Chapter 61: Fall of the Rice Fields Base

Deep within the darkened Otogakura base with the Land of Rice Fields, the Heiress of the Hyuga and Uchiha were both standing in front of the former Snake summoner. And although greatly weakened, being the presence of one of the most dangerous S rank nuke shinobis they were left completely paralized with terror.

"Well well, I didn't imagine that the two heiresses of the Uchiha and Hyuga would come and pay me a visit. . ." Orochimaru greeted the two kunoichi's with his snake-like smile plaster on his face.

Both kunoichi's felt a massive spike of killing intent all over their bodies, completely immobilizing them. They could only slightly move their heads, if only to shake in terror as cold sweat began to fall from their faces.

"S-Such killing intent. . ." Hinata mentally started with nausea and fear.

"I-I can. . .barely. . .breath. . ." Satsuki thought to herself with terror.

The S-Rank rogue shinobi merely looked on with amusement at the two kunoichis. "Oh, I can sense the fear within you two." Orochimaru soon revealed as he casually began walking towards the two.

"!?" This simple action caused the two kunoichi's to feel even more terror as they desperately tried to move, however the deadly killing intent made it next to impossible. "D-Dammit!" The two heiresses swore inside of their minds in unison.

"Oh. . .how this brings back memories. . ." Orochimaru commented with amusement as he mocked trying to remember where. "I believe this was nearly the same as when we first met. . .in the Forest of Death." He soon recalled

The Kunochi's continued to feel the intensity of the Sannin killing intent slowly increasing with each and every step he takes. Causing them to feel a slow build up of pressure all over their bodies.

"How I wish that you two still had obtained my gift. . ." Orochimaru commented with a clear fake lamenting tone. "However, even I didn't expect that the accursed Demon Fox could intervene with it. . ." He then admitted.

The two girl's eyes soon widened as they could still recall the horrible experiences that they had when they first felt the Sannin's Curse Mark. How terrible they felt with all of the memories that the Sannin tried to alter and twist to make it worse than it already was.

Completely unaware or simply not caring by the two kunoichi's current state, the Sanin continued walking nonchalantly. "Oh well. . .I suppose that nothing truly ever goes as planned. . ." Orochimaru then stated with a hint of anger that his plan didn't work like he had hoped.

It was at that statement that the kunochi's finally snapped back to reality as only now did they realize that the same man, no monster that tried to do that to their minds was now walking towards them.

It was at the moment that Orochimaru finally reached the two kunoichis and looked down on them with sinister eyes. "Well. . .I could just take your eyes. . ." He then revealed.

Now the two kunoichi's were desperately trying to break free of their current state, they were even about to use a kunai to stab themselves to snap out of it. However, it was already too late as the Sannin was already right in front of them.

Then slowly he lifted his nearly useless arms and held it just in front of the two kunoichi's faces. "Now that would be a good. . .consolation prize. . ." Orochimaru soon stated as he slowly began leaning closer.

". . ." The two kunoichi's couldn't think, couldn't process anything as absolute terror invaded their very souls and they stared at the Sannin's arms slowly closing on to their eye sockets.

No matter what two kunoichi had faced before, be it Zabuza, wannabe or rouge shinobis that sought power, the mutated elite members of the Sound five, nothing couldn't ever match the fear that was the Sannin was instilling into them. In front of this shinobi, no, this monster, they now truly realized just how insignificant and powerless they were in the face of true evil.

Then as the hands were about to touch the kunoichi's eye sockets, the Sannin stopped. "But. . .that wouldn't be of any real use to me. . .would it Kabuto?" Orochimaru soon asked.

The medical shinobi in question merely chuckle amusingly at the sight of the two normally spirited kunoichi's being completely shattered infront of his lord. "I'm afraid not my lord." Kabuto casually replied while shrugging his shoulders. "While you could still be able to use them, it would be no different with the case of Kakashi Hatake, always having them active and never being able to use their true power." He then reminded.

A sinister laugh escaped the Sannin's lips as he lowered his arms. "And that would be such a waste a pair of such legendary eyes, now wouldn't it?" Orochimaru mused with wicked amusement as he turned around and began to walk away.

Tap! Tap!

In an instant, both kunoichis bodies fell to the floor and began panting heavily, never realizing when they stopped breathing as their minds were working on overdrive, while desperately and failing to calm down.

"You. . .You're letting us go. . .?" Satsuki quietly asked more to herself than the Sannin as she couldn't for her life think of a reason why he would.

A twisted smile soon appeared on Sannin's face as he felt a sense of pleasure of tormenting the kunoichi's with his words alone. "Why yes, I will. . ." Orochimaru mirthfully replied as his smile never left his face. "While I still want two lovely eyes of yours, now is unfortunately not the time." He informed.

". . ." Hinata remained silent for both the shock and the words of the Sannin. "We're literally at his mercy, something he isn't used to giving, so. . .Why would he need to wait?" She couldn't help but wonder.

Satsuki meanwhile growled in anger as she knew what this was. "Over confident. . .son of a bitch. . ." She mentally growled with fury, however she didn't have the courage to say it out loud.

"While I would have loved to be the one to train you to make them stronger, I'm afraid that's not an option anymore. . ." Orochimaru regretfully stated as there was still a hint of resentment in his tone, but it didn't bother him too much. "So, I'll just let that baboon of my former teammate do it for me." He then added with a gleeful tone as he calmly walked towards the same door he had entered.

"He's really letting us go. . ." The two kunoichis thought in unison with shock. Deep down the two thought that the Sannin was just playing a twisted game, to give them hope before mercilessly ending them.

Then just as he was about to exit, the Sannin stopped. "So. . .until next time. I hope that you'll reach your brother's level." Orochimaru requested as he slightly turned his head to look at the kunoichi's. "Or I will be very disappointed." He concluded with a wide and sinister smile on his face as he finally left the room.

The two kunoichi's meanwhile couldn't even think of anything let alone process what the Sannin had said as their minds were still numb from the fear. So all they could do was lay on the floor as they tried to calm their frantic minds down.

"Well. . .that was entertaining." Kabuto commented with a mirthful tone as he looked at the two down kunoichis. "Oh~ You two need a minute? I mean I can understand, being able to talk to someone like Orochimaru-sama can be. . .overwhelming." He asked in a concernful manner.

"!?" Whether it was the irritating sound of the medical shinobi voice or what he just said, it was enough to finally snap the two kunoichi's minds back to relatively normal. After all it was clear that he was belittling the two, to show just how inferior they were compared to his master.

". . ." While Hinata didn't verbally say anything, her expression of pure dismay and frustration said everything she was feeling at the moment.

However the ravenette managed to slightly raise her hand and pound the floor, while it didn't even make a little crack, she did it to simply to bend some of her frustration. "Kami. . .dammit. . .!" Satsuki thought in a frustrated manner.

Regardless of what they both thought or felt, they both now truly understood just how vast of a difference they were against a Kage level opponent. And at the same time, begrudgingly realized that they wouldn't be able to capture Sakura Haruno even if they did find her in this place so long as the Sannin was by her side, which in turn frustrated them immensely.

"In any case, I believe it is time to end this little show." Kabuto soon decided as his hands were then covered in chakra.

This caused both of the kunoichis minds to return to full alert as their expressions turn grimm at their current state. They were both tired as well as their bodies were still in a state of shock, so they weren't in any conditions to fight.

At the sight of the two kunoichi's reaction, the medical shinobi lowered his chakra covered hand and let out a chuckle. "Oh, don't worry, I wouldn't try something after Orochimaru-sama showed you mercy like that." Kabuto quickly stated with a slightly embarrassed smile, before turning sinister. "I just won't do anything permanent, I just need to make sure that you two won't try anything." He then added with a vile smirk as he once again raised his chakra covered hand.

Immediately both girls got to their feet, though they were shaking quite a bit, they still prepared themselves, however. . .

"Blade Beam!" A familiar voice roared from a distance.


Then a blue like slash soared through the air and headed straight at the medical shinobi.

Kabuto instantly saw the energy slash and properly used his chakra scalpel to try to deflect it. However his eyes widened when he felt a lot more force and power from the attack as he was being pushed back. This continued for a few more seconds before he was forced to simply get out of the way.


The moment the white haired shinobi moved, the energy slash cut through multiple pillars and finally reached the floor, which created a large plume of dust as a result.


In that instant, the Executioner's Blade appeared in front of the two heiresses while the blond was on handle of the blade itself while slightly crouching on it. "Damn, I was hoping that would have at least hit him. . ." Naruto muttered to himself in disappointment.

"Naruto-kun!" The two kunoichi's shouted with both joy and relief at the sight of their favorite blond shinobi.

Kabuto's eyes widened as he quietly gasped at the display of the attack that nearly decapitated him. "My my, looks like you've learned a dangerous move." He got out.

Then after the smoke cleared, the medical shinobi saw that although the attack was strong, it wasn't nowhere near powerful enough to completely slice any pillar in half. Though it still managed to make a multiple large gashes before it also managed to cut part of the floor as well.

This caused Kabuto to smirk as he adjusted his glasses. "Though it does look like it has room for. . .improvement." He then tried to suggest, but it was clear that he was mocking the blond.

"No shit asshole." Naruto retorted as he jumped off the huge sword.

The blond shinobi knew that even after a few months discovering this jutsu, he still hadn't made any significant improvements. He knew that it was because of his lack of training in Kenjutsu that was the problem and the fact that he was constantly sent from one situation to another he didn't have the time to practice. However he knew that this jutsu had potential for more and he was damn if he wasn't going to master it.

Naruto then channeled some chakra through his body and his arms, then he grabbed his blade and pointed it at the Sannin's right hand man. "But next time. . .don't be surprised that this jutsu is going to cut off a limb at the very least." He soon retorted.

A small smirk soon enough crept onto the white haired boy's face upon hearing that as secret future plans began to appear in his mind. "Oh~ Believe me Naruto-kun. . .I look forward to it. . ." Kabuto soon confessed with a surprisingly honest yet sinister tone, before his expression returned to his usual mocking one. "Anyways I have to go as well, but. . ." He then started while adjusting his glasses as they shined from the candle lights.

The blond shinobi grinded his teeth as he then took his sword stance. "What!? You think you can just run away!?" Naruto shouted with anger.

"Hardly." Kabuto merely replied as he wasn't offended in the slightest by that. "Though I do have some spare time left, so I'll gladly spend it entertaining you before leaving, if you want that is. . ." He then got out as he stepped into the shadows, vanishing almost immediately.

Upon hearing that, the blond placed his large blade on his shoulder. "Good! Because I haven't repaid you for what you did to Hinata-chan and Satsuki-chan!" Naruto growled out as he began to walk forward.

"Wait!" Hinata called out.

"We'll help!" Satsuki then added.

However as they were about to fully stand, their legs began to shake and then they both fell back to the floor.

"Ugh, I guess we're more drained than we thought after fighting that monster Kabuto brought out." Satsuki got out in a frustrated manner.

"No kidding." Naruto replied in his own frustrated manner. "It's because we were so used to using Kurama's chakra to restore our own, that we pretty much have been taking it for granted. . ." He then added.

Upon hearing, both heiresses gasped as they gained ashamed expressions. "You're right. . .Never even considered that we were overly relying on Kurama. . ." Satsuki admitted while grinning shamefully.

"I think that ever since we gained our pseudo seals, we have been fighting using our chakra more recklessly." Hinata couldn't help but comment as she felt regret by her unconscious actions.

Then the blond shinobi took a deep breath and then exhaled it. "That's why, me who could probably still fight for an entire night, I'm the only one that has any chance of fighting him." Naruto replied, but when he saw that nervousness in the girl's face, he gave them his signature fox grin. "It's ok, I got this." He then reassured the two with total confidence.

To that, Satsuki nodded as she relaxed herself. "Ok, then kick his ass for us Naru-kun." She soon requested.

"But please be careful Naruto-kun, Kabuto is a snake in the literal sense." Hinata reminded in a serious tone.

Naruto merely continued walking but used his free hand to give the two kunoichi's a thumbs up. However his expression was one of pure seriousness as he already knew just how strong his enemy was, and he wasn't going to underestimate him.

"So you do want to fight, huh?" Kabuto's voice echoed through the darkness. "While I'm impressed that you do have a Kiri's famed swordsman blade, do you really think you can beat me with it?" He soon questioned.

On hearing this, Naruto stopped as he turned to look at his blade and memories of his encounter with the bone bloodline user came to mind. ". . ." He said nothing as he let out a sigh, before he placed it down, took his scroll and sealed it back.

From the shadows, an irritable chuckle echoed in amusement. "Oh~? You actually had the sense to use your head instead of your ego." Kabuto meanwhile taunted.

To which annoyed the blond shinobi to no end, but held it in by grinding his teeth a bit. "Shut up. . ." Naruto growled out with great irritation.

This once again made the blond shinobi realize that it wasn't just his jutsu that was lacking, but his kenjutsu style as a whole. While he had some skills using his blade, they were complete and utterly useless when battling against higher level or skillful opponents. After all, the previous user of this famous blade not only could effortlessly use it, but could even fight the likes of Kakashi Hatake on even grounds despite its massive size and weight.

At the thought of the former Swordsman of the Mist, he couldn't help but feel like he's letting him down by not using it correctly. "I shouldn't use it until I can use it better." He mentally vowed to himself.

Then he closed his eyes and took a deep breath to both calm himself and get ready. Once he calmed down a bit he reopened his eyes, pure determination in them and then he made a charge while making his signature hand sign.


Suddenly three kunais came from the darkness and were sent flying straight at the blond with deadly accuracy.

Naruto's eyes widen at the fast approaching projectiles. "Dammit!" He swore as he swiftly dodged out of the way, which he just barely did, then he quickly tried to hide behind a pillar.


However just as he was about to reach the pillar another trio of kunais, which caused the blond to make a hasty stop and narrowly missed hitting him, though they managed to make a few shallow cuts on his face.

Naruto immediately made a side jump to make sure to not only dodge any more kunais, but also to get enough distance, just in case another assault was sent, then when his feet landed on a pillar he made his favorite hand seal. "Shadow Clone Jutsu!" He thought.


Instantly, multiple clones were summoned from both the pillar the original was at and the ones beside him. Without the need to be ordered, the clones all jumped from the pillar and went to attack the hiding medical shinobi.

Each clone either ran or jumped from each pillar and rushed towards the general direction where the kunais had been sent. However just like last time, in sets of three, kunais were systematically being sent and each one of them killed a clone by hitting a vital area, causing them to explode.

Naruto in turn winced at receiving each of the clones final memories and recalling the phantom pains from areas that they had been hit. "Come on guys. . ." He thought to himself as he summoned more clones and hoped that his plan would work.


More and more clones were being dispelled at a rapid pace. The blond knew that as long as Kabuto was hiding, he could not risk attacking head on or he would be secured by kunais like his clones. So he had to use the hidden ability of his signature jutsu, memory transfer. If so much as a single clone could locate the medical shinobi.

To wish was easier said than done as the clones were literally being treated as nothing but cannon fodder and were all dispelling before they could reach the area that the kunais were being sent.

"!?" Then just as one of the clones was about to be impaled, his eyes wide as he saw a flash in one of the pillars.

"There!" Naruto shouted in his mind as he summoned a few more clones and channeled wind chakra into his lungs. "Wind Style! Great Breakthrough!" He thought.


As the clones charged, every single kunai that were sent were blown away by the wind jutsu. Then when close enough, he then made a made dash with kunais in hands towards the pillar the clone saw that flash.

"!?" Now it was Kabuto's turn to widen his eyes at this and was forced to give up his location or be dogpiled by the clones. "He used his clones to locate me and then used a wind jutsu to neutralize the kunais so that clone could attack me!" He said out loud with a panic tone.

"Get'em!" The clones roared at finally had the chance to beat the traitor medical shinobi in numbers.

This turn of events caused the medical shinobi's eyes to widen in shock. "Oh no!" Kabuto got out in fear at the incoming waves of clones.

Then as if in slow motion, each clone began to spread out and around the medical shinobi, making sure there was no space for him to retreat. Then after spreading enough, they all either pulled out a kunai or were cocking back their fists.

Then just as the first clone was about to land his kunai onto the medical shinobi's throat, a sinister grin appeared on his face. "Just kidding~" Kabuto soon revealed with a taunting tone.

Then faster than the clone could react, the medical shinobi caught the extending hand, grabbed the incoming clone's hand stopping him in an instant. Then Kabuto kicked him with a devastating kick, which caused him to be sent into a crashing course to the ones that were behind him.

Using the new space to breath, Kabuto rushed forward and began to systematically destroy every single clone almost effortlessly. Each was either stabbed by a kunai in any vital part of their bodies that had been exposed or more brutally by simply snapping their necks, which caused the original blond to wince at both the memories of each clone being killed in such a manner.

Meanwhile, each time the remaining group of clones that managed to get close enough to land an attack, Kabuto would simply either avoid or use their same numbers to impide the others from attacking or risk hitting them, which he then took full advantage to destroy them afterwards.

The few remaining clones that were either too far or lucky enough to still be alive, instantly realized that it was useless to attack the medical shinobi head on, so the moment they all looked at each other they nodded in an unspoken agreement and jumped backwards while quickly making hand seals. Then as they landed a bit backwards, they all took a deep breath and wind chakra began to course through their lungs.

"Wind Style: Wind Bullets!" The clones declared in unison as they fired a barrage of air bullets.

However Kabuto merely looked on at this with the same obnoxious grin on his face. "Good, realizing that numbers aren't working so changing to a shotgun approach would work better against agile opponents. However. . ." He praised the blond while feeling completely untreated by the incoming attacks while adjusting his glasses.


With a sudden burst of speed, the medical shinobi vanished just as the barrage of bullets were about to hit and either passed or hit the spot he was standing. The clones were momentarily shocked by this and before they could react, the sounds of slashing and the clones dispeling soon followed.

Then just as quickly, the medical shinobi appeared right on the same spot he was last on, almost as if mocking the blond and his clones for being too slow. "That's not going to work either if your opponent is fast enough to dodge all of your attacks." Kabuto concluded with an obnoxious tone.

The blond in response however just growled along with all the remaining clones. "Asshole. . ." Naruto muttered in anger, while inwardly he felt nothing but frustration. "Dammit, this is getting me nowhere!" He meanwhile thought with great irritation.

As much as the blond shinobi hated to admit it, he knew that the medical shinobi was simply better in every single aspect and categories. So any tactics that would normally do, would be useless against him and that made him feel fear. After all he can still feel the phantom pains of how his clones had been killed. And because of such differences in both experience and skill they possessed.

At the realization that he was indeed afraid made Naruto grin nervously. "Funny. . .I would normally just charge in and hope for the best. . ." He thought to himself as he still couldn't believe just how out of character he was acting. "I guess that last fight really affected me, if me off all people, is getting scared to charge through. . ." He added with a hint of depression.

As if feeling the loss of spirit from the blond, Kabuto fixed his glasses. "So? Is that it? Are we done here?" He soon questioned with an indifferent tone, before letting out a sigh. "I guess you can't do much without those girls to back you up or without relying on that Bijū of yours to get you out of trouble." He couldn't help but taunt, but with a clear hint of disappointment. "I'm kind of disappointed, the girls showed much more improvement compared to you." He concluded as he turned around and began to walk away.

". . ." Naruto however remained silent to that as he glared at his enemy.

The lack of the blond's response, only made the medical shinobi feel even more disappointed. "Even with the infamous Executioner's Blade of Kiri, it's wasted in your hands." Kabuto soon insulted as he continued walking away.

It was that last comment that finally got a reaction from the blond as his head jerked for a bit. However instead of feeling annoyed, irritated or enraged, the blond shinobi did the opposite, he actually lowered his guard and placed his hand on the scroll where his blade was sealed.

Then the blond shinobi took a deep breath and let out a long sigh. "Yup. . .Got that right. . ." Naruto soon muttered with a strange sense of calmness in his voice.

On hearing that, the medical shinobi stopped and raised an eyebrow while turning his head. "Oh?" Kabuto then got out in a curious manner to hear that response.

The medical shinobi was actually expecting the blond to lose it or simply decided to actually ask the two kunoichis for assistance. However for the normally hotheaded and knuckle headed blond to actually admit his shortcomings was actually very surprising.

Then Naruto let out an amused chuckle that was more so for himself than the medical shinobi. "Don't get me wrong, I'm glad that they're getting more awesome. But I also don't want to show them an uncool sight of me cowering around." Naruto continued with a large grin on his face. "So. . ." He then began to say and began to walk forward while rolling his neck.

Maybe it was the realization that he wanted to improve or simply that he wanted to prove to himself that he can beat others by himself that finally made his mind to return to his usual self, which meant his crafty mind came up with a crazy and unusual idea only he came up with.

Then Naruto brought his scroll out and spun it around midair before catching. "I'm going to end this with my style dattebayo!" He declared and with one smooth motion, took out his blade once more.


The blade landed just in front of the blond making a loud clunk sound, then after channeling his chakra throughout his body, Naruto grabbed his blade, placed it on his back and finally used his two hands to make his signature seal.


A large plume of smoke was cast around the blond by the creation of so many clones, then after a moment the smoke cleared revealing a solid twenty clones around, beside and above the blond.

Each clone was already holding their own clone version of the Executioner's Blade. Meanwhile the original, who was standing in the same position as before, was still in his seal casting position.

"Really now? More clones, but just with overweight swords into the mix?" Kabuto soon taunted before letting a tired sigh. "And here I thought that you were actually getting serious. Fighting with a sword that you can't even probably use yet agaisn't a superior opponent is nothing but a fatal mistake. . ." He then added while he was secretly feeling disappointed.

The real Naruto however just ignored that taunt as he took a deep breath and narrowed his eyes. "We'll see about that. Because fighting against someone strong makes my life burn bright! Go!" He declared loudly as he ordered his clones to attack.

Some of the clones let out a loud battle cry as they charged with their weapons at the ready to swing, which each one was giving enough space to swing said weapon. However because of the swords size and weight, their charge was a bit slower than it normally would be.

At the painfully expected result of fighting with such a massive weapon, Kabuto could only watch with complete and utter disappointment that nearly reached disgust. "This is pathetic. . .let's just get this over with. . ." He then sighed out as he then rushed forward, wanting not to waste any more time.

The medical shinobi didn't even need a moment before reaching the closest clone, which caused the blond to try and stop but was unable in time. In slow motion, Kabuto's hand slowly began to reach the clone's neck to break it and then move on. However the moment he was about to, he saw the clone having a vicious grin on his face.

"!?" At the sight of such a grin, Kabuto's survival instincts kicked in and used all of his speed to try to jump backwards, but it was already too late.


The clone suddenly exploded in a massive blast which caused the entire area to shake violently. Then the medical shinobi was sent flying at rapid velocity, however he managed to correct his body to land on his feet while skidding backwards. His whole body was covered in massive burns and was missing a few pieces of flesh as well.

Then Kabuto looked at the area where the clone was last seen and saw the massive hole caused by the explosion. "That was the Explosive Clone jutsu! How the hell did he know something only a few shinobis, such as Itachi Uchiha, could have known!?" He thought in shock and disbelief at witnessing this as he winced in pain.

Most of the areas of the medical shinobi's body that were sizzling caused him great pain, however thanks to his regeneration abilities the wounds began to quickly heal himself until it returned to normal.

Suddenly Kabuto's eyes widened as realization came to him."Of course! His massive Chakra reserves would allow him to do it!" He then mentally realized.

However anything the medical shinobi could continue to ponder was instantly interupted as another clone suddenly rushed at him. This caused the medical shinobi for the first time since this fight began to actually feel terror, after all he just barely managed to minimize the last explosion as much as he could, which would leave any normal shinobi already dead or in critical state.

Not willing to risk it, Kabuto pulled out multiple kunais, each being placed inbetween his fingers. Then after making sure that he backpedaled enough to get at a range where he wouldn't be caught in another blast, he began throwing all of the kunais.


The kunais flew with deadly pinpoint accuracy at the closest clones, some managed to use their blades to block them, however most didn't react fast enough, causing them to be stabbed straight in a vital area.


Then the medical shinobi readied himself and braced for impact just in case he was still too close, however he was momentarily left confused when he didn't hear any explosions. Instead he only heard the typical sound a shadow clone would make after being dispelled, causing him to pale. "He hid normal clones in the group!" He mentally realized.

The clones instantly knew that the enemy had realized their plan and quickly spread out to be able to attack from different directions. However unlike last time that it was just hope to get a single hit in, it was so that they would make it as hard as possible to distinguish which was an explosive or a normal shadow clone.

This caused the desired effect as a sweatdrop fell from Kabuto's face showing he was even more cautious than ever before now as he couldn't let even a single clone get too close to him now. He quickly pulled out more kunais and got ready to throw them again.

The clones let out another group shout and dashed once again at the medical shinobi, however this time their speed was a bit higher than before and some were even preparing to actually throw their massive weapon at the enemy.

Kabuto merely avoided them all with near effortless ease, however he never one took his eyes off the incoming clones as he knew that those weapons were the least of his concerns. He then jumped backwards and began throwing another set of kunais at the clones.

And just like before, some kunais struck dead on, destroying the regular clones while the others were blocked by the clones that still had their massive blades. The clones began to channel their chakra and focused them onto their limbs, then using the new space created from their destroyed clone brethren, some of the remaining clones began to span around their blade and then threw them like a shuriken.

Because of the increase of strength, the clones had thrown the blades with even more force than normal, causing them to fly just as fast as a regular shuriken.

"!?" Kabuto was left startled at this display and this time he was forced to make more forceful movements or risk actually losing a limb or two. So he quickly channeled chakra into his legs and jumped high enough to escape.

Then the closest clone that had thrown his blade made a mad dash and went straight at the airborne medical shinobi. But what he didn't notice was that said shinobi had already pulled out another kunai and threw it before the clone could get close enough.


The moment the clone was struck, it exploded with deadly force and because he wasn't close enough to the medical shinobi, the blast didn't cause any harm to him. At the same time, this caused the rest of the clones to stop their charge and backpedal in order to not get caught in the blast.

However the moment Kabuto landed back on the floor, his eyes flashed as he realized something. "Now I get it. . .the ones that block the kunais are the explosive clones and the ones that don't are regular shadow clones." He muttered as confidence was returning to him. "Clever. . .But not clever enough, Naruto-kun. . ." He then stated.

". . ." The clones said nothing as they merely looked at the medical shinobi before they charged once more.

The medical shinobi then adjusted his glasses once more as a smirk graced his face. Then after pulling another set of kunais in between his fingers, he also charged forward. The moment he did he threw it to specific clones that he had no doubt would be normal shadow clones. This was so that once they were dispelled he would have a clear path.


And just as Kabuto predicted, each time the kunai hit the target clone, it would explode and thanks to his speed, the rest of the clones were too slow to try and follow or detonate fast enough. Some clones that were farthest away had thrown their blades and tried to hit him, but merely missed.

This occurred in just a few moments as he finally reached the last clone that was the nearest to the original. The moment he was about to reach the clone he had already run out of kunais to throw, but he knew that it was a normal one as it had already thrown his blade.

The clone had an expression that was mixed with irritation and fear as he knew he couldn't stop the medical shinobi by himself. He turned to look at his creator and saw that he too had the same expression as himself. So as a last ditch effort, he crossed his arms and tried to become a poor excuse for a meat shield, just so that the original could have time to get ready.

On seeing this, Kabuto let out an indifferent scoff as he got ready to end the clone. "And this ends this little game." Kabuto calmly and confidently proclaimed.

Time seemed to slow down as the medical shinobi inch closer and closer to the clone, while said clone's expression continued to look more concerned by the second, almost as he knew that it was already over.

This caused Kabuto's smirk slowly widened inch by inch as well and then. . .his face turned blank when he saw the clone face took one eighty and smirked viciously. "Fool ya~" The clone got out in a sing-song manner.

This in turn caused the medical shinobi to pale at hearing this. "Oh no. . ." Kabuto whispered in terror as he instantly realized what was about to happen, but before he could do anything. .


The clone exploded in a violent manner, revealing that it was in fact an explosive clone all along. Everything that the clones did, from the first clone exploding, making them attack with a mix of both normal and exploding clones. Thus showing that only the ones that threw their blades were normal clones, while the ones that defended themselves were the exploding ones. It was all but a setup to make Kabuto lower his guard against this one single clone.

Kabuto was immediately sent flying backwards as parts of his body were once again singed with burns. However unlike last time, he made sure to instantly activate his regeneration abilities to quickly heal the damage, but the remaining clones didn't stand by as they all charged at the helpless medical shinobi and. . .


One after the other, the clones began to explode at near point blank range, causing not only for the medical shinobi to receive even more damage, but to also be sent flying at another exploding clone. Which caused a chain reaction of explosion and sent flying until the last clone exploded.

Then after the last explosion, the medical shinobi crashed onto the ground as he slowly began to stand up and even with all that damage, his wounds were almost healed, showing ones again just how ridiculous his regeneration was. However, just as he was about to finally stand up. . .


The real Naruto soon appeared right in front of the medical shinobi while already charging up his father's signature jutsu. However instead of placing it in a position of thrusting it forward, he was holding it as he was holding a bowling ball.

"Rising Rasengan!" Naruto shouted as he did a large downward swing, he slammed his jutsu into the medical shinobi's chest and just like its name implies the attack caused his opponent to be sent upwards instead of backwards like it normally would.


Kabuto soared upwards and crashed into the ceiling of the room. But just like when the three Sannin had clashed, he was already healing the damage just as quickly as he was being hit, so when he was sent upwards he only took a fraction of the damage he would have normally received.

However the blond shinobi knew by now that the medical shinobi wasn't going to go down that easy, so after his jutsu had ended he quickly did his signature and summoned even more clones. But this time they weren't as many as before, they were at least ten clones and weren't explosive ones as he could feel his chakra running a bit low. Each of the new clones were on a pillar while holding their massive blades.

As Kabuto slowly continued to fall, when he opened his eyes and saw all the clones he felt extreme terror and tried to move out of the way, however because his body was still trying to recover from the earlier damage so he was unable to move for a few moments.

And that was what the blond shinobi wanted. . .

Naruto also quickly took out his blade as he and his clones began to channel every part of their bodies with chakra to increase their overall power. "GOOOOOOOO!" He ordered not only his clones but also himself.


The clones also let out a massive roar as they all rushed from their pillars with enough force that left massive craters in the aftermath. Then each of them began to bombard the falling medical shinobi with powerful swings from their massive blades. Each hit caused a concideral and devastating damage to his body.

Though finally able to move his arms, Kabuto could do nothing but use his arms to block and receive the deadly barrage of attacks and could only focus all of his attention and chakra into healing the wounds or risk getting his limb chopped out.


After their first charge, the clones reached another pillar, retook their positions and blasted off it and continued their assault. "Don't stop!" The clones frantically roared in their minds as they knew if they stopped for even a single instant, then the medical shinobi would completely heal himself and the original Naruto would no doubt lose this battle.

All the while the original blond was channeling even more chakra to his body, though he knew he could feel stronger, at the same time he was feeling great pain as he was reaching his limits. "Come on. . .Come on. . ." Naruto thought to himself as he continued channeling his chakra.

The young shinobi knew that this was his last chance if he screwed up here, it would be all over as the medical shinobi would no longer fall for the same trick, so no matter how much it was hurting to overexert himself, he needed to end this fight now.


By this point Kabuto had finally recovered enough to be able to move his body again, despite continually being slashed. Regardless, the relentless assault from the blond shinobi was just too much for him that all he could do was continue blocking the attack and hope that he would find an opportunity to escape this situation.

Naruto knew he was running out of time, but he couldn't attack yet as he knew that his current level of skill wouldn't help him. "Not yet. . ." He thought to himself with great pain as he recklessly continued channeling even more chakra across his body that his nose was beginning to bleed from overuse, untill. . .


After finally reaching his limit, Naruto's entire body was shrouded into something that looked like a blue variation of his Bijū Cloak form while the silhouette of a demon fox could be seen behind him. "NOW!" He shouted inside of his mind.


The blond shinobi let out a massive roar and jumped off the floor, creating a massive crater in his wake. Then as he soared through the air, he placed his huge blade into position and joined his clone in the assault.


However because of the excess surge of power, Naruto not only completely surpassed his clones in both speed and ferocity. His strength was now so high that not only the clones, but the pillars he was hopping on were also being destroyed as well.

Kabuto, who by this point had his limbs in complete shambles and they were only held together thanks to his regeneration ability, could do nothing as he was literally suspended in midair by the devastating assault from the blond and couldn't even think,let alone do anything to stop the blond.

Then after rushing a few more times and completely destroying all of the nearby pillars, Naruto rushed back to the ground, jumped upwards once more, which created another massive crater, and delivered a powerful upper slash, causing the medical shinobi to shift upwards as his arms away from his body upwards.

The blond shinobi then quickly readjusted his blade and held it just above his head. Then he channeled all of his remaining chakra into both his limbs and delivered a devastating downward swing. Which landed on the medical shinobi's shoulder and caused more concussion damage then slashing damage, then he was sent flying dowards with an insane velocity.


The white haired shinobi not only crashed to the floor, which created a massive crater. But that didn't stop there as he also continued sliding off it which caused him to crash and destroy every single pillar that was in his path, completely obliterating them as a result until he crashed on the wall on the other side of the room.

Then after the blond shinobi landed back on the ground, the shroud vanished, ending this temporary empowered state. However the next moment he fell to his knees and caused him to pant heavily. "Yes. . .!" Naruto cheered to himself in an exhausted manner and although he was still feeling his body being torn up, he still had a large satisfied grin on his face.

Meanwhile, although completely battled and having multiple broken bones that his regeneration couldn't keep up with all the accumulated damage, Kabuto slowly leaned back onto the massive crater on the wall, a small yet sinister smile formed in his face. "Not bad, Naruto-kun. . .Not bad at all. . ." He praised, be it strained in his voice.

Upon hearing that, Naruto was left surprised as it was clear by the medical shinobi's tone that he actually meant those words, why he said those words in such a tone.

Before the blond shinobi could ask him, the medical shinobi head suddenly jerked for a moment and then dropped as if he had lost consciousness. However he wasn't planning on lowering his guard as he felt his instincts kicking in and kept himself prepared just in case. After all nothing is more dangerous than a down shinobi.

"Naruto-kun/Naru-kun!" Two female voices called out and then kneeled next to the blond when they reached him.

This meanwhile at seeing their reactions caused the blond to chuckle in amusement. "Hey girls. . ." Naruto weakly greeted the two concerned kunoichis, to show that he was alright with a thumbs up.

Then the bluenette made a quick scan on the blond's body with her Byakugan. She then let out a sigh of relief. "With the obvious signs of some minor chakra exhaustion, you're physically alright." Hinata stated with immense relief.

Upon hearing that, the ravenette also left out a sigh of relief and then grinned widely. "Naruto-kun that was amazing! You actually managed to beat Kabuto all by yourself!" Satsuki soon praised in excitement. "Me and Nata-chan didn't have a single chance when we fought that prick together!" She then admitted in slight annoyance with a childish pout on her face.

The blond could only let out a weak chuckle at hearing that. "I guess. . ." Naruto weakly replied and then let out a weak sigh. "But we all know I'm just damn lucky that I managed to outwit him in the end. . ." He then confessed in a sheepish manner as he knew he wouldn't have managed to win against the medical shinobi in a fair battle..

The bluenette couldn't help but giggle at that. "Maybe so. . .But isn't that what a shinobi is about?" Hinata soon asked.

The Uchiha in response nodded to the question. "Yeah! Bet Kakashi-sensei would be proud of you when he hears about this." Satsuki soon pointed out with a Uzumaki like grin on her face.

Naruto smiled as he turned to look at his blade and smiled with a hint of sadness. "Yeah. . .I just was tired of not using my partner correctly. And. . .I wanted to make Zabuza proud and that he wouldn't regret giving his blade." He then informed in a solemn tone.

The two kunoichi's finally understood where the blond was coming from and smiled at him. "Well. . .we know that you'll be able to beat him next time with skill alone!" Satsuki soon reassured.

"Yes, because like us, Zabuza saw that you are worthy of being his successor." Hinata meanwhile informed him.

Then the ravenette began to swing her arm like the blond did. "Not to mention that last attack was epic! And also that cloak thing you did was awesome!" Satsuki then praised him while having a large grin on her face.

"What was that by the way? For a moment I thought you had used Kurama's chakra." Hinata soon stated in a curious manner.

"Honestly, I have no idea." Naruto awkwardly replied while scratching the back of his head. "I mean at that point, I couldn't let that fight drag on any longer and since I couldn't rely on Kurama's chakra to back me up. I just decided to enhance my body with chakra like normal, but I just did it to the limit. " He then explained, though still unsure about it as a wave of pain. "But it takes too long and hurts like hell too. . ." He added.

"Still, it was awesome either way Naru-kun!" Satsuki praised once more with a grin.

Hinata meanwhile nodded in agreement to this. "It was impressive to say the least Naruto-kun." She admitted. "And I'm sure you'll be able to use it with enough practice." She soon encouraged me.

"Thanks girls. . ." Naruto replied with a grin as the two helped him to his feet and looked at the defeated white haired shinobi. "Well anyways, if he is here, then Orochimaru is here too. Which means Haruno is here too." He stated as he slowly began walking towards Kabuto.

"Yes, we saw Orochimaru before as well before he vanished." Hinata soon revealed.

"Well we are going to find Haruno, now's our chance." Satsuki replied.

Even though he was defeated and completely helpless, Kabuto merely smirked at the approaching Konoha shinobis. Then the blond shinobi's eyes widened as he suddenly stopped walking.

"Eh? Naru-kun?" Satsuki got out in concern.

"What's wrong?" Hinata soon asked.

"Wh-What the hell? I can't move!" Naruto struggled in confusion.

It was at that moment that Kabuto began to chuckle sinisterly. "Have a good look at yourself." He then got out.

Upon hearing those words, Naruto managed to look down at himself as his entire body was wrapped in a web of chakra. "Wh-What is this!?" He got out in confusion

The medical shinobi found enjoyment in the baffled expression on the blond's face. "Those are Chakra Threads." Kabuto answered with a sinister tone.

Naruto grinded his teeth as he was still struggling to move. "Thanks for stating the obvious. . .even I can see that they look like threads. . ." Naruto retorted with a false sense of bravado as he was very startled by the threads all over his body.

Then the bluenette turned and gave a fierce glare at the down shinobi. "What did you do!?" Hinata soon questioned with anger and concern for the blond.

At first Kabuto was silent for a moment before looking at the blond. "I won't deny that you beat me splendidly back then. . ." He began to say as he genuinely admitted he was defeated. "But while you were about to land the final blow. I wrapped the thread around you as I was sent crashing." He then revealed.

"Get to the point you bastard!" Satsuki soon growled out.

"Take a good look at where that thread is connected." Kabuto vaguely instructed.

This got the trio's attention as they followed the threads, then the moment they reached the end they were shocked at where they were connected.

"I-It can't be, the threads are-" Hinata started.

"That's right. Those Chakra Threads are. . ." Kabuto began to say, interrupting the Hyuga with a vile grin on his face as he weakly lifted his left arm and touched his chest. "Connected to my heart's Chakra Network." He soon revealed.

This in turn caused the trio's eyes to widen and their faces to go pale at learning this as a sense of deep dread and foreboding feeling began to fill their minds.

"And Naruto-kun, the thread that's wrapped around you is connected through my Chakra Network to your organs and to your heart." Kabuto soon revealed with a very clear insinuation on the parts that were connected.

"T-That shouldn't be. . ." Hinata started before activating her Byakugan, only to pale at what she saw that as the medical shinobi had said, the threads were indeed connecting both of their chakra Networks together. "Oh Kami. . ." She muttered in a fear filled manner.

This caused the ravenette's eyes to widen as she got an idea of what this meant. "Nata-chan, don't tell me!?" Satsuki mentally exclaimed in disbelief, only to pale herself when she saw her fellow fiancée give a small nod.

Thump. . .Thump. . .Thump. . .

"See? Can you hear that?" Kabuto asked the trio with a sinister tone. "My heart and your heart will eventually become connected as one!" He soon declared.

"Like hell I'll just do nothing about it!" Naruto and Satsuki shouted in near perfect synchronization as they used their hands to try to pull and snap the thread.

However it was useless as the thread didn't budge an inch."W-What the hell!? Break already dattebakon!" Satsuki exclaimed in a panic.

Though the blunette didn't move in a rush, she also walked towards the two while her face was showing clear signs of panicking. "Naruto-kun. . .Satsuki-chan. . .You can't cut them like that. . ." Hinata soon informed the two. It was times like these that the Hyuga hated her intelligence as she knew why this was happening.

"That's right. . .that thread is formulated and spun with Chakra and it will absolutely not break." Kabuto soon stated with a mad grin on his face.

Thump. . .Thump. . .Thump. . .

Little by little the sounds of the two shinobi's heartbeats began to sound similar and similar until the group couldn't distinguish one from the other. Then after the last beat, both heartbeats were now beating in perfect synchronization.

"Now, our hearts are completely synchronized. . ." Kabuto soon declared as he was waiting for this moment. "The Chakra which passes through this thread via the Chakra Network from my heart is controlling your heart, you see." He then explained.

At that, Naruto tried to move his body, however this time he was completely unable to move a single inch as his body is now fully synchronized with Kabuto's. "Shit! It's no use, even though it's my own body. . ." He mentally informed the girls with a clear panic in his tone, which caused them to begin to panic just as much.

"If my heart beats faster, your heart will get faster too. . ." Kabuto suddenly began. "And when my heart stops beating. . .you will die too!" He soon declared with insanity in his voice.

And the very thing that the trio had dreaded came to realization as their entire being when into full panic.

"Why do this? You'll die too!" Satsuki soon questioned, reminding him of what would happen and just how insane this was.

However the medical shinobi didn't show even slight concern by that in the slightest. "That's right. But that doesn't mean much." Kabuto answered with a calm yet demanted tone. "Since I've already promised my life to Orochimaru-sama. . ." He then declared.

Then the medical shinobi slowly began to press his hand deeper into his chest. When he did so the areas where his fingers were pressing his chest began to glow with an eerie purple caused him to feel intense pain, but regardless he continued until his hand literally plunged into his chest.

The trio's expressions turn to one of absolute shock and horror at the sight of the still beating heart. "What the fuck!?" Satsuki exclaimed in shock and disgust at the sight.

"O-Oh kami. . ." Hinata got out with an even paler face.

"Wh-What the hell are you gonna do!?" Naruto grunted out.

Kabuto merely looked at the blond with an expression that was half insane and of one that was about to die. "If I crush this heart. . ." He began to say as he smirked in a sinister manner. "You'll die too!" He soon declared.

". . ." Naruto could say nothing as he was so scared out of his mind that he couldn't even process what was happening.

The bluenette's eyes were slightly frantically twitching from the pure terror she was feeling. "You're insane." Hinata soon got out with a horrified tone.

However this did little to move or to even care towards the medical shinobi. "Now, together we will. . ." Kabuto continued as he lightly squeezed his heart.

"Argh!" Naruto got out in agony as he felt his own heart being crushed.

"Naruto-kun/Naru-kun!" The heiresses explained in fear filled unison.

"How does it feel to have your very heart seized?" Kabuto began to ask with a vile delight at seeing the blond's pain. "But it's alright. . .You'll be out of your misery right away!" He soon declared with insanity.

Then the blond shinobi spit out a small amount of blood from his mouth. "Argh!" Naruto got out in agony.

Satsuki's face soon became one of fury as she quickly took out her blade and took her battle stance.

However that did little to nothing to affect the dying shinobi as he lazily looked at the ravenette.. "Did you just forget? If you kill me now, Naruto will die too." Kabuto however reminded her.

"Shut it asshole!" Satsuki angrily replied as she then held her blade with a more steady position. "I'm not going for you!" She soon declared.

The female Uchiha began to concentrate her chakra and channeled it to her blade. After a moment, the blade was now coated by a thin layer of chakra to enhance its cutting power. Then with one quick and swift motion she slash the thread, however instead of cutting it, the blade actually bounces off them.

"WHA!?" Satsuki soon exclaimed in shock and confusion to the sight. "The hell!?" She then got out.

As if waiting for this moment, Kabuto let out a weak yet mocking chuckle. "It's no use. It's impossible to cut thread formulated and made from chakra. It doesn't matter if you use chakra to enhance your blade, you'll still never be able to cut it." He soon explained.

However the two kunoichi's still refused to give up as the ravenette used her chakra to enhance her arms, while the bluenette began to channel her chakra through her palms. Then both girls soon tried to tear the threads or stab a weak point to pierce the threads.

"Again, it's useless, the threads have absolutely no weak spots, so Juken won't be able to pierce it and even if you had Tsunade-sama's great strength, you'd still wouldn't be able to break it." Kabuto once more declared.

This reveal soon caused both girls to feel a great amount of despair as they weakly let go of the threads while their bodies shivered in fear. While their bodies still refuse to give up, their minds were drawing blanks of what they could do in this hopeless situation.

"Satsuki-chand. . .Hinata-chan. . ." Naruto struggled out and gained the two girl's attention. "It's ok. . .I absolutely won't lose!" He soon declared. "Because I won't die when I still haven't reached my dream!" He then reminded the two.

By this point the dying medical shinobi had enough as his face showed annoyance at the blond's attitude towards his impending doom. "Your bravado ends there." Kabuto quipped out with an annoyed tone, before he smiled sinisterly. "Now, shall we die together?" He asked while he slowly began crushing his heart.

And once again, Naruto let out a painful cry as he felt his own heart slowly being crushed as well.

Meanwhile in Konoha. . .

After the spar between the members of Viper squad, Anko decided to let the two kunoichi's the rest of the day off. Not only because she was concerned for the youngest member of her team, but also because she also wanted to spend time with her injured lover.

The purple haired woman was currently in the shower as the disguised Bijū was resting on the bed.

"!?" Suddenly, Kurama's eyes widened as he straightened up. "What the-!?" He muttered in pain as he clenched his chest and felt an intense pain from his heart.

At that moment, the door opened as steam came roaring out. "Something wrong Kurama?" Anko asked as she came into the room, only wrapped in a towel.

Through the pain, the Bijū began to focus and quickly realized what was happening. "Dammit! Something's happening to Naruto!" Kurama growled through his pain

This immediately caused the older kunoichi to go into full alert mode. "Wait, what!?" Anko got out in confusion. "What's wrong with the gaki?" She then asked in concern as she dropped her towel and rushed to his side.

The Bijū grinded his teeth and weakly turned towards the kunoichi. "Naruto's my Jinchūriki! Anything that could end his life, I will also feel it!" Kurama revealed with a painfilled manner.

"WHAT!? ARE YOU SERIOUS!?" Anko got out as she placed her arms on the bed and then slightly crawled closer towards the Bijū. "Wh-WHAT DO WE DO!?" She soon asked.

The Bijū in response sighed as he knew that if he doesn't do anything now it will end in both of them dying. "No choice. . ." Kurama muttered as he closed his eyes and began to concentrate.

"What are you doing?" Anko asked in concern at both the situation and her lover's actions.

Through the pain, Kurama gave a weak yet fierce grin at the question. "Something increadibly stupid that would make that idiot of mine feel proud. . ." He replied as he couldn't help but found it ironic, that he of all people would do something he always complains his host is always doing.

It was then the human disguised Biju began to slowly channel his chakra. At first it looked weak and blurry as it began to encase his body. After a few moments it then regained some of its normal orange color.

"Argh!" Kurama got out as he continued channeling his chakra. It was causing him to feel intense pain as his body was still very unstable from before. However he merely grinded his teeth and continued despite the pain.

Anko could do nothing but watch this as she knew she was unable to do anything. However she refused to do nothing, so hold on to her lover. "Make sure that idiot gaki comes back so that I can give him a talk for getting himself in such a stupid situation. . .again." She muttered in a low but firm tone as she knew it was all she could do and give him moral support.

At first he didn't vocally reply, the Bijū was thankful for that. "Get in line. . ." Was all Kurama remarked while grinding his teeth, before he returned concentrating on his chakra. "Dammit, don't you die on me. . .Naruto. . ." Kurama mentally got out in annoyance and concern for his host as he wrapped his arms around his naked lover, soon feeling her breasts against his chest.

At the underground base. . .

At the same time as the Bijū felt the pain of his heart being crushed, the threads that connected both shionbi's were slowly glowing a pale green color as it began to flow towards the threads that bind the blond shinobi.

"Argh!" This caused intense pain for both of them and began shouting in agony.

"Naruto-kun/Naru-kun!" The girls exclaimed in panicked unison.

Fwoosh. . .

Suddenly a small and pale orange chakra began to erupt from the blonds stomach and slowly cover Naruto's body, until it reached the threads. "!?" It was at that moment that he was left confused as he stopped feeling any further pain.

Meanwhile the medical shinobi on the other hand was still feeling the pain and was left shocked by this turn of events. "What!?" Kabuto got out in shock as he tried to squeeze his heart again, which caused him great pain, but the blond shinobi appeared to not be feeling it. "T-That's not possible! The threads should be linking our chakra systems!" He then declared in disbelief to this occurrence.

Then the medical shinobi began to send more of the green chakra through the threads as he attempted to make sure that they were still connected. However just as the chakra was about to reach the blond, he finally noticed the pale orange chakra as it was slowly turning more visible. Then it began to flow towards the threads as if it was blocking his own chakra's path.

"Wh-What's that orange chakra!?" Kabuto thought to himself in pure confusion and shock as he had no clue what was going on.

"What the!?" The girls got out, startled by the sudden occurrence, however they still felt great relief that the blond wasn't suffering at the moment.

While everyone around him was left confused and shocked by this turn of events, it was only Naruto that somehow knew what or more precisely who was doing this. "K-Kurama. . .?" He mentally asked himself.

It was then that the two kunoichi's finally noticed the orange chakra covering both the blond and the threads and finally realized who it was as well. "Whew, that's a relief." Both girls mentally got out and couldn't help but smile in relief.

However it was at that moment that everyone present saw that the pale orange chakra was wainig and the green chakra was pushing it back. This caused both parties to reverse their emotions as Kabuto now knew that whatever the blond was doing to hold his chakra back was ending and once it did, it would end as he planned.


However, before the orange chakra could have disappeared, the sound of someone rushing through the pillars was heated. Then the person quickly took out a kunai, wrapped a tag on the handle, this caused it to glow in a yellow chakra. "HAAAAAAAAAAAA!" A female voice cried out.

Everyone managed to look up in time to see that it was none other than the orange haired kunoichi Sasame heading straight at the threads. Then with one swift motion she instantly sliced the threads in half.


Then a current of electricity came between the sliced chakra threads and were sent at both male shinobis. Once the current reached them it caused a strong current to course through their bodies, which sent the blond shinobi flying backwards.

"Naruto-kun/Naru-kun!" Both girls called with concern as they rushed towards the blond "Are you alright!?"

The fallen blon shinobi's face cringes in pain. "Ow. . ." He got out as he finally opened his eyes. "That hurt. . .a lot. . ." He couldn't help but comment as he sat up straight.

At the sight of Naruto being alright, the two kunoichi's faces turn to pure joy. "Naruto-kun/Naru-kun!" The both girls let out a shout of joy and gave him a bone crushing hug.

No sooner after that did the blond shinobi's face turn into one of pure agony. "OW! I'm happy too! But ease up with the hug will ya!?" Naruto struggled out while patting the two to let ease up on the hugging.

This in turn caused both girls to release their loved one and blush. "S-Sorry!" They stammered out in perfect unison while poking their finger tips together.

Naruto merely gave them a painfilled grin. "I-It's alright girls." He winced out while rubbing his arms.

Then toad and snake summons hopped and slittered until stopping besides the oranged haired kunoichi. "Come on man! Do you ever not need someone to help you out of a jam?" Gamakichi complained with an annoyed tone.

"I am just relieved that Naruto-san is alright." Aoda admitted in relief as he gave his fellow summon creature a deadpan stare. "Shouldn't you also be?" He then asked.

The toad summon only scoft at that, but by the telltale signs of a small blush in his cheeks, showed that he was in fact glad. This in turn, caused the snake summon to slightly smirk as he knew he was right.

Sasame meanwhile merely looked on while giggling with both amusement and happiness at the blond being alright.

After calming down and hearing the sound of the orangette's giggling, both of the Konoha kunoichis turned towards her. "Sasame-chan, what are you doing here?" Satsuki soon asked with a surprised and confused tone.

"Eh!? Well, it's. . ." Sasame started in a sheepish manner.

"I was saved by Sasame-chan, you know." Naruto soon revealed.

"Me too." Gamakichi got out with a grin.

The snake summon agreed to that with a nod. "Assssss wasssss I." Aoda admitted with a grateful tone .

"What do you mean by that?" Hinata however asked in confusion.

"Well, back when I was trapped in that pit trap earlier. Part of the walls broke and gallons of water and started filling the hole with us three in it." Naruto soon explained.

"Assss we finally reached the top of the trap door, Naruto-sssssan tried to force it open." Aoda continued explaining.

"But as you would expect from a scrawny kid, he didn't have the muscles for that." Gamakichi then quipped out.

"OI!"" Naruto got out in annoyance, before he turned to look at that orangette. "Anyways, thankfully Sasame-chan had reached the same spot we were at." He then informed the girls after calming himself down.

"While I was told by Jiraiya-sama to get to get to where Hanzaki was." Sasame began. "But I was so concerned about Arashi so I came. . ." She then confessed.

"It wasss thankssss thankssss to that we managed to essssscape in time." Aoda concluded with a grateful tone.

"Not before the trap door suddenly opened, slammed Naruto's head and knocked him out. . ." Gamakichi then got out with a witty grin on his face.

"OI!" Naruto roared with pure indignation and even more annoyance.

Then the two kunoichi's couldn't help but imagine the sight of the trap door suddenly opening and then slamming onto the blond's head. This caused the two to burst out in a roaring giggles as they could picture the huge bump on his head. Meanwhile the orangette was blushing in embarrassment for causing such a situation.

After calming down, the bluenette then recalled something. "By the way, Sasame-chan." Hinata soon began as they looked at the orangette. "How did you manage to cut the threads?" She then asked with a curious tone.

Upon hearing that, the ravenette also turns to face the orangette. "Oh yeah! How did you do it? I even used my sword with chakra to enhance it and I still couldn't cut it." Satuski then added with both wonder and amazement that her fellow kunoichi could.

For a moment, Sasame remained silent as she gained a sadden expression. "It was because of this tag. . ." She replied as she turned to look at the fallen medical shinobi. "Because the Chakra Thread is a secret jutsu within the secrets of the Fūma shinobi jutsu. . ." She then explained.

"Wait what!?" Both Naruto and Satsuki got out in shock and confusion at hearing that.

"Wait, if that was a Fūma Clan exclusive jutsu," Hinata started as she looked at their downed enemy. "Then how is it that Kabuto knew it?" She then questioned before her eyes widened as she looked at the downed enemy. "Unless. . ." She muttered as she got closer to him.

Crack. . .

Then the bluenette noticed that parts of Kabuto's face began cracking and falling to pieces. This caused her to frown as she carefully walked towards him. After she made sure he was really out, she reached for his face and literally pulled it off, revealing a completely different face.

"Holy shit!" Naruto shouted in shock at the sight.

"I see. . ." Hiinata muttered as she looked at and nodded in confirmation. "A mask. This isn't Kabuto." She soon informed in a serious tone.

"What!? If that's true, then who the hell is this!?" Satsuki asked as she watched her fellow heiress rip off the mask.

Naruto's eyes then widened when he finally recognized the face. "It's her! The girl from before!" He stated with narrowed eyes.

Exactly as the blond had stated, the person in front of them was the same kunoichi they had faced earlier. However she now looked as if she was but a step away from death.

"Kagerō-sama. . ." Sasame muttered, saddened to see someone she knew in the state they were in. "She's a Fūma Jonin." She soon informed.

"Wait! But that doesn't make sense!" Naruto suddenly stated. "The guy I just fought didn't just look like Kabuto, he knew things that only the real Kabuto would know!" He then declared.

"Yeah! When we fought him too he also fought like the real one! With that medical regeneration skill and all!" Satsuki then got out in confusion.

A painful expression soon adored the orangette's face upon hearing that. "It was another Fūma Clan jutsu. . ." Sasame soon began to explain. "It's where a Fūma Shinobi can be controlled as if they were living puppets and even talked through them as if they were there." She soon revealed.

"WHAT!? The trio exclaimed in shocked unison.

"Not only that. . ." Sasame continued with her eyes looking at the fallen kunoichi. "The shinobi will forcibly change their own bodies to make it so that, with the exception of Kekkei Genkai base jutsus, they may be able to use any jutsus that the one controlling them could use." She tried to say but stopped for a moment. "However it was a forbidden jutsu as it will lead to the shinobi dying from the side effects. . ." She concluded with a broken heart.

The trio couldn't stop a disgust from erupting from the very bottom of their souls as the very concept of this jutsu made them feel sick to their stomach.

Elsewhere in the base. . .

Kabuto's eyes suddenly opened with a gasp as he finally regained his consciousness as an amused grin appeared on his face. "Not bad indeed, Naruto-kun. . ." He continued from what he had said through when he was the Fūma Jonin.

The medical shinobi then slowly stood up and then felt a bit lightheaded, which soon followed by phantom pains from all the attacks he had experienced as the Fūma Join. While this normally would be an annoyance for him, he still couldn't stop grinning.

Then after a few moments the medical shinobi's body and senses returned to normal. "While you still have much to grow, I must say Naruto-kun, you passed my little test with flying colors and exceeding my own expectations of you." Kabuto stated with a satisfied tone as he began to walk towards the nearby exit.

Then the medical shinobi couldn't stop his hand from trembling a bit as his future plans slowly began to unfold right before his eyes. This made him let out a sinister and twisted chuckle to escape his lips.

"I get the feeling that's going to be the last time we meet in a long time, so do make sure you improve even more when next time we meet. . .you better not disappoint me." Kabuto concluded while adjusting his glasses as a sinister smirk appeared on his face.

"Now know that. . ." Naruto began to say as he looked at the fallen kunoichi. "Now it does make sense, I mean he was acting like a completely different person after I beat him and was even willing to die with me." He added as he felt conflicted at how the kunoichi was willing to go that far to defeat him.

"Yeah. . .I mean he always was a follower to Orochimaru, but back then he almost acted like one of those demented occult followers." Satsuki agreed in a serious tone, before her eyes widened at realizing who had heard that as she turned to face the orangette.

". . ." Sasame couldn't even utter a word at first as she couldn't. "Kagerō-sama. . ." She then couldn't help but muttered out loud.

Maybe it was someone saying her name or perhaps it was that she recognized the voice. The Fūma Jonin finally managed to regain consciousness as she weakly raised her head.

"Sasame. . ." Kagerō weakly called out as she smiled at the owner of the voice. "I was resurrected by Orochimaru-sama. . ." She soon revealed in deluded delight.

Whether it was what the older woman had said or how she said it, this caused the blond shinobi to be infuriated. "What the hell are you talking about!? You were tricked by Orochimaru!" Naruto countered, angered to hearing this.

"And where is Arashi!? Sasame's cousin!" Satsuki then questioned.

"Orochimaru-sama. . .is going to raise our Fūma clan. . ." "to the center stage of shinobi again."

"You're still talking about that!?" "At least tell Sasame-chan the truth!"

Something in the blond's words finally caused the older Fūma kunoichi to finally regain some of her consciousness. Then she weakly looked towards the downhearted orangette and her own face began to mimic the same feeling. After a moment she turned to look at her left, causing the rest of the younger shinobis to turn towards that direction.

It was there that they all saw a large stone doorway. "So it's there! He's in there!" Naruto declared as they finally found where the orangette's cousin was located.

Then the dying Fuma kunoichi weakly looked downwards and had a sadden expression. "Sasame and Arashi. . .You two were so close. . ." Kagerō couldn't help but comment.


Suddenly the older kunoichi's heart, which was still in the palm of her hand, violently thumped, this caused her to feel an intense pain. Which caused the younger Fūma kunoichi to silently gasp in concern, after all it didn't matter the circumstances, she still knew the older kunoichi and once had great respect for her.

"Then it'd be better if you didn't see him." Kagerō managed to finish her sentence with a saddened tone.

Thump! Thump! Thumb. . . Thump. . .

And then little by little the sound of the older kunoichi slowly began to weaken as it slowed down until finally. . .it stopped. Then the kunoichi closed her eyes, never to reopen them again.

There was a long moment of silence in the room, most likely as a way for the younger generation to give the kunoichi at the very least a send off. Even if it wasn't much it was all they could do.

After giving the moment of silence the orangette raised her face and looked at the deceased fellow Fuma kunoichi, a sadden look. "Kagerō-sama. . ." Sasame mumbled in sadness to the sight of this happening.

Hinata could only hold onto the disheartening orangette with a hug, as she knew just how painful it was to lose someone that was essentially part of her family.

"Orochimaru. . .that fucker's gonna pay for this. . ." Satsuki growled out in anger.

Although feeling the same as the ravenette, surprisingly it was Naruto that remained the most composed of the group. Then he turned towards the orangette. "What do you want to do, Sasame-chan?" He asked with a serious expression on his face.

"Do you want to wait here?" Hinata soon offered.

At first, the orangette remained silent as she was still processing the older kunoichi's death. However at the thought of her finally able to reach her cousin after so long, it gave her some courage. "I will see him! No matter what's in store for me! I came all the way here to see Arashi-nichan!"

This caused the other kunoichis to smile happily at the sight of the orangette regaining her spirit and her determination.

Meanwhile, as if waiting for that response, Naruto couldn't help but smile proudly at that. "Yeah! That's what I like to hear!"

"Yeah! You've got got guts!" Gamakichi praised while crossing his frog front feet in front of his chest.

"SSSShe doessssss have a ssssstrong will." Aoda couldn't help but also praise the kunoichi.

With a large and confident grin on his face, Naruto gave a thumbs up. "All right! Let's go together!" He declared with

The three kunoichi nodded in agreement. "Yeah!" They replied in unison.

And with that, as one the group headed towards the doorway, determined to find the lost Fūma shinobi.

Back at Konoha. . .

The human shaped Bijū was still in his meditating stance as he chakra was still fluxing while the purpled haired kunoichi was anxiously waiting for him to succeed in whatever he was doing.

Then after a few moments, Kurama's chakra stopped circulating as he reopened his eyes. "Ugh. . ." He groaned out in an exhausted manner as he nearly fell down.

Thankfully, Anko was fast enough and catched him as he's head landed onto her chest. "Kurama!" She got out with concern.

"Still alive. . ." Kurama mumbled. "Which means so is the gaki. . ." He then informed.

As if all the dread and terror had been washed away, Anko let out a long sigh of relief. "Good. . .Because I'm going to kill him." She muttered in a dead serious tone.

Kurama in response chuckled at that declaration. "You can lecture him when he gets back. . .I really need to recharge now." He responded. . .before the grin became even wider. "Think you can help out?" He soon asked with a cocky tone, however a small drip of sweat fell from his cheek.

Though Anko was more than happy to help out, she gave the human shaped Bijū a cocky yet calm smirk. "You're on~" She seducingly replied as she leaned on him, forcing him to lay on the bed, then just as he was about to kiss her, she used her finger to stop him. "But not right now. . . You need to rest for now." She said with a calm tone.

"What? Kurama got out with a confused tone.

"I know that you're in no condition for anything right now. And you forced yourself to help the gaki in what's no dought another of his stupid life endangering stunts." Anko explained as she leaned down and rested her head on his chest.

This caused a long and tired sigh to escape the human shaped Bijū's lips as he used his arms to hug the purple haired kunoichi. "Well. . .I guess I'll have to settle with just a few cuddles tonight. . ." Kurama replied with an amused yet thankful tone.

Then from underneath her lover's arms, Anko looked straight at him with a large predator-like grin on her face. "And for the record. . .when you finally get better, I will go more wild than you've ever seen before~" Anko added with a lustful tone.

Kurama couldn't help but grin widely in both amusement and at that. "Oh~ I am waiting for that moment!" He declared with excitement at that. "Ironic, me of all demons, in a relationship with a human, my siblings minus Chōmei would problebly have some words for me if they heard this. . .but fuck them! I'm having the time of my immortal life!" He thought as exhaustion washed through his body causing his eyes finally began to close and finally fell asleep with the purple haired woman following suit as a result.

Outside the room, the silver-white haired girl sighed as she looked away from her sensei's door. "I'll just leave them be." Yami decided as she walked off to go check on her fellow Viper Squad member and her animal companions, who were put to sleep after what occurred prior.

Further into the base. . .

The group of preteen shinobis looked onto the large gate like doorway, while they were anxious about going inside or what they could encounter, they still had the resolve to enter.

"There might be some sort of trap. . ." Hinata advised in a serious manner.

"Leave it to me." Naruto declared as he did his signature hand seal, however. . .


Before the blond could summon a single clone, the large door suddenly began to open by itself, causing the four of them to put their guard up to prepare for anything that could happen.

Tap. . .Tap. . .

The sound of footsteps could be heard from inside the door. Then little by little a silhouette of two people began to be clearer, until. . .


Suddenly the sight of a sharp white object came from the door and headed straight at the preteen shinobis.

"!?" The group let out a gasp of astonishment and in fear as the two kunoichi instantly got out of the way, while the blond carried the orangette to get her out of the way.


The object hit the floor and instantly made a large gash from the force behind the attack. However what was more surprising was the fact that the object was attached to what looked like a long vein like a whip that had a small pulse like if it was one.

"What the hell is that!?" Naruto got out as he readied himself.

Tap. . .Tap. . .

Once more the sounds of slow footsteps continued to echo from the doorway and then they began to hear the sounds of two deep growls. Finally the two silhouettes finally came into the room and the lights from the torches finally illuminated them.

The two individuals that had arrived to where none other than the last two Fūma shinobi's that the Konoha shinobis had fought. However they had clear differences to what they were before, they were walking uneven and had exposed muscles in parts of their bodies. Their eyes were completely white and lifeless.

The moment the orangette saw them, an expression of pure shock and horror apperied on her face. "Kamikiri-san! Jigumo-san!" Sasame called out in shock at the sight of the two approaching shinobis and tried to walk towards them.

However Naruto's hold on the orangette was strong so he managed to stop her before she could even think of away from the group.

Meanwhile, both heiresses could only stare in shock at the approaching shinobis and finally saw the clear differences. "What. . .happened to them?" The two got out in whispers.

While the Fūma Shinob still looked, more or less the same, they had clear distinct differences between the two. The large triangle objects and its veiny like rope was now attached to Kamikiri's right arm. It was more apparent as the rope retracted, causing the large object to return towards its body.

"Oh this is just great. . .mutated shinobis again. . ." Satsuki got out as she readied herself as she got her blade out.

Meanwhile Jigumo was walking on all four limbs, his jaw had a disfigured shape as it looked like a spider's mouth and drool began to leak from it. Said drool however began to melt the floor the moment it came intouch upon it.

"S-Spider. . .again. . ." Hinata got out in a nervous manner as she thought back to her last Oto related enemy she fought before taking in a deep breath. "I can handle this. . .I can handle this. . ." She soon muttered to herself as she prepared herself as well.

"Ssssssslice them. . ." Kamikiri tried to say in between growls.

"Crusssssh them. . ." Jigumo moaned out as more melting spit leaked out of his mouth.

"!?" The group soon got out as they heard them say those things.

"They can talk!?" Hinata got out with a gasp. "The one I faced couldn't even muther a single syllable." She then informed.

"Don't tell me. . ." Satsuki muttered out loud as her eyes widened at the thought.. "Are they. . .still alive inside?" She soon asked with shock.

However the Hyuga sadly shocked her head. "No. . .I think that even if they can talk, I can't even recognize any of the chakra paths. . ." She concluded with a sadden tone.

Those words made it clear by the rest of the group that the two Fūma shinobi's had ceased to be humans. Which caused the orangette's eyes to watered as tears began to fall as once again, she had lost two more respected Fūma clan's men that she had deeply respected.


Suddenly Jigumo spat out a large spider web from his mouth, then it flew at a fast velocity, causing the group to once again get out of the way. The web enveloped itself on a nearby pillar, then moments later it began to melt it until it broke into two.

Naruto looked at both the destroyed pillar then the mutated Fūma shinobi's before setting onto the tearful orangette. "We need to stop them. . ." He informed the group with a heavy heart.

The Konoha kunoichi instantly knew that those words really meant and so did the orangette, which caused more tears to fall. However she knew that it was already too late for those two, so she gathered all of her courage and looked at the blond from his arms. "Please. . .end their suffering. . ." Sasame begged with a sadden tone.

". . ." Naruto said nothing to that, but he narrowed his eyes as he put the orangette down and quickly summoned a clone, which quickly took the orangette as far away as possible.

Then the blond shinobi looked at the two kunoichis, no words needed to be said as they nodded in unison, knowing what they had to do. Then as one they charged at the two Fūma shinobi's ready to heed the orangette's plea.

The two heiresses suddenly changed their charge and headed straight towards the spider like shinobi. As they were running in perfect sync with one another, the bluenette activated her Byakuan, while the ravetter activated her Sharingan.

Meanwhile the blond shinobi ran straight at the claw shinobi as he took out his scroll to summon his blade as he hefted it onto his shoulder with no effort whatsoever thanks to his chakra enhancing his body.

As the two kunoichis charged, the ravenette took out her blade and put it into position to slash. "Nata-chan, you'll be alright?" Satsuki asked in concern via their mental link.

The Hyuga meanwhile nodded to this question. "Hai, I need to get rid of this. . .spider nervousness I gained after the last one I fought. . ." Hinata mentally responded.

At the approaching kunoichis, Jugumo took a deep breath and then spat more and more webs. However this time it wasn't aimed at them but random places. This caused the area to be littered with traps.

This caused the desired effect and forced the kunoichi's to stop their assault. Then once they did so there were then bombarded with more webs that were aimed with deadly precision. Thankfully with their Bloodlines, they easily managed to dodge and avoid them.

"Not again. . ." Hinata couldn't help but complained as this was turning to be exactly like the Retrieval mission all over again.

In contrast to the defensive Jugumo, Kamikiri rushed forward as he launched his large appendage at the blond. To which the blond used his large sword as a makeshift shield to block the large claw, however he was surprised by the amount of forces of the attack that he was forced to slide backwards.

After successfully blocking the attack, Naruto leaned towards the side, which caused the large claw to slide off his makeshift shield. Then he quickly put his sword on his back, made a few hand seals while taking a deep breath. "Wind Style: Air Bullets!" He mentally declared.


The air bullets quickly soar through to attack the mutated shinobi, however before that could reach half way. Kamikiri quickly retracted the claw back as it soar faster than the bullets and then used it as a shield to block the attacks.

"Tch!" Naruto let out in an annoyed manner as he pulled back his sword and was about to attack and deliver a wide swing when. . .


"That's enough. . ." A voice was suddenly heard from the shadows after the sound of snapping fingers was heard.

Poof! Poof!

At the sound of that, the two mutated shinobi suddenly stopped, causing everything to go to a sudden halt. But before the trio could even think of why this happened, the two mutated shinobi disappeared in a cloud of smoke leaving.

"Huh?" All three Konoha shinobi's got out in unison at this occurrence. Then the two kunoichi's quickly looked around and even with their bloodlines they found nothing in this room anymore.

Step. . .Step. . .

"!?" Suddenly the sounds of footsteps were heard yet again, causing them to return their attentions back towards the open doorway.

Then after a moment, another silhouette was beginning to form as they walked towards them. However unlike last time, it was just one person and they were walking perfectly normal, signifying that they were normal unlike the two before. Finally when the light of the torches illuminated slowly, they noticed a familiar silhouette.

"Orochimaru!" Naruto growled out as the sight of the infamous Rogue Shinobi.

After a few moments, the rogue Sannin finally came into the room and the light finally illuminated the rest of his body as his gaze fell onto the orangette. "Good of you to come, Sasame. . ." Orochimaru greeted with a vile grin.

"W-Why. . .?" Sasame muttered in confusion.

Instantly the two Konoha kunoichis instantly went into their stances and activated their Kekkei Genkais as they weren't going to hold back agaisn't this monster. But as they did so the bluenette's eyes widened in shock. "No. . .it isn't him!" Hinata declared causing the others to be left startled at hearing that..

Orochimaru merely grinned as he didn't even care about the fact that his identity was revealed. The man raised his hand and placed it on his head, then with one motion he grabbed his hair and pulled it, revealing that he was wearing a full body costume.

While the Konoha shinobis were still in a state of alert, it was only Sasame that actually smiled with happiness. "Arashi-niisan!" She called out in relief to see her cousin again.

The young man had long, smooth, chin-length purple hair and grey-colored eyes. His bangs hung just over his eyebrows. He was wearing a green short sleeve shirt, but the collar and sleeves were white. Finally he was wearing two black arm sleeves on his lower arms and long grey pants.

"Arashi-niisan!" Sasame called out as she went over to her cousin.

However Arashi suddenly brought his hand forward, causing his cousin to stop and look at him with confusion. "I'm no longer. . ." He began to say as he lowered his head. "Arashi. . ." He soon declared.

"!?" Hinata's eyes meanwhile widened once more but only this time it was out of horror at what her Byakugan saw. "Get back Sasame-chan!" She called out.

As if waiting for this, Arashi's skin darkened, then the back of his back began to bulge and deform in a grotesque manner until. . .


Sasame screamed in horror as she stepped back as she saw her cousin;s back continue to grow more and more. Then after a few moments the large bulge was now just as big as his body.

At the sight of this all of the younger generation could only stare with shock. "Wh-What the-" Naruto began to say with a startled tone.

Then after fully growing, the group's face turned to pure horror as they saw the faces of the mutated shinobis were on both of the bulges while letting out a horrifying moun.

"The actual fuck!?" Satsuki ended the blond's statement in disgust, disbelief and shock.

Even as this was happening, the young man actually let out an amused chuckle. "Thanks to the prototype pill and our Fūma clan's ultimate jutsu. The skills and bodies of the Fūma Jonin were combined into one. . ." Arashi soon explained.

The man fell on his knees and used his hands for support, then his entire body began convulsing and spasm. Suddenly the rest of his upper body began to expand and grow in mass, and when he raised his large arm he slammed his fist onto the floor creating a crater. Soon after the lower part of his body followed and also increased in mass. Thanks to this he was slowly able to stand up straight making him look like a large behemoth of a man.

Finally, with the exception of his darker skin, his head remained mostly the same, however his eyes had lost their pupils and all of his teeth grew sharper as well. "And I've been reborn as the ultimate shinobi you see. . ." Arashi continued with his voice slowly deepening and becoming grainy as a result, while he white eyes looked at the group. "Now, I'll show you my Ultimate Ninjutsu. . .SASAME!" He then roared, the earth itself shaking underneath everyone as a result.

The group couldn't watch with horrified and shocked expressions as they just couldn't believe what they were seeing, more so the orangette as tears began to fall from her eyes. She couldn't accept that her cousin had turned into such an abomination.

However for the trio of Team Seven, their expression changed as they snapped out of their shock. "Damn you Orochimaru!" Naruto cursed as he retook his sword stance and channeled chakra throughout his body. "I'll never forgive him!" He roared with pure fury.

"That damn sicko!" Satsuki however added in her own furious manner as the tomoe's in her Sharingan span with fury while tightly gripping her blade.

"Unforgivable. . .complete UNFORGIVABLE!" Hinata growled out, unaware that her canines sharpened slightly and her palms almost burst with her chakra.

With a bellow of a roar, Arashi rushed forward at a speed that was completely opposed to his size. Then with a large jump, he cocked back his large fist to slam it onto the trio.


The trio didn't even bother to think it as they all in unison dashed out of the way and then the large fist practically shattered the ground with a monstrous strength. Then many stones and debris were sent flying everywhere.


The kunoichis were able to easily dodge the debris thanks to their eyes while the blond used his sword to block most of the rocks. While these actions allowed them to avoid the damage that they could have received, they were still left baffled at the sight of Arashi's raw physical strength.

"His strength is the equivalent of Tsunade-sama's full strength!" Hinata mentally informed.

"Oh that's just great dattebakon!" Satsuki mentally complained as that was the last thing she wanted to fight.

Meanwhile the mutated Arashi then looked like he was struggling as his large fist was stuck on the floor after his powerful divide punch.

At the sight of that, the blond shinobi wasn't going to waste this opportunity. "Attack it from all sides!" Naruto soon ordered as he readjusted his stance. "Don't let him focus on us as a group!" He then added.

The kunoichis nodded in unison as the three dashed towards different directions. By this time, the large mutated Arashi finally pulled back his large first off the ground and turned towards the appoching trio while letting out a large roar.

Being the fastest, Satsuki was the first to reach the mutated shinobi. Then channeled her chakra while adjusting her blade and went to deliver a slash towards his large feet. However as she was about to reach him, he raised its large fist once again. "Not this time!" She mentally declared.

CRASH! Slash!

Just as the fist was about to land, the ravenette jumped over the large fist, just in time to not only avoid the hit, but also the shockwave from it colliding with the ground. Then while in midair, she delivered an upper slash and gave a vicious cut to his exposed neck.

Once the shockwave ended, Naruto was the second to reach the mutated Fūma, using the opportunity of its fist still stuck onto the ground he postition his large blade and finished the ravenettte's her initial attempt. Then the moment he did reach him. . .


Then the blond shinobi gave three slow but powerful long swings onto the large mutated shinobi's legs. At the final slash, a powerful gust of wind was created, showing the devastating power the last attack had.


This caused the mutated Shinobi to lose his balance and was forced to drop to his knees.

"A chance!" Hinata thought as she rushed forward. "You're in range. . ." She then muttered as she prepared herself.

The bluenette gave a short but quick dash forward and arrived right in front of the kneeling mutated shinobi while taking a very familiar stance her older cousin often made.

"Eh?" Satsuki got out in confusion as she then noticed what her fellow Heiress was attempting. "Nata-chan, are you-!?" She called out.

Then the bluenette's eyes narrowed as she channeled chakra throughout her body. "Please work. . ." Hinata muttered as she begged that this time the jutsu will be successful. "Eight Trigrams. . .Sixty-Four Palms!" She declared as her hands were coated in chakra.

The female Hyuga delivered a sixty-four barrage of Gentle Fist jabs and struck all of the massive mutated shinobi's chest where his chakra points were located. Then after reaching the sixty-three hit, she cocked back her right hand and delivered the last hit with a powerful blow


The mutated Arashi head was forced back by the last hit and was left motionless as the bluenette quickly dashed backwards, making use to stay as far as possible from him.

Once she was a safe distance away, Hinata's face turned to pure joy. "I did it!" She quietly exclaimed in pure delight of finally being successful of completing one of the most difficult jutsus of her clan.

The blond meanwhile grinned to the sight of this. "Way to go Hinata-chan!" Naruto loudly cheered.

"You finally got that jutsu down!" Satsuki praised in excitement.

". . ." Meanwhile Arashi remained silent as he still remained in the same position as before. Then his eyes widened as he slowly began to stand. "ROOOOOOOOOOOAR!" After finally standing up straight he let out a loud roar.

Then as the large mutated shinobi roared, all of the injuries all over his body slowly began to repair at a rapid velocity until there wasn't even a single injury.

The trio's eyes also widened as they saw all of their attacks were now gone. "What!? I hit that thing with all my strength!" Naruto shouted in complete disbelief.

"Come on! It's like fighting Kabuto all over again!" Satsuki remarked in annoyance at this development.

"T-That was to be expected. . .since his body is mutated the way it is. . ." Hinata got out as she gulped.

Then the bluenette activated her Byakugan and went to examine the mutated shinobi's body. The moment she did, her eyes wide in shock, while it was through that the attacks did cause some damage, they were quickly being healed and closed, showing fast regeneration.

However what truly shocked the kunoichi was that she saw that all of the chakra points that she just hit were being either repaired and even replaced by another. "He has mutated to where his chakra network is constantly being replaced by another!" Hinata soon revealed.

"How the hell does he do that!?" Satsuki however asked in shock as she knew that shouldn't be physically possible.

Hinata quickly focused on the momeving chakra points and saw that they were being moved towards the large bulge of flesh on his back. More specifically towards where the two mutated Fūma shinobis were. "His back! The two of them are sending chakra to heal the wounds, while at the same time the chakra points of the other two are being replaced by them!" She then informed me.

Then as if to confirm the female Hyuaga's evaluations, the two Mutated Shinobi's suddenly expanded out of the bulge of flesh and hovered just above their opponent's body. However their bodies were nothing but piles of flesh, with Kamikiri only having his head and the large metal claw that was now infused with his, while Jigumo only had his spider-like head.

"Then that's the source then! We gotta aim for the two on his back!" Satsuki declared. "Let's go Naru-kun!" She then called out.

"Right!" Naruto replied as the two rushed in with the blades out.

At the approaching duo, Arashi's head turned to face them as he growled in anger. Then he lifted his large arms and slammed them on to the ground.


This caused a powerful shockwave that caused a medium size earthshake, causing the charging duo to stop or risk falling. The moment they did, Arashi rushed towards them and cocked back his huge fist and swagged it in a large horizontal swing.


"GAH!" The Uzumaki and Uchiha got out in unison, however. . .


The two immediately blew up in white smoke and then two woodstumbs were instantly shattered to bits in their place. Showing that the two had used the Substitution just at the very last moment to evade the attack

At the sight of the wooden remains, Arashi was left briefly confused and quickly looked for the two shinobis.

However it was already too late as the two hotblood members of Team Seven were already right behind him with their blades at the ready to strike. "Now!" Naruto declared.

"Gotcha!" Satsuki got out as the two swung their blades.


Just as their attacks were about to land on the two bulge's of flesh on Arashi's back. The shinobi once known as Kamikiri suddenly turned around and used his large metal claw to block their attacks.

"SHIT!?" The duo Konoha shinobis got out in a panic.

Arashi then quickly turned around while swinging his huge left arm at the still airborne duo. And because of that they were completely helpless and were both struck with his insane strength.


"GAH!" The two shouted in pain as their bodys crashed into a pillar and shattered it.

"Naruto-kun! Satsuki-chan!" Hinata called out before running towards them.

The two injured shinobi's weakly tried to get up but they couldn't as they felt too much pain. "That hurt. . ." Satsuki muttered in a dazed manner.

"A lot. . ." Naruto finished while rubbing the back of his head.

Meanwhile the large mutated shinobi slowly walked towards the two down shinobis. But before he could reach them, the spider-like shinobi's head suddenly turned towards the approaching Hyuga, causing Arashi to turn as well and instantly got ready to attack.

With the attention now on her, the bluenette threw a few shurikens towards Arashi. While they were easily blocked by Kamikiri's large claw that was only to get its undivided attention, then she dashed towards the opposite direction of her teammates to get as much distance as possible.

Once Hinata was at a safe distance away, she slid to stop and got into her Juken stance. Then she waited for the mutated shinobi to get closer enough to attack her and use that to attack him from a blind spot. However before he was close enough, he stopped as he growled at her.

"!?" Hinata's eyes widened to the sight of this action.

Suddenly the mutated bulge of flesh that was once Jigumo stretched and leaned forwards, then he opened his mouth and began spitting multiple spider webs at the Hyuga.

"!" The bluenette's eyes widened as she then frantically began to dodge the webs, each either missing her entirely or she narrowly dodge them at the last second. "There's no aim, he's just spitting at random. Why would he-" She thought to herself in confusion and uneasiness.

Ssssssss. . .

"!?" Hnata's eyes widened in shock when she heard that sound.

It was then that Hinata knew why she had the uneasiness, she used her Byakugan to look back and saw that almost ten feet of the floor was completely covered in spider webs. Each of the webs were slowly dissolving the floor, but not enough to completely melt it,

Hinata instantly understood why, it was so that if she were to land on them, it would either trap her or disolver her. "I need to jump to the pillars or ceiling!" She quickly thought in fear of being melted as she focused her chakra to her legs and jumped towards the pillar closest to her.

However as she was in mid air. . .

This time the bulge of flesh once called Kamikiri stretched out of the mutated shinobi's back and went straight at the airborne kunoichi. Then he swung his large claw to the side and let it gain enough momentum to turn into a horizontal guillotine and aim it at the bluenette's neck.

"Oh no!" Hinata thought in a panic.

Then using pure instincts, the bluenette pulled out a kunai and threw it at her opponent's head. But because she didn't have any time to prepare the throw, she only managed to land on one of his eyes causing him to scream in agony.


However thanks to this, Hinata managed to force him to jerk his extended limp, forcing it to slightly change his claw and miss its intended target.


Hinata managed to land on the pillar and stood on it. "Ugh!" She cried out in pain and held her left side of her body.

While the bluenette's strike did help to avoid getting her neck sliced, the claw had still managed to cut her right arm and part of her abdomen. While not deep enough to cause any fatal damage, it still made her bleed as she couldn't help but hiss slightly to calm herself from the pain.

At the sound of the Hyuga's yelp of pain, both of her teammate's finally recovered as their eyes widened in shock. "Hinata-chan!" The Uzumaki and Uchiha called out as they got out of the debri and rushed towards the bluenette. "BASTARD!" They roared with fury while taking their blades out as they ran in as well.

Fortunately it only took a few moments for the two to reach the Hyuga and although she was glad to have the two by her side, the bluenette was still very concerned after her brief exchange with the mutated shinobi.

"We can't fight close range with their attack sinergy! Attack with long range jutsu!" Hinata instructed as she went through the hand signs.

Both shinobi's look at each other and nodded as they quickly put away their blades. "Right!" The two agreed as they also when and did their respective hand seals.

"Water Style! Liquid Bullet!" Hinata soon declared.

"Wind Style! Air Bullet!" Naruto got out.

"Fire Style! Flame Bullet!" Satsuki roared.

Soon the three began releasing a barrage of different elemental bullets as they bombarded the enemy.

Arashi's eyes widened in shock at this as he used his massive arms to try and block the elemental bullets. While each bullet wasn't powerful by itself, but because of the quantity they manage to leave multiple wounds on his body.

Because of this, he tried to walk backwards, however because of his massive size he did so very slowly. After a few moments, the elemental bombardment finally ended as Arashi fell to his knees once more as cuts, burns and gashes were all over his body.

"Yosh! We got him!" Naruto got out as he pumped his fist to their success.

"Grrrrr. . ." Suddenly the mutated Arashi began to growl and the two bulges of flesh on his back began to grow as well. As the flesh on his back began to move as it was alive and expanding literally moved down his body, making him look like nothing but a plub of flesh.

"Eh?" The trio got out in confusion and disgust unison towards the sight.

Then the flesh then stopped and then retracted back to its original place as he suddenly stood back up. "ROOOOOOOOAR!" Arashi roared with fury as all of his injuries soon vanished without a trace.

"Oh come on dattebakon!" Satsuki exclaimed in even more annoyance.

"He's quickly adapting to our attacks. The cells in his body must be rapidly multiplying to heal any injuries we inflict onto him." Hinata stated her deduction in a serious manner.

"In other words we're in a serious bind. However. . .'' Naruto simplified as he was beginning to pant heavily. "We just gotta keep attacking so his body can't keep up, right?" He soon guessed.

"Yes. . .however. . ." Hinata replied, but then felt a wave of exhaustion coursing through her body.

"We're running on fumes here. . ."Satsuki finished as she was feeling the same. "I guess we've. . .really been relying on Kurama too much. . ." She awkwardly admitted

Naruto couldn't help but let out an awkward chuckle at that. "Yeah. . .me too." He agreed with a frustrated tone.

Ever since their encounter with the wild mutated shinobi and then their encounter with the fake Kabuto, the trio had been fighting non-stop and now they were reaching their limits. And even the idea of using shadow clones wasn't of any use now as they would only give the already tired trio even more than what they already are now.

"Guess we that pervy fox really deserve this little vacation huh?" Naruto then mentally remarked in a joking manner to try and lighten the mood a bit.

However he and the two kunoichis were feeling very desperate as they knew they wouldn't last much longer.

"No choice. . ." Naruto soon started. "We're going to have to risk it." He then declared.

"?" This in response caused the two girls to look at their love in confusion.

"I'll go in first and take most of the blows from the front." Naruto soon declared.

"What?!" The two heiresses exclaimed in shock.

However Naruto didn't listen and continued. "While you two take the chance to attack his back." He then informed the two.

"B-But that's too reckless Naruto-kun!" Hinata exclaimed with concern.

Naruto however chuckled in response. "You know that out of the three of us, I can take the most damage." He soon reminded. "At this point, it's our only choice to end this fight and you know it." He stated with a serious tone.

To this, both girls blinked as they looked at one another before sighing and then the two got into their battle stance once again.

". . .Moh, you just had to be right Naru-kun." Satsuki remarked with a pout and a puffed up cheek.

"For the record I'm agaisn't this. . ." Hinata added with clear irritation and worry in her tone.

The blond shinobi let out a chuckle as he took his large blade and took his battle stance as well. "Trust me. . .I'm not happy about this either." Naruto replied with an awkwards smirk on his face. "Anyway. . .let's do this!" He then ordered.

The trio charged as one with the blond taking the lead of the charge. This instantly caught the mutated shinobi's attention as he roared at them and cocked back his huge fist. Once the trio reached his attack range, he delivered another earth shattering blow.


Then just as the hit was about to land, the blond shinobi suddenly stopped in his tracks and used his enormous blade to block the attack. Thanks to its hardness, he successfully managed to halt the attack, however that didn't stop the powerful feedback from said attack. This caused the area below him to crack and his feet nearly burst through the floor itself.

"GAH!" Naruto shouted in pure agony as he felt the bones in both his arms and legs begin cracking and were about to shatter. "GO!" He mentally ordered as he couldn't even utter a single syllable from the intense pain.

The two kunoichi's didn't even have the opportunity or the time to worry over seeing the blond's painful situation as they couldn't afford wasting this opening. So they charged towards the sides and headed for the large bulge of flesh on their backs. This caused both of the mutated flesh that were once Kamikiri and Jigumo to come out to defend themselves.

However unlike last time, this time the ravenette attacked the mutated flesh of Jigumo while the bluenette attacked the mutated flesh of Kamikiri. This simple change of opponents did the trick as Hinata easily jumped over the large claw while the Uchiha used her fire chakra coursing through her blade to cut through the webs.


In perfect unison, both kunoichis landed a solid hit onto the two mutated flesh once known as Kamikiri and Jigumo. Then the two bulges of flesh let out loud painful screams, which caused Arashi to also scream in agony as well.

A distance away however, the shivering orangette looked on as the three Konoha shinobis battled against her mutated cousin, her body shivering in fear towards the sight. But the moment she saw the painful expression of the blond shinobi and the courageous assault of the kunoichi's, a wave of awe and courage enveloped the Fūma kunoichi.

With grinding teeth, she pulled out a kunai with the special tag wrapped around it, causing it to glow yellow as a result. ". . .No more. . ." Sasame muttered, tears running down her eyes as she suddenly ran towards the fight.

"Hey! Wait!" Gamakichi called out in a panic as both little summon's were unable to do anything to stop her.

As she charged, the kunai in the orangette's hand began to glow with a yellow aura as she cocked it back over her shoulder. "RAAAAAAAAH!" Sasame yelled as she readied her kunai before impaling it into the mutated body of her cousin, more specifically onto the area where the base of the large mutated flesh was located. Then. . .


Suddenly the eyes of the two flesh of Kamikiri and Jigumo began to illuminate brightly. "ROOOOOOOOOAR!" Arashi and both of the mutated shinobi's on his back screamed in pain.

At the sound of the roar, Sasame snapped out of her courage induced trance and quickly got away from him as she was afraid that the mutated shinobi would retaliate from her attack.

"Nice hit!" Gamakichi praised the orangette as he and Aoda jumped/slitterd onto her shoulders ready to help her out if she was attacked.

However instead of attacking, all of the flesh on Arashi's back began to glow as their flesh began to slightly sink and looked as if it was melting. This caused him to lose a lot of his enormous strength and couldn't continue crushing the blond.

Once he felt the sudden change of flow in the large mutated shinobi, Naruto managed to push back the large fist, effectively freeing himself. "NOW! CROSS SLASH!" He shouted and through the pain he managed to summon the strength to deliver three slow but powerful slash attacks.


The force of the attack had enough power to send Arashi flying and crashed onto one of the few remaining pillars. However because the pillars were continuously being destroyed, the walls and sealing began to tremble with instability.

However all three kunoichi's were too busy smiling in excitement at seeing the blond delivering just a devastating blow to notice this. "Yes! Way to go!" Satsuki loudly cheered with excitement.

". . ." Though Sasame was also glad, she remained silent as she still had a painful expression at seeing her once cousin in this state.

Naruto began to pant heavily as his arms and legs felt like they were breaking, forcing him to lower his blade. "Yup. . .I think some bones are cracked. . ." He got out while wincing in pain.

"Naruto-kun!" The kunoichis shouted in unison as they rushed towards the injured blond.

The blond shinobi could only give the kunoichi's a weak grin. "Yeah. . .I'm fine!" Naruto tried to say while rolling his shoulders, only to immediately regret it as he felt nothing but agony. "Ok. . .I lied, it hurts. . .a lot." He then corrected.

"H-Hai. . ." Hinata mumbled as Jiraiya's words echoed in her mind, making her gain a serious expression. "M-Maybe I should learn some medical ninjutsu. . ." She mentally suggested for the others to hear.

"Rrrrrrrr. . ." Suddenly the groan of the mutated Arashi could be heard.

"He's not down yet!" Naruto got out as he struggled to ready himself.

"Oh great!" The two heiresses muttered as they prepared themselves.

"I. . .I need. . ." A low groaning voice came out of the mutated shinobi.

"!?" Suddenly all of the trio's eyes widened in shock after hearing that.

However, the one that was most shocked was the orangette herself. "A-Arashi-niichan!" Sasame cried out at the thought that her cousin somehow had regained his mind.

As if it was a trigger, the sound of the orangette's voice caused the blanks of the mutated shinobi's eyes to slowly regain their previous color. "I. . .I need more power. . ." The mutated Arashi continued as he slowly began to stand up. "To save. . .our clan. . ." He finally managed to say as his voice returned to normal.

Although still in shock, the oragentte's understood what her cousin's words meant. "A-Arashi-niisan. . ." Sasame got out, holding back tears from falling from her eyes as her hands over her mouth. "E-Even now. . .y-you wanted to help the Fūma clan. . ." She stuttered out.

". . ." Naruto remained quiet as he looked long and hard at the once Fūma shinobi and then began to walk towards him.

The heiresses meanwhile gulped as they witnessed the blond doing this. "Naruto-kun. . ." Hinata muttered.

"Carefull. . ." Satsuki also muttered to herself.

However the blond shinobi didn't respond and stopped until he was close enough to talk but far enough to feel safe. "So. . .That's why you did this. . ." Naruto soon stated.

The moment he heard the young shinobi's words, Arashi slowly turned to look at him. "Huh. . .?" Arashi got out in confusion as he didn't understand what the blond shinobi was talking about.

Naruto then began to recall both the two Fūma shinobi's and Kagero's last words, causing him to tighten his fist in anger. "You and the other three. . .you gave up your lives, your very humanity for a chance to get more power from a literal snake like Orochimaru?" He then growled out. "How dumb can you be!?" He then got out.

Maybe it was the insult or it may have been mocking the choice he made, but this finally got Arashi to fully regain his mind as he grinded his teeth in anger. "You have no. . .idea how it feels to see your clan slowly withered away and feel powerless to do anything!" He began to say with anger and desperation as his voice slowly returned to its deep and monstrous tone. "You don't know anything!" He roared with pure fury.

The blond in response tightened his grip on his blade before taking a deep breath to calm down as he looked at the mutated shinobi. "You're right. . .I don't." Naruto soon admitted with a calm tone. "I'm an orphan so I wouldn't know what it's like to have a clan, much less how it would feel to watch it fall.

"!" The fact that the blond shinobi actually admitted it, caused Arashi to calm down enough to regain some control of himself.

"But even still. . ." Naruto then started as he then looked at the crying orangette. "You have Sasame-chan and the rest of your clan." He continued as he looked straight at their opponent in the eyes.

"And that's why I need power! It was for my clan! For my people!" Arashi shouted with full conviction in his words.

"You did it for yourself." Hinata however got out as she and the Uchiha stepped forward as well. "Because why would you have done this to your comrades. . .your family." She stated.

"!?" Arashi's eyes in response widened to that as he didn't respond while balling his mutated hands into fists.

"You never had any faith that they could have done something." Naruto stated as he recalled what the Toad Sannin had told him about the rest of the Fūma Clan. "And they didn't have faith that they could, because none of you had the courage to stand up for yourselves." He continued with a sadden tone.

After overcoming his initial shock, Arashi grinding his teeth tightly while they also sharpened at the same time. Each time he heard the blond's words, an uncontrollable surge of anger began bubbling inside of his soul.

The female Uchiha then began to glare at the older shinobi. "Because if you did. . .I bet you would have never trusted that monster Orochimaru!" Satsuki then accused.

All of a sudden, the mutated shinobi's head began to tremble, with his body pulsating along with it. This caused the flesh around his back to twitch uncontrollably, signifying that whatever control he had regained, he was about to lose it.

"Arashi-niichan. . ." Sasame muttered as she slowly walked towards her cousin. "Please. . .stop this madness. . ." She soon begged with a cracking voice.

Arashi's mind began to turn more and more distorted by both the mutation and his rage that his eyes once again turned white. "RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWR!" He soon roared out in a monsterous tone once more.

The mutated shinobi fell to all four limbs as the skin of his body convolved until it gained a scarlet color before he then rushed forward. While his movements were now very sloppy and uncoordinated, he still gained tremendous speed and ferocity.

"WATCH OUT!" Naruto exclaimed as the group side dashed out of the mutant's path as it ran past where they were standing.

The trio narrowly managed to avoid the charge, but before they could even think of what their next move should be. As Arashi slided passed them, both of the mutated bulges of flesh once called Kamikiri and Jigumo suddenly extended outwards and began to either slash and spit acidic webs at random, causing to attack everything around them.

Clank! Ssssss!

Naruto barely managed to block the large metallic claw that was about to hit Sasame with his sword. But because of the increase of strength, he and the orangette were sent skidding a solid five feet away from their original position.

Meanwhile the kunoichi's had managed to mostly dodge the webs, their clothing still gained some slight tears, exposing some of their chests as well as some minor burns. However they were more concerned with what was going on then their own appearances.


Because of his initial mad charge, Arashi was unable to stop himself until he crashed onto the wall. However this did little to no damage as he appeared to be perfectly fine and merely let out a savage and beast like roar.

This forced the younger shinobis to cover their ears or risked having their eardrums be ruptured. However they couldn't even have breathing time as the mutated shinobi once again made another mad charge. But this time, the two mutated flesh budges of the Fūma shinobis were still attacking at random anything near them.

"He's now no different from an uncontrollable beast now!" Hinata informed the others with a concerned tone, though couldn't help but feel bad for their opponent.

Crash! Crash!

The sounds of reckless trashing the uncontrollable Arashi quickly filled the area as small debri began to fall from the ceiling, showing that all of the previous damage caused by the battle was reaching dangerous levels and were at risk of collapsing.

The ravenette quickly used her hands to cover her head in fear of something falling on top of her. "Like we didn't have enough to deal with!" Satsuki grunted out in a frustrated manner.

"We need to somehow stop him, before he collapses the whole base!" Naruto declared while using his blade's blunt edge to shield himself from falling debris.

Hinata quickly pulled out a few kunai and shuriken and threw them at the thrashing mutated shinobi. While she knew that this would do next to nothing, she hoped that it would stop him from continuing destroying the base even for a moment. However she did not expect the result. . .

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The metal projectiles landed dead onto Arashi's and the other bulges of flesh faces. "ROOOOOOOOAR!" The three let out a painful howl as the mutated shinobi dripped and slided onto the ground.

While initially stunned that her attack actually worked, Hinata quickly activated her Byakugan. Once she did she saw that although very small, the damage that her kunais and shurikens made was still there, making her realize something. "He can't heal himself anymore!" She shouted with both surprise and relief.

At hearing this, both the ravanette and blond shinobi smiled widely. "Yes! We can finally end this crazy fight!" Satsuki cheered in excitement at the development.

As Arrashi finally stopped sliding across the room, he completely ignored the kunais and shurikens in his body, then let out another roar and continued charging madly, which resulted in even more areas and pillars being destroyed in the process.

"Oh come on!" Naruto got out in even more frustration as he narrowly dodged another large debri that was about to hit him.

The konoha shinobi could only continue staring everywhere around them as more and more of the ceiling began to fall. And when the trio saw that the few remaining pillars were showing more and more cracks, it sent their mind into a frenzy of worry and fear for their lives.

Meanwhile the two summon creatures were busy protecting the orangette from all of the falling debri by either pushing her out of the way or attacking said debri. "Um! Guys! I don't think this place is going to last much long!" Gamakichi shouted as he frantically looked around him while covering his head with his little hands.

The blond shinobi's expression turned even more fearful as the thought of being buried was becoming more real. "We can't waste anymore time! We need to end this right now with one powerful jutsu!" Naruto declared.

"That's going to be hard!" Satsuki admitted as she and the other two were forced to once again dodge another erratic barrage of attacks.

"He won't stop for even a moment! And we can't get close enough because of those to attack randomly!" Hinata then instructed.

". . ." Naruto's brain began to move into overdrive,

The blond shinobi needed to attack the mutated shinobi with a lot of force, but he couldn't afford to get close due to its franitic and berserk-like state. However all of his long range attacks weren't strong enough to cause any serious damage. Suddenly memories of a certain ice dragon made of black ice came to his mind.

Upon recalling this, it caused an idea to pop into the blond's mind. "Alright! Leave it to me!" He shouted with a feral smirk on his face.

"What!? Like hell we'll just say yes to another one of those I'll tank it plans again!" Satsuki retorted with an irritated tone as both of the kunoichis weren't going to let the blond anywhere near the mad mutated shinobi.

However the large smirk on the blond's face never left. "Don't worry! This time I'm not going to be a human shield!" Naruto responded in a reassuring manner as he began to channel chakra through his blade. "Just get ready!" He added as he charged towards Arashi.

Hinata's eyes widen at the blond's sudden rushed actions. "What!? Wait Naruto-kun!" She got out in a panic, however her shouts only fell on deaf's ears..

This caused the ravenette frantically rub her hair with irritation. "Moh! Fine! But you'll get a serious scolding after this dattebakon!" Satsuki responded.

"I'll treat you two really well when we head home!" Naruto mentally informed without really thinking about what he just said as he was to focus on his next attack.

"Eh?" Both heiresses mentally responded in confusion to what the blond meant. . .only to blush at what could have meant by that.

Meanwhile as the blond shinobi continued to rush on ahead, he channeled more and more of his remaining chakra through his blade until it glowed a deep cerulean color. As it glowed more and more intensely, the young shinobi began to feel great pain as he was forcing the last of his chakra onto his last jutsu.

"It's all or nothing!" Naruto thought to himself as he slid to a stop position just a few feet from the mutated shinobi, then he placed his cerulean colored blade over his shoulder . "Blade Beam Barrage!" Naruto soon roared and then gave in and began to frantically swing his blade.


The blond shinobi soon sent a barrage of chakra slashed that has the same size as the Blade Beam he used during the final battle at the Land of Snow. Although the drawback was that since he didn't have Biju chakra, it was severely weakened, however. . .


"ROOOOOOOOOOAR" The mutated Arashi roared in a frantic manner.

The barrage of chakra slashes had a decent amount of power and began to constantly strike at the mutated shinobi, it caused a lot of damage. While it wasn't enough for a killing blow, it did what was intended, stopping the mutated Arashi.

Meanwhile both of the kunoichi's had their dominating hand thrust forward while they were gathering all of their remaining chakra into one point. This point was the center of a large mass of sworling chakra waves, the initial stage for a Rasengan, however the swirl of chakra began to get bigger and bigger until it grew up to four times its normal size.

Then the blond shinobi jumped backwards until he landed right in the middle of the two kunoichi. Then he began to use the scraps of chakra he had left to condense the massive ball of chakr.

Whether it was because it was the location of the person who had attacked him or because he felt the massive source of chakra. "ROOOOOOOOOOOOAR!" The mutated Arashi turned towards the trio and let out a massive roar of pure fury before he made one last mad charge at them to put an end to them.

"Oh no!" Gamakichi got out in fear.

"Our masssssterssss! Aren't ready yet!" Aoda exclaimed with terror and concern of what would happen to his mistress.

However before either of the two summoned creatures could do anything, Sasame rushed towards the trio, which shocked both said creatures. Then just as she was about to reach them, she took out her Fūma Clan Kunai with a tag and threw it towards her cousin.


With a near perfect throw, the kunai hit straight on the back of the large bulges of flshe on the mutated shinobi, causing all three former Fūma Shinobi's eyes to glow white and stopping its charge. "ROOOOOOOOOOOOOAR!" The three roared in unison in pure agony as it began to convulse as well.

It was at that precise moment that the trio finally finished their preparation, which caused the enlarge Rasengan to looked like a beautiful cerulean sphere of death

The orangette, who was still in her throwing position, soon looked away from the sight of her mutated cousin as her body began shivering with sorrow. "Please. . .end their suffering. . ." Sasame all but begged as she wept.

To hearing that request, the trio nodded as they looked at the binded and wailing mutant. "NOW! MASSIVE RASENGAN!" The trio declared in unison as they charged in.

The still convulsing Arashi couldn't even attempt to more, let alone dodge as he still was roaring in agony. But then he managed to slightly overcome the pain, it was already too late. . .


The massive sphere of chakra collided into the mutated shinobi's body and regalress of his body mass, he could do nothing but be pushed back by the attack. Had he still had his human consciousness, he would have no doubt felt an inhuman amount of pain. The jutsu slowly began to drill into his very flesh, causing all of the excessive flesh to be scruffed out until. . .


The trio's chakra reached its critical stage and caused it to explode forward, which resulted in the large mutated shinobi to fly backwards, crashing through the multiple remaining pillars as a result. Then just as he was about to crash onto the wall. . .


All of the mutated flesh that were once Kamikiri and Jigumo were ripped off Arashi's body and back, becoming splotches of liquified flesh on the ground as a result. The moment this happened, Arashi's eyes regained their humanity as he fell away from the massive sphere of chakra.


Then the remains of the flesh of Kamikiri and Jigumo crashed into the walls, causing a massive crater that their cracks spread all over the walls and ceiling.

Immediately after witnessing this, the orangette's eyes widened. "Arashi-niisan!" Sasame called out as she started running over to him.

Soon after delivering the final attack, the trio fell to one knee from both chakra and physical exhaustion as their minds and bodies had reached their limits. This was even more so the blond as he fell onto all fours, panting heavily and sweating even more, all the while struggling not to collapse onto the ground.


However at that moment, Hinara felt some shaking around her. "O-Oh no. . ." She muttered as she looked upwards and her eyes widened in shock. "Sasame-chan, watch out! The ceiling!" She soon called out.


However it was too late as a large part of the ceiling shattered into many sharp piece and fell down onto the startled kunoichi.

"!?" Arashi's eyes widened as he turned towards both his cousin and the large stone debri that was about to strike her. Then the moment he was about to land on the floor, he managed to readjust himself to land on his feet before he vanished. Then. . .


Arashi suddenly reappeared just in time to appear next to his cousin and used his very body to shield her from the fallen debri. However the fragments of the debris were so sharp that it effortlessly pierce all of his back, causing deep and even potentially fatal wounds.

The moment Sasame felt the warmth of another, she opened her eyes, only to widen when she saw who it was. "A-Arashi-niisan!? She mumbled out in shock and confusion.

The fully conscious Arashi looked at his cousin with a sadden expression that was also filled with regret. "I'm sorry, Sasame. . .I caused you so much hardship. . ." He apologized, talking as though he wasn't even feeling the physical pain.

"No, you haven't!" Sasame responded in sadness. "The person who experienced the greatest hardship is you, Arashi-niisan!" She got out as she then saw blood leaking from his body. "You're hurt! W-What should I do!?" She soon asked.

"You've already helped me more than enough. . ." Arashi responded."Because of you using our Clan's tag. . .I was able to return to being the person I was in the past." He soon revealed.


Then more and more areas around the room began to fall, walls, ceilings or pillars, they all began to collapse without stopping.

The two little summon creatures reached the exhausted trio. "This isn't good, guys we gotta get outta here!" Gamakichi exclaimed with a fanatic tone.

"The entire area isssss about to collapssssse!" Aoda also declared with concern for his summoner and her friends. After all, the summon creatures could just return to their world easily, but this wasn't the case for the trio.


However before the trio could even attempt to move a large part of the ceiling collapsed right on top of them. Despite being the most exhausted, Naruto found the strength to push himself up and held the two kunoichi's in a last ditch attempt to shield them from harm. Then just as the large debri was about to crush them. . .


Suddenly, the sound of another crash that didn't come from the collapsing building was heard as a large, light blue hand swept away the debris. When they didn't feel their bodies being crushed, they all opened their eyes and then widened when they saw a large toad summon.

Then the trio saw a very familiar person riding on top of the large summon. "Ero-sennin!" The trio exclaimed to seeing the man.

"Sorry to be late!" Jiraiya replied with a grin on his face. "I was faced with a number of obstacles on my end too!" He added as behind him was an unconscious person, it was none other than the same long haired kunoichi he had fought before.

"Give me a break. . ." Naruto groaned out as he tried to walk forward, but he nearly fell as his body, more specifically his limbs, weren't in any shape to move.

However the two kunoichi's managed to catch him before he could fall. "We'll help out." Satsuki offered while her fellow heiress held onto one of the blonds arms.

"Now hurry up and climb on! We need to get out of here before the entire place collapses!" Jiraiya called out which made the trio nodded in response and quickly climbed up the toad.

It was then that the Toad Sage noticed something a few feet away. There he saw Arashi carrying an unconscious Sasame. But before he could even say anything, the young man suddenly threw his unconscious cousin towards him and narrowly caught her.

"Oi!" Satsuki got out with a startled tone.

"Sasame-chan!" Hinata called out towards the unconscious kunoichi.

"She's fine. . .She just fainted." Jiraiya informed the three after making a quick examination.

The kunoichis in turn let out a sigh of relief at hearing that, but the blond shinobi still had a concerned expression.

"Naruto! Satsuki! Hinata!" Arashi suddenly called out the Konoha trio.

"!?" Surprised by being called out, Naruto turned to face the Fūma clan member and he was left surprised by the older shinobi that had a calm and serene expression.

"Orochimaru assigned us a mission. . ." Arashi soon started with a deadly serious tone. "It was to make sure no one would interfied while Sakura Haruno and Danzō Shimura were to be moved to another location to resume her training." He then revealed.

Upon hearing that, both the trio and the Toad Sage's eyes widened in shock. "So it's true? That bastard Danzō did join the pedo?" Satsuki questioned as she narrowed her eyes.

"So he's fallen that far after his attempted takeover." Jiraiya then stated in disappointment and disgust to the former elder.

"Yes, Danzō Shimura and Orochimaru have indeed joined forces." Arashi responded. "However what you must know is that they are making unspeakable and dangerous plans for the future as well as training their apprentice, Sakura Haruno." He soon revealed as he looked up at the trio.

At hearing her cousin's voice, Sasame began to open her eyes. "Arashi-niichan. . ." She struggled out.

Arashi then closed his eyes for a moment before he reopened them and gained an expression of pure resolve as he put his hand on his shinobi pouch. "Catch!" He shouted as he threw something at the trio.

Hinata in response released her hold of the blond to catched the object that the Fūma shinobi had thrown. Then the moment she saw what it was her eyes widened. "This is!?" She got out in pure shock and disbelief.

"What is it?" Jiraiya asked with a caution tone, while he knew that Arashi couldn't do anything anymore, he still couldn't help but be concerned.

The still shocked bluenette then turned towards the group and showed a small bottle of what appeared to be a single pill. "It's. . .It's the same pill that the Sound Shinobi I fought had consumed before turning into the giant spider monster form." Hinata revealed.

"WHAT!?" Naruto, Satsuki and Jiraiya shouted in perfect unison when they heard this.

The Fuma shinobi nodded in confirmation towards the bluenette's words. "Yes, that's the prototype version of Orochimaru and the Doctor's force bloodline creation pills." Arashi revealed.

"The Doctor?" Jiraiya repeated while narrowing his eyes at hearing that specific part and then widened them in shock. "Someone else was involved!?" He thought to himself in a baffled tone.

Arashi then frowned while his eyes were filled with sadness and regret. "That's right. . .the pills that Kamikiri and Jigumo were forced to swallow and became mutated shinobis as a result. However. . ." He soon stated. "While Orochimaru did help with its creation, the one who actually created it was someone else." He soon revealed.

The Toad Sage's eyes widened as his suspicions were proven correct. "Do you know who this person is!?" Jiraiya He soon questioned in an urgent tone, wanting to know as much as he possibly could about the creator, in hopes of finding them with his spy network.

Arashi however shook his head in response. "I'm sorry, I never got to meet them. . .I only heard Orochimaru calling that person by Doctor. He never said who they were, I don't even know if they were male or female." He apologized in shame as the area shook around him.

Jiraiya could only silently curse at hearing that, but he now knew that the one that created these pills wasn't Orochimaru but this Doctor. "At least that's something. . ." He mentally told himself and made sure to report this to the Hokage as soon as possible.


Then more and more parts of the underground base began to collapse in a frightening velocity, causing the trio to get even more anxious and fearful.

"Arashi! This place is gonna collapse! We gotta get out of here!" Naruto called out to the older shinobi.

"Hurry up and get over here!" Hinata also called out.

"ROOOOOOOOOOAR!" Suddenly two monstrous roars were heard from the wall that the Massive Rasengan had collided into.

Then everyone saw two pillars of flesh sprong upwards, revealing to be the flesh blob remains of Kamikiri and Jigumo. Then two former Fūma shinobi's began to thrash and attack everything around them, causing even more instabilaty to the base and accelerating its collapse. However what was most disturbing was that parts of their flesh had somehow stretched towards Arashi's legs and were physically attached to him.

This caused the group to be shocked and disgusted at the sight. "Bleh. . ." Satsuki couldn't help but let out the sound of disgust to the sight.

However it was only Arashi that looked just as calm as before. "I'm already just a puppet. . ." He soon revealed. "I cannot live my life anywhere except here." He soon stated.

"Arashi-niichan. . ." Sasame got out in an exhausted manner.

"Arashi. . ." Naruto got out with a sadden tone as he now knew that even though his actions and decisions were wrong, Arashi did them because he truly wanted to save his clan. . .his family.

Then Arashi gave the blond shinobi a thankful smile before turning towards the Toad Sage and gave him a deep and meaningful smile along with a nod.

This caused Jiraiya to instantly understand what was the unspoken request and nodded in response. "All right!" He got out as he made the large toad summon jump.

"NOOOOO! ARASHI-NICHAN!" Sasame cried with pure sorrow and despair.

"ARASHI!" Naruto called out with dismay.

"Sasame. . .Naruto. . ." Arashi thought to himself before he pulled out a large stack of explosion tags and threw them everywhere, but more so towards the two large bulges of flesh that were once his clansmen. "Thank you. . ." He got out as the debris fell around him. . .just before. . .


An explosion so powerful destroyed everything inside the room, including Arashi himself and the once known as Kamikiri and Jigumo. . .effectively ending all of their misery.

Outside the base. . .


The moment that the group had exited the underground base, an enormous explosion occurred a few moments later. Then the area around the base each included all of the trees began to collapse and the earth sank.

Then the large toad summon abruptly landed on the surface that still remained solid, though this did cause the trio to nearly fall while the Sannin held the once more unconscious Fūma kunoichi.

Once the Toad Sage was convinced that they were safe, he turned to look at the now destroyed base. "And thus a base of Orochimaru's is reduced to rubble, leaving nothing else behind. . ." Jiraiya declared in a serious tone as he narrowed his eyes.

Though the Toad Sage was disappointed that he didn't manage to catch Orochimaru or find out more of the Mutated Shinobi's, he was grateful with the little information he managed to get at the very end.

Meanwhile the kunoichis were helping the exhausted blond to climb down the large toad Summon and placed him down of a nearby tree. Then the three looked at the collapse base with dead serious expressions that were mixed with anger as they remembered what the rogue sanin did to the Fuma shinobis and their untimely end.

"Orochimaru. . .Danzō. . .this Doctor of theirs. . .they'll pay. . ." Satsuki growled out as she punched the tree, leaving a small dent as a result.

"How much sorrow will they cause to others. . ." Hinata muttered in cold fury.

"I will never forgive them!" Naruto soon shouted with pure anger.

On that they, the trio regained their will to continue on their own and swear that they would stop the sannin. Even if it would take them years, they would do so for all the victims he had caused.

A few hours later that day. . .

Back at the tavern town, the sun was slowly beginning to set, which gave the area a warm orange light, all of the remaining members of the Fūma Clan were at the entrance as they all wanted to send off the Konoha shinobis. However as the group was about to leave for home. . .

"Eh!? Y-You and your clan want to move to Konoha!?" Satsuki got out in shock. "A-Are you sure Sasame-chan?" She then asked.

"Yes, but not right now." Sasame clarified with an embarrassed tone and a nod. "We all decided to first get back into our shinobi ways and relearn everything from our clan and then I'll join Konoha along with the rest of my clan." She then explained. "I'm sure Arashi-niichan would also agree with this decision. . ." She soon added with a calm yet longing expression on her face.

The trio gained a sadden expression as they recalled the man's last moments, then they still smiled and nodded. "Well. . .It's much better than Orochimaru. . ." Satsuki mentally stated as her friends nodded in agreement.

"However, are you sure about this decision?" Hinata asked the newly appointed leader of the remaining Fūma clan.

"Yes, we gave it a deep thought and we all agreed after everything that had occurred we decided that it was time that our clan should return to its former glory by our own hands." Hanzaki replied with a nod before grinning widely. "After all, if the people in Konoha see just how great our clan's jutsus are, it will help one day revive our clan once we properly settle in." He then added while laughing loudly.

Meanwhile, the blond shinobi, who was being carried by the Toad Sannin, gave a thumbs up with his free hand or well what looked like one, given that it was still covered in bandages. "Well, we'll be waiting for you then Samsame-chan." Naruto replied in an encouraging tone as he grinned widely.

At the sight of the shining expresion from the blond made the orangette to feel greatly embarrassed. "O-Of course. . .N-Naruto-kun." Sasame bashifully replied with a blush on her face.

"Mmm. . ." Both heiresses got out with pouts and puffed up cheeks as they looked at their future husband.

"!?" While the blond continued grinning, he suddenly felt a chill falling down his spine.

"Sasame-chan, we meant to explain this but. . ." Satsuki soon began to say with a slightly irritated tone.

"Well, it's time for us to head back." Jiraiya suddenly interrupted the two kunoichis, much to their dismay and annoyance. "I'll let the Hokage know about that request of yours and she'll respond in turn to it. Also with this pill, I'm sure that she'll be able to find a possible cure for you." He then informed while giving the long haired kunoichi an encouraging smile.

The long haired kunoichi could only smiled brightly at that. "Thank you. . ." She replied with a grateful tone as she felt hopeful that one day her body would return to normal.

The Toad Sage nodded as he turned to look at the Fūma Clan temporary leader. "For now though Hanzaki, take care of them and train hard. Once you think you and the rest feel ready, gather everything you'll need for your clan's eventual transfer, though it might take a couple of months for the response." Jiraiya soon requested.

"Right, we promise that this time we will regain our glory with our own hands as well as benefit your village in any way we can!" Hanzaki declared in a confident manner.

Jiraiya in turn chuckled in amusement at the response as he began walking away. "I'll hold you to it." He replied as he briefly looked at the man before looking forward.

"Well, see ya later!" Satsuki got out as she walked backwards and waved to the Fūma clan members before turning around.

"Until next time." Hinata informed them while giving a small bow and joined the rest of the group.

The Fūma clan all began to cheer and waved their hands as they all wished the group their best wishes. Meanwhile the young orangette's smile of admiration never left her face as she also wished the trio the best and that the day for their reunion came soon.

At the outskirts of the tavern city. . .

The group walked through the calm fields of the outskirts. After that long and insane mission, they all decided to take it slow to not only enjoy the scenery around them, but also recover their wounds and stamina as well as recall what they had learned from the mission.

"Man though, that was one crazy mission dattebakon." Satsuki breathed out as she stretched her limbs to the sunset orange sky.

"I agreed. . .But I feel like we did indeed need this." Hinata replied with a nod as a calm and tranquil smile formed on her face. "I feel like I can finally move forward again." She then added.

"Hell yeah." Naruto got out in agreement and with a nod.

Jiraiya didn't say anything, but smiled cheerfully, he knew that the trio would've been able to snap out of their funk. "Though I wished it didn't have to be so extreme. . ." He mentally thought to himself as he saw his energetic godson in his arms.

"Man though, a new clan for Konoha, what luck." Naruto got out as they were heading back.

"Naru-kun, you will keep your promise, right~?" Satsuki recalled in a sweet tone while the Hyuga Heiress nodded in needy anticipation.

"Huh?" Naruto gained a confused tone upon hearing that, but then he recalled what the two kunoichi's meant. "Oh! Yup you better look forward to it. . ." He declared with a handsome expression.

The two kunoichi's gain bashful expressions, though their eyes shine with excitement and expectations.

Then the blond's expression suddenly changed to his goofy grin one. "I'll invite you all to eat Ramen!" Naruto cheerfully declared.

The kunoichi's expression's turned pure shocked as their eyes turned hollow and their mouths nearly dropped.

At this sudden change the blond confused. "Huh? What's-?" Naruto started to say

"WE MEANT THE BEDROOM DATTEBAHI/DATTEBAKON!" The two heiresses mentally shouted to him at the same time with scarlet blushes on their faces.

Naruto in response blinked to that mental shouts to him. "Oh. . .oooooooooh!" He then got out as his head also went red in realization when he saw the embarrassed yet slightly lustful expressions on the two girls faces. "I am so~ going to get it when we get back. . ." He thought to himself while sweating heavily.

Jiraiya meanwhile could only let out a bellowing laughter as he instantly saw through the girl's expectation and disappointment. Much to the dismay of said kunoichi's as their faces were scarlet red from embarrassment.

JG (JGResidentEvil)'s A/N: Hey everyone JG here with the final chapter of the Fūma Arc of Uchiha Heiress Remix! FINALLY DONE!

F2P (fight2protect)'s A/N: MAN! That was a long time. . .Sorry took longer to finish. . .and upload it. . . ^^"

JG: Not gonna make excuses. . .but the real world sucks, especially with all the BS currently going on.

F2P: Oh yeah. . .And on that note, hope you're all doing alright and staying safe. BUT! Enough of reality! Let's get back to fantasy where everything is cool and hype! Like this chapter! XD

JG: So. . .much. . .done. . .

F2P: Yeah. . .This is without a doubt, our LONGEST. . .CHAPTER. . .EVER!

JG: Not exactly the longest, but more so where we had to come up with original material.

F2P: Dude. . .it was nearly 70 pages. . .

JG: *looking annoyingly at F2P* And there have been chapters with longer amounts, don't judge me my fellow meat sack! *Coughs into fist and calms down* In any case, onto the Review Responses! Here's mine from Darkmaster10000000!

Personally, I'm happy you two are doing the filler arcs, I rather enjoyed them in the anime. Also, if you could message me back, there's a rather... 'interesting' idea I had that you may like.

Thanks and good to know! I'll be sure to message you! ;) Now with the Fūma Clan Arc down, there's thirteen more Arc. . .we have a looooong way to go, but it will be so worth it in the end for all the character development we'll be putting in as well as other surprises and eventual planned clusterfucks!

F2P: Yeah Thanks! While yeah some fillers were. . .oh let's not kid ourselves ,they were lame. But like this chapter showed our take on the filler arcs WILL NOT BE LAME! BUT EPIC! But also remember this is so that you guys can get the right mindset, these arcs will really show off ALL the characters, not just the main trio.

JG: But the three will be involved and cause wanton chaos and possible destruction all around. :3

F2P: And we wouldn't have it any other way! XD Anyways, for my review is from our fate and respectful fellow writer. . .Leaf Ranger!

So naruto and the summons are in danger of drowning, Jiraiya was possibly crushed to death in a cave in, while Satsuki and Hinata are now faced with orochimaru. That fight with the monster, it Licker? From Resident Evil? I don't remember exactly.

Quite a lot of action happening in this chapter. Very awesome.

Also, uh-oh, seems Nina has some unexplained business going on with her chakra. I hope it's nothing too serious or dangerous for her, but guess we'll see on that front, won't we?

And lol, poor Kiba. He's dealing with someone who has two personalities now, and one of them doesn't know the other exists. Should be quite interesting seeing how that affects their future interactions. Was pretty great though.

Keep up the excellent work, and can't wait till the next one!

F2P: That last chapter WAS insane! Glad you liked it! And yes, we are using some monster from RE. I mean come on! Those remakes were cool! How could we NOT use them! XD

JG: And come on, they would totally be monsters that the pedo former Snake Sannin would make! Don't worry, no zombie virus will be made. . .however. . . *Trails off and look at the sky in a airy manner*.

F2P: As for Nina. . .that's a secret~ *chuckling evilly* And yup! Kiba is in for the ride of his life! Which will LITERALLY have its ups and downs! XD

JG: Though to be technical, there's more to Tayuya's condition then you think, but we'll wait until someone asks nicely for the explanation. :3

F2P: Mostly because it's fun to see if you guys can figure it out! XD

JG: Still, this chapter was an intense one to write, for obvious reasons.

F2P: Come on! Admit it! Those Naruto moments were epic! *pocking annoyingly at JG's head*

JG: Not denying it whatsoever! They were frickin' awesome! But now that we started more of the trio's development, it's gonna get even better from there as they'll be discovering new stuff to further improve themselves. . .even if they will be mainly using Shadow Clones to do all the work. Hooray for Shadow Clone spamming! XD

F2P: But also in this chapter it has the precursor of our favorite blond's Ultimate Kenjutsu! I'm pretty sure you guys are culture enough to figure it out though~ XD

JG: Hehe, people have been waiting a long time for that to come out! And come on, blond hair and blue eyes? It's completely obvious! XD

F2P: AND! SO! HAVE! I! But it's going to take a LONG time for it to be completed. . .

JG: But it will be glorious in the end! I swear to the Log and to Fruit Jesus it will be worth it!


JG: Yes! This will be the day that everyone will be waiting for! MWAHAHAHA! *Laughs maniacally* In any case, for this moment onward, we'll be doing what we can to pump out chapters, more so we can get major plot points done.

F2P: Expect more epic mutated fights! And also, we gave a BIG yet subtle revelation for one of the main threats of the fic! That's right. . .its: *dramatic pause* THE DOCTOR! DUN! DUN! DUN!

JG: And no, not that set of Doctors, this Doctor is someone who obviously works for Orochimaru and is the source of the mutation incidents they've dealt with so far.

F2P: But! Unfortunately we have no intention of revealing any more about this person. Where's the fun in that? :D

JG: Just expect more crazy stuff to happen related to them when the situation is related to Orochimaru somehow, you'll have to search for the arks and figure that part out, so trust us when we say we promise to work faster.

F2P: Dude. . .don't make promises you're not going to keep. . .But we will honestly work as best as we can.

JG: In any case, it's time for us to go for now so we can begin writing upcoming chapters, so try and fail to expect the unexpected as we will continue to blow your minds!

F2P: It will be delicious to watch you guys doing so in the comments! XD

JG: So, until next time, later everyone! Stay safe! ;)

F2P: And don't forget to wash your hands! XD Peace out!