I yawned, arching my back as I stretched, paws out in front of me. A pair of hands lifted me into the air and into Jason's chest. He petted my head as he walked down the hall towards the kitchen, "How's my girl this morning?"

My tail fluffed out as I grinned at him, "Great!"

He scratched under my chin before he set me down on the tiled floor and went to the cupboard for food. I perched myself on one of the stools as I watched him grab some bacon and a frying pan. Jason glances at me over his shoulder, "You want some, girl?"

"Obviously." I chirp, jumping onto the table and sit next to the stove, using my paw to turn the knob and turn on the burner.

He grinned and walked over, placing the frying pan on the burner and opening the package of bacon. The smell of cooking bacon filled the kitchen within minutes and I smiled, nuzzling my face into his arm to get his attention.

"Need to use the bathroom, Rebekah?" He asks, petting my head with his elbow as not to get my hair in the frying pan. I nodded as he picked me up into his arms and carried me over to the door and set me down, "Don't wander off too far now. Alright?"

I scampered out the door and began to look around, the I got far enough into the bushes. After doing my business I hurried back towards Jason's yard, my collar clinking slightly as I walked.

Then all of a sudden a scream filled the air and I jumped, turning to see where the sound came from. A woman was pushing a baby stroller on the sidewalk outside of Jason's house. Her eyes were wide as she stared at me, then she raised a hand and pointed right at me, "A fox! It's going to eat me baby!"

A man that was standing just across the road from her ran over, hands raised. The woman that stood beside the lady with the stroller had her phone to her ear as she spoke very panicked into the mouthpiece.

My eyes widen as the man came barging at me. I dove out of the way and yelped when he grabbed a hold onto my tail and picked me up. I flailed, "Hey, that's not a handle, you dolt!"

He held me up into the air far enough that I couldn't whip around and bite him. I growled, kicking my hind legs so I could scare him into dropping me but the man held steady as a van showed up and the side door swung open. A man came out in a black suit and had a stick with a loop on the end of it in his hand. He looped the end around my neck and then the man that had a hold on my tail, let go.

I hit the ground and began to book it towards Jason's house but I was caught by the man that had the stick. He began to drag me towards the van and panic swept over me, "Jason! Help!"

My barking must have roused him because the front door swung open and Jason stepped out, "What's going on?" His eyes locked on my as the man shoved me into a cage inside of the van and closed the door with a bang.

"Jason! Help me! Jason!" I called, clawing at the cage door.

"What is the meaning of this?" I hear Jason snap from outside.

"This animal is a danger to this town. It can't stay here any longer." The man says as he climbs into the driver seat of the van and closes the door.

"You can't just kill her." Jason says angrily.

I feel my body tense, "Kill!? What!? Help me!"

"This fox isn't going to be killed, she's going to be released into the wild." The driver says, starting the van.

"Wild?! No! I like bacon! I like my house where I'm safe! No please! Jason get me out of here!" I cry, banging my body against the walls of the cage.

"She'd freaking out in there! You can't do this!" Jason says.

"Oh I think I just did." The driver says and then we start driving down the street towards who knows where.

"Rebekah!" Jason calls.

"Jason!" I scream and claw at the cage, "No!"