A/N: New update is short this time. Won't always be like this. Mistakes are mine. Characters are a bit ooc if at all. Thank you for the reviews and everything. Enjoy!

Chapter 1

When Rachel wakes, she has a terrible headache. Her vision swims and she has to blink her eyes several times in order to gain focus. Her tongue feels a bit swollen, but she can still swallow thankfully because she finds herself needing to do so several times when a wave on nausea hits her with full force. Taking in her surroundings, she realizes she is still in the auditorium, however she has a view of it from the stage floor.

"Are you okay?" Finns voice floats from somewhere above her and she turns her head to meet his eyes. He looks concerned and somewhat flustered.

"Y-yeah. Yes, of course. Help me up?" She raises her hands for Finn to take, and he pulls her up, steadying her when she wavers. Rachel shakes her head, clearing the fog that had now seemed to have settled upon it.

"Are you sure Rach? I mean you like... you passed out." Finn's face resembles that constipated look everyone makes fun of him for and she has to stifle a snort when she realizes how ridiculous it actually was.

"Finn, I'm fine." She tries to reassure him, he looks at her suspiciously for a moment longer but then nods, rubbing his hands together. There's a pause in activity, where they both seem to feel a bit too awkward to say anything. But Rachel clears her throat and finds the courage to meet Finns eyes again.

"I..." She starts, and he looks up from his shoes, his eyes wide with hope. She has to look away, and that's when she notices the ring on the stage floor. She bends, picking it up. She remembers the last time she wore it. It was when she gave it back to him. She had left it in an envelope in his locker with a note that said 'I can't, I'm so sorry.' She never looked back after that, and that's what she needed to do now. She needed to never look back.

"Rachel?" Finn questions her. She tries to smile at him, but finds it too hard. Too much is riding on this. She made the wrong decision saying yes in the first place, she wasn't going to make that same mistake twice.

"I'm sorry Finn." She says simply, giving him what she hoped to be the best sorrowful look she could muster. He looks confused at first, but then recognition shows on his face.

"Rach..." He pleads, stepping forward, his hands reaching for her. She backs up, making more space between them. She can see he is hurt by the action but she still has to continue onward.

"Finn I'm sorry, really truly sorry." Her eyes start to water, but she ignores her tears, letting them slide down her face. No matter how much she thought she loved this boy, she knew it was for the best. She could not love him the way she loved Quinn. And she could not go back on what she had set in motion. He doesn't interupt her, letting her go on, even though she can clearly see he knows where this is headed.

"I can't marry you. I can't let you do that to us. I love you but..." She swallows the lump in her throat, gazing up at the stage lights above her head. She can hear Finn sniff and she looks back at him.

"But?" He asks.

"My life? Yours? We would never make it past Ohio Finn, you know that. We're leading two very different paths. And I think it's time we realized that." Her chin trembles, and she has to steady herself on the stool with her hands. It's difficult for her not to run away at this moment.

"Since when Rachel? I thought we agreed...I thought we were going to make this work?" He cries. She looks back down at the ring, then steps forward, walking the short distance to takes his hands in hers, placing the ring in his right hand and clasps it shut. She grips his hand tightly with both of hers, looking up at him sadly.

"I will always love you Finn Hudson. But you and I both know there's something- someone else out there better fit for us. Don't fight this, take a deep breath and let go. I will always be here for you, always, but not the way you want me to be." With that she kisses his cheek and turns away from him, walking towards the backstage exit. He calls out to her but she doesn't stop.

Rachel bypassed the few lingering students she knew would be in the halls, some of which were her friends, and the choir room, heading right for her car in the student parking lot. She didn't care that she left her stuff behind or that Finn seemed to have followed her, yelling out her name. She walked faster and faster until she was at a sprint and she could no longer hear his voice. She had underestimated everything. Not only that but she never really thought it through. Sure, there was a really big chance this spell was bogus and she'd burnt her letter from Nyada for no reason, but she had so much hope it would that she hadn't even thought of anything else. Besides, who knew she'd be the one going back in time or whatever. Too late to dwell on it. She ended it with Finn just like she knew she had to. But now what? What did she do with the pains he had just caused? And what about Quinn? Was she actually here? Was she-

"Oh." The word came out of her mouth before she could help it. There, next to her car was Quinns. And it was intact. The sight of the cute red VW Bug made Rachels chest burn and her eyes sting with oncoming tears.

"Oh my..." Tears, and lots of them come running down her cheeks. The last time she saw this car it was completely wrecked. The driver's side caved in, windshield smashed, frame mangled. Her Fathers warned her not to go see it. That she should leave it alone, but she couldn't. She had to see what had happened to Quinn. Where Quinn had taken her last breath. It was morbid, she knew, and she had nightmares everyday since. But looking at the car now? It was almost as if a part of the weight that had been baring down on her chest had been lifted. She steps closer to the car running her hands along the top of the passenger door. She reveled in its beauty. Quinns car was whole. Quinn was-

"Are you molesting my car Berry?" A familiar voice jumps her, and she stumbles backwards into her own vehicle. She looks up to see Quinn smirking at her and she freezes.

"Quinn!" She gasps. Her hand comes to cover her mouth, and she struggles not to sob. Quinn frowns at her, going around Rachels car to stand in front of the crying diva.

"Are you okay?" Quinn asks. But not trusting her voice, Rachel only nods. It doesn't look like she's okay to Quinn though.

"Are you sure? I heard Finn.. and now you're here. Crying. To my car it seems, actually. Why is that?" The blonde scrunches her face, a bit confused.

"I-I am fine. I promise. Just...having one of those moments." Rachel tries to shrug it off like she wasn't bothered, but her shaking hands betrayed her words. Noticing, Quinn grabs them. Of course a few months ago she would of never of thought to have even touched the diva like this, but they were becoming friends. At least, she hoped. Rachel's heart picks up at the gesture, body tingling. Quickly she finds herself flinging her arms around the former Cheerio.

"Oh Quinn!" She exclaims, crying harder than the blonde had ever seen. It makes Quinn sad and shocked all at once.

"Really Rachel, are you okay?" She asks. Rachel cries harder. The smell of the blonde, the sound of her voice- she missed it. It had been gone out of her life for the longest time and she couldn't believe her luck. But she had to compose herself quickly, before things got even weirder.

"Finn proposed ..." Rachel tells her, un tangling herself from the blonde. Quinn looks at her funny, her eyebrows furrowed.

"Oh. And you said?" Quinn questions her. She had already heard some of it from Finn. Well she was in the hallway while Finn lumbered by sadly. And being the good friend she is, she had asked him if he was okay- much like she was doing now with Rachel- but only got a few mumbled words and a side glance. This version was a little more enlightening and way more dramatic.

"No, of course. I...I think I broke up with him." Rachel tells her. Quinn nods, silently telling her to go on. Rachel doesn't say anything else, but rather just stands there and hiccups, so the blonde decides to pick the conversation back up.

"You think? Or did you?" Quinn questions her. Rachel smiles sadly, her heart still thumping wildly. She takes a shuddering breath, working hard to compose herself.

"I did. I did. It's just...He and I are on different paths now and..." Her voice fades as her mind begins to race again. Quinn is here. She is here and she's okay. Who cares about Finn when Quinn is alive.

"...and?" Quinn prompts her. Rachel sighs.

"I'm not making sense am I?" Rachel laughs wryly, she really was a mess. Quinn shakes her head in the negative, and a part of her thinks she should just get in her car and drive away as fast as she could, but Rachel was her friend now and this is what friends did- partake in slightly bizarre conversations in the middle of the student parking lot.

"No, but please...go on." Quinn responds, giving the diva playful eye roll. Rachel nods, but suddenly becomes shy, and dips her head, kicking her toe at the pavement.

"Long story short- he's not the one for me. I've known for a while but never had the courage to say something." Rachel admits.

"Until now?" Quinn asks.

"Precisely." The diva nods. Another moment of silence passes and then they're interrupted by Kurt, Blaine and Mercedes. The trio is headed their way fast and waving at Rachel. Both Quinn and Rachel plaster fake smiles and greet them.

"Oh My God Rachel!" Kurt shouts, throwing his arms around her. She cringes slightly, but hugs back. Mercedes is next, along with Blaine.

"Finn told me what happened! I can't believe you passed out." He whisper-yells. Quinns eyes bug out and she looks at Rachel.

"You passed out? Rachel..." Quinn starts toward her, but stops. Everyone turns to stare at her and she glares at them. Rachel steps closer to her, ignoring Kurts hand arm over her shoulder.

"It's no big deal..I just haven't been sleeping well, so he kind of through me for a loop." Quinn doesn't look convinced.

"You were shaking when I came up to you. You were lieing when you told me you were okay." Rachel shrugs, having nothing to retort that with.

"I'm sorry. I'm fine though, I promise." She tells her. The blonde looks like she wants to say something, she feels like she wants to say something, but decides not to.

"I think it's a movie and ice cream kind of night, what do you think Rach?" Blaine chirps. Kurt and Mercedes acknolege him with smiles and nods, but Rachel and Quinn are too busy staring eachother down.

"Rach?" Kurt shakes her shulders, snapping her from her daze.

"Huh? Oh. No not tonight, I'm sorry. I just...I really need to sleep. Maybe tomorrow?" Kurt agrees, and hugs her one more time before letting the others do so. When they're gone, having left in Kurts car, Quinn turns back to Rachel, and Rachel winces at the glare.

"Passing out isn't normal Berry." Quinn grunts, her arms crossing. Rachel shrugs, or the millionth time it seems to Quinn. Which gets on the blondes nerves for some reason.

"What is up with you Rachel?" she asks.

"I don't understand what you mean Quinn." Rachel says, acting clueless. Quinn shakes her head.

"Breaking up with Finn, passing out? Blowing off your friends to sleep? It's just...not the Rachel from yesterday." Quinn tells her. Rachel feels herself starting to cry again and looks away. She didn't know how she was supposed to live in this world now. Everything was going to be so different. She was different. She steps away from the back of her car and walks to the driver's side. Quinn steps back, watching her intently.

"I think the Rachel from yesterday is gone Quinn. And she's not coming back." With that Rachel starts up her car and leaves Quinn standing there bewildered.

"Waht does that even mean?" Quinn asks herself, throwing her arms down to her side in agitation. What does that even mean?