The sound of a loud gun shot woke everyone up with a loud bang. Kili was the first one to shoot up but was followed by the rest of the men. All at once everyone rushed out towards the sound and saw Thorin standing in a very large room that looked like it was made for training of some sort. He was holding a gun in his hand and shooting it at a target more than 100 feet away from him. Every shot he took resounded in everyone's hearts and they all looked on as he made every shot into the bull's-eye.

Thorin turned towards his friends and nodded towards them. Gently he placed the gun down on a table that was next to him and took off his ear phones. A slow round of applause started and his friends yelled their praise to him. He bowed softly and then motioned with his hand towards the wall to his left. Everyone turned to see what he was pointing to and their jaws dropped. On the wall were a bunch of guns and many other weapons that most of them didn't even know the names of. All at once they walked towards the wall and started grabbing weapons, swinging them and flipping them around in their hands.

Their voices carried around the room as they all showed each other what they had picked up. Ori was so busy looking at everything that he was shoved aside by everyone else when he was trying to get to the weapons. He fell to the ground on his knees and just sat there for a moment not really knowing what to do. Suddenly he felt a strong pair of arms around him, lifting him to his feet. He gasped lightly and then turned around. Bifur was standing there checking him to make sure he wasn't injured.

"Thank you," Ori whispered even though he knew that Bifur didn't speak English. The man would have no idea what he was saying but he felt the urge to try. Bifur smiled gently and placed a hand on Ori's back, leading him to the wall. He scanned all the dangerous weapons for a moment and then smiled when he saw what he wanted. A wooden slingshot was hanging from the wall and he grabbed it. Slowly he twirled it around and held it to his chest. That was the weapon he had chosen. Bifur didn't leave his side and Ori gently took a step closer to the older man blushing lightly. The other didn't notice because he was too busy fiddling with long spear.

The small sound of the doorbell ringing could be heard over the loudness of their voices. Thorin turned towards the noise and silence fell over the room. His eyes widened slightly. Nobody knew where he lived and so his thoughts drifted to who would be ringing his doorbell. Everyone watched as he slowly walked out of the room. He motioned for them to stay put and so nobody moved. Carefully, he walked down the hallway and into the front foyer to the front door. He stood there for a moment before swinging it open and pointing his gun at whoever was standing there.

Bilbo's eyes widened in fright at the sight of Thorin pointing a gun at his head. As soon as Thorin recognized who it was, he rolled his eyes and put the gun down. Thorin took his time looking over Bilbo and assessing him with his eyes. He was short with little to no muscle and had office worker practically written all over his face.

"What do you want?" He asked crossing his arms and leaning against the door. Bilbo puffed his chest out and held a manila folder out to the older man. Thorin snatched it out of his hand and then opened it, looking at the papers that were inside. Everything was about Smaug.

"I decided to deliver the information to you in person. It might get intercepted over the phone." Bilbo stated simply as he rocked back and forth on his feet. Thorin nodded slowly and then grabbed Bilbo's jacket, pulling him into his house. The smaller man yelped and tried to shove him off but it just wasn't happening.

He dragged him down the hallway and into the training room where everyone else was standing with their weapons. Thorin practically threw Bilbo across the room and towards the company. Bilbo stumbled but made sure to stay on his feet. He already looked weak enough. Bofur's eyes widened in happiness upon seeing the other man. He quickly ran up to Bilbo and helped him steady himself.

"Bilbo! It's so nice to see you again." He said happily. Bilbo smiled awkwardly back and then brushed himself off. He looked passed Bofur and saw the rest of the company smirking or smiling at him.

"Nice to see you all again."

"We begin training now." Thorin announced and shot his gun into the air. The loud bang startled Bilbo so much that he jumped and fell backwards onto Thorin who swiftly shoved him off. Bilbo scowled lightly and then walked over to Bofur who was holding a large sword in his hands. Bilbo just happened to feel the safest around him.

"Since you don't really know us all that well, I thought I would tell you who everyone is." Bofur told Bilbo and then gripped his shoulder lightly.

"Alright." Bilbo nodded slowly. It would be better if he at least knew who the people were that he would be working with. Bofur turned him towards the two young men that had showed up at his together. They were both wielding giant swords and fighting the large scary looking man with tattoos.

"Those two young ones are Fili and Kili. They can be trouble makers but they have big hearts. The man they are fighting is Dwalin. He looks terrifying and he does act tough but he cares a lot." Bilbo thought he heard Bofur's voice hitch a little at the name but he ignored it. He was directed to two men standing next to the bow and arrow section of the room. The smaller one was trying to shoot an arrow but was failing miserably. A man was standing behind him trying to guide his hands through the movements.

"That's Ori. He's not really much of a fighter. He likes to knit sweaters. The man standing behind him is my cousin, Bifur. He doesn't speak English so he normally has no idea what is going on. Even so, he's always made sure to look out for his friends. The big man over there is my brother, Bombur. He really likes food. Nori, Oin, Dori, and Gloin are practicing shooting guns over there. Nori and Dori are Ori's older brothers. Oin and Gloin are brothers as well. Balin is standing with Thorin. He's the nicest guy I've ever met. And I'm Bofur. I like cooking and playing the flute." He stated smiling. Bilbo couldn't help but chuckle at his face. He just seemed so happy.

Everyone practiced with the different weapons while Bilbo stood on the wall, watching everything that was happening. He was determined not to get hurt trying anything. When Thorin wasn't fighting he was starring at Bilbo. It was really hard not to notice and Bilbo would blush every time he caught the other man's gaze. He decided to check his phone for any updates on Smaug and sat down on the floor.

Thorin announced that they were done training for the day and Bilbo smiled. He stood up and was about to follow everyone else out the door when he was stopped by a sword being flung into the wall a few inches from his face. He squealed and jumped backwards, landing on his ass.

"Not you, hobbit." Thorin yelled out. Everyone turned to stare at what was happening. Fili and Kili snickered at the comment but Dwalin whacked them over both of their heads and they shut up. Balin looked at Thorin, wondering what he was doing.

"Did you just call me a hobbit?" Bilbo asked crossing his arms in a defensive manor. Thorin took a few steps towards him and took his sword out of the wall. He swung it around a few times before leaning it over his shoulder.

"Have you never read Lord of the Rings?" He asked the smaller man. Bilbo's eyes widened and he stuttered for a moment. Every kid his age had read the Lord of the Rings books. They were classics.

"What? Of course I've read it. However, I'm not a hobbit."

"You might as well be." Thorin stated as he poked Bilbo in the stomach with his sword. Bilbo flinched and then grabbed his stomach,, awkwardly looking away. He knew he didn't look like much but he felt weird having Thorin point it out in front of everyone. Bofur gave him a sympathetic look and then followed Ori out the door of the training room. Slowly Bilbo walked towards where Thorin was standing in the middle of the room. Thorin started circling him like he was his prey and then stood in front of him once again.

"If we aren't doing anything, I have better things to work on." Bilbo growled lightly as he glared up at Thorin. The other's eyes darkened and he tossed Bilbo a sword. The small man caught it fairly well and smirked at himself. He was proud for a moment until Thorin slammed his sword into Bilbo's leg and made him fall to the ground.

"Get up." Thorin commanded. Bilbo felt a light shudder run through his body at the sound of it but he stood slowly and brushed himself off. "Attack me."

Bilbo's eyes widened at the words but he shook his head and nodded. His hands tightened their grip on the sword and then he screamed, charging at Thorin with everything he had. He thought he was going to land his blow because the other's eyes widened and he didn't move. He must have been surprised at Bilbo's scream. Without a thought though, Bilbo found himself face first on the floor. Groaning, he stood again and then charged again. This time he didn't put all his force so if he missed he would still be able to control his footing. Thorin stepped out of the way of the sword and slapped his own sword onto Bilbo's ass. The small man yelped and grabbed his butt.

They went on like that for the next few hours. By the time they were almost done, Bilbo was covered head to toe in bruises. He decided to discard his jacket and put it on the ground and was now standing in the middle of the room sweating in his slacks and a white dress shirt. Thorin took his shirt off and tossed it to the side, now shirtless in front of Bilbo. Sweat was also pouring off the taller man and Bilbo couldn't help but stare. He was gorgeous. Thorin lifted his arms above his head and stretched before lowering his sword again and taking a fighting position. Bilbo's heart beat sped up at the beautiful man.

Thorin swung his sword hard in Bilbo's general direction and the smaller man screamed in fear, ducking quickly. Before Thorin could warn Bilbo the bottom of his sword had collided with the blonde man's cheek and a loud crack was heard. His eyes widened and he gasped loudly. Without a second thought, Thorin threw his sword across the room and watched as Bilbo was knocked backwards off his feet. He ran forward just in time to catch the falling man in his arms and drop to his knees.

"Are you alright?" Thorin asked worried, grabbing the man's face in his hands gently. Bilbo's eyes were rolling around in his head a little bit but he nodded slowly. His cheek hurt a lot but other than that he was doing just fine.

"My cheek hurts like a bitch and my body aches, but I'll be alright. You've been beating me up all day. I'm not going to break that easily." He answered slowly once he came back to his senses. Carefully Thorin brushed a thumb over the dark bruise that was forming on his cheek. Bilbo hissed softly so Thorin stopped his movements.

When Bilbo opened his eyes, he noticed what position he was in and blushed. Thorin was holding him in his arms and was looking down at him as if he could break any minute. His naked chest was so close that Bilbo could smell his sweat and he kind of liked it. It wasn't unlike the agents he used to see going to train everyday. None of them looked as delicious as Thorin looked though. Bilbo coughed lightly and let the taller man help him to his feet before he winced at the pain in his face. It wasn't Thorin's fault though so he couldn't blame him.

"It will bruise and probably hurt for a little bit but it's not broken." Thorin told him and Bilbo nodded at the information. He wondered for a moment how Thorin knew all of that but then he remembered the feeling of his hands on his face and blushed lightly.

"Right. We should probably be done for the day then." Bilbo announced and grabbed his jacket, pulling it tightly over his shoulder. Thorin didn't even bother looking at the younger man before he picked up his sword and went to put it back on the weapon wall. Bilbo took Thorin's silence as his agreement and he walked out the door and into the hallway. Fili and Kili were standing in the giant living room down the hallway. When the two young brothers saw Bilbo, they ran out to greet him.

"Man you look like shit, Bilbo." Kili commented while looking at the smaller man who had just been in training with Thorin. He had a giant bruises on his forehead and cheek. His ego has been bruised as well though. He couldn't help but feel like he had let Thorin down. Obviously he wasn't very good at fighting because of his office job but that didn't help him feel any better.

"Thank you." Bilbo stated sarcastically but subconsciously put his hand on his cheek where Thorin's sword had met his skin.

"You're welcome." Kili stated smiling brightly while Fili chuckled at his brother's oblivious comment. The older of the two could clearly see something that Kili couldn't. Yes, Bilbo had bruises on his body, but some of them were a little to close to his neck to be an accident. He wondered if Thorin did that on purpose or if something else entirely was going on. Shaking his head he watched Bilbo walk into the kitchen. Thorin walked out of the training room a few seconds after Bilbo and Fili looked over at his uncle. He still didn't have a shirt on and sweat was pouring off his body. Fili looked back at Bilbo and smirked lightly.

"Will Bilbo be staying?" Fili asked his uncle and Thorin nodded slowly before walking down the hallway towards his room. Kili grabbed Fili's hand and pulled him towards Balin's room so they could bother the older man. Bilbo walked into the kitchen and saw that Bofur was standing there flittering around baking. Ori was smiling softly and humming along to a song that Bofur seemed to know because he was dancing lightly to it.

"Hello," Bilbo greeted them both. Ori looked up from knitting something and smiled brightly. Bofur didn't look over at him because he was too absorbed in the cook book he was currently reading. He did however wave to the smaller man and kept shaking along to Ori's humming.

"Hello, Bilbo!" Ori stated and then went back to what he was doing. Bilbo chuckled softly because the young man didn't even notice the huge bruises on his face and neck.

"Bofur, do you have any ice?" Bilbo asked. Bofur looked over and was about to ask why but then his eyes widened. He rushed to open the freezer and grabbed an icepack. He quickly ran to Bilbo's side and pressed it to his cheek.

"Are you alright? What happened?" He asked in a worried voice while he stayed close to make sure Bilbo was okay. The younger man smiled and gently put his hand on Bofur's shoulder to calm him down. He was like the mother of the group, always worried about what his friends were doing.

"Thorin accidentally hit me with his sword. It's not a big deal." Bilbo stated laughing and then went to sit down next to Ori at the island in the middle of the room. Bofur still eyed him but went back to making his food. The younger man looked over at Bilbo and then lifted up the sweater he was making.

"Do you think Bifur will like it?" Ori asked Bilbo smiling softly down at the ground. Bilbo's eyes widened at the question. He could clearly tell that the younger man had a thing for the other but he didn't know what to say.

"I'm afraid I can't answer that Ori. I don't really know Bifur that well. I'm sure that if you made it though, he'll love it." Bilbo answered back. Ori looked in deep thought for a moment and then smiled. Bilbo laughed gently at Ori's smile and then looked at the sweater closer. He gripped it in his own hands and spun it around so he could see the whole thing. It was then that he noticed what the pattern was. Little axes were scattered around the whole thing. Bilbo couldn't help but smile at the sight. Ori clearly put a lot of thought into it.

"Don't worry about it. Bifur is my cousin and even I don't know him that well." Bofur admitted. He pulled something out of the oven and cut it up so quickly that Bilbo didn't even see what it was until a piece of something soft was being shoved into his mouth by Bofur. Bilbo swallowed it in one gulp and then moaned happily. It was delicious.

"What is that?" Bilbo asked leaning over the island to try and see what Bofur had made. The older man smiled happily at his work and then whistled loudly. All of a sudden the sound of feet pounding on the ground was heard and all the men came running into the room. Fili and Kili were dragging Balin behind them who was chuckling lightly. Nori and Oin were having a discussion about something that Bilbo couldn't hear. Gloin, Dori, Bifur, and Bombur all walked into the room and happily cheered at the smell of food. Dwalin walked in looking pissed as usual but his expression lighted when he walked over to Bofur and leaned over his shoulder, smelling the food.

"This smells delicious." Dwalin commented. His hot breath hit the back of Bofur's neck, making him shiver lightly. He blushed at the compliment and then turned around with the giant pot of food in his hands. Dwalin was standing an inch behind him and Bofur almost bumped into him at how fast he turned. He yelped and accidentally threw the food into the air in his surprise. His foot slipped on something and he fell backwards at his lose of balance. The bigger man grabbed Bofur around the waist and pulled him to his chest before he caught the food out of the air with the hand that wasn't holding Bofur.

"T-Thank you," Bofur stuttered blushing heavily now. He took the food from Dwalin and placed it on the table. He gently started scooping it into bowls and handing it to the men. Everyone took their share without commenting on what had just happened. There was a huge table in the dining room and after everyone got their bowl they walked in their and sat down. Bifur hung back for a moment and Bofur reached into the fridge. He pulled ot a big salad and handed it to the older man, smiling. Bifur nodded to him and followed everyone else into the dining room. Bilbo watched them all carefully, trying to commit to his memory who everyone was by what Bofur had said about them.

Fili and Kili were the rowdy brothers who always got into trouble. Ori was the youngest who loved knitting sweaters. Nori and Dori were Ori's older brothers who played music with him. Oin hung around Nori a lot and they usually talked together. Gloin had bright red hair and was the only one who was married. Bombur was really big and loved food. Bifur didn't know English and was always wandering around doing nothing. Dwalin was the big scary guy and Balin was his sweet older brother who took care of everyone. Of course, Bofur loved cooking and had a thing for a weird hat he owned for as long as any of them could remember. The last one in the room was Thorin but Bilbo couldn't bring himself to look at the man. While he was busy ignoring Thorin he took the time to notice certain things about the men.

Nori and Oin were sitting next to each other, still mumbling things. Dori was sitting in between Nori and Ori. On the right of Ori was Bifur who was busily eating his salad. Dwalin took his seat next to his brother and the old white haired man nodded to him. The look on Dwalin's face was strange though. It looked like he was in pain but happy at the same time. Bilbo shook his head and kept looking around the table.

Fili and Kili sat across the table from each other and were laughing hysterically as they threw grapes into each other's mouths. Thorin walked over to his nephews and whacked them both over the head. They winced but then after a minute started their actions again. Thorin sat down at the end of the table, in between Fili and Kili. Bilbo looked around and saw Bofur in the kitchen standing still.

Bofur took a moment to calm himself before coming into the dining room with everyone else. His big smile was back on his face and placed the huge bowl of food in the middle of table just in case anyone wanted seconds. As soon as he placed it on the table, Bombur was grabbing at it for more. Bilbo chuckled softly and then noticed that there weren't any more seats. He knew they weren't expecting him to be staying so it was pretty obvious that they wouldn't have a seat for him.

He grabbed his bowl of food and sat down at the island in the kitchen alone. Everyone was eating and laughing when Thorin looked around the table. He noticed that their newest addition to the company was missing.

"Where is he?" Thorin asked out loud not even saying Bilbo's name. Everyone looked around and noticed that Bilbo was missing. Thorin slammed his hands down on the table and stood up, shoving his chair backwards. He swiftly walked into the kitchen and saw Bilbo eating in silence by himself. His heart dropped a little at the sad look the man had on his face. He knew that Bilbo was probably alone often. Sighing, he walked up to Bilbo and grabbed the chair he was sitting on. Bilbo yelped lightly as he was off the ground and into the dining room. It was then that he noticed he was still sitting on his chair. Thorin was lifting him and his chair. Bofur walked into the room and grabbed his bowl of food. Thorin placed Bilbo down next to his own chair and Bofur put the bowl of food in his place. The older man smiled at Bilbo and he smiled back at the kindness.

The rest of the meal went smoothly and nothing bad happened so Bilbo was pleased. If anyone noticed they didn't say anything about his bruises. His face had swelled a little and Bofur got him some ice so it was all right. The night was slowly coming to an end and he started shaking slightly. Mostly everyone had gone to do random things but some of them were watching a movie in the living room. When the movie was over everyone was yawing and ready to sleep.

Bilbo stood awkwardly in the room rubbing his arm lightly, not sure what to do. A sleepy Ori was being led to his room by Bifur who was still silent. Bilbo watched them walk away and then he was left all alone. He noticed a blanket on the ground and leaned down to pick it up. He was about to go to sleep on the couch but when he looked up he saw Thorin and Dwalin standing there silently and looking creepy.

"There's a bedroom you can take on the second floor. Dwalin can you show to it." Thorin announced and motioned to Dwalin who was standing next to them. The huge man nodded and then looked at Bilbo silently telling him to follow. Bilbo was still in shock from the scare but he followed Dwalin up the stairs and towards and set of two doors. The bald man opened the door and motioned for Bilbo to go inside.

"I don't know if you noticed, but I think Bofur fancies you." Bilbo whispered quietly while Dwalin stood in the doorway to his new room. Dwalin's eyes softened at the mention of Bofur and the sides of his mouth quirked up in the closest thing Bilbo had seen on his face to resemble a smile.

"I have known Bofur for some time now. I find him to be quite entertaining and attractive. His past makes a relationship between us a bit difficult though." Dwalin stated with his arms crossed. He let out a deep sigh and leaned his head against the door. Bilbo nodded slowly and then thanked Dwalin for showing him his room. Dwalin nodded and then left to go to his own room.

Slowly Bilbo looked around his new giant room with wide eyes. He promised himself he would thank Thorin tomorrow about it and then slipped into the warm covers of his bed. Gently he felt his mind being rocked to sleep about thoughts of what was to become of his life.