"Speech" normal human/translation

"Speech" telepathy and communication

"Speech" pokemon speaking


Chapter 6

More Ship Tours


The Dead Station

Sara giggles stepping off the lift as her gundam starts a final check before going to sleep mode. However Miranda thought she'd try to get some information with a little hacking. One could guess how well that might go. The reshiram girl however didn't notice Lawson in the shadows, otherwise she'd have warned her.

"Well you're going to have to wait on that one, John." Sara says walking over to Shepard who was still standing near the N7 themed Strike Freedom. "We've got to do a neural scan of your mind to put into…" the sound of Miranda screaming in pain interrupts Sara as Lawson is thrown across the hanger bay, "…the mobile suit. I guess I should have warned her that the AI in the machine is a copy of me, shouldn't I?"

Lawson curse as she stands up with her left arm burned. "Damn it! That's over kill for a system lock out."

The reshiram themed gundam looks down as the wings on her back open some. "You went picking around in my mind and body! Be happy I didn't kill you out right."

"Just go to sleep." Sara says while storming over to Miranda. "And you're still trying? Even after all that's happened to you so far? Wasn't a black eye enough for you!?" She yells at the human woman and throwing out her fist.

"I'll get whatever I can to help get us be ready for the Reapers!" Miranda shouts at Sara. "Just how much is this David going to make off selling us second hand weapons anyway!?"

"None. He's doing this because he's been building these fleets for just this reason." Repair Sole says walking over to everyone. "The Reapers had the audacity to poke their noses into our galaxy once and got kicked out hard by David and the other primals. He's going to make them pay for trying to harvest our home some fifteen thousand years ago and all that you have seen, and some things that you haven't yet, has been developed for that very purpose and more."

"I guess we can now worry about what they've been doing in dark space a little more now." Garrus says with a hint of gloom in his voice.

Nina hands over a med kit to Jacob so he can tend to Miranda's arm. "It does make one wonder where the Reapers have poked their nose before, and since then."

"We can worry more about that later." Shepard says looking at Miranda. "As for you, Miranda, I think a trip to their medical bay is needed."

Sara just growls and leads them to the back of the hanger bay. "We can get your scan done there as well, Shepard."

The group walks through the ship and is surprised to see others like them, not only the girls, but even males along with more of the Geth like machines. This left many of Shepard's group in awe at the many different species that call the girls world home. Repair had to leave the group to oversee the next armor plate shipment for the Normandy, but didn't leave them without help.

"Sapphire is our ship doctor and will help you all from here." Repair says as a shiny Umbreon morph walks over. "I've got my own work to do. Goodbye."

True to her name Sapphire's hair is the color of her name, and the rings that they could see on both her arms, tail, and ears are lovely. Her clothing of chose is a pair of white jean, and t-shirt. "So this is the lady that got burned poking her nose somewhere it shouldn't have been, hmm?" Sapphire almost purrs the words gently lifting Miranda's arm. "You're lucky it's just burns."

"Lucky isn't the word I'd use." Miranda says frowning. "Does everything you all have use AIs?"

"Not everything my dear." Sapphire states lightly poking the burn. "There are things even an AI can't do without help. Now let's get you patched up, and I believe I have a scan to get of someone as well." She looks at Shepard with her orange/red eyes. "Shouldn't take very long."

Jacob leans toward Zaeed. "Now I wonder just what all the women are like from where they're from."

"Careful you don't come back burned in more than a few ways." Zaeed says grinning. "Unless you're fire proof?"

"No luck there." Jacob chuckles as they move along again.

"So Sara?" Sapphire asks putting a hand under the reshiram's chin. "How are you feeling since being left with these people?" She notes that Sara's doesn't feel very clean. "Getting cleaned up enough?"

"Have you seen the bathrooms on their ship? I can't fit in there." Sara mutters trying to get the umbreon's hand away. "But other than that I've been doing fine. Nothing but a rib getting creaked on the first day, and it's healing up fine."

"I'll be the judge of that, young lady." Sapphire states as they all enter a large medical room. "Now off with the armor, Sara. Commander Shepard my aids will get your scan for the Gundam, and you miss can park you butt on the med table here."

Hackett just shakes his head seeing the black vixen like woman work. He can't help but wish a few doctors like her were among his ships. A jackal like female and male both helped Shepard onto a medical bed and started to set up what looked like a scanner. "You all don't use Omni-tools for much of your work do you?"

"No we don't." Sapphire says pulling a divider around Sara. "We've gotten along just fine without them, and besides they don't scan well on everyone."

"Like for a mental scan to help with standing cockpit interfacing. By the way, I'm Cali and this is Mike." Cali says getting the scanner in place. It's nothing more than a light piece of metal at first glans. "If anything, anything at all feels wrong, Commander, just let us know."

"Okay, Cali. Will talking ruin the scan in anyway?" Shepard asks. "I've got a few things I'd like to ask."

Mike taps at the computer next to them. "Nah. In fact we get a better reading with some talk."

"Okay then." Shepard says grinning a little. "So you're both like Lara here I'm guessing."

Cali chuckles seeing Lara at the end of the bed. "Yes we're Lucario like her, but morphs. It must be really weird seeing the difference between us."

"Not really, but I can see why Nina said I'd be in for a surprise." John Shepard says grinning.

One of the marines is looking between Cali and Lara. "Only thing I see different is ones got breasts." He thinks getting a glare from a Meloetta morph. "Uh-oh. I'll just be outside." He quickly heads for the door.

"See I told you women can read our minds." His fellow marine laughs.

Sapphire gets to work on Miranda as Sara is heard getting her armor off. "Let's get this sleeve up some so I can see how bad it really is. Abby, bring over a few Rawst berries please." She gently pulls Miranda's sleeve up her arm to look at the burn more clearly.

A pink and cream colored female walks over with said berries. "Here you go."

"Just what are you?" Miranda asks as Shocks watches the Umbreon work.

"I'm an Audino, but please call me Abby." Abby says smiling softly. "Sapphire do you want me to give Sara a checkup?"

"Please do, Abby." Sapphire says picking up a berry. "Here eat this and it should help with your burn."

"She's a human, Sapphire. Not a morph like us so you're going to have to just put a wrapping on her arm." Dusk says stepping over as Mana walks out with Iris to make sure the marine didn't go too far. "The berries won't work, I think."

Miranda looks at them like they've gone mad or something. "You're saying you eat berries to heal burns?"

"Poison, burns, etc. can be healed in a lot of ways with the right berry from home." Dusk says with a little pride. "I grow a lot of plants back home so I know what I'm talking about."

"Got anything for the krogan that's still out cold in the hanger by chance?" Kasumi asks grinning. "Because I am not lifting that guy."

Everyone chuckles as the scan finishes on Shepard. Cali removes the scanner and helps him up slowly. "Anything feel off to you Commander?"

Shepard just stands up and rolls his shoulders. "I'm good. Any idea how long it'll be before my gundam is ready? I can't believe I'm asking this."

"Shouldn't be more than a day or two." Mike says. "That's just to make sure we've got a detailed enough scan, and the upload goes smoothly."

Sara pulls the divider to the side wearing her armor again and eating a berry. "Told you it was nothing big, Abby."

"Just try to be careful from now on, dear. You know how dangerous it can be right?" Abby says being motherly toward Sara.

Sara rolls her eyes. "Please I'm a big girl and have already made it through a few fire fights, mad krogan clones, and bouncing off a rock. I'm just fine."

"Also getting jumped by mercs, fighting through a prison of the worst crime the galaxy has to offer, and putting up with Miranda on a daily basis." Garrus says with a chuckle. "I'd say she's doing just fine as well as making the rest of us look bad."

"Speak for yourself, Garrus." Kasumi says grinning.

Sara sighs and waves to Nina. "In any case we're going to go get a few things. Nina and I will meet you all later."

"Final a shower and change of clothes." Nina sighs as Mara follows along. "For all of us of course."

The rest of the tour was still a surprise, but at least Mana, Dusk and Iris helped with some explanations. One of which was while they rested for a bit in the pilot lounge. It felt more like a sports lounge really in most ways, and even has a small bar in it.

Admiral Hackett sips a beer that the bar keeper offered. A zekrom female wearing a plain shirt with blue jeans, and needless to say the relaxed dress code added to the calm feel of the lounge. The beer also tasted damn good too.

Dusk sits down in an overstuffed armchair. "So what was it you wanted to ask, Admiral?"

Hackett sighs softly looking into his beer. "It's been bothering me since Sara was reported to me and I'm sure Shepard has wondered about it as well. How come you all aren't surprised at seeing humans, or any other alien?"

"Well as I'm sure you've been told, Admiral." Dusk says leaning back in her chair. "There's a rift in space/time back home that's let some very odd things through. Human's being one of them and not always the open minded kind like you all. Heck we had Captain Kirk walk through with an away team once, and that was just funny all around."

Shepard coughed into his beer hearing that. "Y-you're kidding me right? Right?"

"Nope." Mana says walking over with a couple of root beers, and hands one to Dusk. "Spock was a lot more interesting in person, but still as Vulcan as ever."

Everyone chuckled taking a moment to just relax some. Kasumi had something on her mind, and shared it. "So why it is a bunch of high school girls are guarding this rift?"

The two girls sighed. "It wasn't planned that way." Mana says. "It just opened in the caves under the forest and a few of those caves run under the edge of the town where the house is. One of those funny twists in life is all."

"Yeah. Really funny when it's the middle of the night and you find Scotty looking in your fridge for a sandwich to eat." Dusk chuckles remembering that night and the look of his face. "I had to pick that night to go around in just my fur."

Zaeed spits out his beer and coughs. "Damn it! I didn't need to hear that."

Miranda chuckles as Jacob just sits there bugged eyed. "Too much information." He mutters.

It's about this time that Sara, Mara, and Nina rejoin them in the lounge looking better. "That was just what I needed!" Nina shouts raising her arms high. "We miss anything in here?"

"Just Dusk being Dusk again." The barkeep says drying a glass. "Girl's shameless."

Mana grins leaning over the back of the chair and hugging the absol girl. "That's just her charm."

"Well if you're done making everyone feeling awkward." Sara says catching a root beer. "We've got a station to explore and hopefully find something useful."

"But the Normandy is down for refit." Miranda says gently rubbing her arm. It had been healed by putting a cream made from the Rawst berry juice on the burn, and healed it within fifteen minutes. "Just how are we going to get there?"

"The Raven of course." Dusk and Mana state at the same time.

"You walked into that one, Lawson." Mara says with a little grin.

Shepard finishes his beer and sighs. "So who's ready for a road trip?"

The prep work for getting ready wasn't the hard part. It was making sure that Rose, Jules, Jack, Mordin, and the rest of the Normandy crew would stay out of trouble. Though most were busy keeping the feral pokemon out of trouble as best they could with Jules, so it wasn't that big a problem. It was picking a team to go with them that would be helpful enough for the job. Shepard picks Garrus, Grunt, Miranda, and Zaeed to go with them as the rest stay to help with the Normandy refit.

Dusk eases the Raven out of the docking bay, and brings it around to leave the fleet. "This is Raven. We are clear and beginning our flight."

"Roger that Raven. Good hunting." One of the comm. officers says. "Bring back a souvenir if you can."

"We'll see what we can do." Shepard says standing next to Dusk as she flies them through the fleet. "Just make sure to skip the spinning rims on my ship."

"Copy that Commander." The comm. officer says chuckling. "Saber over and out."

"Enjoying the view so far, Shepard?" Dusk purrs taking them out of the fleet, and starting the flight to the Cerberus station. "You ready for slip space, Commander?"

"Do it." Shepard says ready to get this over with.

Dusk hits the controls for the slip space jump. Silverlight does the calculations and gives the green light. A small portal of blue and black appears as the Raven flies into it. They are now in slip space and Shepard is a little surprised.

"Looks like the relays FLT shot in a few ways to me." Shepard says looking out the window. "Not what I was expecting really."

Dusk just shrugs. "Not always what we think it'll be. So we've got about an hour or so before hitting this place. Want me to do a full check on my gear?"

"You just make sure the ship is ready to get us out if anything happens. I'll be taking Sara, Nina, Mana, and Iris with the others for this mission." Shepard says patting the absol girl on the shoulder. "Don't worry about them. I'll make sure nothing happens to them."

"I'll hold you to it, Shepard." Dusk says grinning. "Don't make me have to open a can of whoop ass on you." They both chuckle as Shepard heads to the hanger to get ready and pick out a few new grenades to try.

Meanwhile in the hanger Mana is doing a full check over the Star Dart to make sure it's ready for anything. As Sara and Nina help Miranda into a suit of armor to make sure she's safe.

"You really think this is needed?" Miranda asks checking to make sure she can use her biotics through the armor. "I'm surprised the armor doesn't block my biotics in some way."

"Do you think we'd wear armor that could block our attacks?" Nina shoots back. "Girl where is your brain sometimes?"

Before Miranda could respond to Nina's question. Sara puts the helmet that goes with the armor over Miranda's head. "Now don't either of you start fighting. Now just finish the system check while we get to our gear checked out."

Miranda pulls the helmet off and blows some of her hair out of her face. "Alright, alright. You sure know how to defuse a fight."

"I do live with a bunch of teenage girls after all." Sara says grinning as Nina starts laughing. "Yeah, yeah Nina. Tea pot calling the kettle black and all that."

Zaeed looks at Sara as she walks by with Nina. "Guess somethings are just universal after all."

Shepard walks in from the elevator and heads right for the grenade crates. "Let's see what all else we've got here to use."

"I've already got some incineration grenades, Shepard." Zaeed says checking his new SRS 99 sniper rifle. "I can't wait to see what's waiting for us on this station."

"Just a lot of dust and empty rooms if what the Illusive Man said it true." Shepard says getting out plasma grenades and a few spike grenades. "But with our luck I can't say for sure that's all we're going to find."

The soft sound of the Dart's engines turning off makes John look up for a moment. "I'm still much happier we've got a safer means of travel with that shuttle."

Mana walks out the open back hatch of the dart with Iris near her. "Girl hasn't even left her side for whatever reason. You'd think she was Mana's bodyguard or something."

"Hey boys." Sara says leaning on the crate next to Shepard. "Don't be looking into it too much if you don't want to be knocked out."

John and Zaeed look at each other and then Sara. "Point taken." They say at the same time getting a giggle from Sara.

Over the next hour everyone had check and double checked their gear. Dusk had to drop them further out from the station then she wanted too, and the reason being that the space around the area the station is in wasn't safe for slip space travel. So they have another hour to kill before getting within sight. This didn't make Shepard feel any better about this being an easy job.

Right now he was looking over a hologram of the station in question, and frowning deeply. The design used is that of something a keen to a long bow with three daggers through it cutting it into quarter secessions. The few things that made him worry the most were where the docking area is and the labs they would have to look at. A long walk was ahead of them once onboard, and he hates long walks.

Garrus is there looking at the same map in the war room with a grim look on his face. "Long walks never add up to anything good for us right, Shepard?"

"No, it never really has been a good thing." Shepard says zooming in on the docking area near the middle of the station. It looked to have been sealed after the power core was put in place. "Only if we could dock here it would be that much easier for us. As it stands I'm not seeing any kind of transit system we could use to cut the time in half."

Miranda sighs seeing the lack of detail on the map. "This is best map he could send us? I'm not sure I like how this is or where this is going in how he works."

The hiss of the door opening has Zaeed and Grunt turn to see who it is. Mana walks down the short steps and toward the holo tank. "We're going to be there soon everyone. A scout probe we launched is sending some better detail soon. But it looks like something ripped those Cerberus ships to pieces, and I do mean ripped apart." She keys in the outside video to show everyone on the holo tank. It looked like a meteor storm had hit the three ships that were still in enough of one piece to be seen as ships, but the rest couldn't be called scrap metal. "I'm worried about this. What was put on the station to do damage on this level?"

"I haven't got a clue, but I'd like to call the Illusive Man before going in." Miranda says but the look on Mana's face is clear that she's not happy about it. "I don't think Silverlight could be hacked that easily."

"If anything…" The sudden shift of the ship cut off the shiny glaceon's words. "What's happening, Dusk?"

"Nothing big really, Mana." Dusk says over the ship comm. "I just had to dodge some scrap metal."

"Well at least be more careful." Mana sighs.

"Not my fault it bounced off the rest of this junk. I'll try to get above this trash." Dusk says going around another large piece of hull and gets in the clear. "We're here and boy does it look like a mess."

Silverlight routes the image to the war room and the landing area all look like a bomb went off. "It looks like we're going to have to EVA into it once we're close enough, because I can't land the Dart on that mess of a landing bay." Mana says as an image from the drone comes in. "Looks like the recon probe made it inside. Now let's see what we've got."

"Looks like life support is still running and gravity is good." Mana mutters looking over the data as it come in right before a scream is heard over the comm. and the probe goes dark. "What the hell was that!?"

"I'm not sure but I think we're going to need to be extra careful." Shepard says cracking his knuckles. "Looks like something is still on that station."

"And it seems wild enough to rip a probe apart." Grunt says grinning. "Prefect for a krogan to kill."

Mana looks at Grunt frowning. "Or to kill a krogan. We might want to take a few heavier guns, because those probes aren't that easy to destroy."

"I sure wouldn't mind doing that." Zaeed says heading for the door, and hanger.

In the hanger Sara was going through more of the crates to see what all else they've got. She hands Nina a few Squad Assault Weapons (a.k.a. The SAW) to set to the side for later. Of course neither of them knows about the probe getting trashed just yet.

"You think we'll ever have a need for these things, Sara?" Nina asks setting the saw to the side. "The main base is the only place I can think of using these at."

Sara shrugs getting enough out for the team. "Same here, Nina. It's just a ghost station so I don't think we'll need this kind of overkill."

"Well, well. Looks like you found the really good stuff." Zaeed says walking over from the elevator with everyone and seeing the saws. "You might want to get something heavy to take. The probe got trashed by something and we never got a look at it."

"Lovely." Sara groans heading for another crate and opens it. "Why can't it ever be easy?"

The Raven floats near what is left of a shuttle bay area that was blown out. Inside the hanger on the ship everyone makes sure to lock their helmets and sealed the suits. Grunt, Zaeed and Mana each have a SAW with them as precautions. Shepard, Sara, Nina, and Miranda each have extra plasma grenades with Lawson taking what looks like a Thompson machine gun. She likes how it felt and the drum magazines for it giving her more ammo. Iris just leaves her kunai behind as Nina looked to be nearly weighed down by all her extra kunai blades.

"Alright everyone I'm opening the hanger doors. Be careful out there." Dusk says over the comm. "Silverlight will remote control the Star Dart to be near you guys as best she can. Let's just hope whatever it was doesn't have friends."

As the hanger door opens Sara rolls her shoulders. "That makes two of us, and be careful yourself. We can't get back to you if something goes wrong very quickly." She steps through the field holding the air in the hanger and morphs her arms into their wing form. This also lets her use the suits thrusters to a higher leaver of flight. "You okay Iris?"

Iris just stays very close to Mana as they walk past the field. "Yeah sure I'm fine. Not like I could die if anything goes wrong with the suit or whatever."

"I've got you, Iris." Mana softly says as they float toward the shuttle bay. "Just breathe normally and keep your eyes on me."

Nina chuckles as both her and Sara fly ahead with Zaeed and Miranda to make sure the area is clear. "She's so going to hate some of the missions at this rate." The zoroark mutters.

"Hush, and check the area." Shepard says lightly pushing Nina toward the damaged door. "Zaeed go with her and make sure nothing happens."

"Got it, Shepard." Zaeed says landing on his feet with Nina as they ready their guns (Zaeed with his Gears Lancer and Nina with her dual pistols), and the sound of Grunt landing behind them echoes in the shuttle bay adds to the feeling of dread.

Sara stays outside watching for anything as the others get inside, and she quickly follows through the hole. "I feel like I'm in a Dead Space game level right now."

"I second that." Mana says getting her Gear Lancer ready. "You're weapons ready Iris?"

"Of course, but I'm still don't think I'll need these Cyro Blast app omni-tools." Iris says looking around. "I didn't think we're going to even run into anything."

Mana groans. "Just keep it handy alright. No-one is taking their helmets off anytime soon."

"I'm going to say it now." Shepard says looking around with rifle at the ready. "Everyone is to keep their helmets on till further notice."

"Sounds like a plan to me." Sara says looking round the corner of a trashed shuttle. "I found the probe, or what's left of it." Before Sara is the back leg of the probe. The probe is designed after the liepard and built tougher then a tank. "I think we're also better off staying in a group. It takes a lot to trash a probe like this."

The whole team moves over to Sara while still keeping an eye out for anything. Nina even keeps an eye on the vents and notices something. "Uh guys. All the vents are busted from the inside it seems."

Miranda and Shepard look over the probe's leg with Mana. The edge of metal look to have been chewed on by something, and there was even a tooth stuck in the edge. "That's not a very good sign for a start to this." The shiny Glaceon says getting a chill up her spin.

Grunt watches the doorway leading into the station. "We're not going to find anything just standing here. I say we move further in and get what we came for."

"He's right." Shepard says standing up. "We've got some data to find and maybe a few weapons as well. Everyone watch each other's backs and be ready for anything." The sound of scraping is heard in the walls. "And I do mean anything at this point. Dusk you get all that?"

"Hell yeah I did, and I think both Nina and Sara have the best weapon for the job." Dusk says over the comm. "The Scattershot will do wonders on anything dumb enough to get to close."

Sara and Nina look at each other. "Duh." They holster they guns and bring out the forerunner shotgun. Grunt pulls out a pair of Boltshots and Zaeed gets out a Lightrifle he pickup on a whim.

"You two just couldn't help yourselves I see." Miranda says with a chuckle.

"Says the woman with a Tommy gun?" Zaeed asks back.

"Let's get moving and stay close." Shepard says. "Good thing I grabbed a few Pulse grenades while stocking on ammo."

"Better that we all did the same thing." Nina says checking around the corner of the door. "Clear."

The team moves into the hallway and begin the long walk to one of the research areas further inside the dark station. Sara watches the right as Nina watches left, and even keeping an eye on the vents whenever they see any. Miranda can't get anything on her omni-tool as they move toward a large area, and what they find there is a grime sight to them all. The bodies of a few dozen people in veering places and bloody. Pieces even thrown about like an animal had ripped them apart.

Garrus, who has been oddly quiet this whole time, is the first to speak up. "What the hell happened here?"

Sara kicks over a body to see it's a Blue Sun merc. "Looks like they got attacked and cut-up. You won't find the claws on any beast you know." A sound of something chewing on flesh gets everyone to turn, and Sara's the first to notices the movement.

Miranda slowly moves up and calls out. "Hello? Is someone there?" A blur of movement is seen as whatever is was runs off into the shadows. "It looked human, but not really the same. What the hell happened to this place?"

"I really don't want to know, but if these guys found it I'd like to know when they were killed." Nina almost whispers. "Where do we go from here, Shepard?"

John brings up a map with on his visor and points to an open door. "That way will take us toward some offices. We might find some files there to help out."

"Mind if we let our AIs at the computers, Shepard?" Mana asks. "They can be like extra eyes for us, and maybe get some power going instead of those generators the mercs setup."

"Do it." Shepard says as they start moving again. "I never did meet your AI Nina."

"Her names Jane Shepard." Nina says as Jane starts hacking into what's left of the station's computers. "And yes she's the female Shepard of the games."

Jane speaks over the comm line. "How you doing, John?"

"Better knowing you and the others are getting into the station. Also I now know what my sister would sound like if I had one." Shepard says lighting the mood a little.

Buck adds a little good news to the better mood." Hey I think I might have..Yes!" Some of the lights turn on. "I've got the lights on and secondary power in this section of the station. We shouldn't have too much trouble with opening doors now as well."

Iris however groans looking around. "That's a lot of blood on the walls, and floor."

Sara points out something else. "Look at what's been written with the blood. Looks like something we should know girls?"

"Oh no. No no no no!" Nina says looking around. "It can't be that monster. Please don't tell me that's what you're thinking, Sara."

"It's Marker script alright." Sara says not sounding very good. "The only upside is this is dry blood."

"How old do you think it is?" Shepard asks. "Also what's a Marker?"

Jane explains it to them. "A Marker is an alien item that can reanimate the dead, and is basically nothing but trouble. Also we know it from the Dead Space games, and if I see Isaac Clarke we're grabbing his ass."

Miranda just shivers. "Oh god! Is that what happened here?"

"By about two years old." Buck says taking a scan. "The only fresh blood was with the mercs, and that was about two weeks old."

Zaeed groans as the light flicker and go out. "Blood hell."

"You really had to use that set of words?" Mana asks. "Buck what's going on?"

The AI mutters for a moment before speaking. "The secondary power is still up, but someone pulled the fuses for the lights. We've got someone still alive, and I got video of him." He shows the video to everyone and Sara grins under her helmet seeing the goggles, blond hair, and worn armor. The light turn back on after the video is turned off. "I guess that was every light for this area."

"The COG, or Coalition of Ordered Governments, never thought to put lights on the guns for their troops." Nina says. "Where is he, Jane?"

"Not that far really, and I think we can get a…Wait a moment." Jane says checking the now open comm lines. "Looks like he reset the communication system by cutting the power fully for a hard restart. Shall we give him a call?"

Shepard sighs. "Are you going to tell us who this guy is anytime soon?"

"Once we're sure it's him." Sara says. "Let me do the talking on this, because I think I know just what to do."

At the same time the blond man is trying to figure out how to work the hologram keyboard on a desk. "Just what the hell is all this shit? A holographic keyboard, weird ass things walking around, and now the lights turning on by themselves. Well the last one isn't so but still: What the hell is going now." He sighs getting the communications going. "Finally! Something goes my way." He turns on his comm and links it to the system. "Hello is there anyone out there? Marcus you hearing me? Cole? Anyone at all?"

"This is Sara Denova with a search team and we read you loud and clear." A female voice says over the comm. "We've gotten into the cameras so we can see you. You've got a name buddy?"

"Think you can tell me where the hell I am first, sweetheart?" The guy asks with a smirk on his face.

A few chuckles are heard over the line as the voice mutters. "You're on a space station Arceus knows how far from home, and you've got some never calling me that."

"Alright, alright. I'm sorry about that. My name is Baird. Damon Baird." Braid says half grinning. "So you think you r team can help me out somehow?"

The door on the far side of the room opens as a team of eight walks through it. Sara just waves at Baird as his jaw drops. "This fast enough for help, Blond Genius?"

"You-You're not even human?" Braid says reaching for his gun till he sees that there are humans with them. "Guess I'm not really on Azura or even my planet anymore huh?"

One of the humans nods his head before taking his helmet off. Baird is mildly surprised to see the look in his eyes. It was a lot like looking at Marcus in a way. "I'm Commander John Shepard, and this is my team. We're here to explain and hopefully find something useful. Being the only living human on this station I hope you can tell us a few things."

Baird gives a salute to Shepard. "I'm not really sure either, sir. I just know that I was working on some secret project and the next thing I know is I'm here. Been here about two hour or so."

"You can cut the "sir" part." Shepard says. "So you don't know what happened outside this room I take it."

Baird sighs relaxing a little. "I got dropped a long way from this room. Not sure I can find my way back because of how dark it was." He looks over to the tall female as she removes her helmet and shows a mess of white hair with a muzzle face. "Damn! You're a surprise in a lot of ways ma'am."

"Just try to watch what you say from now on, Baird. If this was any different I'd have kicked your ass." Sara says as he matches the voice to the dragoness.

Baird just sighs as she puts her helmet back on. "I take it there's a reason way you're keeping the helmet on."

"We're not sure if all the station has air, so we're taking precautions." Mana says handing over what looks like a block of metal and something else. "This unfolds into a helmet, and this is a shield unit. It'll keep you safe enough till we're off this heap."

Baird looks over the two items and quickly finds out how to unfold the helmet. "I'll be damn. This is some awesome equipment you've got. I'm just not sure where to put the shield."

Shepard and Miranda look around the room as Mana helps Baird get geared up. Even if it's just an energy shield he'll be safe from getting spaced or EVA back to the Raven. Mana even gives him an omni-tool so he can understand Garrus and Grunt. Zaeed raises his gun to the vent in the ceiling as more scraping sounds are heard.

Nina is next to Zaeed in a second as everyone starts moving back together into a group, and toward the doorway. Sara holds up her hand to stop them after seeing movement at the edge of the door. "Let's go out the other side and press on." She whispers taking out a trip mine to setup. "This will keep them from following us, and add a little fire to their day."

"The door over there is where I came in from." Baird says pointing to the far side of the room. "It's clear, no blood, and a hell of a lot easier to cover each other's backs in."

"Also easier to get killed in." Miranda says. "Shepard, what do you think we should do?"

Shepard watches as Sara rolls the cylinder gently toward the door and it locks to the floor just inside the doorframe. A fan of lasers appears as it arms itself. "I say we go with Baird's idea. At least we know it'll be a little safer."

Jun speaks up as Iris sighs hearing her AI. "Looks like a transit line at the end of the hall. If this map I got from the network is right."

Team Shepard quickly slides out of the door as a scream is heard and the trip mine going off. Once the door is closed Sara uses Flamethrower to weld the door shut, and Baird just shakes his head.

"Damn girl. Your helmet can do that?" Baird says as Sara's helmet closes up around her mouth.

"Part of the design so we can use breath type attacks." Sara says tapping her helmet as they start moving down the hall. "Plus it scares the crap out of some people when used right."

Baird sighs as they walk down the hall toward the transit line and hopefully away from whatever the hell that thing was. The pounding at the door however makes it clear it wasn't alone.

"Let's move it people." Shepard tells everyone as he waves them on just as a bone like talon punches through the door. "Let's see what you do." He pulls out one of the Pulse grenades and throws at the door. It explores into a sphere of orange light making the creature scream in pain. As it screams Shepard runs after the others wanting some answers from the girls.

The team slows as they near the tram station and watch for anything in the shadows. Shepard rejoins them quickly hitting the controls to the door to close off the hallway. Once in the tram and it starts moving as they take this moment to check their gear.

"So what the hell were those things girls?" Shepard asks looking at Sara, Mana and Nina. "And don't say it was nothing."

"Remember what I said about a game called Dead Space?" Sara asks setting her guns to shredder, drill, and incineration ammo. "Well those things were the people on this station, but only now they are dead. Turned into a twist zombie like puppet called a Necromorph, and they only do one thing. Kill everyone and everything they can to make more of themselves. Kind of like the Reapers but only more twist as whatever the hell it is thinks it's a god."

Miranda shivers hearing this. "What about this Marker thing?"

Nina growls. "It's an amplifier for they form of indoctrination and how they control the dead. We destroy it these things should liquefy." She makes sure her Scattershot is fully loaded. "Unless these freaks are coming here by one of those gates then we just shut the gate and get the same things to happen."

"So it's kind of like the Lambent from my world." Baird says checking his ammo. "Only more fucked up."

"Yup." Mana, Nina, and Sara say together.

"Great so evil space zombies are running around this place and waiting to eat us. Prefect." Baird groans. "At least I'm with a group that knows what they're doing. Right?"

Shepard just pats his Gears Lancer. "I think we can handle it."

"That's the other thing I'd like to know." Baird says looking at the rifle Shepard is holding. "How in the hell did you get your hands on some Lancers?"

Sara chuckles as the tram enters a large area. "That would have been me, Baird. I gave them to prints to make our Gears Lancers. I'm sure you saw me setting something on mine."

"Yeah I did, and I'm guessing it's an ammo mode of some kind. Right?" Damon says looking out the window. "Just what the hell is going on with this place?"

Everyone looks out the window to see a fight going on with some humans in fur and light armor with a dragon. "Hey Sara. It's that from Skyrim?" Mana asks.

"Yup, and it's starting to feel more like that old movie I've been looking for." Sara sighs. "A 1980's movie called, "My Science Project". This is like out of that movie in a way."

John chuckles. "You mean the battle with the gladiator, or the alien bar fight?"

"Oh shut up." Sara groans face palming. "I'm starting to dread what we'll see next."

"You and me both kid." Zaeed mutters as they leave the fight behind. "If I see one god damn Bomb from Final Fantasy I'm running the hell away for the nearest airlock."

Everyone just looks at Zaeed in mild shock. "What? I got bored and had a lot of time on my hands. Never looked back after I found those old games."

"The things you learn sometimes." Nina says. "Looks like we're stopping soon if I'm reading the map right. Dusk how are things outside?"

"I'm not seeing anything out here, but that doesn't mean it's all good." Dusk says over the comm. "Just give me a shout when you're all ready to leave and I'll meet you for pick up."

"Copy that, Dusk." Shepard says as the tram slows. "Well here we go again."

"You sound so very happy about it, Shepard." Iris says walking out of the tram next to Mana.

Sara grabs the two Glaceons and pulls them back into the tram. "You didn't even look before stepping out did you?" She nods to a mess of blood and bodies. "Notice how some of them don't look right?"

Mana gets out her Gnasher and starts looking around. "Is this the part where they just jump up and rush us? I never really played the Dead Space games."

Sara and Nina step out with Scattershots at the ready. A few body get to their feet and let out a scream as they run at the girls slashing at the air. The Forerunner weapons make very short work of the undead as the girls one shot the necromorphs and let them dissolve into flacks of orange light.

Sara grins under her helmet. "It would seem so." She quickly uses Psychic to throw a trash can across the platform and crash another necromorph. "Looks to be mainly Slashers for now, and I think it's best we get moving again."

Shepard just blinks seeing the guns at work. "I may have to get one of those guns, but you're right. Let's get moving."

Dusk calls over the comm. "Hot news guys. I found the guns that might have taken those ships out, but they're beyond repair. Looks like someone used a shuttle to crash into them."

"Might have been the Blue Suns. It's just the brute force thing a few of them would do." Zaeed says.

"Let's worry about that after we're out of here." Baird says as they head for the hallway. "I don't think I can take these things jump up any more right now."

"One side! It's my turn to type." Knocks the writer out of his chair. "Now then what to.. Hey!? Knight what are you doing?"

"You are not missing up the story. Dimensional dropkick!"


Sara looks around and blinks. "Did you guys hear something?"

"AAAHH SHHIIIIITTTT!" A human male dressed in red and black body suit screams right before hitting the deck plating infront of Team Shepard. "Ooww."

Mana, Nina, and Sara just look down at the human. "You have got to be kidding me." They say at the same time.

Grunt just chuckles seeing the human. "I've got fifty that says the girls shoot him."

"Hey girls." The man says getting up. "IT'S DEADPOOL!"

"Shoot him!" Sara growls and the girls start shooting at Deadpool. Of course he break dances to keep from being shot.

Iris leans toward Shepard as the group watches Deadpool dodge the rounds fired at him, and like everyone else in stunned silence.

Garrus just shakes his head to bring himself out of the shock. "Damn! They sure don't like him."

As the girls reload their guns Sara turns to Garrus. "You wouldn't either if you know what he did to the school one time."

"Ah come one baby. You know it was funny." Deadpool says. "And check out these bazookas!"

Sara growls looking down and seeing Deadpool foundling her chest. A punch to the face is all the reshiram girl does to get him away from her, and of course this sends him flying across the hallway and into a room. Shepard and the others are quick to follow as Sara, Nina, and Mana just walk after them slowly.

Deadpool slowly raises his right hand. "So…worth it…The pain." He groans out putting his two fingers up in a V.

Grunt just chuckles more seeing only the hand from under a bunch of chairs and half a desk. "I so called it."

"Great. Now we've got this nutcase to deal with." Sara growls looking around the room. "If you ever grab my chest again, Deadpool. I'm going to burn you to ashes."

Shepard pulls a few chairs off the merc with the mouth. "Do I even want to know how you know him?"

"No you don't." Nina says with enough venom in her voice even Grunt flinched.

"We're going to leave it at why the school was without power for about a week." Mana says. "You just had to help Spike didn't you?"

"He's the only one to understand me." Deadpool says with joy. "And boy does he have the best ideas for fun." He stands up not even looking hurt. "Oh and I have a sick healing skill. I'm just fine."

Miranda just sighs looking away. "Then could you pull that chair leg out of your gut please. It's making me a little sick."

"Whatever you say hot stuff." Deadpool says as he starts pulling the chair leg out of his gut.

Shepard sighs walking over to Sara as she seems to be glaring at a vending machine of some kind. "Not really what you hoped to find I take it, Sara?"

"You've no idea, Shepard." Sara sighs still looking at the machine. "It's the last person I wanted on this trip, but this machine shouldn't even be here."

The vending machine infront of them is green with what looks like a cartoon gun on the front. "Welcome to Marcus Munitions. What can I get for you?" A recorded message says.

"Wait a minute. We've got stuff from Borderlands showing up now?" Mana said from the other side of the room looking through a few data pads. "Hold up everyone. I found something here that might have a few answers."

Shepard walks over to Mana as Sara looks over the machine a little more. "What did you find, Mana?" He takes one of the data pads from Mana as she hands him one. "Looks like a shipment list."

"Let me read this one to you guys, and get a little fed back." Mana states looking at another pad. "The last trip through the gate was the worst one by far. A huge monster the locals call "Sin" floated by in the ocean, and by just looking at a small fishing village, ripped the village apart as if just wanting to see what would happen. I just wish we could have gone to help, but the commander just watched on with cold eyes. He ordered everyone back to the cave where our gate is hidden. I swear sometimes I wonder if these guys Cerberus lets lead these exploration trips have any value of life." Mana puts the pad down. "Way does that sound kind of familiar to me? The damage and the monster's name I mean."

Deadpool would have said something smart-assed, but was too busy looking over Grunts Gear Lancer. So long as Grunt was holding the ammo for it at least.

Nina however knew it. "Final Fantasy X, Mana. Sounds like they saw one of the attacks that freak did."

Zaeed shivers at the thought of that "Sin" was real, and some poor fool had to see it in person. "God damn fools don't even know what the hell they were looking at. They were even luckier it didn't get them and learn about the gate. Forget the Collector and Reapers killing everyone, because that thing would kill them and just keep coming!"

Shepard sighs finding another data pad with a mission report. "Here's another one, and this sounds somewhat worse than the last one." He can feel almost everyone's eyes on him. "These people are terrifying! Really honest to god werewolves, magic, vampires, and even a cat like people called "khajiit"?! If I haven't seen half of this with my own eyes I'd be telling the guy to see the doc, and be sent off. I swear this is the one time I wish I hadn't joined this group because of this kind of shit! Oh shit I better run. Damn wolves can nearly bite through our armor, but those necromancers are by far the worst. What they do to the dead is just wrong, and yes I'm recording this as I run my ass off for the trucks." Shepard shakes his head as even Deadpool is just standing in shocked silence. "I guess that's why we've got a dragon walking around the larger areas."

Nina calls from the doorway. "Might I say "grabbing the pads and us leaving this area" seems like a good idea now? I just heard what sounds like a small group of people coming our way, and I don't want to meet them."

"You heard her everyone." Shepard says grabbing a few more pads as Mana offers out a few bags she's brought along. "Grab all the data pads you can find and let's move on from here. I don't feel like getting a lightning bolt in the face right now."

Baird just sighs. "Oh come on! We've got the guns, so why should we just run?"

"Because it could be something our guns can't kill." Sara says. "Just go with it, Baird."

"But it could be a mini-boss fight! Think how cool it would be too…Hey! Ouch! Alright, alight I'm helping." Deadpool says with Sara's Dragon Claw gripping his shoulder. "But I better get paid for this!"

"Shut up or I'll leave you here for the undead to feed on." Sara growls.

The team quickly grabs as many of the data pads lying around and Sara slams a chair leg into the vending machine control pad. Just to make sure no-one else can use the items in the sell menu, and they head off down the hall. Mana looks back in time to see a bunch of black robed humans walk into the light from a darkened hall. It was a necromancer leading a small group of bandits and they all looked to be from Skyrim. Team Shepard was gone from sight before they could be seen, and moved on to find one of the research labs nearby.

It took the team about twenty minutes to get to the labs, and close the door for a little protection. Baird looks around the lab and sighs loudly. "Oh great. More stuff that can't be good, and why the hell is a One Shot in here?"

Grunt looks at the gun and picks it up. "A really big gun hum? I like it."

"You do know it's a sniper rifle right?" Baird asks as the team looks at the different weapons left out on the tables. "Jeez, just what the hell are some of the rest of these things?"

Grunt hands the overly huge rifle to Garrus. "Think you can use this?"

"Are you kidding me?" Garrus says huffing. "Spirits this thing is heavy!"

Sara sighs. "Will you boys stop playing around, and put it back." She lightly runs a finger over a sword that looks to be made of green glass. "These aren't the weapons I was thinking we'd find here."

Shepard picks up a weapon with a lot of pieces around it. "What's with all these other pieces for this gun for? This also seems to use a gas of some kind for ammo."

Nina looks over and nearly geeks out. "You've found a DC-17m blaster. It's the trademarked weapon of the clone commandos from Star Wars." She walks over really fast and looks at the parts. "Looks like the sniper, assault rifle, and anti-armor grenade launcher parts are all here. One weapon with three to four forms, and yes it is a gas used for ammo. I just don't know what kind." She looks at a data pad. "Tibanna gas was it? Looks like liquids or crystals(depending on the blaster and developer) to fire their plasma bolts." Nina grins. "That's good to know, and it's even got a manual they stole."

Shepard puts the gun back down. "Let's find a case or something to put this in. I wouldn't mind keeping this handy once we've learned more about it."

"Looks like one is under the table here." Nina says looking down and pulling out the case.

Baird however finds the most scary thing in the whole room, and it's the one weapon the girls wished wasn't there. "This is one long ass sword over here."

Mana, Nina, and Sara all look over and freak out. "Don't touch it!"

"Gaah! What? What is it?" Baird asks nearly falling over. "And why are you three freaked out?"

Iris looks at Mana. "I'd like to know myself. It's just a sword after all."

Sara shakes her head walking over and gulping. "It's not just any sword, Iris. This is "his" sword that did so much damage, and took many lives." She sighs knowing this means he could be around and is the last person any of them should meet. "It is the sword of Sephiroth, from Final Fantasy VII itself, Masamune. This is not a very good sign of things around here, and may explain more of why this place is so empty."

"Just how did it get here?" Zaeed asks looking around as if ready for Sephiroth to jump out of the shadows. "Don't tell me they've got him in a room somewhere."

Baird looks over a data pad next to the sword. "Looks like they just found it in a crater of some kind and brought it back because of the energy readings it was giving off." He looks back at the blade. "You want to take it with us?"

"Are you nuts?!" Sara screams at Baird. "I'd like to just leave the damn thing, or throw it back to where it belongs! I don't want to even think about fighting him! Plus, having his sword with us would only make it worse! It can stay here for all I care."

Baird looks for a weapon case and then puts the sword in said case. "In that case, Sara. I'm bringing it so if we meet this Sephiroth guy and hand this to him. Maybe he won't see us as the bad guys."

"Let's hope so." Nina grumbles. "If we do you can hand that to him as we run our asses off."

"Yeah, yeah." Baird says making sure the case is closed and locked. "My idea, my ass on the line."

Sara sighs. "Well Sephiroth is the bad guy, but not by his full chose."

Mana looks around wondering why it's so quiet. "Where the hell did Deadpool go?"

Everyone looks around and sees where the wall once was. "A hidden door in a research lab for weapons?" Garrus says. "That's just a bad sign in so many ways."

Suddenly a scream fills the room as some necromorphs run out of the darkened space and go right for Garrus, and Grunt. However a large number of cryo blasts are fired on the undead and freezes them in place. Iris fires her Ice Spear (as Mana calls the projectile chambers) making each and every one of the zombies shatter.

Garrus looks over at Iris. "Thanks. I'm not ready to become the undead just yet."

"I only did it because I didn't want anything to happen to Mana is all." Iris says.

"Good thing nercomorphs are just puppets." Mana whisper to Iris on a closed comm link. "I know how you hate to take a life."

"Don't let them hear that, or I might not be allowed to stay at your side." Iris whispers back.

Sara looks into the new hallway and sighs. "Well we've got to see where this leads now." The pounding at the only door into the lab only makes it clear someone has found them. "I swear it's becoming like a "B" movie or something."

Nina puts the glass swords in a case and hooks it to her back. "It could those bandits again, and that tunnel looks like the only way out."

Shepard takes point and leads them down the darkened hallway as the pounding at the door gets louder. The shouting of the beings on the other side only made it clear it's the bandits, but it sounds like they're scared. Baird just grunts finding the controls on the inside of the tunnel and closes the door.

The tunnel turned out to be an old work area from when the station was being built. Of course Deadpool had left his mark in his normal way as spray painted arrows dotted the wall every six feet.

"He did this to bug us didn't he?" Shepard asked. "And where did he even find the spray paint?"

Sara shrugs her shoulders. "You can never really tell with him." The sounds of gun fire is heard faintly from further down the tunnel. "Though it does sound like he's at least being useful."

The group hurried to see if Deadpool needed any help. Well Shepard's crew did while Sara and the girls just hung back a little. Not like Deadpool would go down that easy in a fight when weighed in his favor after all.

Sure enough Shepard, Garrus, Grunt, Zaeed, and Miranda get treated to DP blasting necromancers and bandits left, right, and up with shotguns. The merc with the mouth shouting, "Bang! Bang, bang, bang!", at the tops of his lungs sending limbs and blood flying. Just a basic display of Deadpool doing his job and having fun doing it.

"I think he's just fine. Let's move on." Shepard states flatly turning left and walking right by the battle by the catwalk. "I'm starting to see why you girls don't like him."

"Behold! I have the poooowweerr!" Deadpool shouts as he throws a sword at the head of a necromancer.

"You think?" Mana, Nina and Sara says at the same time as they leave the large room.

Over the next thirty minutes or so the group moved along the halls and rooms seeing necromorphs, bandits, and all kinds of other beings. They did have to blast a path through a bunch of necromorphs that had set themselves up as if guarding something. It turned out from the map the AIs could put together the portal labs our just beyond this group, and also these seem to be the only nercos in this area as well.

"So we kill these freaks, and the labs we want are just past those doors?" Baird asks looking around the corner. "To make it better those huge freaks make up the only ones in the whole block?"

"That's about the size of it." Buck says standing in hologram form next to Shepard holding the map. "But it had to be a group of six Brutes, two Dividers, and of course an Ubermorph. For the Brutes it's easy to knock them down by shooting the shoulders where the yellow glow is. Dividers are trickier as they break apart when hit and the Ubermorph can regenerate itself."

Shepard has a plan in mind for the Brutes being the easier of the group to kill, and the forerunner sniper rifle Garrus shoulders now is part of the plan. The Binary Rifle is a two round sniper rifle that, like other forerunner weapons, uses hard light rounds (a.k.a. ionized particles) that will make a target break down into light particles when killed. Shepard just hopes it works like the Scattershots have to this point on the undead monsters.

Zaeed also has a plan for the Dividers getting a pair of grenades tied together (one pulse the other incineration). "This should deal enough damage to kill those things out right." He mutters.

"Dividers do walk slowly enough till they see something for it to attack, so it should work." Sara mutters. "Plus the Brutes are best at range for killing, but it's the Ubermorph that's going to be tricky to kill. I know in Dead Space 2 you can kill into by blasting it into a huge fan on the way to the giant marker, but we're short on huge fans right now."

Miranda pokes Nina's arm. "Couldn't Sara's fire work on that thing?"

"Not for long because it'll regenerate." Nina says. "Now if you know of a fire pit we could drop it in. Then maybe it would work."

Lawson looks around the room seeing it's as wide as the Normandy's hanger and twice as long. Lying around is a lot of crates and the like that could be used to pin the necromorphs down if they could be lifted. A thought hit Miranda about lifting things and Sara's training.

"Sara could you lift some of the things in this room and drop it on the Ubermorph?" Miranda asks the reshiram girl.

Sara looks around seeing pipes, floor plating, I-beams, and so on. "It'll slow that thing down for a while. Maybe even keep it in place till we've left the station, but I'm not sure I can make it work." She grins under her helmet. "But I'm feeling lucky today. What do you think Shepard?"

John looks around the large room and grins under his helmet. "I think it'll work out just fine."

"What about the pipes above them?" Grunt says pointing up. "Some of them look perfect for canning that thing."

"I can work with that just fine." Sara chuckles darkly. "Those thicker pipes look perfect for sealing the Ubermoprh away for a time."

Shepard gets his sniper rifle out and nods his head. "Alright then that's what we're going to do. Everyone get ready to take out the Brutes first with sniper fire, and then we'll use Zaeed's grenades on the Dividers." He sees a good place to setup for the group of snipers nearby. "That stack of plating looks good for us."

Garrus, Zaeed, Sara, Baird, and Shepard dash across the open space between them and the plating. The sniper team moved one at a time to make sure they won't spotted by the necromorphs. Nina called up a pair of shadow clones to get in close with the grenades to kill the Dividers in one go. All that was left was to hammer the Ubermorph once they got the killable ones out of the way.

Mana, Miranda, and Iris get ready for the attack to begin. Mana has an Ice Shard ready as Iris gets Blizzard powered up in her hands. Miranda sets her Overload to max in hopes it works like a stunner, and slows the Ubermorph for Sara to trap it. Grunt gets his Gravity Hammer in hand just in case something gets too close to anyone.

The snipers line up their shots on the Brutes and wait for Shepard to give them the word. "On three." John whispers grinning just a little. "Three!"

The rifles give a loud report in the large room and the Brutes lose an arm quickly followed by the other. Garrus had gone for head shots out of habit, but it gave them a surprising edge. The turian must have hit something important inside the two Brutes because they broke down into flakes of light. Nina's shadow clones dropped in front of the Dividers and set off the grenades dealing double damage of both fire and ionized particles.

During all this happening the Ubermorph looks on just standing there till the Dividers disappear in a flicker of light and fire. It slowly starts walking before breaking out in a full on run right at the sniper group. This is when Braid opens fire arming for the legs to slow the freak down as Mana, Iris, and Miranda attack with ice-type attacks and Overload. This slows it down a little bit but now enough to make it an easy fight.

Shepard quickly changes to his Gears Lancer to add more fire to the battle, and so do the others that has the same weapon. At the same moment Sara works on pulling the large pipes down and from around the room to can the monster. Nina dives down from above blasting away with her Scattershot and forces the undead to stumble with the added fire from Zaeed, Shepard and Braid on its legs. Blizzard and Ice Shard starts to freeze the Ubermorph as Overload stuns it for a short moment, but Iris scored big as Blizzard rips the limbs off the body and keeps it in the air. Sara scoops up the Ubermorph into a large thick pipe and crushes the ends of it to seal the undead monster inside and keeps crushing with another pipe around the first.

The reshiram pants loudly letting the large metal ball slam into the ground. "Th-that should hold him for a l-long time. I think any way."

"Anyone else think that was a little too quick and easy?" Braid asks looking around the group. "I mean it just kind of stood there taking it."

The large ball of metal holding the Ubermorph starts to rock a little, and the smell of burning metal from acid drifts toward the group. If they had the helmets off it would smell even worse.

Sara looks right at Braid. "Have you even known of an unstoppable force that just killed whatever was in its path?"

"Yeah." Braid says walking over to Sara. "We called it a Berserker and could kill it with the Hammer of Dawn. Why you ask?"

"That Ubermorph could and would kill the Berserker, and we don't have the Hammer of Dawn!" Sara states loudly as the metal ball groans. "Now run!" She shouts as they run for the door at the other end of the room just as a talon of bone, flesh and metal rips out one side of the ball. Sara looks back and groans. "Great. It's using the metal to make its body tougher."

Miranda looks back as an unearthly scream fills the room and sees the waves of blue coming off the monster as it slowly breaks free of the metal. "And it's also a biotic?! How the hell did it get that?"

"This station was filled with how many people?" Nina asks as Shepard gets to the door and works on a bypass. "I think it's had enough time to get what is needed from the people here to become a biotic!"

Miranda just nods her head as Braid bolts through the door with Zaeed, and Grunt just close behind. The Metal Ubermorph roars standing up nearly twice its normal height and looking at Team Shepard with an inhuman grin. It takes a few steps before breaking into a run screaming at the group talons raised at the ready to cut them all down, but just as it reaches the halfway point between the group and what's left of the metal ball something happens. A huge crescent moon sharped blade of brown metal with a gold crest on one end flies from a side hallway and slams into the necromorph ripping into the body. The force knocks the monster off its feet as the blade digs deeper into and out the back just as Sara uses Psychic to slam a pipe into the chest wound pinning it to the wall. Both the pipe and the blade hit a power relay in the wall arching teravolts of rare power through the monster. Nina flash steps to the young girl that came running out of the hall and scoops her up in her arms before flash stepping again to the group.

The reshiram girl is the first to know who the girl dressed in a nice outfit of leather, cloth, and armor pieces. "Nan of the Hunting Blades!? How'd you get here?"

"Like I'd tell a monster like you!" Nan shouts her green eyes blazing with rage and fear as she's pulled into the room on the other side of the door. "Let me go!"

A few pipes crack in the ceiling above them leaking pure oxygen into the room. Mana is the last one into the control room as the door closes. "I think it's going to be a very big explosion in there. We'd best get to finding the data fast before that happens." She pants as she ices the door to add to their protection.

"Let me go you monster!" A young girl's voice shouts getting most of the team to look at Nina. "Hey you! Don't just stand there. Help me out here!" Nan shouts at Shepard.

Shepard sighs as Nina lets Nan go and she runs over behind him. "She's not a monster, but more over kid." He turns around and kneels down to look at the girl. "Just who are you and how did you get here?"

"My name is Nan and I'm with the Hunting Blades guild." Nan says to Shepard walking over to him. "As for how I got here I'm not telling someone who works with monsters."

"Okay, Nan. I'm Commander John Shepard." Shepard sighs as Sara gets to work with Buck on finding data on the portals. "First off they are not monsters. So I want you to be more open minded for the time being. Second, we're not leaving till we find out just how bad things are here."

"Fine then, John. Just point me to the way out." Nan huffs. "Stupid monster friend."

Zaeed sighs looking out to the floor below. "Hey kid. You want to see real monsters? Have a look down there, and see something that's right from your nightmares." He does see the scar on Nan's left arm near her shoulder. "Or one more nightmare at least."

Nan shots Zaeed a look, and goes over to the window. Once she looks down and sees the necromorphs Nan falls over in a mix of fear, shock, and feeling sick. "Oh god. What are those things?"

"Those are the truest form of monsters, Nan." Sara says softly looking over the data Buck is loading into the chip, and being sent to the Raven. "And we're going to kill them all once we've got all the information here." She grins under her helmet as the last of the data is loaded up and pulls the chip. "Now we just have to leave."

"Great. Any idea on how to do that?" Garrus asks looking to Shepard. "This isn't our normal trouble, so ideas anyone?"

"Dusk here and I've got just the crazy idea to get you guys out of there." Dusk says over the comm line. "You may want to lock your armor for space guys."

Nan blinks hearing Dusk over the speaker on Sara's gauntlet and wondering what she means. "Okay just what does she mean by that, and what kind of Blastia is that?"

"I'll explain later, but for now I've got to make sure you're safe." Sara uses Psychic and Protect to make a bubble around Nan to keep her safe from the lack of air about to happen. "I'm sure she's not going to like this."

Everyone else locks there armor for space as Nina sets Braid's shield to overdrive. "That'll keep you safe for this crazy idea." The zoroark girl says double checking her own armor.

"It's cool. Crazy ideas are how we won the war back home for my team." Braid half jokes before sighing. "We still lost a lot of people because of them too." He thinks to himself frowning some.

Outside Dusk brings the Raven into line with the door hanger bay doors, and powers the main gun. Silver light sets the power lower enough to punch though the many walls, and also readies four station killer missiles. These missiles are set with a timer plus a warhead that is cored with element zero. Just as the targeting tone becomes steady the team hears Dusk over the comm. "Firing now."

A bright light blasts from the gun cutting a hole in the side of the station, and the walls inside. Going deep enough into the station to clear a path and the team insides hears it coming. The sudden impact is felt as the beam bursts though the wall and fades just short of the gate the necromorphs are protecting.

Nina shakes her head to clear the ringing in her ear. "Stand back! I'm blasting us a hole!" She powers a Force Blast and then throws it at the wall. The wall gave way easily enough. She's also the first to jump out and down to the floor. Grunt is next with Zaeed, Miranda, Iris, and Mana right behind them. Sara is next holding Nan in a bubble made of Psychic and Protect. Garrus, Braid, and Shepard jump out last as the group then makes a run down the path made by the Buster Rifle on the Raven.

"Just run for it for it!" Shepard yells as the air rushing out of the station helps speed their escape. A good thing to as the group starts to moon jump to cover more ground. "For once it's a helpful thing." He thinks.

Sara runs ahead of the group and times her jump to make the leap to the Raven as the hanger opens. She clears the field and lets Nan out of the bubble. "You okay?"

"That was the craziest thing ever!" Nan pants looking around. "You better explain everything to me soon."

Grunt flies into the hanger next with Mana and Iris next. They catch Braid, Miranda, Zaeed, Garrus and Shepard as they jump in. "Once we're clear of this place. Dusk seal the bay and get us out of here!"

Dusk just grins as she hits a button to close the hanger and fires the missiles. "We're gone." She whispers pulling on the controls and turns the Raven away as the missiles fly into the hole and not only rip the portal apart. But one hits the power core's cooling tank. The Metal Ubermorph screams it's last as the oxygen is sparked off by the arcing from the power relay. The station explodes in a massive light as the warheads go off all at once.

Shepard is quickly up the stairs and to Dusk's side to see them that they are clear. However not that clear as Deadpool is on top of a shuttle and wearing a fishbowl. To his dismay DP ever has a comm and shouts, "Look at me! I'm the Silversufer!" He then does a back flip into the shuttle and it shots off into FTL.

"Now I see why you girls really hate that man." Shepard sighs rubbing his forehead trying to make the headache go away.

Two hours later the team is relaxing watching a movie and drinking they preferred drink. Sara took the time to tell Nan and Braid everything she could. However Nina needed to start teaching Nan how to use chakra in place of the aer for her blastia. Shepard made his report to Hackett about the station and learned that the Normandy is nearly ready to fly. All that's left is some testing and she's good to fly. However a pirate fleet is heading toward Hackett's fleet and looking to claim a prize for the Batarains, but they don't know about the Gundams.