Nik jumps out of the car and rushes over to meet Caroline. The text message seemed urgent. He sees her blonde locks, falling in waves as she turns her head around. The smile he had on his face was gone, when he noticed the sadness in hers. He hates to see her so upset. They had been through too much already. Caroline had just gotten back from some boarding school her parents sent her away to. Another failed attempt to keep them apart. As he walks up to give her a kiss on the cheek. Caroline turns her head in the opposite direction. The coldness she gave him stole his warmth. Nik lets out a scowl as he takes a seat on their bench. This bench is special, they had their first real conversation here. He remembers asking her to " Take a chance Caroline" and she did. He was just sad it turn out this way.

Caroline looks at him and sighs. " Hi..babe" she lets out while looking down. Nik takes his hand and brings her chin up. " What is it…Caroline" he whispers.

" I can't be with you anymore" she says in a low voice. He drops his head and stands up, starting to pace around. " I….what…" he is so flustered he can't get his words together. Caroline's eyes are following him " We have been through too much. I just need a fresh start" she finishes. Waiting on him to reply. He throws his hands up in the air and shakes his head. " Does this have to do with your parents? Is that way you want to end things?" he says as his voice starts to break. Caroline rubs her face " No…I…I am going away to college."

" Okay…sweetheart we talked about school. Thats something that you want, I told you we can work on that and stay together." He pleaded. Nik gets down on his knees in front of her and takes her hands in his. He layers them with soft kisses. " Please love….don't break my heart." he begs. Caroline jumps up jerking her hands away " Sorry..I have to go." she says as she walks away. Nik rushes in front of her trying to hold her. Caroline pushes him off. " Your making this hard…Don't…. its better." Caroline walks to her car. As she gets in she hits her hand on the steering wheel. Nik looks around and kicks the bench. Breaking a slat off from it. He drops his head and walks back to his bike.

The next morning he rushes over to Caroline's house. Thinking that maybe she had changed her mind and wanted to talk more. He knocks on the door and his palms began to sweat a little. The Forbes do not care for him much but he took a chance anyway. Liz answers the door. " What are you doing here. Haven't' you done enough." Nik throws his head back a little. " Look Liz…I know you don't care for me. Please tell me Caroline is here." Liz rolls her eyes " No ..her father is dropping her off at the airport." Nik starts to fight for air, he feels his chest getting tight. " Please leave my daughter alone, you and your family have done enough. Goodbye Nik" Liz closes the door. Nik stands there still trying to catch his breath. He walks back to his bike. He pulls himself together as a single tear falls from his eye. Caroline Forbes the absolute love of his life has broken his heart and is gone….

Four years Later…..

Caroline smiles at her new place. She knew moving back home was gonna be hard. Especially the way she left. Her parents gave her no time to say goodbye to anyone. When she returned from that horrible place they put her in. Caroline shakes her head not wanting to think about it. This is a new start. She knew everyone would have thousands of questions but she was ready. College had been great after her first year. She was still heartbroken over Nik. Caroline has not thought about him in a while. She tries not too because if brings back so many memories. They were high School sweethearts and he was the love of her life. The only thing that stood between them was her parents and his. With her mom being the Sheriff, she knew a little about the dirty dealings of the Mikaelson clan. Everyone had suspicions about what they did but nobody really knew for sure.

Caroline grabbed her keys from the table and went off to explore Mystic Falls. She wanted to see what had changed. Caroline is walking down main street when she sees him. She stops dead in her tracks. He is laughing and smiling at a brunette girl. As the girl gives him a kiss. Caroline closes her eyes not wanting to witness someone else touching him. Then as the girl turns back around she notices it is Hayley. Her archrival in high school, it figures she would want what she had. Caroline rolls her eyes. Then her view turns to him. He is still sexy as ever. His dimples and dirty blonde hair. Caroline can still remember how he smells and taste on her lips. Nik and Hayley turn heading in Caroline's direction. She holds her head down. Hoping they do not see her. She rushes into the ice cream shop as they pass. Caroline lets out a sigh.

Minutes pass and she feels it is safe to come out. When she is walking out she runs into something hard. " Oh…sorry" she says. The man looks at her and smiles " Caroline….my mother told me you were back in town. Still beautiful as always I see." Caroline looks up and smiles " Tyler. Oh…Its great to see you. How have you been." she asks. Tyler smiles and nods his head " good." Caroline just stands there " well..I have to go." She says as she starts to walk around him. He grabs her arm " Hey, maybe we can hang out sometime." he says with a question on his face. " Yeah just get my new number from my mom" Caroline says. Tyler bites the bottom of his lip " Will do. Maybe I can take you out now. Since your no longer with Nik." Tyler raises his eyebrows and starts to walk off. Caroline just scoffs and heads out the door.

Tyler has been after Caroline since elementary school. He has this vision in his head that him and Caroline are meant to be. Their parents are best friends. He hated that she chose Nik over him. Ego blow she figures. Caroline shrugs and continues to walk down the street as she comes up on her sigh. Caroline smiles and gets all antsy as she walks in. " The place looks great dad." She says while giving Bill a hug. " I'm glad you like it Care. Now…everything is ready to go." he says in a stern voice. He takes Caroline's hand as he guides her through the office. " You have your nice waiting room. Then over to the left your consultation room. Across the hall your office." Bill looks and smiles at her " I am so proud of you….Caroline." She starts to tear up a little " I love it daddy…thank you."

" I just have to finish some minor details in the back. Well…in other words tell the guys what to do and then we will be out of your hair." Caroline nods her head as her dad walks off. She is getting out some of her things when the bell rings. Caroline comes from her office and looks.

" Bloody hell…look what the cat dragged in. Nik's gonna have a shit fit" Rebekah said. Caroline's mouth drops wide open. Damn, it looks like this was shaping up to be one hell of a first day back.

Songs in this chapter

Don't Speak~No Doubt

The Way Things Are~Fiona Apple

(A/N) Okay...Let me know what you think. If you like it please review and I will continue. This is my first All Human fic. Again thanks for reading. If this is your first time reading one of my stories, you can check out Chosen also. Thanks for reading. xoxo