Disclaimer: I don't own the TMNT.

Song for this Fic: We Found Love as performed by Glee Cast (liked their rendition)

Leo and his brothers are 31 years old. Tony is 37.

**Warning** This fic contains something that may be disturbing to some. Please if you choose to read do not flame this fic but rather comment concerning the quality of the writing.**

Read What We Hide, Learning a New Dance,Contemplation, Never Say Never,What is Love?, Heart Beats, and One Word Can Change the World before this please or you will be lost.


Mike's POV

I hear Meir scream in the other room and jerk to my feet with a moment of panic. Leo pulls me down to sit beside him.

"She's fine Mike, just labor," he comforts and I moan weakly.

Ellie slips out of the birthing room and gets some fresh water and darts back inside before I can ask anything.

Don, April, Ellie, and Tony are in there with her. They sent me out after the real contractions started so they could help Meir focus. Leo would be too but I'd probably freak out since Raph hardly talks anymore and Leo has kept me calm.

And let's face it Casey rarely gives good advice.

My gaze flicks towards Raph off to the side. He's wearing a black mask of mourning rather than his traditional red.

He's barely spoken since Stacy's death but neither has Sadie really.

The shock of her struggle and the tragedy of her death left him badly shaken.

Raph is sitting on the couch with Sadie thumbing through a book beside him. The girl hardly talks but she seems to have become rather attached to Raph and he has flat out refused to allow the government to know she is alive so they can ship her off somewhere else.

He swore an oath over Stacy's body as we buried her that he would look after her sister. He's kept that promise and starting raising Sadie like his own daughter.

Who knew Raph would become a single father in a twist of fate?

He and Sadie are still grieving for Stacy, but it seems their combined grief has allowed for them to bond.

Leo and Tony started considering adoption about two months ago and they are hoping to adopt a little girl named Fae. She's three and the picture they have of her is adorable; big blue eyes and long, dark, curly hair.

I hope they get the paperwork to go through, they'd make great dads and heck I'd enjoy having someone for my little tyke to grow up with since Don and Ellie are planning on waiting a few years.

A soft cry breaks through my thoughts and again I am on my feet with Leo beside me.

Casey and Raph both straighten up and they remain frozen as we wait anxiously for that door to open.

Tony pokes his head out and I search his dark blue gaze with wary excitement.

"Well?" he teases, "Come on."

I bolt for the door, only slowing as I enter and find Meir cradling the tiny body of my child in her arms.

She smiles tiredly at me before reaching up to touch my face as I kiss her.

"You're amazing babe," I whisper as I touch our child's cheek.

"I try," she laughs weakly.

A tiny hand gropes out and catches hold of my finger.

I freeze, eyes widening at the innocence of the motion and my heart melts.

"Say hi to daddy," Meir whispers to the tiny bundle as she spies our child's grip on my finger.

Meir nods to me in a knowing way indicating whether we have a girl or boy and I smile in reply.

My child is beautiful, more human than turtle, with a patch of curly black hair on their head and my heart is hammering in my chest as Meir lets me carefully take the child in my arms.

"Hey," I whisper softly, "Welcome Azalea…welcome to the world."

She yawns and continues to grip my finger.

"Hamato Azalea Ange," I whisper, "my little girl."

I take Meir's hand and kiss her forehead as I continue to hold my daughter.

This is the happiest day of my life.

A/N: Glad you all enjoyed the ride! I may do an alternate story based off of the first if you guys would like and possibly a third set years down the line. Otherwise keep an eye out for a few oneshots connected to the series.

Also I am looking for someone to do some fan works for this series see my deviantart account (link on page) for details. If you know someone who can do them point them my way please!

Azalea-type of pink or yellow flower

Ange- angel in French.

*~Please accept my apologies gentle readers for my snap of anger below *~

Ninja Kitten- I'm sorry you puked because I gave a warning at the top of the stories stating not to read if you were offended; let alone flame the story. If you look at the rest of my stories…this is the only story set I've ever done with any of the guys being gay. I was challenged by a friend who had a rough time coming out to do a story where someone in the TMNT verse held high distress at the thought of being different from their family. I wrote the original story focusing on the distress and fear of coming out; which you obviously missed the point of.
For the record, your narrow minded attitude makes me puke. How do you treat normal people who are different? If you would scorn me for taking a stand for those who are different and trying to show the emotional trauma involved it tells me a lot about your character…you don't have one. You also don't have a heart, I hope you fix that.

Also I consider you a bit of a coward seeing as how you signed reviews as a guest instead of logging in so I could reply to you in private. Now the whole world gets to hear about your ignorance.