Title: Risk and Relaxation

Summary: Forced by the Council, Obi-Wan takes a holiday on a resort planet, which provides not only leisure, but love - mixed with a good dose of danger.

Warnings: Adult sexual situations

Rating: T

Notes: As a schoolteacher, it's about this time every year I begin considering where to go on during my upcoming summer vacation. That thought led to this story. Hope you enjoy!

Chapter One

"We are not condemning you, Master Kenobi, just some of your actions."

"My actions?" I echoed Master Mundi's surprising criticism. When the Jedi Council had 'requested' my appearance this afternoon, I had no idea this is what the meeting would entail. I thought perhaps my Padawan and I were to be assigned a new mission. Force, was I wrong!

"The Chosen One Skywalker may be, and a careful, steady hand he requires."

Yoda was in on this too?

"My apologies, Masters, but I have shown the same amount of care and sensitivity my own Master showed me."

By the looks on their faces, I wasn't sure that particular line of defense was going to aid my case. True, my former Master, Qui-Gon Jinn, had been aloof and distant, at times rebellious and obstinate, but he had been more in touch with the Living Force than anyone I had ever met, and I learned much from him.

"You don't seem to understand, Obi-Wan," a soft voice from the left side of the oval room drew my attention, and I knew I was in trouble. Whenever Master Gallia specifically addressed me during council meetings, it was because the Council believed I was being unreasonable.

I understood the risks of training the Chosen One. I was also aware of the shortcomings of my own Master and the influence those may have had upon me. That awareness led me to closely regard my treatment of Anakin Skywalker, and up until today, I thought I'd been handling his care quite well. I guess I could be mistaken.

"Anakin Skywalker came to us late in life." Master Mundi pointed out. "He had already developed bonds, which would prove difficult to break."

"Much fear, he has," Yoda added unnecessarily.

I knew all of this. The Masters were not providing any insight as to the justification of this gathering, and honestly, I was beginning to lose my patience. I took a deep breath and brought my hands together inside the sleeves of my Jedi cloak, just now understanding why my Master had developed the habit in the first place. It had kept him from Force shoving the entire judgmental lot through the windows!

"I understand Anakin requires a considerable amount of care, especially during these trying times as a teenager. If you recall, I had some difficult times myself," I stared at Master Windu when I made the statement, recalling the many instances when he'd deemed it a valuable lesson to have me scrub the commissary floor by hand for, shall we say, bending of certain Jedi Temple rules.

"I therefore believe," I continued confidently, "my understanding of his special needs is adequate to warrant any decision I have made regarding his training."

Masters Windu and Yoda exchanged glances at that moment, and suddenly I had a bad feeling about all of this.

"I'm afraid we disagree with you Master Kenobi," Windu addressed me, steepling is fingers in a gesture to remind me he was the one in control, not me. "We have heard rumors of complete disregard of curfew, absences from scheduled sparring sessions, skipped classes, disdain for certain cultural rituals in the field…Need I go on?"

"Surely, the council is aware there are always extenuating circumstances which would warrant such behavior, those of which I would be willing to share in order to explain all of the instances you've just described," I calmly replied in my defense, almost cringing when the soft voice of Adi Gallia spoke up once again.

"Obi-Wan, we all understand how you suffered emotionally during your training at the hands of Master Jinn, which is why we believe you may be unwittingly over-indulging your own Padawan."

"More harm than good, will that do for him," Master Yoda added.

Were they speaking the truth? Is that what I'd been doing? If it was, I could foresee a long evening of meditation ahead for me.

However, Master Windu quickly changed my plans for the night.

"This is something a single evening's meditation will not fix, Master Kenobi. We believe a time of separation from your Padawan, an opportunity to take time for yourself; to relax and clear your mind would be suitable. Perhaps some place far away from the Temple, where you can experience peace and quiet. Some place without Jedi interruption."

What? "You want me to abandon my Padawan?"

"Just for a short while, Obi-Wan," Adi informed me. "It would do you both good."

"But who's going to look after Anakin? He hasn't yet completed his astronavigation paper, and the junior lightsaber competition is coming up…" I could think of a million reasons why this was a bad idea!

"It's not a decision up for debate," Master Windu informed me, leaning forward slightly in his chair, causing me to bite the inside of my lip in case I said anything else out of turn. I was walking a thin line and I knew it. "The Council has decided."

"Already packed, you are. Loading dock 27A."

"Someone's been in my apartment? Packed my things? Touched my…my..my…"

There was no reply to my stuttering outburst, although I was completely appalled. Being forced to go on a holiday was one thing, but to have someone dig through my personal belongings was another!

"Hurry you must. Already arrived, the transport has."

"Wait…" I pleaded, struggling with the idea of begging, versus absolute refusal, versus reluctant acceptance. I chose the latter. For the timebeing…it seemed easiest. However, that all depended upon the answer to my next question. "Where am I going?"

"To Tasuna, Master Kenobi." Mace Windu responded. "And may the Force be with you."