Disclaimer: I do not, nor have I ever owned Big Time Rush. If I did, I'd be getting serenaded by them right now.

Guest#1: Well, I updated. Not very quickly, but here it is! Thank you for your review :)

Guest#2: Thank you so much! Yay! That's the idea :) And thank you for reviewing, I really appreciate it.

THANK YOU to everyone who has read, followed, favorited, or reviewed this story! I love you guys so much :)

Okay...so...wow. I definitely did not mean to take so long to get this chapter up. I started writing it back in March, when I last updated, but then I got blocked and other things - *cough* stories *cough* - got in the way, and this got put on the back burner. I'm not going to lie, this is a story that probably won't get updated very often, but as long as you guys want me to keep writing it, I will. I have a love/hate relationship with this story, much like the one I had with "The DLS-S Cruise", which really, really sucks at times because while I love the story, writing it and getting it out can be a little bit problematic at times. But I'll do my best to keep writing it. And thank you, everyone, for being patient. I can't even begin to stress how much I appreciate it. And hey, reminding me how much you love this story is always good for inspiration so, uh, feel free to let me know ;P

So, a quick shout out to Dana2184 because she just recently posted a new Jatie story called "Family Matters", so you guys might want to check it out...;)

Warnings: Language and the usual stalker-ish antics that goes on in this story.

Enjoy the chapter :)

Chapter Four: One Down

Katie's POV

James was kept in the hospital the next day for observation, but the day after, he was able to be released.

I sat beside him as he signed the release papers, his left hand in my right one. The bandage had been unwrapped from around his skull, revealing a deep cut where he had hit his head. He had had to have stitches, and was on the mend now, but he still had headaches.

While James signed the papers, the doctor gave me the name of a prescription painkiller he strongly recommended for James to take. I wrote it down, planning on stopping at the pharmacy on the way back to James' and my place.

"You don't have to do all this," James said to me as we made our way out the sliding hospital doors to my car. "Seriously, I'm fine."

"Sure. Because everyone's always fine after being run down by The Replacement." I rolled my eyes. "Let me do this, James."

"But you're pregnant…"

"Yeah, but not that far along. I'll be okay."

He looked at me doubtfully, clearly hesitant, but I put my hand on his arm. "Believe me, it's not a problem."


"Good." I helped him into the car and got in on the driver's side. We buckled up, and I got the car going. I drove to the pharmacy, on the constant alert for any sign of The Replacement, but he never made an appearance. I parked in front of the pharmacy and we headed in together, James occasionally unsteady on his feet. I kept as close to him as I could so that he could lean on me if he needed to.

We paid for the medication; once we were in the car, I turned to him. "Do you feel up to an early lunch?"

"Where'd you have in mind?" he asked me as he pulled the seatbelt over his slim hips.

"Fun Burger," I smiled, and he smiled as well. We had spent a lot of time at said restaurant when we were younger, before Big Time Rush broke up. I had actually had my first date there, though James had completely crashed it because he had decided to be the protective older brother. Obviously that only lasted for a few years. But when we had needed to get out of the Palmwood's apartment, we had usually walked the few blocks to Fun Burger for a shake and a plate of fries. We had even gone there when we had been dating behind everyone's back. Normally we would see a movie first, and then head back to the restaurant for a late dinner.

Good times, good times.

"Yeah, sure," he agreed, and I put the car in gear.

Fifteen minutes later, we were sitting in a booth across the table from each other, menus spread out in front of us.

"How long has it been since you were last here?" I asked him curiously as my eyes drifted down the page dedicated to hamburger and cheeseburger combos.

"The last time I was here was with you," he replied. "Just before everything fell apart."

"Oh." I wasn't going to lie, I was a little surprised. Since he had stayed in Los Angeles after Mom, Kendall, Logan, and I moved back to Minnesota, I had assumed he would be visiting the old haunts. It had never occurred to me that he might have avoided the places that might have reminded him of better, happier times.

Better, happier times…It sounded like something out of a Charles Dickens novel. Maybe A Tale of Two Cities

"Yeah." He pressed his lips together. "So, I guess your last time here was with me?"

"Yep," I continued to scan down the page, eyeing the bacon mushroom cheeseburger. It came with a side of fries, sans salad. Perfect.

The waitress walked over a minute later to take our orders. I gave her mine and added a triple fudge brownie milkshake to the mix. Fun Burger had the best milkshakes, better than any other place, ever. I could have lived off of them alone; I had even tried when I was thirteen, but Mom and Logan had eventually forced me to go back to eating like a normal person. According to my mom, two things would happen: I would either become completely obese, or anorexic thin, depending on my metabolism.


James got a triple burger with everything possible on it, along with a double chocolate milkshake; the waitress scribbled everything down and bustled off, leaving us alone once more.

James picked up the salt shaker, examining it. "Do you think you've changed in the last month?" he asked after a long moment of silence.

I blinked at him. "Um…I'm pregnant."

"I don't mean physically. I mean emotionally. Mature wise."

"Oh. Um…I honestly don't know. I guess in some ways I've changed. I'm not so mad at the world. I know what really happened. I've got my boys back. I'm slowly learning how to forgive. I'm realizing that there's always two sides to every story. I finally had to accept that I never got over you, that no matter what happened, I was still in love with you."

He didn't say anything to that; instead, he just kept turning the salt shaker over and over, being careful not to actually spill any salt on the table.

"Why do you ask?" I broached carefully.

"I was just wondering. Just thinking about stuff."

"What kind of stuff?"

"Stuff I did."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

The waitress returned, placing our milkshakes in front of us, before hurrying away again.

I looked back at James expectantly, and he let out a sigh, before taking a sip of his milkshake.

"I'm sure you already know this, but after you and your mom and Kendall and Logan left, I went back to my old lifestyle. Partying, drinking, hooking up."

I nodded, even though the last part cut through me like a knife. I couldn't stand the thought of him being with other girls.

"It was weird, like the second I saw The Replacement's first threat, the one that was aimed at you, I got my priorities straightened out. I missed you the entire three years, though," he added. "I never stopped missing you."

I pushed my hair back, pulling it into a high ponytail. "I know, you've told me that."

"And it's true. No matter what I did or said, I never stopped loving you."

I let out a deep breath. "I know. And I forgive you for what happened."

"Do you really?"

"Yeah. Forgetting might be a little harder, but I do forgive you. Most of it was completely out of your control, and it's unfair of me to blame you for it and hold it against you."

He nodded, and I gave him a small smile as I reached across the table, lacing my fingers through his. "Don't worry about it. Come on, here comes our food now."

Sure enough, the waitress approached us a moment later, placing our food in front of us.

At least for the time being, things were going to be okay for James and me.

Camille's POV

"We have to do something," I said pleadingly to Logan. "Anything at this point."

He looked up at me from where he was sitting on the couch, reading one of his two million medical journals. "And what do you want to do? We don't know what The Replacement intends to do next. We're completely blind here, Cam."

"I know that," I snapped. "But he's going after you. We can't just stand by and wait for him to run you down with a car, or – or – whatever it is that he plans to do. We have to figure this out. And I'll be damned if I'm just going to sit on the couch, watching Showtime and eating chips, waiting for you to die!"

"Cami – "

"No, don't Cami me! You have no idea what I went through when you left! You have no fucking idea! Damn it, Logan, stop with your reason and your logic and all that shit! Just do something!" I stalked over to him and yanked him to his feet. "Because I'm not going to go through losing you again. I'm not going to go through what Katie did. I was pregnant with your baby, Logan!"

He gaped at me, completely speechless, before finally remembering how to use his mouth. "W-what?"

I let go of him, shoving him away. "Forget it. Forget I said anything."

"No! What the hell? You were pregnant?! When?!"

"Three years ago. Three years ago when you left."

"What happened? Did you – I mean, you don't have a child, so…Did you have an abortion?"

I shook my head, covering my face with my hands, fighting back the tears that were threatening to overwhelm me. "N-no…I lost the baby in a car accident…"

"Oh my God…oh my God…" he breathed out.

I didn't say anything to that. Instead, I turned and made a dash for the stairs, tears now streaming down my face.

"Camille!" he hollered, chasing after me. "Camille, wait!" He caught up with me quickly, grabbing my wrist and spinning me around to face him. "Cami…Cam…" His hands cupped my face, holding me in place. "I didn't know…"

"Because I never told you. You left LA before I could break the news to you and I didn't want to do it over the phone. I was going to fly out to Minnesota to let you know but then I got into the accident…"


"I can't go through that again," I whimpered, almost pleadingly. "I can't go through that kind of pain. Losing you would be just as bad, I know it. You can't die, Logan. We have to fight The Replacement for all it's worth. You can't just lay down and take whatever it is The Replacement is going to hurtle at us. We have to be prepared. We can run, we can get protection, we can do whatever the hell it is that we need to do. James and Katie had alarms and cameras placed all over their house and they changed the locks on their doors. We can do that, Logie. We're not helpless!"

"The Replacement got to James the second he stepped outside his house, Camille. We're not safe anywhere."

"So fucking do something about it! Don't just roll over with your legs in the air, waiting for the final blow to come! If you really love me, you'll do something about it! You'll fight and do your best to stay alive for me. Is it really that fucking hard?!"

Logan stepped back, shock crossing his face. The only time I had ever really screamed at him was when I was practicing for a role. I had a temper, but it came out quietly, sneakily; it never just busted out of me like an overfilled water balloon.

"Just do something, Logan. I'll help you, we're in this together. And the guys will help you. We'll band together like we did on the ship."

"I just…" he raked his fingers through his short, spiky hair. "I thought it was over. I thought this whole thing, this damn nightmare was over. It's like something out of a psychological thriller horror movie. We haven't had a moment's peace in ages, Cami. All The Replacement does is haunt us and torment us and stalks us and…it's just too much."

"And I get that. You think this isn't a lot for me to take in? You think I like knowing that there's some crazed psycho who isn't against killing innocent people? I still wake up screaming at night from nightmares – real memories. Memories of seeing Captain Montgomery's body, of being shot at, of just the whole fucking thing. Believe me, Logan, you're not the only one who's suffering – we all are. And the only way how we're ever going to be able to get past this if we stand up against The Replacement."

Logan finally nodded. "Okay. Okay. I'll call Gustavo and get his help."


Logan got on his phone, dialing Gustavo's number. He held the phone up to his ear, frowning after about thirty seconds. "It just went to voicemail…Guess he's busy – hey, Gustavo, it's Logan. Um…Cami and I were wondering if you could help us protect the house so that The Replacement can't get in…Call me back once you get this." He hung up, sighing. "Guess we just have to wait now…"

"Guess so." I sank down onto the second stair from the bottom, wrapping my arms around myself. Logan sat down beside me, slipping his own arm around my waist.

"Hey, it's going to be okay."

"Look who's suddenly oh so confident," I snapped.

Logan sighed. "Do you want to go see how James and Katie are doing?"

"Sure. Give 'em a call so that we don't accidentally walk in on anything." I shuddered.

"Will do." Logan called James and a couple of minutes later he nodded at me, hitting the call end button. "Yep, we can head on over. Katie's trying to make sure that James doesn't overwork himself."

"How's he doing?" I asked as I grabbed my purse and followed Logan out of the house.

"Sounded like he's doing fine."

We drove over to James' and Katie's house, being extremely careful. This maybe wasn't the smartest thing to do since there would be four of us in one place, a perfect target for The Replacement, but it was nice to have that tiny little feeling of normalcy.

Logan parked in front of their house and we headed up to the front door, ringing the doorbell. A moment later, the door swung open. Katie stood there, her hair pulled up into a messy ponytail and dark circles under her eyes. "Hey, guys," she greeted us, giving us both a hug. "James is in the living room, watching TV."

From inside the house I could hear cusswords and shouting.

"He's watching a hockey game," Katie added as if that explained everything. "And he's not supposed to be straining himself like that…James!" she dashed into the living room with Logan and me following, closing and locking the door behind us.

James was on his feet, screaming bloody murder at the TV. "That fucking team! They're a bunch of fuckers from Pricksville! They cheated! They totally cheated!"

"Jamie, sweetie, calm down," Katie said in a would-be soothing voice as she placed her hand on his shoulder. "Come on, you're not supposed to stress yourself out."

"But – but the team – "

"Will still be fuckers from Pricksville in a few days. Sit back down."

James sighed, but slowly sat down on the couch, Katie joining him. Logan and I lowered ourselves onto the couch as well and Katie and James both scooted over so that we had a little bit more room.

"So, I'm going to ask Gustavo to help us protect the house," Logan said quietly to James.

James furrowed his brow. "You haven't yet? What're you waiting for?"

"I called him but he hasn't called me back."

"Weird…he always keeps his phone on and charged..." James pulled out his phone and speed dialed Gustavo's number. After a moment he shook his head. "Damn it, I got his voicemail." He hung up, tossing his phone to the side, slumping back against the couch.

Katie patted his leg. "He's probably just busy….Want something to eat?"

James blinked. "Um…yeah, I guess."

"I could make nachos," she offered.

"You don't have to…I'll help."

"Nah, it's not a problem, you should rest."

"You should too," he argued. "You're pregnant."

"I'm not very far along. Believe me, James, I'm still capable of doing stuff."

"Yeah, but – "

"I'll help," I volunteered. "I'll make sure she doesn't too much, James."

"I – yeah – okay…" he agreed, looking a little reluctant.

I smiled at him and got to my feet, dragging Katie to hers as well. She led me into the kitchen, grabbing a bag of tortilla chips down from the top of the fridge and pulling out a baking sheet.

"There's thawed hamburger meat in the fridge," Katie told me.

I opened the refrigerator to grab it. We worked together in silence, layering the nachos before slipping them into the oven and setting the timer for five minutes.

"So, how is it being back with Logan?" Katie asked me, leaning against the counter.

"Well, it was a hell of a lot better before our window was broken last night by a brick, complete with an attached note. The Replacement is going after Logan next," I said tiredly. "I just finally got him to agree to take some sort of precautions."

"Oh, wow…Like almost killing James wasn't enough…" Katie muttered furiously. "That fucking bastard."

"I know…How's James doing?"

"He seems to be recovering. I mean, this is just his first day out of the hospital, but yeah, he's getting there. We had lunch at Fun Burger," she smiled a little. "Brought back some old memories."

"I bet that was nice."

"It was, it really was. You know, I spent so much time being angry with him that I completely forgot why exactly I was with him, why I loved him as much as I did – as much as I still do."

"Anger can do that to people," I said quietly. "And after what happened, I don't blame you for being so furious with him. I alternated between hating Logan's guts and missing him. There was never a happy medium."

Katie sighed. "I just want to get through all this stalker-ish crap. I want to get back to my life, to a point where James and I can be happy. I mean, I can't have a baby if we're constantly under attack by The Replacement."

"I'm sorry, Katie." I hugged her tightly, just as the timer went off on the stove. I grabbed oven mitts and opened the door, pulling out the nachos. They were perfect, hot and gooey and just the smell made me drool. Katie, on the other hand, clapped her hand over her mouth and high tailed it out of there, into what I knew was the downstairs bathroom.

I could hear her retching violently. I made a beeline for the bathroom, almost colliding with Logan and James in the hall. James slipped past me extremely gracefully for such a big guy, and hurried into the bathroom. Through the open bathroom door, I could see him kneeling down behind Katie, pulling her hair back.

"I'll check to see if they have any ginger ale," I mumbled to Logan, heading back into the kitchen. I found a bottle in the fridge and poured Katie a glass.

"Morning sickness," Logan stated.

"Isn't she a little early for that?"

"Nope, sometimes that's the first sign of pregnancy."

"Wow…weird. Okay. I hope when I get pregnant, I'll have really mild morning sickness."

Logan looked at me sideways but shrugged. "Who knows? Every woman is different."

"Well, help yourself to some nachos, but save some for James…I wonder if Katie'll be hungry…"

"Probably not for a little while. When she's ready to eat, she will." He pulled a plate down from the cabinet above the stove and flipped a few of the nachos onto it before sitting down at the kitchen table. I got myself a few of them as well and joined him.

Katie and James reappeared a little while later, Katie looking unsteady on her feet. She was leaning on James, her walk stuttered and uneven. I passed her the ginger ale and she took it gratefully, muttering out a, "Thank you." James helped her into a chair, taking the one beside her, and we sat in silence, no one bothering to try to start a conversation.

So it was a firework lighting up the night sky when Logan's phone beeped loudly. He pulled it out. "Oh, it's from Gustavo…wait…" His face drained of all color as he passed me the phone. I looked at the text and my stomach clenched, a sharp gasp erupting from my lungs. The text might have been from Gustavo's phone, but it most certainly wasn't from Gustavo:

Oh, Logie, Logie, Logie. Trying to protect yourself from me? Do you really think that's going to work? Gustavo can't protect you or your little actress girlfriend now, Logan. But don't worry, I haven't killed him – yet. I'd prefer to do a massive killing, rather than just pick you all off one by one, but I will do it if I have to. Until then... –The Replacement.

So...yeah...are you guys ready to kill me yet? What'd you think of the chapter? Thank you for reading, and please review! I'd love to hear from you :)