A/N: Hi All! New story from yours truly. I've sort of mentioned this in passing, but this story is definitely something that is completely different than my other works. It definitely takes place in an alternative universe. I'm going to let you guys read it, before I explain myself any further. I hope you guys like it!

Warning: Harsh language and violence throughout the story.

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Big Time Rush


"I have her cornered from the Southwest."


"Same from the North."


"Got the East covered."


"Looks like you guys have her locked in. Make sure you get her before she attacks her vic. She took him into the alley not too long ago."


"It's always the alley. Why don't they ever get creative and kill their victims somewhere else?"


"Carlos, we don't want them to kill anyone, anywhere." Logan's exasperated voice buzzed through their earpieces.


"Shut the fuck up, both of you. Remember what the specs said; this one's got good hearing," James' no nonsense tone interrupted them. "Kendall, you're closest, shoot it before it attacks."


"Got it."

The team watched from their locations, waiting for the flirtatious blonde woman to make a move. Getting her from behind would be easiest.

The woman leaned over her drunken victim, seemingly ready to kill, before she let out a derisive laugh.

"You think I can't hear you? Come out, come out, wherever you are." She let out another giggle before letting her victim slide to the ground. Her eyes glowed in the dark alley. "Come on, I always like a good fight before I eat. Meat tastes leaner." She laughed again.

"Fuck," James said to himself, well aware that everyone could hear him. He hated that their covers had been blown, things just got messier when their targets knew they were hunted.

Kendall stood up from his position, pointing a gun at the blonde.

She tilted her head and smiled at him. "Mmmm, you're a cute one." Her eyes narrowed before her human skin shed, revealing a blue reptilian demon standing in its wake. Her stance had grown so that she now towered over Kendall, whipping her tail back and forth. "I wonder how you taste!" She jumped on Kendall, knocking the gun out of his hand.

"Shit, Kendall!" Carlos cried out, jumping out to help his partner.

The demon snapped its head up. "Ooh, another one's come to play."

Carlos fired his gun at the reptile, making it drop Kendall in the process. Kendall scrambled to find his gun.

The reptile hissed from its new position on the wall, slowly making its way over to Carlos. Carlos took another shot, missing the demon slightly as it jerked away, pouncing on Carlos, throwing him to the ground. The latino struggled with the demon, getting in punches, and avoiding the razor sharp teeth.

Finally finding his gun, Kendall shot at the demon, distracting it from chomping off Carlos' head.

It jumped back, readying itself to attack Kendall, again.

"I've had enough of this," James muttered, jumping from a ledge he was perched on. He landed gracefully on the ground and aimed at the monster.

Two shots passed through the demon's head, splattering Kendall with its brain. The body slumped down.

James tucked his gun away. Glaring at where the demon had previously stood.

Kendall wiped his face. "You couldn't have waited until I pushed it away or something?" He threw his hands up in disgust. "Now I got to get my clothes dry-cleaned, again! Damn it, James."

Carlos stood up. "Why didn't you make your appearance sooner? Seriously, my head was almost ripped off!"

James narrowed his eyes. "Why didn't you use your craft? Things wouldn't have gotten so out of hand."

Carlos shrugged, "I wanted to do things the old-fashioned way."

The drunken victim that the demon had brought into the alley began to stir. Carlos studied him. "He's so drunk, I don't think he's going to remember anything."

James turned away, heading towards his car. "Doesn't matter. Logan, Blank him. An hour should do."


"Got it. What about the corpse?" The technician of the group asked from his van parked nearby the scene.

"What we usually do. Get JEN on it." James replied, referring to the clean-up crew that consisted of three women all named Jennifer.


"Awesome. I mean, I'll watch it until they get here." Carlos' enthusiastic cry rang through James' earpiece.

"Meet back at GC in an hour for a debriefing."

James Diamond sat down in his seat an hour later at Griffin Corporation, a seemingly innocent international shipping company that actually housed the demon hunting unit in Los Angeles. Arthur Griffin was well aware of the supernatural world, having encountered demons in his youth. He started the unit when he realized that there was a demon underworld within the city. Not having the knowledge to run the unit, he funded the operation but left management to Gustavo Rocque, an ex-marine who fought demons overseas.

Gustavo Rocque ran the unit, and until recently was out in the field, but because of a severe injury, was detained to desk work for the rest of his career. He had recruited James first out of all the hunters, not only based on his impeccable demon hunting training, but also because James was a Dormant.

A Dormant was a decedent of a person or persons known to have hyper-human abilities. Dormants never know when or where their abilities start; some Dormants live their whole lives without awakening. Dormants who have awakened to their power were known as Craft Users. Unlike Carlos and a couple of other hunters on the unit, James had yet to awaken to his craft. He wasn't bothered by that particular information however, he was the best hunter at GC, with or without his craft.

James eyed his colleagues as they drifted into the meeting room.

He spotted Carlos Garcia walk in holding a can of cola, a staple drink for the resident telekinetic. Unlike many others who had to wait for their powers to come in, Carlos was born with his gift ready-to-use. He had alarmed the nurses incredibly when he constantly rolled himself and the crib to the door to be with his mother an hour after she have given birth to him.

Kendall Knight walked in next, freshly showered. Kendall was the only one that James knew before working at GC. They had both joined Griffin's demon hunters training program at the same time. Like James, Kendall was a Dormant. His father was an Element Craft User, however, that didn't necessarily mean that Kendall would be too. It was known for some offsprings to have different crafts from their parents.

Following Kendall a few minutes later was the other team on the unit, Jo and Lucy.

Jo Taylor was the daughter of a CIA agent and was one of the few mortal hunters on the unit. She had accidentally found confidential information her dad had secured about GC and the demon underworld, and since that day, had been enraptured by it. Finding out about her dad's true identity at a young age and picking up a few of his tricks, she was one of the stealthiest members they had. Her background in Judo didn't hurt, either.

Jo's partner, Lucy Stone, was one of Gustavo's newest recruits. Sitting at lunch one day and being attacked by the resident bully, she managed to flicker the lights on and off before creating a powerful surge that led to an explosion, forcing the school to shut down for the rest of the week. Her ability to control electricity proved to be useful once Gustavo put her through training.

James maintained a neutral look as Logan walked into the room alongside the ballistics specialist, Camille, speaking in low voices. He assumed that they were talking about the new bullets that Camille had recently developed.

Originally moving out to L.A. to become an actress, Camille Roberts had stumbled into her current employment almost quite literally. She had misread the address to her audition and somehow managed to swindle her way into the ballistics lab at GC. Needless to say that those security guards were automatically released from their duties that day forward. Camille, or Cam, as she was affectionately known by her colleagues, thought that she had walked into a prop department. When she took a look at the designs for some of the prototypes, she automatically raised questions about the practicality of the design. The ballistics specialist at the time knew that Camille had an intuitive knack for weaponry and begged Gustavo and Griffin to let him apprentice her. They agreed and a few years later, Cam not only learned everything from her master, but surpassed him as well, inventing useful gadgets for the unit.

Logan Mitchell was the technician of the unit. Though he was able to go out into the field with the unit, he was most useful behind a computer. His ability to hack into any computer system and locate information about anything came in handy. Not only was he good at running computer programs that scared even James, Logan was quite adept at logistics. He had set up a van that provided him a bird's eye view of his surrounding area, allowing him to locate and place all members of the unit. Logan was another Craft User, though, it was partial at best. He had physic bursts that foretold the near future, sometimes saving a member's life. However, these bursts came infrequently, and Logan had yet to learn how to master when he could access his craft. Though his technical jargon sometimes confused certain members, he quickly earned the respect of everyone at GC.

Carlos smirked across the long table that spanned across the meeting room. "So, how did your night go, ladies? Catch anything good?"

Lucy sighed and shook her head. "It was another Spitser. I swear, those things are like the pigeons of the DU, they're everywhere. What did you guys get?"

"A Fatiss," Kendall interrupted, raising one of his thick eyebrows. "Impressed?"

"Please, we know that you lost your gun in the process and James had to step in to save your ass," Jo responded, rolling her eyes, and flipping her dirty blonde hair over her shoulder. "You would have lost to the Fatiss if you didn't have the extra pair of hands to help you."

Kendall glared at Logan. "You told them about it?" Kendall knew that in the short amount of time between the assignment and the debriefing, only Logan had time to talk with the girls as he had access to all the communication networks in the unit.

Logan shrugged his shoulders. "I had to pass time somehow as I was Blanking the vic."

One thing that Cam's predecessor had invented was the Blanker, a device used to erase a certain amount of human memory. Cam had perfected the Blanker by allowing the unit to set the time frame they wanted to erase from the victim's memory as opposed to them losing half a day's worth of memories. It caused less confusion in the aftermath. Though the Blanker was helpful, the team thought that the less humans were involved with their work, the better.

James cleared his throat, wanting to avoid any unnecessary arguments. "Logan, anything wrong with the clean up?"

Logan shook his head. "It went smoothly. The corpses stayed corpses." They had run into a few problems in the past when the demon bodies would reanimate and cause trouble for JEN. It was why it was now necessary for the unit to have members wait until the clean up was done before leaving the scene.

"It was good with us as well, but like I said, just a Spitser," Lucy added.

James nodded. "Good. Cam, you don't usually make an appearance, I expect you have something to tell us."

Cam nodded from her seat. "Yep. I think the tracking bullets are almost good to go. They should be ready in the next day or two. That way, when you guys manage to hit the demons, but they manage to get away somehow, it'll be easy to find them."

"You don't know how excited I am to try these babies out!" Logan cried, looking eagerly at Camille, causing the brunette to blush.

James groaned internally, thinking about how he didn't like personal affairs in the workplace. "I don't think we have any pressing assignments tonight, or else Gustavo would be here. I think we can call it a night."

Carlos gave a whoop. "Awesome. I have this video game I want to check out. It's great, you get to go around shooting these aliens−"

"Wait, you spend all day hunting demons, and you go home to fight virtual aliens?" Jo asked in amazement.

Carlos shrugged. "Yeah, how do you relax after work?"

"I don't know, with a bubble bath, maybe?"

Carlos considered her response. "That sounds good, too, but I like my way better. Oh, hey Gustavo."

The large manager of the unit walked into the room with his assistant, Kelly Wainwright, right behind him.

"Gustavo," James greeted with seriousness. "Do you have an assignment for us?"

"What? Oh no. I'm here actually to introduce the newest member of our unit, as, um, a replacement."

Everyone went somber, thinking about what had happened three months ago. It seemed only yesterday that everything transpired.

James scowled. "A replacement isn't necessary. We have enough members on the unit."

"Everyone on the unit needs a partner, James. You know that. It's Griffin's policy." Kelly piped in.

"I don't," he answered.

"James, you're getting a partner, and that's final. That's final," Gustavo repeated, when he saw James about to argue once again.

Kendall and the others sat in silence, watching the verbal exchange like a tennis match. He cleared his throat to break the staring contest between James and Gustavo.

"So, who's the new recruitment?"

Gustavo spared Kendall a look. "I'm glad you asked. You can come in now." He shouted out the door.

A petite young woman with tawny hair stepped into the room with a smirk adorned on her face.

While James only enlarged his eyes, Kendall dropped his jaw.


A/N: Oh gosh, I have no idea how you guys are taking it. It's such a divergence from my usual works. I typically like to make the characters maintain their personalities, but I decided to go OOC with this one.

I'm a huge fan of the supernatural genre. So, I was definitely influenced by works like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Men in Black, and Witch Hunter Robin for this story. With the amount of characters that BTR offers, I really thought that I could definitely create a supernatural story using them. Also, by now you're probably aware of the type of language used in the story, normally I wouldn't include it if it weren't necessary, but I wanted to create a more darker and mature atmosphere. I apologize for offending anyone with the language. As for the amount of violence, there's nothing I can really do; the story focusses on demon hunting, there's bound to be some amount of violence incorporated.

Well, I hope you guys liked it! Please, leave a review and tell me your thoughts. :)


