Being Alone is Lonely!


Warning: Super OOCness! Grammar!

A/N: Oh… my… god… How is this story good?! I got 13 reviews for the first chapter~ *doing happy dance* Thank you soooooo much for all the Favs, Follows and the lovely reviews! XD Sorry for not be able to update earlier! Please enjoy this chapter!

Thank you Lexie-chan94, zero-amu, Rikkai and hyotei lover, katsuchan21, Seithr-Kairy, XxPurexSoulxX, FallenxLinkin, Belle-kurama-style-bankai, Mimi522, XxKatelynnexX, chloroplasm, HIBIRDx3, KatoKimeka-chan, hyper kitten, elusiveangel35. Jade36963, Raevi, VongolaFamilia, benziiy.s, Bleachtoshiro, shugoshugomix, Uwaaah, Jetime, AngelHonoreku, iNeedFanfiction, Sparr0w-san, Ochie94, 5862-senbonzakura for the Favs!

Thank you Angelic Phantomcrow, zero-amu, Mischievously, GreenDrkness, Rikkai and hyotei lover, Kyara17, Skilvh and Shilvh, SteamRaven, La Signora Della Grande Cielo, Rozelia13, katsuchan21, nadLeeH'108, XxPurexSoulxX, FallenxLinkin, Belle-kurama-style-bankai, Mimi522, silent-insaneminako, chloroplasm, HIBIRDx3, Code-00, elusiveangel35, AnimeM4nga, Raevi, VongolaFamilia, benziiy.s, Bleachtoshiro, shugoshugomix, 2takuya, Eovin, Jetime, iNeedFanfiction, Markhal, Sparr0w-san, Ochie94, Naruta13, Ankou13 for Following!

Thank you elusiveangel35, VongolaFamilia for favoring me! P ( = ' u ' = ) q

Now for the reviews:

Lexie-chan94: Mm... For some reason, I haven't plan anything yet... Still thinking about whether if I should put this as mafia-based AU... Yeah, they are idiots! XD

hibary-kyo: ¡Gracias! (Google Translated...)

GreenDrkness: Mm... I am not so sure yet. Thank you for reviewing!

Rikkai and hyotei lover: Of course they would be there! Mm... I don't know. Should put it as friendship and pairings?

Kyara17: Hehe. Voici le deuxième chapitre! (Google Translated...)

La Signora Della Grande Cielo: Geh... I didn't notice that I did such a big mistake... Sorry! Well, Tsuna is a boy! Glad that you are interested in my fics! XD

CH0C0CANDYZ: So sorry for the big mistake! Tsuna is a boy in here.

FallenxLinkin: Maybe? Since Hibari is in the school already and is prefect! (Duh...) XD Hahaha! Thanks for the idea!

Raevi: Kyaaa~ Thank you so much~

poisson (Guest): Thank you! Here is second chapter!

oliverte (Guest): Merci! C'est peut-être un peu de All27? Tsuna est un garçon! Désolé pour la grosse erreur!

Jetime: Glad you like it! Mm... Haven't thought about it yet... Thanks! Mew~ He's so cute~ I wanna hug him too! XD

Sparr0w-san: To be true, I also think that this Fanfic shouldn't be shounen ai... I don't let's see how will turn out! XD

And also! Tsuna is a boy! Sorry for the previous big mistake! Tsuna is a boy! A boy! XD

And for their age, it's the same as the anime. 14-15 for Tsuna and Co.

Recapping time~

'It's the same no matter where I go… If only everyone would ignore me, like he is. I'd satisfied…' He thought as he looked at the one who he is going to sit with…

[Chapter 2]

He looked into his (Yamamoto's) mind:

The scene was a baseball field and he was there playing and the ball came to him annnnnd- HOMERUN!

Tsuna snapped out of it, when the scene was over. He looked at the boy, Yamamoto Takeshi, emotionlessly. He was looking at Tsuna and blink before asking,

"Huh? Who are you?"

"Eh?" Tsuna's eye widened. His eye showed a spark of light.

This is the first time that he met such a straightforward person. So weird…

-Time skip-

The third lesson is over and Tsuna just read his book since it was a free period. Just then, two girls came towards him, asking

"Ne, Tsunayoshi-san, where did you move here from?" The first girl was having a fake smile. Tsuna saw her through and her real thought was:

'Not that I really want to know. Ahh… I should never have become the class representative.'

Tsuna just answer her thoughts, "If you don't want to know, then don't ask."


The second girl asked another question and again with the same fake smile, "U-uh, which club are you going to join?"

Her real thoughts were, 'Please don't join the tennis club…'

Tsuna blurred out his answer without even looking at the two of them, just his book, "Don't worry. I'm not interested in Tennis."

"Huh?" The two of them frowned before walking off.

"What's with him? Creepy…" was the first girl whispers to her classmates.

Overheard their conversation, Yamamoto looked over at Tsuna with interested eyes. He was about to call out to him before a girl called him.


Yamamoto looked at her, "What's up, Moritani?"

"You know, the invitation I gave you."

"Oh that invitation to your house for a party?"

Moritani nodded while hoping for the answer she wants.

"Gomen, I need to refuse your invitation!"

The girl frosted in shock. "T-Takeshi-sama…" She walked off with her friends comforting her.

Yamamoto just grinned at them. 'Am I that popular? Girls keep inviting me to their house and the boys keep hanging out with me."

"Not really. Those are not really friends at all. They are just after your popularity." A voice sounded beside him or rather next to him.

"Huh? Yamamoto looked at Tsuna.

Tsuna continued his sentence and again without looking at him. "I heard you, so I just blurted that out. I'm Sorry."

"You heard me? Did I say it out loud? That will be embarrassing!" Yamamoto panicked. (A/N: Sorry. OOC!Yamamoto…)

-Time skip, one week later-

At first, people talked to Tsuna. They were all curious about him.

-Two weeks later-

People started to leave Tsuna alone and his book.

-Three weeks later-

By then, no one was talking to Tsuna anymore. They all think that Tsuna is creepy and stuff like that. But Tsuna just ignore them. He was used to it…

*Ding dong ding dong*

Lunch break time is here. Everyone started joining tables together to eat, except for Tsuna.

Just then, Yamamoto came towards Tsuna with his own lunch box and say, "Let's eat together, Tsuna!"

The rest of the class started whispering to each other. Saying that what is Yamamoto thinking? Siting with that monster…

Yamamoto ignored all of them and sat in front of Tsuna. Opening his lunch box and started eating. He looked at Tsuna's orange lunch box.

'Waa! That's looked delicious… I wonder if he will give me a bite…'

Reading his mind, Tsuna sighed inwardly before pushing his lunch box toward Yamamoto. "Do what you want."

"Eh? Really?!" Yamamoto beamed brightly at Tsuna before taking the tamagoyaki from the lunch box. "Sankyuu na!"

He took a bite, 'Whoa, it's good! Didn't Tsuna make this?'

"I did."

Yamamoto clapped. "That's awesome! Can you really read my mind? Just like everyone in the class said!" He paused before moving closer to Tsuna and whisper into his ears.

"But keep the magic tricks to the minimum, ok? If you go overboard, you'll scare people off, and it'll hard to make new friends!"

Tsuna looked up from his lunch box, "That's none of your business and it's not magic-" Before Tsuna could finish his sentence, Yamamoto stole a croquette.

"I got the croquette!" He gobbled it down, leaving a startled Tsuna.

"Hey! Don't just take that without asking!" Tsuna shouted but Yamamoto just winked at him.

Tsuna looked away, before becoming the emotionlessly Tsuna again. He cannot afford to be lied again. Never trust anyone…

-Time skip-

From now and then, Yamamoto just greets Tsuna every morning, shocking the class.

"Morning, Tsuna!"

Tsuna continued reading his book, pretending that he's not there.

Yamamoto greeted him again in a begging way. "Morning!"

Tsuna looked away, trying to avoid him.

-During PE lessons-

Yamamoto was doing the exercise with Kazuma, when he spotted Tsuna without any partner.

"Oi! Tsuna, let's pair up!" He ran towards Tsuna while Tsuna was trying to run away from him.

"Hey, Yamamoto!" Kazuma sobbed.

-After school-

Tsuna was walking down the road, before being spotted by Yamamoto again.

"Tsuna! Let's walk home together sometimes!"

"I am going this way." Tsuna stated as he turned to the right.

He glared at Yamamoto who was following him.

"I am going this way too!" Yamamoto reasoned with him.

Tsuna turned away, "So it seems…"

They walked for a distance in silence until the bridge, when Yamamoto asked Tsuna.

"Are you used to the school yet?" Silence…. "Are you making friends?" Another silence… "Come on! Talk to me!"

Tsuna stopped in his track, still not looking at Yamamoto. "Why are you hanging around me?"

Yamamoto tilted his head, "What do you mean by, why? Of course I…" He paused for a while. "Wait, why do I?"

'Wait, why do I?'

Tsuna giggled softly not letting Yamamoto hear it. His thoughts are the exactly the same as his speaking.

"You are so dumb…"

Yamamoto snapped out of his thoughts before asking again.

"Oh yeah! Hey, so tell me… What's your secret to that mind reading trick you do?"

Tsuna's eyes widened before his bangs shadowing his eyes.

"That's so cool! If I could read people's minds, I could do anything!"

Tsuna trembled in tears, not that Yamamoto saw it.

"Idiot… There's nothing cool about it. You idiot."

Yamamoto protested. "What do you mean by 'idiot'?"

Tsuna turned around, "I called you an idiot because you are an idiot! You don't even know anything!"

Tsuna ran off. "Hey, Tsuna!"

Yamamoto didn't except that to happen… Maybe it will settle out tomorrow…

To Be Continued…

A/N: I finished! Goody and Bady? Please review and tell me about your feelings and I know that this chapter is a bit of rush and too much dialogues! Btw, should this story be a Mafia-based? I don't really know myself so I will ask you guys whether if you prefer a Non-mafia or Mafia-based! Please R&R!

First Published: 21 Jan 2012

Well… see you in the next Chapter! :D

NeroAutore here! Signing off~

Ciao Ciao~