A/N: Hey guys! I now bring you a new fluffy SuFin story! :D Funny story about this actually, this story was supposed to be my first, but my GerIta love pushed it out for a while. Speaking of which, if you are seeing this as my first story, this is a side along to "Thank you Pookie," which is a GerIta. Oh, and if you are reading thank you Pookie, just for a time line here this is about a day before the first chapter. Now that this intro is done, please enjoy some Nordic love!

Dear Tino Väinämöinen,

Onnittelut! On the 18 of August, you will be flown out to America to meet your host family for this schools foreign exchange student program. You will be staying with the Oxenstierna family for the 2012- 2013 school year. Your supplies list and rules/regulations requirements are included below. We hope you will enjoy travels!


Mika Mylläri

Head of the Finnish First program

P.S. Make us proud!

I read the letter over and over again. I can't believe this! I made it! I totally did it! All my hard work, filling out all the forms, learning the fudge cakes out of English, and writing one helluva an admission letter all by myself to get the proper pity party to get me out of Finland and into America FREE OF CHARGE, BABEH! Watch out bitches Tino's in the house! What? Surprised that I'm swearing? Well fuck you I'm excited! How awesome is this?!


The week before my departure I already had all my things packed up ready for my trip.

"Getting a little ahead of yourself aren't you Tino?" My cousin Lukas asked (his family had come over to see me off before I was to leave).

"Ah, I can't help it! You know me! Besides its even more fun knowing that you might come later too!"

"Well, even though I may be coming to America for college that doesn't mean we'll be in the same state. I need to look through my options still." Lukas replied in his matter-of-factie way.

"Either way I'm nervous. What if the hosting family doesn't like me! What if I hate it in America! What if I don't make any of the friends! And what if-"

"Calm down kid, nobody can hate you. You're too damn likeable! Now come on so we can eat."


Berwald's POV

To say I was excited was an understatement. I was sosuperfuckingexcited, but it's not like I would say that out loud- I'm not a very vocal person. I even suck at displaying the right emotions, but that's beside the point. Today my family and I were going to pick up our foreign exchange student guest. I was really looking forward to this, even if my rude glare told otherwise. That was something I was more than a little nervous about. I hoped this kid would accept me even though I do come off as a bit scary. It's part of the reason that I don't have any friends. Well I guess Ludwig could be considered my friend, but not in the traditional way in that we don't hang out or anything like that.

I hoped that I could teach this kid a thing or two, like a brother. Ja, like a brother to show him the ropes and how to go about being in Chicago, to help him get along with people and feel like a member of the family (even if I'm not too good at being social myself I could still try).

I was so wrapped up in my own thoughts that I hadn't even noticed that we had arrived at O'Hare. Ah, the moment of time I had been waiting weeks for, the reason I got absolutely no sleep last night (or the past week), was now…..


Tino's POV

Finally I was on my flight to go to a new and unexplored land (well for me). I bid my parents goodbye as I went through airport security to catch my plane. As excited as I was, I was still dreading the jet lag that was sure to come after a whole nine freaking hours in the sky. I boarded the plane and got myself comfortable in my seat, waiting for us to take off.

As excited as I was, I knew I needed to get to sleep. But I was so excited! How was I going to get any sleep?! I felt the rumble of the plane as it started to drive on the run way. The sound was so relaxing, and before I even realized it, I had closed my eyes and had fallen asleep.

I woke up to the sweet voice of a flight attendant calling out to the crowd.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are now heading down for landing in Chicago's O'Hare airport. Please remain seated while we descend."

I pressed my face to the window next to me immediately. Holy paskaa I'm here! I squealed a bit in my seat.

"Pinch me I'm dreaming." I sighed to myself as I watched the plane glide down to earth.

"Ow!" I yelped. I wasn't serious you little shit! I tried to use some telepathy with the three-year-old kid next to me who was laughing as my 'intimidating' glare had the opposite effect. But I ended up dropping the act, I always was a bit cranky after waking up, and it's not like I wanted to go through the first day with my new host family pissy.

I made my way out of the plane and somehow managed to get my things without much of a hassle. After going to where I was to meet these people, I began to look around for a sign. I was searching for a couple of minutes before I saw it- a plain white sign with the words: 'Welcome Tino Väinämöinen', on it.

I ran up to the group of two holding the sign, not before stopping short when I was greeted with an intense blue-eyed gaze that more or less scared the crap out of me.


Berwald's POV

My family (i.e. my mother) and I only had to wait for a few moments before a slender, feminine-curvy looking boy in a blue sweater vest came running up to us. I couldn't help but stare rudely at him, my normal glare intensified deeply.

But how could I help myself? Standing in front of me was the most beautiful, gorgeous man I had ever seen in my life. Forget being a big brother. Big brothers don't want to bang their little brother.


Tino's POV

"Hello Tino! I'm Ms. Oxenstierna, but you can call me Ms. Ox, I know it can be a bit difficult." Ms. Ox pointed to the scary-faced kid next to her, "And this is Berwald. Say hi honey." Mr. Scary face, or Berwald as it may be, shook his head before speaking.


Well he's a talker is he not? He seemed really suspicious! And that accent was ridiculously thick. But maybe I would just need to get to know him better. I shouldn't be jumping to the conclusions right?

"Hello Ms. Ox! And hello Mr. Berwald! It's very nice to be meeting you!" I shook both of their hands eagerly, and Ms. Ox gestured for me to follow her through the airport.

The car ride was weird. Ms. Ox insisted I sit in the front seat, so I did, but I couldn't help notice that Berwald kept staring at me from the rear-view mirror.


Berwald's POV

"Okay Tino, I'm sure you're tired so why don't you let Berwald take you to your room to rest up a bit? Then I can give you a tour of the house. Oh and by the way, you and Berwald are going to be sharing a room, ok?" She smiled and went off to a different part of the house.

I flinched and jumped practically ten feet in the air when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"C'mon, I'll take you to the room." Berwald told me, I couldn't tell for sure, but it looked like he was attempting to smile. Maybe he's not that bad I told myself.

"U-uh- joo!" I stuttered; he still looked so scary!

He put his hand on my back and guided me upstairs; he was a lot gentler than I thought he would be. He brought me to a room upstairs and opened the door. It was a fairly large room, large enough to be considered two separate rooms, with cream-colored walls, and two twin sized beds on opposite sides.

"Wow! Se on niin suuri!" I said, awed at the size. Berwald to my surprise chuckled at this comment.

"Ja, well why don't you set up camp in here and I'll get you in a half hour?"

"Okay! Thank you Mr. Berwald!" I smiled at him and he grunted in response.

He left the room and closed the door behind him while I got to work.


Berwald's POV

I tried not to be rude when we picked Tino up, sincerely I did! But, c'mon, how could I not just stare at this fine boy in front of me?! Like I said, I ditched the whole 'big brother' thing, I wanted him now. But I can't like him only for his looks; I have to get to know him first! Who do you think I am?

Although, it didn't stop me from staring at him from the back of the car. Not at all. I think I might have made him a bit nervous because I noticed him giving worried glances to the rear view mirror.

At the house my mom told me to escort him to our room and I nodded in understanding. When my mom left, I put my arm on Tino's shoulder to let him know I was going to take him (upstairs). He jumped at the sudden touch, but in such a cute way.

"C'mon, I'll take you to the room." I told him, I tried to smile a bit but failed.

"U-uh- joo!" he stuttered

I put my hand on his back and guided him upstairs. Yes I indulged myself a bit, don't judge me, this is how I bust a move: through the subtlest acts of kindness (just kidding, I was just trying to be nice; I needed to not try to hit on him… yet). Which explains my long list of boyfriends: 0. But I'm not complaining. Oh yeah, if you couldn't already tell this, I'm gay. I've known for as long as I could remember and this part of me is very solid. At least I could be friendly to the kid, make him more comfortable in this new environment, I would want the same if it was me.

"Wow! Se on niin suuri!" He exclaimed when I brought him into the room.

C'mon how was I not supposed to chuckle at that! It was the perfect 'that's what she said' moment. Priceless.

"Ja, well why don't you set up camp in here and I'll get you in a half hour?" I told him.

"Okay! Thank you Mr. Berwald!" He smiled at me with a look that was so goddamn adorable. I grunted in response and left him to get comfortable.

When I went back downstairs I helped my mother get dinner ready (Nakkisoppa, for a meal close to home). After everything was done I was sent upstairs to retrieve Tino so we could show him around and eat.

I went up the stairs into my-er, I should say our- room. I was greeted by the loveliest sight. Curled into a loose ball, hair falling gracefully over his adorable sleeping face was Tino.

I didn't want to startle him too much so I tried to ease him out of his nap the best I could.

"Tino." I muttered. Nothing. I decided I would need to try harder. "Tino, wake up." I called, shaking him lightly. His eyes fluttered lightly and he yawned contently… Then I guess he realized who he was looking at.


Tino's POV

I was lulled out of my light sleep peacefully. I blinked a few times before yawning and opening my eyes fully.

"AGGGGHHHHH!" I screamed, shocked at the deep glare I was receiving.

When I realized it was Berwald, I tried to play it off but the damage was done. "Uh, hi Mr. Berwald! Eh heh heh. I-I'm so s-sorry I-I-I um-"

"S'ok." He muttered, cutting me off (good thing too! I'm known for rambling…)

I regained my composure and got off the bed, Mr. Berwald took that moment to place his hand on my back again and guide me to the kitchen to eat and take a tour of the house (Which was absolutely wonderful by the way.).

(^o^) Mini break (^o^)

At the end of my first day in the Ox house I went to go to sleep in the room Mr. Berwald and I were sharing. After lying awake for about an hour I had not found myself sleeping, but crying instead. Not because this family was mean or anything! Not at all! Over dinner they were nothing but the niceness to me! Even though Mr. Berwald didn't talk a lot, I found him to be very hospitable. I actually was really looking forward to being with them this semester. But, I already started to miss my family. I know, I know 'sissy!Tino' but this was my first time I was truly away from my family.

My thoughts were cut off though when I felt my bed cave in at my feet.

"Tino?" I heard a soft voice call out to me. I tried to sniff quietly before answering.

"Yes?" My voice was a bit shaky.

"What's wrong?" He asked, with real concern in his words.

I sighed, might as well, right?

"Well I just am missing my family a little bit…" I confessed.

"That's understandable." He told me. "I would miss my family too if I was in your situation." He gently placed a hand on my shoulder and rubbed small calming circles. "I know it's not the same, but I'm here for you if you ever need someone. Just relax, and you'll be okay." Holy paskaa! That's the most I have heard out of him all night! That being said, I really was starting to relax. His little massage and calming words were truly soothing my nerves.

I sighed deeply and my body went limp peacefully into the bed.

"Thank you Mr. Berwald."

"Mmm." He grunted, leaving me to go back to his bed. Boo! I was starting to get used to that. Oh well, soon enough I felt drowsiness take over me. Maybe life in America will be good! I thought to myself, as long as I can have Berwald here as a friend.



Onnittelut- Congratulations!

Paskaa- Shit.

Joo- Yeah.

Se on niin suuri!- It's so big!


Ja- Yes

A/N: So…. How was it? I'd like to know very much! So please review, they make my heart YAY! :D