Chapter 12

Bobby sat on the exam table, his feet dangling over the side and shaking vigorously. He checked the time again and sighed. He would never understand why these things took so long. For a moment, he wondered if it were some kind of tactic to throw the patient off, the same one he used with suspects, making them wait in the interrogation room.

The door swung open, interrupting his thought. He looked up and shook hands with his doctor. The man looked him up and down quickly, then sat down and studied his file, along with today's recorded vitals.

"Cholesterol's good, bloodwork is fine. You've lost 11 pounds. You're doing great, Mr. Goren. Any more issues since I saw you last?"

Bobby grinned. "No."

"Any problems with stress, or depression?"


"Well, I'm very pleased with your progress. Whatever you've been doing, keep it up."

The doctor shook his hand and left the room. Bobby slid off the table to the floor and reached for his shirt, folded on the chair by the door.

As he slipped it back on, he thought of Alex. He should have let her come with him. She'd actually been looking forward to this doctor visit. She was confident he would have good news.

She'd been there with him, every step of the way. She'd convinced him to buy the healthier dinners; encouraged him to keep up the exercise, even when he wanted to quit. He smiled. She'd even helped him find some novel ways to exercise. Most importantly, she had stuck with him… even when he'd grumbled and tried to push her away.

He settled up his bill at the front counter and then walked down the steps to the street. Within minutes, he was on the subway, headed home.

Bobby took the stairs two at a time as he hurried up to his floor. He paused at the top to straighten his clothes, then dropped the key in the lock and went inside. Alex was on the couch watching a movie, waiting for him.

"Well?" She asked, getting to her feet.

He took her in his arms. "Clean bill of health."

She threw her arms around him and gave him a firm hug. "That's great, Bobby! We should celebrate."

He shared a smile with her, then a kiss. "I'm already way ahead of you," he said.

The dinner was amazing, and now they stepped onto the swirling lights of the darkened dance floor. It was a slow song, and Alex let him sway her body one way, then the other. He even spun her in a slow circle, making her laugh.

Bobby lowered his hands to the small of her back and moved with much smaller steps. Her hands slipped down from his shoulders and gripped the lapels of his suit coat. She pulled him close, and demanded a kiss.

Bobby's hips pressed against her as his tongue lolled in the warmth of her mouth. He felt her hands slide to his back and cross as she stroked his tongue with hers.

At last they separated, and he stared into the depth of her eyes.

"I'm proud of you," she whispered. "I know this hasn't been easy."

He dropped another kiss to her lips and stood back up, a smile playing at his lips. "You make it easier," he admitted. "I don't think I could have done it without you."

The song ended and they unraveled from each other's arms. Alex took him by the hand. "Let's go home," she said.


A/N Thanks to everyone for reading, and especially for the reviews. If you haven't reviewed yet, I'd still love to hear from you. Thanks again!