"Listen up everyone." The gathered men of the Shinsengumi looked into the Vice Commander's serious eyes and behaved except for the 1st squad captain who was sleeping in the corner. "I received news concerning the Kihetai and Takasugi Shinsuke ..." Even though Okita had his eye mask on, he listened carefully. The demonic vice commander blew smoke then continued. "They were spotted here on Edo ..." Everyone got agitated. "...With the Harusame."

"But vice commander, aren't the Harusame working directly under the Elders?"

"Not just that, what if they're after the Shogun's head?"

"We won't stand a chance against the whole universe."

"They've already beaten us once and it was a fight betting our country."

Everyone panicked.

"If you're too scared to fight for the Shogun, you might as well commit Seppuku now. Tomorrow is Hime-sama's birthday. A party will be held on the castle. I don't need cowardly jerks hindering our mission." Hijikata threw his sword in front of the Shinsengumi members. They were silenced. "We'll do patrols tomorrow night. 1st and 3rd squads are in charge of guarding the Shogun and his sister. That's all. Everyone dismissed."


"Kagura-chan, will you go to my party tomorrow? With Gin-chan-san and Shinpachi-san of course." Soyo-hime asked her excitedly.

"Of course! We're best friends after all!" Kagura gleefully replied.

"This is my first time inviting a friend. So Kagura-chan, promise me you'll come no matter what." The girl with long ebony hair held out her pinky.

"Even if it rains cats or dogs or spears, I'll definitely come! It's a promise." She held out her pinky and entwined hers with the princess's. They both giggled then smiled warmly.

After that, she went back to the Yorozuya to inform the two.

"Gin-chan! Shinpachi!" She ran inside.

"Oi Kagura teme! Pipe down would ya? Don't you see I'm sleeping?! Argh you ruined my beautiful dream with Ketsuno Ana."

"Ja Gin-chan, I'll put you to eternal sleep."

"Ma, ma ... Stop it you two. Gin-san, let's listen to what Kagura-chan needs to say." Kagura rolled down her tongue and Gin tsk-ed.

"Bwahahaha bow down mongrels for I, Kagura queen of Kabukichou, has given you the privilege to attend the princess's birthday!" She crossed her arms and snorted.

"Eh? Is that for real? We got invited to Hime-sama's birthday!? When is it Kagura-chan?" Shinpachi couldn't believe what he just heard. For a commoner to attend a royal party is a really huge privilege.

"So? We don't have the money for gifts nor clothes. How do you plan to attend something as extravagant as that?" Gintoki picked his nose with a deadpanned look. Kagura pouted.

"I-I'll manage somehow." She looked teary-eyed. Gintoki stood up.

"Really... You'll have to work overtime for this." The silver-haired perm scratched the back of his head lazily.

"What do you mean Gin-chan?" Kagura's eyes widened.

"Isn't it obvious? Let's go buy those clothes and gifts."

"Gin-san/chan!" The two shouted in sync.

"Hurry up before I change my mind."

They rushed to the Shopping district to check out some fancy clothes. Something caught the vermillion-haired girl's attention.

"Gin-chan that!" She pointed a red kimono with gold butterfly prints and a yellow ribbon. It looked elegant especially with the hair ornament beside it. It had 3 red sakura flowers forming a triangle and gold wires curving beautifully. "I want this one Gin-chan!" Gintoki looked at the price. His jaw dropped after seeing so many zeroes.

"K-K-Kagura-chan this is a bit expensive don't you think?" The perm-head tried to convince her into finding a much cheaper one. She pouted.

"But I want that one ..." She stared from outside the shop. Gintoki sighed and scratched his head.

"I'll see if I can borrow money from Hinowa."

"Arigatou Gin-chan!" Kagura hugged him.

"Geez ... Now go buy Sukonbu!"

"Really Gin-chan?"

"Idiot not for you! For the Princess!"

"Eh? But why?"

"The Princess likes Sukonbu, doesn't she? If that's what she wants, then what we'll give her."

"Isn't that a bit cheap Gin-san?" Shinpachi asked.`

"Pattsuan, haven't you heard about the saying that 'It's the thought that counts'?"

"But even so Gin-san, it's the princess we're talking about. At least make it more expensive like jewelries or something."

"If we give her that, she'll only take it for granted since she has thousands of those. Here, go buy her Sukonbu." He handed some coins to Kagura.

"As expected from Gin-chan!" Kagura ran to the store which was farther from where they stood. The two watched her retreating back. Soon after she disappeared from their sight, Gin turned back to the kimono then entered the store.

"Gin-san, what are you ..."

"Shh ... This will be our little secret." He placed his finger next to his own lips with his reassuring eyes.

"Gin-san!" Shinpachi's eyes enlightened with admiration. After they bought the kimono for Kagura, they exited the store.

"Here ..." Gin threw the bag to bespectacled boy.

"Eh? What do you want me to do with this Gin-san?"

"Hide it in your house until the day of the party then asked your sister to give it to her."

"But why Gin-san? I think Kagura-chan will be more happier if you gave this."

"Screw that! Tell her we got it from baldie. I'll give you 300 yen." He scratched the back of his head then walked away.

"But Gin-san ... Wait up!" The two walked slowly away not knowing that someone else heard them.

"Heh ... Not bad Danna ..." A caramel-colored-haired sadist smiled as he leans behind the vending machine.

"Idiot Gin-chan ..." Kagura couldn't help but smile after what she heard while she hid in the alley.