
AN: Hey everybody! Well, I finally have the first chapter of this up for you all. I now present the first chapter of the sequel for Scavenger Hunt. As usual, I don't own anything but my story.

"Holy fuck!" Don't ask me why everything just hit me, but it did. I'm getting married tomorrow. I'm getting married to the most amazing man on the face of this earth, and it only just now hit me! There he is though, sleeping next to me with a smile on his face, his breath coming out softly against my ear.

I love this guy so much; he's just…well he's perfect. Everything he has done, everything he has been, and it's all for me. He broke through every wall I had, tore them down actually…and still wanted to stick around after he realized what was behind them.

My mind drifts back to the night he proposed to me a little over a year ago. It was perfect, if not extremely emotional. Taking a walk through each of our moments from our freshman year of college had been an experience, mostly good, but at times still very painful. At the end of the day though, we were closer. Wounds were healed, things were said, and he proposed after confessing his love to me through words and music.

Sighing, I wiggled my way out of his arms and walked over to his laptop, opening the word file I had been working on the night before. Today it's my turn to show him everything. To take that walk down memory lane with my own quirks included, because tomorrow we are getting married…and I want him to know that I'm going in with nothing held back.

With a grin, I click the file open and get dressed quickly before heading out of the apartment to get everything ready. This is going to be epic.

Jesse's POV

Still mostly asleep, I turn over and reach to pull my love into my arms, only to have my hand land on the bed where she should be.

"Wha?" I'm really not awake yet…that's my defense and I'm sticking to it. Looking around quickly I notice she isn't in the room at all, but my laptop is on and a file is open on it. "What the hell? I didn't leave that on…" Shaking my head quickly I get up and go sit down at my desk, trying to figure out what the hell that is. I really didn't want to leave bed for most of the day, I don't get to sleep next to my girl tonight since we are getting married tomorrow, and I really just wanted to make up for it by spending all day with her in our room.

Scanning through the writing, I can't help but stare in shock at what I'm seeing. It's a letter…a letter from Beca…on my computer. With a look of confusion on my face, I scroll back up to the top and begin to read:

Hey Jess,

Do you remember about a year ago when you took me on a walk down memory lane? Well…it's my turn. I decided that day that I was going to show you how I felt in each of those times, and I really wanted you to see things from my point of view…but it's more than that though.

I know I'm staring at the computer like an idiot, but gimme a break…I still haven't woken up fully yet here. She's going to show me her memories? Then it clicks and I can't help but smack myself in the head for being stupid. She wants me to see her side.

Alright, if that's what she wants…maybe I can get her to cut it short and come back and cuddle a little bit, but I doubt it. It's not like I won't try though…with a chuckle, I get right back to reading this thing.

Babe, tomorrow we are getting married. I'm going to walk down that aisle in a ridiculously overpriced dress, you'll be up front in an amazingly sexy tux, and we are going to say "I do" before everyone we know and love, trust me, I can't wait…but-

But? A worry begins to fill me at that one word. Why is there a 'but'? Isn't she happy? Doesn't she want this? I can feel myself starting to panic, and I try to calm myself down. "Come on Swanson; just finish reading what she wrote. Don't freak out until you know there's a reason to." And with that lovely pep talk…I try to keep my breathing steady as I scroll down.

-but I want to make sure we are both on even ground here. I know you have forgiven me for how much of a bitch I was back then, but I can't help but notice that there are still some things that linger…like you always get a sad look when we talk about semifinals. Well…after today I'm hoping that won't happen anymore. So…I'm going to lead you down a journey through every major moment we have had, from the day I met you through today.

Yup, I'm now back to staring at the screen like a dork and I am just man enough to admit there are tears running down my face at how awesome this is, and how much she has changed. When I met her, she never would have done something like this, but now…now she's just as big a sap as I am…even if I'm the only one who gets to see it.

Yeah, that's right Swanson. I'm outsapping you! You took one year; I'm taking 5, which means I get everything from first year, and every amazingly significant thing after. It's going to take you all day…and into tomorrow even. Can you tell I'm excited nerd?

Snorting I just shake my head at what she's doing. Really? She thinks she can outsap me? HA! She says that now…

I love you so much Baby. Oh, and you probably haven't thought about it yet, but you don't need to worry about your bachelor's party. The groups decided we are doing something together, and I get to be with you until it's time for me to go get ready in the morning.

So let's get this thing started right? You're first clue is in the spot I first realized you were a dork. Don't roll your eyes at that either…just because you are MY dork now, doesn't change the fact that you are very much one, and always will be.

Your hold on my heart is unbreakable,


I can't help but grin madly as I get dressed. "First place she realized I was a dork…huh." My mind is racing through the possibilities and then, there it is. She's talking about the first time she saw me, singing to her from my parents' car. Excellent. She's adorable.

My mind is racing with all of the possibilities for the day, and I can't help but wondering why she is doing this now… I'm not complaining or anything, just curious. As I grab the keys and walk out the door the only thing I can think is how much I love this girl, and how glad I am she is mine forever.

Beca's POV

I love webcams. Seriously I do! I'm sitting on the couch at Fat Amy and Bumpers place and I'm grinning like an idiot as I watch him read, knowing he has no idea I can see him. It took months, but I finally got out of him how he always knew when I was breaking down or struggling with something I had read during my scavenger hunt. He was spying on me…little dork.

See, I'm better though. I can watch him from here and be pretty damn positive I won't get caught, at least not unless he figures it out. Still, every step of the way I'll be within a minute or two walk of him if something goes wrong. Should be perfect.

Watching him is probably going to be my favorite part of this. I never would have admitted this before, but making him happy is my absolute favorite thing, it's like when you get a really good mix going, and it all just falls in perfectly. Nothing better.

As he finishes the letter, I pack my stuff up and move to my next location so I can watch him. Benji is my fucking hero, tapping into the campus cameras so I can see specific things from my laptop. We'll see how long it takes him to get the right answer.

So this is chapter 1 on the sequel for Scavenger Hunt. What do you all think? I can already tell I'm going to enjoy writing this one a lot, it just flowing through my head and I know exactly where I want it to go, and where it's going to end up. Reviews are appreciated. :)