
Yugioh goes Phantom of the Opera!

Yami and Atem as the Phantoms, Yugi as the rising star singer. :) I hope you enjoy this a lot.

As I've said a lot I've done a performance of Phantom Of The Opera, which is amazing and anyone who hasn't seen it hasn't lived! It's offical! The songs are amazing, the music is magnifficant! I can go through all the adjectives in the world to describe it! But it won't be enough!

Andew Loyd Webber is a genious!

Please enjoy. I Don't own Phantom!

worship it and respect it too much to even attempt to thing about plagerising it! *worshiping* I've had to change some of the song words so that my changes will fit, but hopefully you'll all accept and work around those. :)

Valon lead two new faces through the crowd backstage. "As you can see we're putting the final touches to the latest house production of 'Fates intervention'," he said, gesturing to the chaos around them.

He reached the front of the hall and smiled at the cast and crew he knew very well. He waved at them all good naturedly "Ladies and Gentlemen! Could I have your attention quickly!" he shouted.

The composer, Alister hit the drum next to him loudly and the noise vanished.

Valon nodded at his old friend "Thank you sir, please forgive this interruption." Alister nodded before getting his next score of sheet music. Valon smiled at the many faces "I'll be brief; for some time now, there has been rumors of my early retirement, I can now tell you that these are all true."

The crew began to whisper and the cast looked on mournfully.

Valon shook his head fondly "And, I can now introduce you to the two gentlemen who now own this opera house; Lord Dartz and Lord Pegasus," he gestured to the two well dressed and smart looking men he had with him.

Pegasus had a patch over his eye and yet had a very 'lacy' French sense of style. He had a great deal of cheerfulness glowing from him, his large smile was very comforting. Dartz looked sour, but respectful, he had less flamboyant clothing and he seemed to be the 'seriousness' of the duo.

Ishizu walked forwards after a moment "Please stand to one side sirs, we're in the middle of a scene, we can properly introduce once we have finished this number," she moved them to one side and nodded at Alister.

Ishizu was a young woman with long black hair and rare blue eyes, especially in this part of the world. She was in charge of the chorus and the dancers; she had once been a promising dancer herself, but an unfortunate mishap in her youth had ruined one of her ankles, she forever walked with a cane to lean on now. Like an elderly woman, yet she used that cane to get attentions and to hit those who were being 'stupid'.

Valon stood to one side to watch and saw the interest of the two gentlemen spike when the belly dancers and temple 'priestesses' came onto the stage. Pegasus' eyes rose when a young boy danced past him. "I say! Who's this talented young man?"

"My brother sir," Ishizu said over her shoulder "Malik Ishtar; he has good discipline and is a promising dancer, yet I won't promote him too much because he often oversleeps and misses his cues," she tapped her cane in the time of the music as her brother began to dance in the front of the stage with his group.

The dancer's costumes were shorts under white kilts and little collars like the Pharaohs which hung lots of beads and metal coins, same for the kilts. Malik was a belly dancer among other things.

Dartz saw another boy, playing the character of a temple priest, one of the minor singers. "And this one? Interesting colouring…"

The boy they had spotted what white skinned and white haired with large brown eyes. Valon answered as Ishizu was concentrating on the dancers "Ryou Bakura, sirs. Comes from a family of former Luna slaves, but has a beautiful voice, even if it's a bit quiet; he has also shown lots of talent for acting as you can see-"

"Yugi Moto!" Ishizu shouted and half snapped "Concentrate boy!" she saw him move out of time and that could not do on the final rehearsal day! "Bow… 1 and 2 and 2 and 4, and 1 and 2 and 2 and 4…" she hit her cane on the floor to get him back in rhythm.

The youth jumped and moved back in time with his peers, as if he'd never had a mistake. Malik looked at him in confusion "Yugi what's the matter?" he asked as they spun around, Yugi never made mistakes! Yugi just shrugged helplessly and let his body flow in time with the music.

Dartz blinked "Moto? Interesting last name, no relation to the adviser in the Pharaoh's court I take it?"

Valon chuckled "Well yes, actually. He's Shimon's youngest Grandson, as you know the advisers can only have one ward, and it went to his older cousin the Lady Mai. But Yugi wished to make his name in the theater and so we happily took him in. I dare saw we've all grown fond of him, he's a magnificent dancer," the tri haired boy's talent shined as they spoke.

Finally the chorus marched on and sang the end number. The high notes sung by the very famous diva Teá and the lows by her betrothed Ushio. As the song ended Valon applauded "Wonderful, you'll all do well tonight. Gentlemen, please allow me to introduce to you our star; Teá Mitzaki; our lead soprano for five seasons now."

Pegasus at once moved forwards to take her hand; the woman was rather scrawny with brown hair, blue eyes and tanned skin, she wasn't pretty but she did have some talent so they kept her in the theater. Pegasus kissed the back of her hand "Of course, I've witnessed all your greatest performances."

Valon chuckled "And her companion Mr. Ushio Azure."

Dartz nodded at him "It's an honor sir," he bowed slightly.

"Indeed," Ushio rumbled back.

Pegasus smiled "If I'm not mistaken there's a wonderful number sung by Miss Teá in act three of tonight's performance. I was wondering, as a personal favor, you might give us a private seating?" he asked warmly.

Teá chuckled "If my managers command, Alister?"

Alister turned pages and nodded up at her in a distracted manner "If my diva commands."

Teá huffed "Yes, I do," and moved into position in the centre of the stage, the cast all groaned and sighed as she once again got the limelight; she cleared her throat and began to sing.

"Think of me, think of my fondly when we've said goodbye! Remember me, once in a while, please promise me you'll try, if you find, that one day you long, to take your heart back and be free, please promise me that sometimes, you will think of me… think of me-"

"Ah!" the chorus screamed as a piece of set, one hanging on the flies, dropped and nearly crushed the partly flat sounding songstress. Ryou and Malik ran to the bottom of the stage with the rest of the cast, fearful of more falling set.

They grasped each other and took a step back to the fall site to see if they could spot the illusive specters "They're here! The Pharaohs of the Darkness!"

"They are with us, they are ghosts!" the chorus whispered, panicking and glancing around worriedly.

Dartz growled "Good heavens I've never known such insolence!" and the two blond boys moved back to their peers, timidly.

Pegasus looked at Teá. "My lady, are you alright?"

Ushio was fussing around her "What kind of treatment is this for a Prima Donna?" he asked angrily, rubbing her arms and trying to calm her down, she was rather shaken and angry, yet somehow lapped up all the attention Ushio and the others gave to her.

Valon looked around "Raphael! Where is the man?" he turned to the managers "Raphael, chief of the flies, he's behind this!" he looked up at the higher backstage and growled "Someone get that man down here!" he commanded.

Raphael came running and adjusting his hat as he tripped through the dancers outfits. "Here, sir."

Valon shook his head and jabbed a hand at the fallen set "Raphael, for gods' sake man what's going on up there?" he shouted at the taller man, there could have been casualties from this slip up!

Raphael looked at the stage and then said "Please good sir, don't look at me. Ra as my witness I was Not at my post" he pointed up into the flies "Please my friends there's no one there, and if there was then it must be a ghost!" he concluded before running to re-haul the set, back into it's position above the stage.

Ryou and Malik looked at each other "It's them the Pharaohs of the Darkness!" Yugi was holding onto Ryou's hand but was too shaken to agree with them. The crew all around them shivered as one and carefully made their ways back to their positions, curious and wary at the same time.

Pegasus turned to Teá with a smile. "My lady… these things do happen" he reasoned.

Teá looked at him incredulously; she couldn't believe that she had just heard that. "These things do happen?" she repeated scornfully. "Yes, in fact, for the past three years these things have been happening! You've been here five minuets what do you know?" She huffed and marched up to them "Ah! 'These things do happen' all of the time!"

The ranting show star turned on Valon "And did you do anything to stop them? No!" she poked her new managers in the chests "And you! You are as bad as him! 'These things do happen'."

She picked up her skirts and growled "Well until you stop these 'things' from happening, this thing," she waved at the stage, meaning the show "does not happen!" she finished her rant and sniffled pathetically "Ushio…"

The tall bulky man came and put his hands on her shoulders, he began to lead her out but stopped to have his say towards the new managers. "Amateurs!" he snapped before walking his little diva out.

Valon looked at the new rich owners of the Palace Opera House, a bit lost at what to do "I'm not sure what else I can do to assist you, gentlemen," he said helplessly. Shrugging his shoulders "If you need me I'll be in Libya," and he left.

Dartz and Pegasus exchanged a glance… "Teá will be back," Pegasus said cheerfully; or at least he hoped she would be, because they had a show tonight and it was a full house!

"You think so sirs?"

The many dancers and chorus members moved aside as their choreographer and friend Ishizu Ishtar walked through. She was strict, yet Motherly, a professional, yet a complete joker as the same time.

She walked up to the two new owners and smiled knowingly, her blue eyes were like crystals that hid and saw more than anyone knew. She tossed her black hair over her shoulder and said "I have a message sirs; from the Dark Pharaohs."

The cast all around her whispered furiously; the two Pharaohs who haunted the Palace Opera House! Apparently they had been left behind in the great move; the Pharaohs had a new Palace built in a more defendable position and when the old one was invaded the two Princes were left at their enemy's mercy; yet another rumor said they had been banished for some great evil and now returned as ghosts and spirits. According to the gossip; they were responsible for the accidents over the years.

Dartz groaned at the mention of the infamous ghosts "Great Gods! You're all obsessed!" he turned away with crossed arms, but listened in anyway.

Ishizu just smiled secretly "They merely welcome you to their home; they request that you continue to leave the stand of Ra empty for their use," she pointed with her golden eagle handled cane at the best seats in the house. "They wish you luck in your new position and remind you that their salaries are due."

Pegasus grabbed the note in her hand and repeated "Their salaries?"

Ishizu chuckled "Yes, Master Valon used to leave them twenty gold pieces each a month."

"What?" Dartz shouted; that was quite a lot of gold! His gold eyes and teal hair were wild at the thought of that amount vanishing from their pockets.

Ishizu laughed again before moving to straighten a dancer's outfit, it had gone slightly askew in the scare earlier. "Perhaps you could afford more? After all you do have the support of the Pharaoh's chief adviser."

Pegasus sighed "I had wanted to make that announcement myself in tonight's gala… who is the understudy for Miss Mitzaki's role?"

Alister spluttered "Understudy? There is no understudy for Lady Teá! The production is new."

Dartz groaned as the situation finally dawned on him "A full house! A full house and we're going to have to cancel!" he whined.

There was a sudden movement behind them. "Yugi Moto could sing it sir!" Malik said as he pulled the amethyst eyed boy center stage, the youth was timid and kept trying to hide behind Ryou and Malik; who had pulled him forwards.

Dartz sneered "A dancer boy? Please…."

Ryou glared "He's really good sirs, he's been taking lessons from some great teachers."

Pegasus blinked and leaned in to ask in great interest "Really? Who?"

Yugi trembled under their gazes "I… I don't know their names s-sir…"

Ishizu stepped in and said "Let him sing for you good sirs," she smiled at the boy she had taken under her wing as a little brother "he has been well taught," she advised, her gaze steely.

Pegasus exchanged a glance with Dartz, then shrugged; "What have we to lose?"

Dartz nodded thoughtfully "If we don't find a replacement we'll have to refund all those seats…" he suddenly found himself agreeing with a nod at the thought of losing all their profit until Teá returned.

Pegasus smiled widely before turning to Yugi "Come on then young one, don't be shy" he encouraged gently. Yugi took a few hesitant steps forwards and his shoulders raised to try and comfort himself; his small form even smaller when he was standing alone before his managers.

Alister nodded at him, though he looked skeptical that the boy could sing. "From the beginning of the number then, ready?" he asked.

Yugi nodded a bit as Ryou came forwards and handed him a silk scarf to perform with. Yugi took a breath and began to sing. "Think of me, think of me fondly, when we've said goodbye." His voice was soft, stuttering and very timid. He couldn't hit the notes because he was so nervous. Yugi knew he was doing badly and turned to run offstage and hide away for a while.

Ishizu saw him move and banged her cane sharply to make him stay. Yugi looked at her and she gestured him onwards. Yugi sang again and this time got a few more notes "Remember me once in a while, please promise me, you'll try."

"Pegasus this is doing nothing for my nerves," Dartz complained to Pegasus when he saw Yugi falter again.

Pegasus rolled his eyes "Don't fret Dartz."

Yugi raised the silk around his head and slowly fell into character, this line was perfect. "Then you'll find that once again you long, to take your heart back and be free, if you'll ever find a moment, spare a thought for me," Yugi smiled as his voice finally took to the skies and became as enchanting as Ishizu and Yugi's friends had said.

Later Yugi stood on the stage and danced around in white robes, the silk scarf in his hands, he used his skills as a dancer to look even more graceful. The full opera house looked at him as he sang, sounding like an angel and looking as beautiful as one too.

"We never said our love was evergreen, or as unchanging as the sea, but if you can still remember. Stop and think of me. Think of all the things, we've shared and seen, don't think about the way, things might have been…" Yugi paused and smiled widely as he rubbed his cheek against the fabric, smiling as if thinking of a lover.

"Think of me, think of me waking, silent and resigned. Imagine me trying too hard, to put you from my mind. Recall those days, look back on all those times, think of those things we'll never do. There will never be a day, when I won't think of you!"

The music blasted and the audience applauded.

Pegasus and Dartz nodded proudly at each other; Yugi was a big hit, he'd impressed everyone with all the notes he could sing and by the volume too; he looked too timid and angelic to be able to fill an entire opera house, yet he did, and he did so magnificently.

Up right beside the box of Ra, in the box of Hathor; sat the Pharaoh's chief adviser and his granddaughter, they stared at the person singing in amazement.

"Can it be? Can it be Yugi?" the Pharaoh's adviser Shimon said as the boy spun and glided around the stage.

"Brava, Brava!" the Lady Mai shouted as she applauded for her cousin. "Long ago, it seems so long ago, how young and innocent we were. He may not remember me, but I remember him," Mai sang to herself and Shimon nodded proudly.

Yugi moved back to centre stage and raised his arms "Flowers fade, the fruits of summer fade, they have their seasons, so do we. But please promise me that sometimes, you will think…" Yugi took a deep breath and sang an unaccompanied solo of ranging notes for the word of until his voice threw up to it's highest note yet and the music started up again to promote his tidal wave of noise.

"Of me" Yugi finished with a smile, proud of himself and of his performance.

The crowds of people cheered and stood up in applause. Yugi smiled and bowed, being gracious for his standing-ovation and shouting his thanks while being showered in flowers, thrown in from the crowd.

The curtains closed and at once Yugi's dancer friends from offstage rushed to him to hug and congratulate him. Yugi smiled and blushed and let them tell him over and over again how brilliant he was.

Ishizu walked on with her cane and smiled "Yes, you did very well. They will be pleased." She leaned in and kissed his forehead "Such an angel… and you," she snapped at the dancers "you were a disgrace tonight! Such uncoordinated movements! Such empty attack!"

The dancers cringed at her tones, but knew she was right.

Ishizu sighed and moved to an empty part of the stage "Come, we rehearse… Now!" she shouted as none of them moved. The dancers all jumped to attention and moved into positions, some stretched and other breathed in anticipation.

Yugi smiled helplessly and went to his dressing room, on the way he paused as he heard someone softly singing to him "Brava, brava, bravissima…" Yugi looked around as the ghostly voice floated around him.

Malik slipped away and joined Ryou and they went to Yugi's changing rooms, only to find that he wasn't there "Yugi? Yugi?" they called.

"Yugi…" a different voice whispered his name.

Malik and Ryou turned the corner and saw Yugi standing before the balcony, staring into space. Malik rushed forwards "Where in the world have you been hiding?" Yugi jumped and turned to look at his friends as they rushed up and took a hand each. Malik winked"Really, you were perfect."

Ryou smiled too and gave Yugi a quick hug "I only wish I knew your secret; who are these new tutors?" he asked, Malik's interest perked as he heard Ryou ask the very question he wanted to know.

Yugi looked off into space again for a moment "Mother once spoke of the Angels, I used to dream they'd appear. Now as I sing I can sense them, and I know they're here!" he looked around, taking his hands from his friends' grasps and looked around as if they'd be standing there. "Here in this room, they call me softly, somewhere inside, hiding. Somehow I know they're always with me; they of unseen genius…"

Ryou and Malik exchanged a glance at Yugi's words; they seemed a little far fetched at best. Ryou took Yugi's hand and began to lead him to his changing room "Yugi, you must have been dreaming. Stories like this can't come true."

Malik agreed after a moment "Yugi you're talking in riddles, and it's not like you…" he followed as Yugi burst into more song:

"Angels of music, guides and guardians, grant to me your glory!"

Malik and Ryou sang softly "Who are these angels these;"

"Angels of music, hide no longer. Secret and strange Angels," they all harmonized beautifully, Yugi came to a stop as a shiver raced up his spine.

"They're with me even now," Yugi murmured.

Ryou gasped "Your hands are cold!" the one he held was icy, and that wasn't normal in the desert.

"All around me," Yugi continued.

"Your face, Yugi, it's white!" Malik said, concerned. Yugi was normally rosy in tone.

"It frightens me," Yugi admitted softly.

"Don't be frightened," Malik and Ryou said as they resumed their walking.

Just as they were about to enter Yugi's private dressing room, being the newly discovered star he was awarded such privileges, they heard the tap of a cane.

Malik and Ryou froze because they were caught. Ishizu walked up to them with a stern face. "Malik. Ryou. Are you dancers?" The two boys nodded wordlessly. Ishizu raised an eye brown and gestured down the corridor she had just come from "Then come and practice."

The two blonds looked at Yugi and smiled before sheepishly hurrying down to the practice areas. Ishizu shook her head "What am I going to do with them?" she chuckled slightly and came forwards to cup the side of Yugi's face. "Yes, you did very well little one." Her hand brought out something from her cloak and she pressed it into his hands. "They are pleased with you."

Yugi took the roses and smiled; one was white while the other was dark red. He smelt them delicately before nodding. "Thank you."

Ishizu nodded before turning to go back to her sloppy dancers. Yugi went into his room and began to get ready for bed, his makeup came off and his hair was brushed free of any stage glitter. As he was straightening his nightclothes he heard a knock at his door.

"Who is it?" he called.

"Fans of Little Heba," a female voice called back.

Yugi gasped and ran to the door happily, when he opened it his cousin and his Grandpa stood on the other side. They all had the violet eyes that ran in the family and the males had similar hair.

Mai hugged Yugi as soon as she was inside. "Ah Yugi… what a performance! I never expected you to be the lead!" she said loudly and excitedly, kissing his forehead and cheeks.

Yugi smiled and said "What are you doing here? I thought you were at the Pharaoh's court," he had a large smile on his face, he was so glad that they were here, after he'd lost his parents he'd come here to be looked after because the rules of the Palace stated that a member of the court could only house one family member in the Palace, and Mai was that one family member.

Grandpa chuckled and hugged Yugi as well "I'm the adviser who's supporting this opera house, I knew you'd need someone here to keep it running. I'm so proud of you…"

Mai smiled and began to sing a cute little song that she and Yugi sang in their youth: "Little Heba let his mind wander; he thought: Am I fonder of dolls, or of goblins or shoes, or of riddles, of frogs?"

Yugi smiled and sang the next time "Those picnics in the attic, or of chocolates? Mother, singing our lullaby?"

Mai turned Yugi around and they giggled like children "As we read to each other dark stories of the North!"

Yugi stopped their pleasant spinning and whispered "No - what I love best, Heba said, is when I'm asleep in my bed; and the Angels of Music sing songs in my head!"

Mai and Yugi sang together "The Angels of Music sing songs in my head…"

Grandpa hugged both his grandchildren and chuckled "You sang like an angel tonight, Yugi."

Yugi blushed at the praise before looking up at them and telling them his story "Mother said, 'When I'm in heaven, child, I will send the Angels of Music to you'. Well, Mother is dead now, and I have been visited by the Angels of Music," Yugi's large eyes were honest and shining with wonder.

Mai laughed and nodded with her own shining smile "Well after that performance; no doubt you have. Come we have to celebrate this," she took Yugi's hand. But Yugi held back.

"No Mai, the angels are very strict. And I'd prefer to rest after that, I still feel like I'm on the stage," he smiled weakly as he remembered the nerves, and all those people watching him.

Mai and Grandpa exchanged a glance before nodding "We understand, Yugi," Grandpa said, he hugged his Grandson warmly "Get some rest, we'll have breakfast with you to catch up," he promised.

Yugi smiled "I look forward to it. Have a good night," he kissed them goodnight and they left for their rooms. Yugi sat down and prepared to go to bed, but just as he was about to enter his room he heard a soft voice singing to him.

"Wandering beauty, so lost, so helpless, yearning for our guidance"

"Angelic soul, you've brought forth heaven, our student and successor"

Yugi gasped and looked around the dressing room for the mysterious angels who had coached his voice to sing as he had. They had been his tutors and teachers and they had comforted him in his darkest hours. Yugi owed them a lot, but he had never seen their faces, they always spoke to him from out of sight. Try as he might he couldn't see them.

"Angels! I hear you! Speak, I listen... stay by my side, guide me! Angels, my gratitude, I offer...enter at last, Masters," Yugi pleaded, he moved back towards where he had heard their voices and listened for their reply.

"Flattering child you shall know us," one sang back to him, Yugi smiled as he looked around for them, hoping that tonight he'd finally meet them.

"See why in shadow we hide. Look at your face in the mirror, we are there inside!"

Yugi turned to the full length mirror and slowly approached it. "Angels of Music! Guides and guardians! Grant to me your glory! Angels of Music! Hide no longer! Come to me, strange angels…"

In the mirror two faces, similar to his own, appeared and began to sing. "We are your Angels of Music, Come to us: Angel of Music." Their deep voices were soothing and alluring as they beckoned to Yugi "We are your Angels of Music. Come to us: Angel of Music…"

Yugi raised his hands and as he approached the glass, he stepped right up to the gilded frame and his fingertips passed through to the other side. The two shadowy figures gently took his outstretched hands and carefully lead him through into a secret passageway, as if Yugi was royalty or a delicate piece of glass.

Yugi stared at his masters in amazement. They were like identical twins, but clearly unrelated as one was slightly darker than the average tan and the other was a deathly white, even whiter than Ryou!

They had star shaped hair with blond bangs and their tips were shades of crimson. Their eyes were similar but different. The tanned man had eyes of pure ruby red and the pale man had eyes of crimson. They were very muscular in build and sharp in features, the pale man was leaner than the other who had more muscles.

Both wore half masks, the tanned man had his mask covering the left part of his face while the pale man had his over his right. They wore leather trousers, boots, white undershirts with black jackets, finally they had capes with red underside over their shoulders.

Yugi gasped and they smiled charmingly "Little One," the pale man murmured in awe.

The tanned man chuckled "We are your masters; we're so pleased to meet you. I am Atem, this is Yami."

Yami indicated his head and then leaned forwards to kiss Yugi's cheek "You can't imagine how happy we are that you have finally met us." Yugi blushed at the affectionate gesture.

"I-I'm Yugi…" the boy stuttered out.

"We know," Atem kissed Yugi's other cheek before reached across and rubbing a thumb over Yami's exposed cheek, the two smirked at each other before remembering Yugi. They took a step back down the secret passage, away from the mirror, which had slid back into place.

"Come with us," they whispered.

Yugi felt his feet move and let them lead him into the maze of tunnels. Music started up around them and Yugi found himself singing "In sleep they sang to me, in dreams they camethat song which calls to me, and speaks my name. And do I dream again? For now I find,"

The two masks looked back at him and smirked as they lead in onwards "The Pharaohs of the Darkness's are there, inside my mind…"

The tunnels were like a winding labyrinth; the tiles golden and brownish, never ending doors leading to places around the Opera House, doors on the ceilings and upside down to confuse you, make you feel lost. Yugi was completely at the mercy of these strange angels; is he wandered he'd be lost forever.

But he felt safe with them. He knew that they'd never hurt him, he couldn't explain it, but he just knew that they weren't bad.

"Sing once again with us, our strange duet, our power over you grows stronger yet," Yami sang as they approached a black lake, illuminated by millions of candles, the walls held carvings of Ka monsters, their eyes seemed to watch as they walked, the never ending amount of doors continued…

Yugi peeked over his shoulder and saw the labyrinth behind him… he was already lost.

"And though you turn from us, to glance behind," Yugi stiffened at Atem's words and looked back at them to see if they were angry, but they were still smiling invitingly. They hadn't forced Yugi onwards, they waited while he looked back"The Pharaohs of the Darkness's are there, inside your mind," Atem helped Yugi into the boat and they both picked up poles to push the boat along…

Yugi looked around in wonder "Those who have seen your face draw back in fear, I am the mask you wear,"

"It's we they hear…" Atem agreed.

"Our/Your spirit(s) and your/my voice in one combined. The Pharaohs of the Darkness's are there, inside my/your mind," they harmonized perfectly. The water made their echo's more unearthly.

"They're here! The Pharaohs of the Darkness! Beware, the Pharaohs of the Darkness!" the stone statues seemed to be the cause of the voices, the carvings in the walls appeared to move in the candle light…

"In all your fantasies you always knew, that man and mystery," Yami sang as they approached a platform, a cave where they obviously lived.

"Were both in you…" Yugi murmured as he gazed around in awe, he looked back at his masters and they all sang again as they docked.

"And in this labyrinth where night is blind the Pharaohs of the Darkness's are there/here inside you/my mind," Atem and Yami got out of the boat and helped Yugi out, treating him as if he were royalty.

The cave was bathed in candles, the lake looked black, the labyrinth around them appeared misty and almost like a portal to another world. The dock was a crescent moon shaped piece of land with several indents into the walls for different rooms; bedroom, bathing room, storage, a study and a large collection of musical instruments.

They lead Yugi up a small flight of stairs and let him stand on a small raise, like a miniature stage…

"Our angel of music!" Atem declared with a dark and charming smile.

Yugi looked around form his platform and the music still echoed around them. "They're there, the Pharaoh's of the Darkness."

Yami turned his head back towards them and smiled "Sing."

"Oh!" as Yugi sang the notes of his harmony it echoed all around him and the power of this place seemed to draw the music and song from him.

Atem shook hid head slightly "Our angel of music," he raised a hand to Yugi and the strange, magical aura caused more music to appear at Yugi's lips.

"Oh!" Yugi sang higher and better each time, Yami and Atem exchanged another glance and took both of Yugi's hands as he began another harmony. "Oh!"

"Sing for us!" they partly shouted and turned Yugi to face the open space of their cave, his voice echoing even further and his confidence growing.


"Sing!" Yami commanded.

Yugi closed his eyes and reached even higher with his voice "Ah!"

"Sing!" Atem instructed as they let Yugi go.


"Sing!" they commanded again.

"Ah!" Yugi had reached his limit and was about to tell them that he couldn't reach any higher but-

"Sing for us!" the both said in powerful and commanding voices, leaving Yugi no choice but to obey…

Yugi closed his eyes and reached higher than he had ever in his life "AH!"

Yugi raised a hand to cup his throat in wonder, panting as he tried to catch the breath that had escaped him. That was the highest he'd ever reached, and he hadn't sounded flat, or too high; he was the envy of any singer, a thousand times better than Teá.

Yugi heard the organ being played and turned around to see Atem playing the organ

"We have brought you to the seat of sweet music's throne … to this kingdom where all must pay homage to music ... music..." Atem sang as he played the keys. Yami helped Yugi down off of his miniature stage, and held Yugi in a comforting and rather intimate way, though he had only placed his arms around Yugi's thin shoulders.

"We have brought you," Atem continued, "for one purpose and one alone. Since the moment we first heard you sing, we have needed you with us, to sing for our music … our music …" Atem stood up and nearly stalked around the organ with eyes nearly black, moving like a sleek cat rather than a man.

Yami gently pulled Yugi's back to his chest, Yugi put up a short and small resistance, but Yami was stronger. Yami began to sing lowly in Yugi's ear, nearly crooning it to the little one and producing shivers…

"Night time sharpens, heightens each sensation. Darkness stirs and wakes imagination. Silently the senses abandon their defenses …" almost to prove his point, his hands ran down Yugi's back and sides, while his nose glided along Yugi's venerable neck and scented Yugi's hair. Yugi gasped softly and shivered, tingles spread under Yami's hands. He felt so strange…

Atem approached and stood before Yugi before also murmuring the same alluring song. "Slowly, gently night unfurls its splendor. Grasp it," Atem grasped Yugi's hands as he spoke the line, instantly standing directly before the young boy, "sense it, tremulous and tender." Atem raised one of Yugi's hands and pressed it to his unmasked cheek, leaning into it with a content smile.

"Turn your face away from the garish light of day. Turn your thoughts away from cold unfeeling light." Yami whispered in Yugi's ear again while he took Yugi's other hand and swept it wide in an arch "And listen to the music of the night."

Atem and Yami stepped away and Atem turned Yugi around while walking around him. "Close your eyes and surrender to your darkest dreams, purge your thoughts of the life you knew before. Close your eyes, let your spirit start to soar." Yugi found himself obeying their words and falling into the hypnotic trance of their influence… "And you'll live as you've never lived before," Atem promised darkly, yet without malice or threats, almost a promise of shadows and mystery.

Yami retuned and once again had his lips against Yugi's neck as he sang, Atem also moved in closer and placed both warm hands on Yugi's slim waist. Yami began his seductive singing again "Softly, deftly, music shall caress you, hear it, feel it, secretly possess you. Open up your mind, let your fantasies unwind in this darkness that you know you cannot fight," Yami turned Yugi's face towards him and his dark crimson eyes smoldered as they drank in Yugi's smaller, submissive form. "The darkness of the music of the night…"

Atem turned Yugi's head back, his eyes equally deep and melting, "Let your mind start a journey to a strange new world, leave all thoughts of the life you knew before."

Both of them sang in their earnest "Let your soul take you where you long to be!"

The cave echoed with their voices, each one was perfect on their own, yet together they completed the dark, mysterious quality that made them sound unearthly. Yugi could only take in in wonder…

Yami stepped around to Atem's side and they both cupped a side of Yugi's face as they murmured the next line "Only then can you belong to we…" Yugi gasped, they stepped closer and each had a hand snaking around Yugi's waist.

Atem's voice lowered and their hands began to firmly, yet gently, glide over Yugi's torso and back "Floating, falling, sweet intoxication."

They moved at the same time, grasping Yugi's limp hands and pressing them to their hearts, the steady beating of their hearts was reassuring "Touch us, trust us, savor each sensation," they had pulled Yugi close and were gently caressing where their hands rested while gently holding him.

Yami was murmuring again "Let the dream begin, let your heart and soul give in, to the power of the music that we write…"

Atem gently nuzzled Yugi's nose with his own, every movement controlled, affectionate and full of unbridled adoration. "The power of the music of the night…"

They gently tugged on Yugi's hands and lead him down a set of stairs towards a small room. Atem swept aside a small curtain to reveal a tiny model stage of the theatre upstairs, from the view of the guarded box of Ra. Yugi gasped, the detail was incredible! Each and every stature was in its right place, the carvings were there in minute detail, velvet blue curtains, and set that looked as real as the full sized version. But most astonishing was the tiny figure in the center of the stage.

A young boy with tri coloured hair in white robes… "It's me…" Yugi whispered in amazement.

The two mysterious Pharaohs smiled. Yugi put a hand to his head and felt the dizzying situation and tonight events catch up with him. He swayed on the spot.

Yami moved and gently scooped Yugi's small body into his arms bridle style. The teen fell asleep as soon as he was securely in the familiar stranger's arms. Yami chuckled deeply and nuzzled Yugi's forehead tenderly, the youth sleeping deeply after his unexpected adventure.

Atem laid a hand on Yugi's cheek before nodding at Yami. The two made their way to their bedroom.

Their bed was very strange. It was made out of a small wooden ship's hull, lined with cushions and pillows before a circular mattress was placed on top. The hull's bow had a carving of a mystical sea maiden, the bed had a red and deep pink hue while the wood was ebony. Yami placed Yugi gently onto the mattress, his upper body sinking into silken pillows.

Yami brushed Yugi's bangs and tri coloured hair back into place and shape, gazing at his sleeping form lovingly. "You alone can make our song take flight," he sang softly.

Atem pulled the black silk sheets up to cover the slumbering youth, tucking him in reverently before leaning down to kiss his forehead. "Help us make the music of the… night…"

Yami caressed Yugi's cheek one last time, pulling away as Atem did as their song faded. Yami smiled at the sleeping beauty before placing a hand on Atem's cheek, Atem smiled back at him and pecked his lips lingeringly before admiring Yugi for one more moment.

"Our Angel," he murmured.

Yami nodded with a smile and gently pulled on Atem's hand. "Let's leave him to rest," he advised in a whisper. Atem nodded and they both left the little nest that held the sleeping angel, dreaming of the music of the night…

There we go!

I've stopped it there, because, after this scene, the Phantom starts to act like a real jerk! So I've only included the parts where he's a 'good guy'. I think we all love Yami and Atem for squashing Teá, yes?

Please tell me how this went, and please listen to the 25th anniversary soundtracks of their songs on youtube to feel the magic for yourself, trust me, the movie pales in comparasent to onstage! Please I implore you to listen to the songs!


Think of me

Angel of Music

Little Lottie

"The Mirror/ Angle of Music repaise I"

Title song: "Phantom of the Opera"

Music of the Night

Those songs are amazing, please listen. And I also drew that cover picture, :) apparenly I can draw :)