A/N: Hello everyone! So I got this idea at work a couple nights ago about what if Eponine and her brother and sister got away from their family and really wanted to see how it would turn out! I really hope you all enjoy it! Onto the story!


Monsieur Thenardier watched as his wife, Maryl, began to cry after having to watch her bastard of a husband sell her five children. She just finished saying good bye to her two youngest, Garon and Iven who were only 2 years old, she had them ripped from her arms and watched as they were thrust and forced to walk away with the women who paid him 2000 francs for the boys. He thought about how much he could get after selling the last three of his brats. Enough to get out of this hellhole and away from the bitch he had to call a wife.

"Have you no compassion, Fabron? How can you just stand there and sell our children? They are all that was ever good in all the years of our miserable excuse of a marriage." Madame Thenardier shrieked through her tears. She looked as she saw a blonde women came over and looked at her two daughters, Eponine who was 10 and Azelma who only just turned 6, as well as her son, Gavroche who was barely 5. The tear stained face of Madame Thenardier could barely make out that the woman couldn't have been more than 26. As much as she wished that her children didn't have to leave, but she knew that if even one of her children stayed they would starve and be forced to a worse life then they were now leading.

The blonde women smiled as she looked at the three children that stood in front of her. Her husband was sterile after an childhood illness, but she loved him despite her eagerness for children so they decided to adopt, as they knew that there were many needy children who needed a good home and a loving family to bring them up right. Her husband had spotted these children on the corner from inside the carriage and asked if she would like to try to help these children. Of course she agreed, so they agreed to purchase the children.

As she looked at them she noticed how skinny and dirty they were, wearing rags and dirty feet as black as the road. Though she could tell the eldest child was in the worse shape, you could see every bone in her face and arms. She had a cut on her forehead and bruises up and down her arms. Her brown eyes wary of her surroundings and ready to shield her brother and sister if the woman decided to punish the younger children for something.

Monsieur Thenardier came smiling to the blonde lady who was interested in the useless brats and said, "Good day, Madame. As you can see, these are the orphans that really need a good home. We are just too full, they have been their the longest, but they are a good bunch. Are they not? So which one would you like to purchase today? Our oldest is Eponine who is 10, her sister Azelma is 6 and then we have young Gavroche who just turned 5 recently. All still young enough to be taught to behave the way you and your husband wishes when they get older."

She looked at the children and said the man, "My husband and I talked about it and agreed that once we saw them from our carriage that we would like to adopt all three of them. It would be a pity to separate sisters and their brother. I'll give you 2300 francs for them all." She handed him the bag of money to Thenardier and he accepted it readily. He ushered the three children for a last chance to say goodbye to their mother.

Eponine clung to her mother after her brother and sister said their goodbyes, she tried to hold back her tears as her mother told her, "Ponine, take good care of your Azelma and Gavroche. Remember that I will always love you all. Please try and listen to your new family, be better then that bastard and me. Become a respectable, educated lady and marry someone who loves you enough to not put you through what your father puts me through. Goodbye my sweet darlings." She yelled as the tears started to flow from her eyes yet again.

After Thenardier pushed them away from the place they had once, reluctantly, called home. The woman led them to the carriage to where her husband was waiting. She waited for the children to climb inside before climbing inside herself. After the door closed, the man smiled and said to them, " Hello children, my name is Campbell Axelle, also known as Duke of Celestyn and heir to both the Jermaine and Devereaux fortunes. I have 2 younger sisters, who you will meet in a few short weeks, your new Tantes, Joie and Lacy who hold the fortune to the Jordane and Jules from our mother side. I believe you have already met my wife, Esmee, who is not only the Duchess of Celestyn, but also the sole heiress of the Drury and Jewell fortunes." The man had dark black hair with piercing gray eyes, his smile was bright and soothing.

Eponine asked, "Not to be rude, but where are we goin'?" She was still worried about the couples intentions. If they were so rich, why did they adopt a couple of gamines instead of having their own children. She saw that this never crossed her siblings minds.

Esmee said, "Eponine, right now we are taking you three to our hotel room to get you three a bath. Then we will take you all to go shopping for clothing and shoes, then we can head to have a late lunch. And then before we get ready for Supper at a nice restaurant, we will talk about everything from education to what you will require before we head off to Paris." The children finally began to relax and enjoy the ride to their future.

Eponine looked at the dress that was bought for her in the mirror. It was a silky, sky blue dress with beautiful embroidery on the bust of the dress, along with matching slippers. Her sister had her own dress, in a soft pink, and Gavroche, in a new navy blue britches and white shirt with new boots. She looked at the Axelle's and thought, even though she will never forget her life before them, she will now have the life she always wanted to have. She knew that now she found a real family, who would make sure she was always fed, educated, and never beat her until she was unconscious. Her future, as well as her siblings, was brighter then ever.

A/N: So I really hope you all enjoyed the first chapter of this story! I really think that if this had happen somehow she would never be forced to be unloved and maybe she would have her true love! Well let me know what you all think of it! Please Review!

~ DangerGirlRed2011 3