Here is the chapter. Tell me what y'all think! Oh, once again it is a little bit more violent.

Disclaimer: Nothing has changed. Still don't own it.

Camellia swayed. Her legs wobbled. She used her hand to guide her down the corridor, the stone cool to her feverish touch. The fight with Shinigami had taken it's toll on her exhausted body. Her throat was so dry that breathing hurt. Her head had begun spinning again, and it was all she could do to keep one foot shuffling slowly in front of the other.

The physical pain was not what hurt the most. It was the accusation that still echoed in her ears, over and over.

"You're Fire Nation."

She shivered. A tear slid down her cheeks, and she wiped it away. Of course this is happening. You knew it would be like this. You knew.

Nothing could compare to the question that he had asked.

"Why?" Every sound, every letter that slipped out of his mouth was steeped in betrayal. She was the thing he hated most in the world. He had smiled at the thing he hated, held the thing he hated, comforted the thing he hated. Kissed the thing he hated.

She walked on, unsure of what to do. Camellia knew that . . he would not want to see her, and probably attack her, but in this state she didn't think she could get out on her own. Plus, she needed an earthbender to leave Lake Leogai. She could try and force one to bend her out, but she didn't even have the strength.

Before she knew it, she had made it to the meeting place. It was a small room off from the main hallway, seemingly unused. Camellia had been the one to suggest meeting there if they got seperated. It was close to their exit, but out of the way and empty. They would be able to rest for a moment, regroup, and escape. By now, Jet must have told the others what I am. I can not go in there.

She stood outside the door to the room, her little body shaking like a leaf. It was just like when prince Zuko had seen her as a child, after her first kill. She felt dirty, filthy, useless, betrayed. And there was nothing she could do about it. Nothing. Killing was the only thing she was good at. The only thing.

A voice interrupted her dark thoughts. "Camellia! you made it! We were so worried."

A small hand rested on her shoulder, and she didn't even flinch. Any minute now, Jet would kill her, and she knew it would be over. But she didn't fight back. She didn't move.

"Camellia?" That voice, it was Aang. He turned her around, concern in his eyes. "Everyone else is inside the room, we should go in too."

She shook her head, unable to speak. It surprised her, a hand on her would normally make her attack, but just then. . . what had she been thinking? Aang tilted his head to the side, worried about her.

"You know," He started, glancing down the hall. "If you need to talk about something before going in, that's fine."

"Too open." She squeaked. Her voice trembled.

"If anyone comes, we'll run."

Camellia squeezed her eyes shut. This boy was too nice. It was bizarre to think that the world depended on someone as kind as him. She had always thought of the Avatar as someone like her father, cold and calculating. But this boy was nothing like him. As she looked into his gray eyes, Camellia knew that this boy would win the war. Somehow, he would make it.

She held up her hand, and a tiny flame blossomed in the palm, flickering, living, breathing.


That was all he said. Oh. He didn't attack her, he didn't scream for the others to come out and see what she was. He just said oh. And that was enough. She smiled, the first real smile to grace her face in days.

"Let's go inside." She whispered.

As soon as they entered the meet up, Camellia looked for Jet. He was sitting with Smellerbee and Longshot, resolutely gazing away from them. Everyone was there, some drinking water, others chatting quietly, perched on the boxes that filled the tiny room. It was more of a broom closet, but from what seemed to be in the few open boxes, it was their food storage room. Katara jumped up and ran over to Camellia.

"Here, you need to drink some water."

"But you need that to bend. . . "

Katara shook her head, handing her a full flask.

"We found a lot of water flasks in the boxes, so there is more than enough."

Camellia seized the offered flask and began gulping it vigorously. The water was a little old tasting, but to Camellia in her dehydrated state, it was the best water she had ever had in her life. She sat down on a box against the wall, angled so she could see the whole room. Jet refused to glance her way, even though Smellerbee was sitting close to her. It hurt. Then it occurred to Camellia that the only people in the room who knew what she was was Jet and Aang. He hadn't told anyone yet.

Sokka stood up, gaining the attention. "Alright everyone, we need to focus. We have rested, and Camellia is back, so now we need to find Oppa." Everyone nodded, and Sokka continued. "So, we know a room not too far from here is big enough to hold Oppa, so I say we run over there and try to get out as soon as possible." Once again, everyone nodded. "Camellia." Sokka addressed her. "Are you feeling well enough to go now? We may have to fight,"

"Yes. But I don't have a dagger. The Dai Lee took all of my weapons."

"I have an extra one." Smellerbee spoke up, reaching for the dagger strapped to her thigh. Camellia's expression did not change, but inside she was wincing. She had wasted a perfectly good dagger on a stupid throw at Shinigami. And the dagger wasn't hers.

"What?" exclaimed Smellerbee. I had a dagger! It was. . .It was right here! I know it was!"

Finally, Jet turned to face her, his eyes cold and distant. "Camellia had a dagger when we were separated from the rest of you."

Everyone looked at her, waiting for an explanation. Smellerbee looked ready to kill, Longshot was mildly curious, and Jet was smirking. He knew exactly what he was doing. Camellia's mouth was stuck. She knew she should say something, the silence was incriminating, but for once nothing came to mind.

"Camellia must have found a dagger while we were running, and Smellerbee, your dagger could have fallen out of the binding."

It was amazing how easily everyone accepted Aang's idea. It was obvious that Camellia was in no state to pick up a dagger, and Smellerbee was much too careful with her weapons, and yet they all moved on from the topic. Smellerbee grumbled a bit, and Jet grimaced, but the topic had been changed.

Sokka lent her one of his whale bone daggers, and they were off. They ran through the halls, straight to the room Jet had pointed out. It was unwise, Camellia knew, to just jump into a room the way they did, but before she could say anything they had dashed in.

They were in the center of the room when Camellia noticed it. The hair on the back of her neck stood on end. The room was huge, and empty of any flying bison. Chains hung from the ceiling, casting eerie shadows. It was a trap. The door slammed shut, and everyone spun around to see the Dai Lee agents drop to the ground. They were surrounded. Long Feng's voice echoed in the huge room.

"You have made yourselves enemies of the state. Take them into custody."

Longshot notched an arrow, Sokka brandished his club, Jet his hooked swords, and the benders took their stances. The only one who did not move was Camellia. She stood there, waiting for the right time to make herself known. It would be too much for her to attack right now and engage herself in a long fight. The Dai Li dropped down and came around them, firing their stone hands at them.

Toph made quick work of the first two who fired at them. Two down. Jet charged another set, slashing across their chests and putting them out of the fight. Quickly, he flipped another and attacked him viciously. Six. The Avatar took two down, blasting them into a wall. Longshot nabbed one in the arm, and Toph dropped two more in an impressive display of earthbending. Eleven. The Dai Li seemed to have forgotten all about the tiny girl with the borrowed dagger, instead focusing on the obvious threats. Good. That is how it should be. As the others fought against the Dai Li in flashy displays, Camellia slipped around their fights, quietly dropping agent after agent with a strike in the back. She was lucky the borrowed dagger was a war dagger, it had no problem reaching the heart.

As she maneuvered unseen on the battlefield, she slipped closer and closer to Long Feng. She could see his eyes moving about, watching the children take down his agents. It was no surprise, then, when he turned tail and ran.

"Long Feng is escaping!" Shouted Aang, and the Avatar and Jet dashed after him. Camellia was not far behind, desperate to keep an eye on Jet. They followed him into another room, this one smaller. along the walls, water poured out of pipes into a pool just below the platform the stood on.

Behind them, the door slammed shut, and Long Feng dropped to the ground.

"Alright Avatar, you've caused me enough problems. This is your last chance. If you want your bison back."

Camellia frowned. Something was wrong. She couldn't place it, but she knew without a doubt that Long Feng had something up his sleeve.

"So you do have Oppa!" shouted Aang. "Tell me where he is!'

"Agree to exit the city now, and I will lift all charges against you and allow you to leave with your pet."

Jet raised his hooked swords, and the light glinted off them wickedly.

"You're in no position to bargain."

"Am I not." He smirked. Camellia opened her mouth to warn them. Something wasn't right, but Aang cut her off.

"You're definitely not!"

"Jet." said Long Feng. It clicked. Camellia propelled herself at the Freedom Fighter, as Long Feng spoke the next dreaded words. "The earth king has invited you to Lake Leogai."

He was too far away, she wouldn't get there in time.

"I am honoured to accept his invitation." Whispered Jet, his voice dead.


As Jet turned against Aang, Camellia appeared between them, and the swords cut into her flesh. The pain blossomed across her chest, and she fell to the ground.

"Jet!" screamed Aang.

Not Jet.

Camellia pushed herself up, staring at Jet.

It wasn't right.

He moved like a puppet, leaning to the side as the strings pulled his arm up to attack. It was unnatural. His eyes were glassy, a dolls eyes, no expression on his face. It wasn't right. It wasn't Jet. The brash confidence he had while fighting was gone. He wasn't even really fighting, he was just moving.

"Jet, don't do this! It's me, Aang!"

The Freedom Fighter attacked again, breathing heavily. He yelled, swinging his swords.

"I'm afraid he no longer has a choice.

"Jet, I'm your friend. Look inside your heart!"

A grimace contorted his face. Jet was fighting back. Camellia struggled to her feet, walking towards him. Her hand was holding her chest, blood leaking between her fingers.

"Jet." She whispered.

"Do your duty, Jet."

"Jet." Camellia was beside him. He raised his sword as if to attack her, but Camellia moved faster. She did the only thing she could think of, she kissed him. It was not a sweet kiss, nor a passionate one, but a kiss wrought with desperation. His lips were cold. Tears spilled from Camellia's lips again, as she broke the kiss. She knew that would be the last one they shared. He hated her.

Jet stood, staring at her in shock. In one swift movement, he pulled her into a bone crushing hug, one hand tangled in her hair, the other wrapped around her. It was a moment that remains etched in history, no matter how the lives of the people change. He was for her, she was for him. They fit in each others arms perfectly. It lasted only a moment, before he let go of her, pushed her out of the way and flung his sword at Long Feng.

It was an easy dodge for the Dai Li leader. He sidestepped, and sent an huge rock column barreling to him.


The dust cleared. He was lying on the ground. His chest rose and fell unsteadily. Blood pooled about him. Red, red blood.

Aang ran up to Jet, and Long Feng ran away, but Camellia saw none of this. She stumbled to the freedom fighter, falling to her knees next to him.

"Jet." She croaked. His large hand brushed her cheek, a soft smile on his face.

"It's incredible." He whispered. "It doesn't seem to matter what you are now."

His words were weezy, wet. The sure sound of a lung filling with blood.

The rest of Aang and Jet's friends stood around her. One of them tried to pull her away, but she would not be moved. She heard Katara murmur "This is not good."

"Go." said Longshot. "He's our leader. We'll take care of him."

Somewhere within her, she knew they left, but all she could see was Jet. He was coughing, his body shaking with the effort. Camellia held the hand against her cheek. It was growing cold.


Jet turned to her once the coughs had subsided.

You can't.

He smiled, a sad, sad smile.

"Camellia." He started, focusing all his effort on speaking. "Camellia, I'm. . . "

He coughed, his body shaking. One more rattling breath. It echoed in the chamber, echoed in her heart. He never let it out. The hand fell from her cheek.


Not Jet.

Anyone but Jet.




Vaguely, She was aware of her body. She could feel his hand, resting on her lap. She could feel the torrent of tears. She could feel the anger.

Not him.

A scream tore itself from her throat, ripping out of her lungs. No sound has ever been heard more heartbroken than this.

Not Him.

She was moving. Shouting. She propelled herself after Long Feng with fire. She didn't care anymore, only one thought on her mind.

Not him.

Off balance, she charged after the man who had killed him. It was all his fault.

There, running away.

He turned to her, surprise and fear etched into his face.

He was a monster.

He would die.

She grabbed him, tearing at his face with her claws. A finger sunk into something soft. It burst under her, oozing liquid down his face. He screamed.


Scream more.

She pushed him down, clawing at his face, forgetting her firebending. Clumps of his hair came away in her hands.

Not him.


The man below her had stopped moving. And suddenly, she didn't know what to do. The anger, the scream in her heart that had never gone away since that night she had killed the old man was gone. Gone was the hatred for herself. Gone was the fear of being discovered. Gone was the love she had for Jet. Gone was the hope the Avatar had inspired. Replaced by a rattling breath that would never be released.

A small figure trudged up a long hill, silently stepping around the huge stones. Mist clung to the ground, swirling around her. She had traveled this path at least a thousand times.

At the top of the hill, a lonesome tree grew. It's huge branches were home to countless animals. And at the base of the tree was a gravestone. The figure stood before the stone, a gentle breeze pulling at her cloak. She pushed off the hood, embracing the cold wind that bit into her flesh. Camellia knelt before the stone.

"It's over." She whispered. "The war is over."

Silence met her.

"Aang won, and now the fire nation is being reformed."

Camellia closed her eyes, as a single tear slid down her face.

"I thought I didn't have any more tears to cry for you." She whispered. "I guess some things never change."

She sat there for hours, as the sun rose in the sky. She did not move, sitting as still as the stone. Finally, when the sun was dipping low, she stood, her bones popping.

"This is the last time I'll be here for a while. I want to help prince Zuko, and try and do something good for this world at least once."

From under her cloak, she drew a bouquet, and placed it on the grave.

"Goodbye." She whispered.

As she walked away, the breeze tangled itself in her long black hair. Engraved in the stone was two simple words.

Freedom Fighter.

Sitting in front of the stone was a bouquet of Hydrangeas and Camellias.

The End

I hope y'all liked it. I know, the ending was hard, and sad, but I hope y'all liked it all the same. It has been great writing this story, and it's a little sad to see it finished. But like every story, it isn't really finished. Camellia is still moving about in the Avatar world.