James stared at them, still not letting go of me. "I – I wondered…I mean, we never really talked too much about the possibility and you didn't say anything about it…I thought maybe you weren't…after all…"

I shook my head. "I'm late, James. My period's two weeks late, and I'm never late. And my mom kept telling me that I had to find out, so…"

"Okay. It's going to be okay," he said, holding me tightly. "When're you going to take the test?"

"N-now, I guess," I answered, my voice shaking.

"Okay." He kissed my forehead and released me. I grabbed one of the tests and stumbled into the bathroom. I did what I needed to, before laying it on the counter and opening the door. James stepped in.

"We just – we have to wait," I told him, my stomach clenching and unclenching in a rapid pattern.

"Okay." He put his arms around me, holding me against his body. "Whatever happens, I won't leave you, I promise."

I managed to nod, my eyes never leaving the test.

At last, it beeped.

James and I both paused, and his grip tightened on me. I glanced at him, and he looked back at me, face pale and eyes wide with fear. And suddenly I had to be the adult, if just for a few seconds. But it reminded me that I wasn't the only one who was terrified here, who's life would change drastically if the pregnancy test said that I was positive. James had just said that he would stay with me, and if there was one thing I was sure about, it was that he wasn't going to abandon me now. We were in this together, and we could get through this.

That thought propelled me forward. I snatched up the test and looked down at it.

My heart came to a jarring halt, and then it began thumping rapidly, my stomach churning like the ocean during a storm.

James looked at me, eyes widening even more.

I opened my mouth, and croaked out, "It's – it's positive. I'm pregnant."

There was a long moment of silence as we both took in what I had just announced.

"Um…oh…okay…" James took a deep breath. "Okay then. Okay. We're going to be parents. Okay. Well…um…" he let me go and began pacing around the bathroom, running his fingers through his chestnut hair, face even whiter than it had been before. "Um…Do you want it to be a boy or a girl?" he spun around to face me, looking like he was trying not to panic.

I blinked up at him, still doing my best to get the fact that I really was pregnant through my head. "Oh…um…I don't know…either one…um…" I put my hand to my forehead, leaning against the sink. James grabbed me.

"Are you okay? Do you feel faint? Is it the baby?"

I stared at him. "No…just in shock…The baby's fine, as far as I know…"

"Okay. Do you need anything? Water? Pickles? Chocolate? Can you have chocolate when you're pregnant? Are you craving pickles? Can I get you anything? What do you need?"

Despite the seriousness of the situation, I almost started laughing. "James, I'm only about a month pregnant. Not really craving anything yet. And yes, I'm pretty sure I can have chocolate. In fact, my mom got me some chocolate bars. Although," I chuckled, "I think you need them more than I do right now."

"Why are you laughing?!" he yelped. "You're carrying a baby inside of you! A little life! This is serious business!"

My chuckled turned into a full-fledged laugh. "Because you're freaking out about this more than I am. James, calm down." I put my hands on his shoulders and steered him to the toilet, pushing him down on the closed seat. "Take a deep breath. You're the one who just told me we'd be okay. We'll get through this together. This isn't the end of the world. We almost experienced the end of the world, and it wasn't anything like this. Jamie-Bear." He blinked at me, and I smiled at him, climbing into his lap and straddling him, winding my arms around his neck. "Jamie-Bear…I need you here with me, I need you to stay focused. So, no freaking out. No panicking." I brushed my lips over his. "I'm going to need you more than anything now, and I need you to keep calm. Can you do that?"

He nodded.

"Good. Thank you." I pecked his lips. "We'll make whatever this is between us work. We have to, for the baby's sake."

"For the baby's sake," he agreed. "But, Katie…I do love you. I am in love with you."

"I know you are," I told him as I climbed out of his lap. "I love you too." I held out my hand and helped him to his feet. He wrapped an arm around my waist, his hand lightly pressing against my stomach.

"And there's a baby in there?"

I nodded. "Yeah, there is."

"That's so cool. We created a baby!" he beamed at me, looking like a little kid who was presenting his mother with a family portrait he had drawn in his kindergarten class.

I smiled back, pecking his lips again. The initial shock and fear was already wearing off, and I was beginning to get excited with James. We created a baby…how cool was that?!

We walked back into the bedroom, his arm still around me, just as our phones went off simultaneously. We both froze at once, our bodies tensing. The last time our phones had gone off together had been the last text he had sent to us…

I stepped away from James and pulled my phone out of my purse, as he grabbed his own phone from the nightstand.

I looked over at him, and he looked back at me, his expression mirroring the terror that was already pooling in my stomach.

I opened the text message, and felt myself sink down onto the bed, James falling down beside me: A Jatie baby, how lovely. What a beautiful, wonderful creation it will be – if it ever makes it to birth, that is. Remember James and Katie, you're never safe, not as long as I'm still alive. –The Replacement.

Whew, first chapter completed! *Wipes imaginary sweat from forehead*. How was that? Sorry, I know it's slow and probably really boring, but hopefully you guys are okay with the lack of action for the time being...? *Blinks hopefully*

Anyway, show the review button some love and let me know if you liked it and what you thought of it :) Love you guys!