Proposals and frozen bridge prisons

It was early January in NYC and the Hamato boys were in the snow. Mikey and Donatello had convinced their older brothers Leo and Raph to crawl under a snow bridge they made.

"Ok, just tell us when," said Leo, trying to ignore a Raphael muttering about waste of time. Mikey and Donnie shared a smirk as they both got on either side of the bridge, they had made a plan to get out of doing their chores and sparring. When their brothers both crawled under the bridge they would jump on top and then cover them with snow, wait until it froze and bribe them. Donnie gave the snow bridge a pat and called out to Raph

"Ok now! But both of you at the same time!"

"Yeah yeah, god this is a waste of time." He grumbled back. He and Leo started for the bridge and as soon as they were exactly in the middle of underneath the bridge Mikey shouted the signal

"NOW! Go go, go! Before they escape!"

"Wait what?!" cried Leo,

"We've been ambushed! Leo, try to move, before its too late!" Raph added, before the elders could move they were pelted in the face by Donnie, giving them more time to pile them with snow. 10 minutes later not only were Leo and Raph angry and freezing to death but were wanting to know why Donnie and Mikey did this in the first place.

"Alright, why are we covered in snow?!" yelled Raph

"Be quiet, Mikey and I have a proposal," explained Donnie calmly

"Alright what do you knuckleheads want?"

"Well, we propose that if we let you go you Leo, will do our chores for a week and Raph, let us win in sparring."

"NO WAY!" Shouted both Leo and Raph. They both decided on getting up themselves and angrily tired to, only to find that the once harmless snow had turned into a frozen prison keeping them captive. They squirmed trying to escape and Donnie and Mikey just stood there watching them with amused faces.

"Ah, ah, ah, not until you agree," taunted Mikey, clearing trying not to laugh.

"My, isn't it getting cold Mikey? I think we should go inside now, dad said that there would be hot chocolate."

"Hmm, I think you're right Donnie, and since these guys are stuck out here we could use this time to, oh I don't know, bust into Leo's room and take a look at his space heroes collection?"

"WAIT! NO, NO PLEASE DON'T! I AGREE I AGREE NOW LET ME GO!" Pleaded Leonardo, now panicking for the sake of his space heroes stuff. Holding back laughs, Mikey said that they would let him go but only if Raph agreed.

"No way! This is stupid. Mikey if you keep me out here any longer I swear that I'll bust outta here and beat those little freckles off you!"

"Sorry, Donnie what time is it?" he looked to his older brother who checked his watch

"It's uh, 6:45, gosh, isn't that Spike's feeding time? Oh well, maybe we should go and feed him. I read that turtles love tomatoes,"

"Wait don't! Spike hates tomatoes! Fine I agree to you're stupid proposal. Now get me out of here. Now. " threatened Raphael. The two brothers sighed and started towards the other ones. They each took one brothers hand and started to pull, after about 5 minutes the snow finally let go of its prisoners and the 4 fell in a heap.

"Well," started Raph with an evil smirk on his face,"Now that that's done, lets play me favorite game, does Mikey bend that way?: new and improved now this time DONNIE gets to play." he shot daggers at his twin and youngest brother and tackled them both, at started beating the pulp off of them. Leo just watched for a while and then joined Raph, teaching his little bros a lesson.