Author's Notes:

AoKuro happens to be my new favorite yaoi pairing. I realized that there aren't many AoKuro fan fictions written. There are surprisingly a lot of AoKise fictions… I don't hate this pairing but I just prefer AoKuro over AoKise, that is all. I support KiseKuro too, they are just so cute! Please support this fiction by REVIEWING, FAVORING and most importantly, FOLLOWING this fiction because this is not a one-shot.

End of Notes…


"Please take care of your son. We are going on honeymoon tour tomorrow," Mr. Kuroko handed over his 5 year-old son, Kuroko Tetsuya to their neighbor and friend, Mr. Aomine. Their son was staring in curiosity at the smaller boy who is at his age. "We will be back as soon as possible," Mrs. Kuroko promised as she placed the little luggage on the floor.

End of Summary…


Light, Shadow and Love: Chapter 1

"Can I call you Tetsu?" the navy blue haired little boy asked out of boredom. One on one match with the new housemate was quite boring.

"Of course, Aomine-kun," the sky blue haired boy answered in monotone.

"You can just call me Daiki you know?"

However, Tetsu was just quietly staring at his smiling playmate. The both of them stopped playing and stared at each other's eyes for a long time…as if they would be staring for eternity. The world around them began spinning at an ascending speed.

"Aomine-kun," the voice he most familiars is moaning his name.

"Tetsu, it's Daiki," Daiki gives a quick lick at the hardened pink nipple and immediately sucks on it greedily like a hungry baby will do.

"Ah-uh, ah…Aomine-kun," Tetsuya's feminine body curls up in a beautiful arc because of his lover-cum-partner's skillful touches. Daiki knows where his Tetsu likes to be touched and all the sensitive spots on this angelic body.

"I love you," Tetsuya confesses as he embraces the tanned man.

Daiki gives a gentle smile and leans in for a passionate kiss. His left hand is pumping his huge dick to hardness while his right is preparing the eager tight hole.

"We ran out of lube, I am dry-fucking you tonight,"

His uke widen his sky blue eyes at Daiki, he states in monotone, and disbelief: "We bought a new bottle not more than month ago," but all Kuroko Tetsuya gets is a stupid grin. He is immediately flipped in a position where the uke's ass is up in the air.

"I finished the remaining on our last fuck 2 nights ago," Without warning, he trusts his cock inside the hot, tight cavern. Tetsuya has his mouth opened; no scream or moaning can be heard because of the silent scream…

"So…so deep…! Aomine-kun, you are so huge! More…more," Tears begin rolling down from the corners of his eyes. Daiki hits his sweet spot on the first try and repeatedly on the following trusts. He is that good in bed, not just in basketball courts.

"Heh, you are so lewd, Tetsu…" The tanned man kisses on those sinfully addicting lips again. "Only I can see this part of you, right?"

"Only you, Aomine-kun… Ah-ah! Only you… YES!" Kuroko Tetsuya is in a lusty mess, his mind is only thinking about his lover, his body is clinging onto his lover, his mouth is crying for more of Aomine Daiki… Only his light can make this shadow a mess like he is now.


"…I don't think I am able to leave the bed tomorrow," Tetsuya states sleepily as his lover is cleaning both of them after sex.

"Does it matters? We are still on summer holiday anyways," Daiki reminds, he gives a small kiss on his lover's forehead, telling his Tetsu that he can just relax and sleep.

He is a stubborn shadow, Aomine Daiki knows that. Tetsuya refuses to give in to the drowsiness until the he is in the safe arms of the tanned man on the bed, with the covers removed.

Daiki gives a small peck on those kissable lips. He stares at his lover's sleeping face until he finally enters into dreamland. He can feel his shadow muffling softly as if he is in great pain, the small body buries himself onto the tall man's chest. Aomine Daiki knows what his lover is dreaming of and he knows how to calm Tetsuya down. He tightens his embrace around the small body, hinting the boy that he is beside him. Kuroko Tetsuya slowly quiets down then his breathing returns to normal.

One day, I will make you call out my name.

I will break the uncomfortable, insecure feeling that is forever troubling you.

I will bring you confidence.

I will always be on your side, lighting your way to me.

A big pair of sky blue eyes was staring at the front door, waiting eagerly at something to happen. He was slowly munching down on his bacon. "When are papa and mama coming back, Uncle Aomine?"

"Soon, Tetsuya-kun," Mr. Aomine forced a smile and patted the small child's head. He could see his wife secretly hiding away today morning's newspaper. The young Aomine Daiki was curiously staring at the odd behavior of his mother while he was having food stuffed inside his mouth.

They didn't mean to hide the truth from Tetsuya forever but he was still a child… They couldn't bring themselves to hurt the innocent boy. Until one day, 13-year-old Daiki and Tetsuya were having the whole house to themselves while the husband and wife were out of town for some business. They found an 8 year-old newspaper page.

Kuroko Tetsuya had never cried so much in his entire life. He had never tasted the feeling of pain which is too much overwhelming. Aomine Daiki felt his heart ache seeing his usual quiet shadow crying out loud, clinging onto the old fragile newspaper.

"It's alright, Tetsu, I am here for you forever," Daiki hugged on the small body. His arms were wrapped tightly around his partner.

"I love you, Daiki, for eternity," Tetsuya whispers softly, tears begin streaming down. "Please don't leave me, please."

To be continue...