Title: The Heir of Black

Summary: Pitch refused to admit defeat but knows better than to strike against the Guardians without a weapon. So he makes one...Like the others, he too was mortal at one time, and he had a daughter. Now many generations later he will use his heir against the Guardians. Only problem? Sirius Orion Black wasn't much like his family.

Jack helps Sirius rescue his little brother from Pitch's hands and starts to fall for him. He's possessive and jealous and when he decides that Sirius is his...well...things get interesting.

Pairing: Sirius/Jack/Remus

Warning: AU, there isn't really a proper time setting. Slash. Threesome.

.:~*THOB *~:.

Sirius was quiet all through the carriage ride to the train. He felt his friend's stare on him but he remained silent. He knew they wanted to ask what was wrong all of the sudden when just a day ago they were full of laughs as they did some last minute pranks.

Sirius looked at one of the carriages ahead of theirs were he caught sight of what was bugging him. He couldn't explain it, but there was something going on and it was following him, but not just him, Regulus as well. He wanted to describe what he was feeling but it was impossible, but it felt like this dark shadow was looming near him and as he tried to wash it away with his magic, it gave him some 'sight' of this shadow. As strange as it was, he could see the people around him and they were clean. The only other to have the same looming, ominous aura was his little brother.

When they boarded the train, they found their compartments and stayed seated until the train began to move. The silence Sirius refused to break was too much and affecting the others. Peter excused himself to the bathroom and left the door to their compartment open. Sirius looked at it for three straight minutes before he gave into temptation and got up and headed in search of Regulus.

Remus sighed and poked his head out and watched Sirius go, a frown on his face.

"You know...if you two would just get together, you could threaten him with sex deprivation." James sighed and slumped into his seat while running a hand through his hair.

Remus blushed and stared at James like a deer caught in headlights, "W-what!"

James rolled his eyes, "Oh don't pretend you don't fancy him. There's so much sexual frustration between you two that sometimes I get a boner."

Remus turned even redder and stammered out, "I'm j-just w-worried. He d-doesn't a-act like this."

James sighed again, "I know. I'm worried, but he hasn't said anything."

"Maybe it's the fact that he's going home? I can't imagine it'd be nice going to the Black home at all, let alone when you're the only Gryffindor in a Slytherin family," Remus replied.

James shook his head, "That could be it, but I don't think so. I mean...I offered to let him stay with me like he's done a few other times but he declined. He's going home for a reason and...I don't know what would make him."

Remus tensed, "You don't think...they'll make him...you know...turn? Do you?"

James tensed and straightened in his seat and shook his head fiercely. "No. Not Sirius. He wouldn't stand for it. Sides, like you said, he's a Gryffindor...they wouldn't want him anyways."

Remus frowned, "They must pay attention...they may not like what he turned out to be, but they can't deny that he's powerful or intelligent. If you remove the pranking idea of just jokers, the ideas Sirius comes up with, which get written down and sent to our parents, are the amateur beginners plans of master minded plots they'd surely love to make him master."

"You're supposed to tell me I'm just being a worrywart and not feed my worry Moony. I've seen the change he's gone through over night, of course I have, he's my best friend..." James said with a frown.

"Do we ask him?" Remus said after a moment of silence.

"Will he tell us?" James countered.

"He might...we're his friends." Remus said.

"If you made your move, you could be more, and then he'd have more need to tell us," James tried.

"We aren't getting together Prongs!" Remus insisted, blushing.

James chose to ignore him and seriously said, "This was our sixth year Moony. One more and then...who knows how much we'll change over the summer or what will happen next."


Sirius didn't have any difficulty finding his little brother among the other second years, but chose not to approach him. Due to their Houses and family expectations, they weren't really on the best of terms. He stood guard all throughout the train ride and expertly ignored anyone who gave him any sort of look. Be it Lily's worried glance or Snape's sneer.

When they arrived at Kings Cross Station and his his parents saw him, they glared but didn't speak a word. Sirius felt the stares of his friends from behind him but he chose to ignore them too. Arriving home he carried his own things to his room, while Kreacher took Regulus' things for him.

Inside his room that was overly dusty, he felt safe with the familiarity. Though it was in his parents home and it was nothing but misery, Sirius allowed a small smile to grace his face. He had put a lot of work into his room to piss off his parents and he was very proud of it.

He didn't leave his room that night. And much like in his childhood it was always quiet, always dark...he wanted to run, he really did. Run to James' house and take shelter in their home but he didn't dare leave. Not now.

Once upon a time he and Regulus were best friends. Brothers who loved each other more than anything, because he was probably the only one who showed Regulus anything close to real love.

Before he went to Hogwarts he would spend every possible waking and sleeping hour with his brother. Keeping him safe and away from his mother's evil grasp. Regulus would sneak into this bed and they would whisper into the darkness. They made promises of better days when they would run away together and do amazing things. They'd become pirates and sail the seven seas and hunt for treasure. They'd visit every continent and see amazing buildings and beast. They made promises tomorrow but tomorrow never seem to come.

And when it did, it divided them. Regulus wasn't put through the same treatment as Sirius because his mother feared Regulus would turn out too much like Sirius. The 16 year old was glad of that, though he didn't like that his brother was turning into the rest of his family, he didn't wish his mother's treatment on anyone, especially his little brother.

He had a strong older protective brother sense and right now it was going wild. Something was going on.

It was much later, nearing the end of the Witches Hour and entering the Hour of the Wolf, was when Sirius was awoken by a strong jolt of fear and panic. He didn't even think twice and rushed toward Regulus' room.

When he barged in he screamed his little brother's name.

"Sirius!" Regulus yelled when he saw the older boy and held his hand out to his brother, afraid beyond reason. Black like tentacle things invaded Regulus' room, all coming from under his bed. One of them holding on to Regulus and dragging him down.

Sirius pulled out his wand and yelled spell after spell but none of them worked.

"Oh...so sad...but that's not going to work..." an ancient, raspy voice said. It seemed to be coming from nowhere and everywhere at once.

"Who are you?" Sirius demanded.

The voice chuckled, "I am the darkness you've been feeling Sirius...you're so powerful...you're just perfect. Well, nearly perfect."

Sirius didn't think it was possible but he actually heard the smirk on the voices face, if they had a face.

"But you're wasting your time being good. And though your family can teach you, it's only just scratching the surface..." the voice said.

"If it's me you want then let Regulus go," Sirius ordered.

"Hmm...no, I think not. I think you need some initiative. I think you need to learn what's a stake. Remember that deal you had with mummy dearest? How you did anything she wanted so long as she didn't touch Regulus? I think we need to reinstate that deal." The voice said.

Sirius tensed at his words. His mother has told him when he was young that he had a lot of potential and she wanted to mold him to be the very best. After he learn what being the best in the Black family meant, he began to rebel, so his mother used his bond with his brother as leverage. It was nightmarish times, time he wishes he could wipe from his mind but at the same time can't.

He swallowed and spoke, glad his voice didn't break, "Let my brother go."

"No...I need to see how far you'll go Sirius...I need to know what you're capable of. Are you strong enough to save your brother? Are you truly brave enough? Are you even clever enough?" the voice asked.

"Who are you?" Sirius demanded.

"I am the keeper of Nightmares...I am the darkness that lurks in every corner...I'm the Boogeyman...I'm your ancestor. The original Black...Pitch Black."

Sirius gasped and shook his head, "He's a myth..."

Pitch emerged from the darkness and grabbed Sirius by the wrist and stared coldly into Sirius gaze, "Oh I am very much real...and I've seen your life Sirius. I know how your story plays out and how it ends...I plan to change it."

Sirius swallowed, "Take me, but leave Regulus alone."

"No." and with that Pitch disappeared and in a blink, Regulus was dragged under the bed. Sirius dived but another dark tentacle held him back.

"REGULUS!" Sirius screamed.

"SIRI! HELP ME!" Regulus begged.

"Don't worry Reggy! I'm going to save you! I promise!" Sirius swore.

Sirius heard Pitch's chuckle rumble throughout the room, followed by his voice, "Follow me Sirius...follow me into the darkness. Come find me if you can...until then...sweet nightmares..."


The summers were always the time North could take his most breaks but it was also a time he enjoying planning for the winter. He was in the middle sketching some new ideas for his sleigh when he felt a pull. He left his office and looked upwards towards the Man in the Moon.

"Manny? Vhat is it?" North asked. North stared toward the moon and listened. A frown gracing his lips by the time he finished listening to whatever the Man in the Moon said. "Are you sure?" he waited another moment before sighing. "I shall summon them then. Vill not be pretty but if you are sure Manny..." North went back to his office and took out an old leather black journal and flipped to the latest pages with a sad sigh. "If Pitch is going after his own family...ve may not be able to help much, no? Guardians do not have jurisdiction over Black family...can ve really help those boys?"

Like mentioned before...no real time line other than the Marauders time...Ages are probably all over the place, but I wanted Regulus to still be a 'kid' while Sirius was reaching 'adulthood'.

Sirius will run into Jack but Jack is yet to be a Guardian so their bond can be that Sirius is the first to see him. Really I'm making this up as I go along, it's merely an idea gift for a friend. They know who they are. If anyone reads this, I hope you like my madness.

Please look at the warning. This is slash, this is eventual threesome, also, some of the things mentioned that Walburga did to Sirius as a kid are pretty harsh. I'll try not to go into detail but she's a messed up lady and I think she's capable of these things.

Oh and last thing. Witches hour is 3AM. The Hour of the Wolf is 3am-5am. Google it, really supernatural, spooky stuff.