This is my first try at fanfiction so please bear with me.

Chapter 1

Neri stared into the hearth, poking at the dimming fire. Leaning forward in her chair, she set the poker down and propped herself up on her elbows, against her knees. It had been two months since she had slain Alduin; what life would she continue on?

She gazed down at the faint scars along her arms, able to recall the origin of almost every one over her entire body. Thumbing a few scars up her arms, she continued to her torso, feeling the faint scars along her stomach and sides, some large enough to cause small patches in her fur. Returning her sight to the fire she listed some of the skirmishes that caused the memories embedded in her flesh: bandits, assassins, wolves, dragons, witches, The Silver Hands, trolls, sabres, bears, and even a few draugrs had managed to leave their mark. Most were small and insignificant, many had completely faded; potions and being the dragonborn had their advantages. Stretching a leg out in front of herself she halted her thoughts and began to laugh; there was another scar on her ankle and foot she could never forgive herself for getting; a particularly vicious bite from a skeever.

"Lost in your thoughts again, Neri?" Lydia asked descending the stairs while trying to tame her hair from a restful sleep.

Without looking behind herself Neri responded, "As always." She was never one for much talk, keeping it short and to the point was her preference. Lydia was the same way for the most part but over time, an odd friendship had formed between them.

"Dawn has only just broken. How long have you been awake this time?" she knew something was bothering her friend. She studied the Khajiit before her: white fur with black spots and very few piercings along her ears had her eyes transfixed on the fire before her. It was obvious that Neri was feeling a little lost now that Alduin had been killed. The life and responsibility of a dragonborn was hard enough but when she had filled her purpose, what was left for her?

Neri twitched her head ever so slightly to the window to judge the amount of light coming in through the window. A quick sigh escaped her, realizing what time it was, "Too long."

Lydia sat adjacent to Neri and peered over at her. "Any plans for today?"

Neri's tail twitched in frustration. Was there a purpose to make plans now? She let out a short, breathy laugh, "I guess it would be hunt dragons. What else is there to do anyway? Screw around with my alchemy or smithing? Perhaps I could take it slow today and defend myself against wolves or possibly a skeever?"

Lydia grinned a half-smile but it never reached her eyes. Of course they weren't the closest friends but she knew that she was the closest friend and only family of Neri. "Well… that is always a good course of action. I believe the Companions might have a few things on their tab that could fit in with your busy schedule. And of course there is always-" Lydia mentally kicked herself for bringing it up. Maybe Neri hadn't noticed; but, of course, Lydia noticed the slight twitch in her ears directed at her that she had, indeed, picked up on it. She cleared her throat slightly and continued in a whisper, "There is always the call of the Stormcloaks or the Legion."

A low growl escaped out of Neri's throat. Of course they would ask her to audience. She had managed to dodge their askance before by insisting that Alduin had to be dealt with first. "I have no interest in their politics. Both have their faults, how can I choose?"

Lydia gave a small shrug, "The lesser of two evils then? Besides, you knew this day was coming. You told them to let you deal with Alduin and now he is gone. You know they will continue to pester you. That or finally deal with you."

A half growl, half laugh rumbled through Neri. "Yes, as if they could 'deal' with me. Ugh, I should have let Alduin give me a mortal wound before I finished him off."

"True… but where would that leave me? Babysitting some other 'noble knight' who thinks they can save the world?" she bit her tongue trying to keep a straight face while looking at Neri out of the corner of her eye.

Neri finally met Lydia's gaze with her golden cat eyes and smirked at her friend. She shook her head as Lydia let a small chuckle slip. Taking a deep sigh, Neri ran a clawed hand over her face, ruffing up then smoothing out her fur. "I guess I have been keeping them waiting long enough. I think I can draw this out for another couple of weeks or months though." She got up and walked over to the table to pick at a half-forgotten, roasted rabbit leg.

Lydia watched the bipedal feline move with an unmatched deadly grace; even simply moving around her home, one could tell how dangerous she was. The nord scratched at an unknown itch, trying to think of the best way to get her thought across. "I hear the merchants are at the walls again. Perhaps they may have something to interest you?"

For only the briefest moment, Neri froze. She knew what Lydia meant by 'merchants.' Soon after Lydia entered Neri's service, she had accidently called the travelling Khajiit merchants 'cats' and soon learned what it was like to be on a Khajiit's bad side. Neri eventually forgave her, after giving her shit jobs for weeks while Lydia apologized all the while. It was the way she was raised, it took a long time to stop that kind of prejudice, but she eventually learned and now was working for a Khajiit. Many people were upset when they found out that the Dovahkiin was Khajiit; and even after all she had done, many remained racist towards the Khajiit.

Turning back to Lydia, Neri dipped her head in thanks. "I shall be at the smith before I leave the city. I do not know when I shall be returning."

Neri scowled down at the whetstone as she sharpened her daggers. She was almost finished at the smith and soon she would need to leave Whiterun; in the process, she would have to walk by her people. Every time she thought of them, she would be consumed by her guilt. How was she any different from them? She was only allowed inside castle walls just because she was the Dovahkiin. If she hadn't been born with this blessing, or curse, she would be outside with them as well; travelling the land, risking your life everyday just to make a living and being shunned by everyone.

Neri finished sharpening her dagger to a deadly edge. It shouldn't be this way. They are truer than many of these humans inside any city. Sliding the dagger back into its sheath at her hip, she looked over and saw many nords scrambling to resume their duties. Very few seemed to treat her like a normal being, to most she was just "the dragonborn" or "that cat."

Nodding to Adrianne, Neri bought the last of her glass and ebony arrows and continued towards the gate. She liked that human. She had been the first to show Neri any bit of kindness when she first crossed the gate into Whiterun.

Striding over to the edge of the wall, the guards nodded a quiet greeting to her. They knew how she preferred to leave. Walking down the slope then wrapping around the wall was too time consuming, jumping from the wall down to the first entryway then down to the ground was the only logical way to her.

She gracefully dropped down to the lower gate and then down to the road leading out of Whiterun's walls. Ri'saad watched her descend from his usual spot at his tent. Neri dipped her head to him as she approached.

"Neri!" Khayla called as she propped the axe onto her shoulder.

"Khayla, a peaceful greeting to you. When did you arrive at Whiterun?" she directed her attention to the other female Khajiit.

"Late yesterday. Travel was faster than expected. How are things in the city?"

"Dull. I find myself pacing with nothing to do."

"Interesting. I always thought that it would be exciting with the hustle of all the bodies around there. Do you ever feel out of place as a Khajiit?"

"Well, I guess some days it is busy but most days are people just trying to make a living. Occasionally I feel out of place, most people give strange glances; whether that is from me being Khajiit or Dovahkiin, I do not know. Most merchants are very accommodating though."

"Even so, I would like to see the inside of a nord city, one day."

"I hope you will have that chance," Neri glanced over and saw Ri'saad patiently waiting for her. "Please excuse me, I must speak with Ri'saad." Khayla nodded as she placed another log to be split.

"Fortune smiles upon this greeting, Dovahkiin," Ri'saad said as she sat in front of him.

"Welcome to you, Ri'saad. And you know that you don't have to call me Dovahkiin."

"True. But it is not often that one of the Khajiit can have such status."

Neri quietly nodded, bowing her head with sorrow. She hated the treatment her people received but who knew how to change something so ingrained? "What if that didn't have to be the case?"

"How do you mean?"

"What if… I could change the status of the Khajiit?"

"Well, in a way, you already have. You have proven that Khajiit do have honor and value the lives of others."

"Yet you are still shown no sympathy. I am probably the only Khajiit allowed in city walls. It is not right!"

"I admire your passion. Perhaps something could be done in time."

Neri mulled over their words. It was the first time she felt a drive since she had slain Alduin. This may be the journey she needed. The corner of her mouth tugged upwards as the realization hit. "Then I shall take this feat on. Do you know if Ahkari's caravan is at Riften currently?"

Ri'saad smiled and looked up at the sky. "Hmm, at this time she may be travelling there now. If you leave in the next day or two you may be able to meet her at the city walls."

"Thank you. May the sun keep you warm, even in this land of bitter cold."

"And to you, Dovahkiin. Until our next meeting, if such is fated."