A/N: Yeah, so, OK, let me explain. I don't just do serious Everlark stories . . . I also kinda support Petato. Yeah, I hope I don't lose any regular reviewers on my other stories because of that but . . . what can I say? I'm a proud yaoi girl :)

Yes, before you ask, this is loosely based around the BBC t.v series, Blackpool. You should check it out! I think it's on youtube. It's in parts though but, hey, if your willing enough to watch it, it'll totally be worth it!

This fic is also for fun. I'm not looking for grammer nazis, spelling nazis, etc. etc. I want to enjoy writing this so no flames please! :D

Warnings: Basically OCCness. BIG WARNING FOR OCCNESS! Katniss will be more sexual and aggressive, Madge will be more rough and drunk, Delly will be more vocal, Cato will be more loving and Johanna . . . well Johanna will be Johanna.

Disclaimer: Hunger Games belongs to Suzanne Collins and Blackpool belongs to the BBC.

Chapter One - Just dump the body in the casino

The opening of the Everdeen Casino was a very public affair. Katniss Everdeen, the owner of the Casino, had been publishing advertisments in newspapers, posters, magazines, you name it, there'd be an ad in it, just because she wanted as many people there at the opening as possible. It would be the first Casino opened in Panem Pier and apparently, someday, Katniss will expand it into a Casino Hotel. If she can get the money that is.

The Everdeen family are very well off compared to other people in Panem. Due to Katniss' previous success in the Casino buisness in other Districts of the country, her family and herself were not known for being poor. Her children, Jennifer and Josh, both spend their share of the family's money on as many luxturies as they can. You'd think the money was going to run away on them. True to the word that the Everdeen family are, indeed, rich people, it doesn't guarnatee that people actually like them.

Jennifer has become so high up herself that she only finds friends in those she deems right or 'worthy' to be her friends. To this day she only has one constant friend. And it's only rare you see them together. Josh on the only hand makes no attempts to make friends and the people you do see him with are gangs of misfits. Rumour has it they're drug dealers. Katniss herself has plently of friends. She's very social and always has an event of some sort to drag her family to. The people she is seen with are known as guenine friends but it is sometimes passed round that all they really have in common is money and hookers.

Not all of the Everdeens are rotten eggs though. Katniss' husband, Peeta Mellark, tries to stay on the sane side of being married to a rich big wig. Works part time at Smartians, a company made up of volunteers who listen to people who want to talk about thier issues and give advice to them. Many don't even realize Katniss and Peeta are even married. One of the biggest signs of confusion being that Katniss refused to take his second name and gave Jennifer and Josh the second name 'Everdeen'.

The people of Panem Pier think Katniss doesn't deserve Peeta. Others say Peeta is married to Katniss for her money. All in all, they think the marriage is a sham. No-one would ever say that to the family though. No-one has the courage to.

But one thing's for sure, their love was definetly mixed up.



The opening nights are the worst. When Katniss drags the family and myself to watch a bunch of people mess about with the new slot machines in the newly opened Casino. Don't get me wrong, I'll always support my wife no matter how many Casinos she decides to open but when it comes to the public appearances, it's an unnessecary song and dance. Smiling for photos, thanking everyone for coming, etc. etc. Katniss loves the attention, Jennifer basks in it. Josh? Well, Josh has a go on some of the machines and smiles when a camera is pointed his way. I guess it's more than we can ask for.

I immediately recognized something was different though when Jennifer approached us at the opening of the Casino in Panem Pier and asked Katniss if she could leave early. Jennifer normally enjoys the attention of the paparazzi until the very end of the night so the fact that she was asking to leave early on it's own was worrying enough.

"Why?" Katniss had asked, grabbing a martini from a Waiter. "Got a big date tonight?"

I think this was directed as a sarcastic comment but Jennifer actually blushed and averted her gaze towards the door. "Yeah, so?" she replied.

"Good girl!" Katniss grinned, slapping her on the shoulder. "Good looking?"

Jennifer nodded. "Yeah, well, I think so anyway."

"That's great Jen," I decided to put in. Katniss has a habit of becoming more of the alpha in the family. Of course I don't mind her taking over but sometimes Jen gets the idea I don't care.

"So, can I go?" she asked.

"Of course you can," Katniss answered with a grin.

"Thanks mom!" Jen giggled, hugging Katniss tightly. "See ya later Dad."

"Bye Jen, make sure your home by curfew!" I called after her.

"Oh stop being so old fashioned Peeta!" Katniss sighed. "Stay out as long as you want sweetheart!"

Jennifer gave her a thumbs up before disappearing into the crowd.

"Katniss, you do realize that if you always contradict my word like that the kids are never going to take me seriously?" I asked.

Katniss sighed and greeted a couple more people before answering me. "She's a grown girl Peeta, she can look after herself."

"At 12:00 at night against some creepy guy who she barely knows?!" I replied.

"She needs to learn to fight her own battles. We can't fight them for her all the time," she simply said before she headed back into the crowd of people.

After being jostled around for a considerable amount of minutes and listening to people you don't even recognize telling you how much of a success your wife is . . . well, there's only a certain amount of it you can take. Finally deciding to take off, I quietly zip through the crowd and slip out the doors unnoticed. Katniss won't miss me. She'll be too busy doing her usual meet and greet spiel anyway.

The buzz of the casino opening gets quieter and quieter as I got further and further away from the pier. Taking a detour to a takeaway resturant, I changed out of my tuxedo and into simple jeans and a t-shirt. I doubt the Delly would have appreciated it if I appeared for my shift dressed up as if I was going to meet the Queen of England.

Smartians isn't anything big, it's really just a slim building with stairs at the front door that lead up to an office. Still, if it helps those in need then there's nothing really to complain about.

"Delly?" I called as I entered the office. "I'm here to relieve you!"

Delly's head popped out from behind a door. "Thank god! I'm literally falling asleep at the desk here!"

I gave her a quick greeting hug before going to my desk and dropping my bag with my tux in it underneath. "Many people tonight?" I asked.

"No, it's quite quiet tonight, just stay by the phones and answer if anyone calls," Delly answered as she slung her satchel over her shoulder and plaited her hair.

I pull the phone closer to me by the cord and give her a salute. "That, I can do."

Delly chuckled as she went to the door. "Rough night?"

"Not as much as rough as it was loud and . . . crowded," I answered.

"Well, everyone else is away home so it'll be nice and quiet," Delly said. "I'll see you tomorrow OK?"

"See you later Delly," I replied. "Bye!"

Delly waved one last time before leaving the room. I sighed and pulled my book out of my bag, settling in for the night.


When exactly did Peeta leave? My god I really need to put a tracker or something on him because these early exits aren't going to do us any good in the papers. They'll think he can't wait to leave or something. Which I know he probably can't but that's beside the point. He needs to show a bit more restraint.

Sighing, I went over to Josh and hit him upside the head. "Ow mom, what the hell?!" he grumbled, rubbing the spot I hit as he turned away from the slot machine he was currently working on.

"Have you seen where your father went?" I asked.

"No, go ask Jen or someone who actually cares," Josh muttered in response, turning his back on me again.

"No," I answered, turning him back round to face me. "Jen has actually got a date tonight. You know, like a proper person?"

Josh sighed and turned back to the slot machine once more. "Mom, just leave off it alright? Go say hello to the other rich weirdos."

"I don't see you dissing the money when you want to go out with your friends," I muttered as I leave him back to his devices. Trying to get information out of Josh is like trying to get blood out of a stone.

"Katniss!" A voice yelled from sonewhere in the crowd. I turned round, scanning the area for the source of the voice, only to find Johanna Mason pushing her way past people to get towards me. "This party is awesome!" She slurred once she reached me. She's obviously drunk. "One of your best yet!"

"I see you've found the alcohol Jo," I sighed, rolling my eyes. "Where's Madge?"

"She's at home," Johanna shrugged. "Waiting on us."

"You ready to go?" I asked. "I'm hungry."

"I'm ready when you are," Johanna replied, chucking her glass away behind her.

I throw the keys to the casino to Josh. "Hey, lock up when everyone's cleared out. Think you can manage that?"

Josh rolled his eyes and sighed. "Yeah, sure, whatever."

Madge's house isn't far from the pier. Just round the corner. When we knocked on her door all we got in reply was a rough, "Come in."

"Madge?!" Johanna yelled up the stairs once we were inside. "Come out, come out, where-ever your areee!"

I head up stairs and laugh at loud at the scene before me. Madge sitting in her bathtub with a bottle of beer in her hand. "You comfortable there Madge?" I asked as Johanna pushed past me and claimed the toilet seat as her chair.

"Shut up," Madge grumbled. I rolled my eyes and shut the door behind me.

"When's the delivery arrving?" Johanna asked as she snatched a beer from the six pack Madge had sitting by the bath.

"Soon," Madge promised, sinking further into the bath.

I grabbed a beer myself and leant against the wall. "Did you do something with the bathroom?" I asked as I popped the cap open.

"I expanded it," Madge answered vaguely.

I snorted in disdain. "What a waste of money."

Madge glared at me and chugged down more beer. "I wanted to do it, so I did it," she stated in irritation.

"Looks good," Johanna complimented sarcastically. "Still, Katniss is right. It's a waste of money. You should have invested it."

"Whatever," Madge shrugged.

The doorbell suddenly went, making Johanna surge towards the door exclaiming, "Finally!" Madge leapt out of the bath and followed after her down the stairs. I met them at the bottom of the stairs and pushed my way between them both at the front door.

Standing at the bottom of Madge's doorsteps were the three hookers she ordered for us earlier on in the night. Granted, they look as downtrodden as a rat on the streets of New York City but at least they'll put out. For the right amount of money anyway.

"So guys!" I announced. "Who's going to be the lucky one tonight?"


"Josh! Keys! Give me the keys!" I snapped the next morning as we hurried down the street towards the casino.

"Alright! Alright!" Josh snapped, fumbling in his pockets for the keys. Once he chucked them at me I rolled my eyes as I caught them. "How late did you stay up last night boy?" I asked as we arrived at the casino.

"Probably up since five am knowing Josh," Johanna grumbled.

"Don't judge lady, don't think I can't see those bags under your eyes," Josh muttered.

I hit him for talking back as Madge took the keys from me and unlocked the casino doors. "Don't start Josh, I'm not in the mood this morning," I said as Johanna and Madge went into the casino first.

"Yeah, I can tell."

"Katniss! Katniss! Katniss!" Madge yelled from inside. "KATNISS!"

"What!?" I yell back.

"GET IN HERE BRAINLESS!" Johanna screamed back.

I folded my arms across my chest and sighed as I entered. "What the hell is wrong?!"

I'm stopped dead in my tracks as Madge and Johanna part to let me through. My mouth dropped open and my heart leaped into my stomach at what lay before me.

"Oh my god Mom," Josh whispered beside me.

I know I should have been shocked. Horrified even. But I can't bring myself to be so. In fact, the first words out of my mouth were,

"OK, who dumped the dead body in my casino?"

A/N: Cato will be in the next chapter I promise!

I do love Katniss has a character, as you probably know from my other stories, but she's required to be like this for this fic. Sorry.

Hey, if you can work out why Katniss and Peeta's kids are called what they're called, I'll give you a cookie! ;)