Hi! My names Kimi Uley! I'm six- I mean two years old! My daddy's name is Sam and my mommy's name is Emily. I have black hair like my mommy but my hair is curly for some reason. My daddy and Leah fight a lot because Leah says my eyes are weird but my daddy says they're perfect. My eyes are green. Um, my mommy says I have this thing called add. I think it means when I grow up I'll know how to make lots of plus signs. Um, I know all of my abc's and I can count to 20! Hm, I can't think of anything else to say. Blah!

I open my eyes to the sun and I sit up in my blue bed. My room was blue all over. My favorite color is blue because it reminds me that I have brother. This was supposed to be my brother room. Daddy said he's still at the hospital and we're gonna get him later but he's gonna be a baby. He said when I get older mommy's gonna rebirth him after her stomach gets big because he was really sick when he came out of mommy's belly with me. I jump up from bed and tip toe to Pauly's room to wake him up.

"Jake has already took on his wolf form? Did you remove him from the scene?" I hear from mommy and daddy's room. I think daddy's on the phone. "Good! Bring him here." I hear daddy end that chat with the phone.

Gasp! That means Jakey's a wolf. Ut oh, if Jakey's a wolf that means he eats peoples but I don't think he'd hurt us 'cause he's nice. He says I'm his bestest friend! I keep Jakey's secret to myself though. Mommy says I'm s'pose to. I'm s'pose to because my name means secret so I'm s'pose to able to keep them, like when daddy gave me a cookie before dinner. I haven't told anyone yet! I jump onto Pauly's bed and hop on him.

"Rawr! Wake up, Pauly, wake up," I jump up and down on his bed as I rawr like a lion. I know I'm awesome. "Pwaul if you no get up imma bite you!" I yell, still jumping. Paul rises from the bed. I smile at my success. It didn't last long as Paul lifts me up off the bed and sets me on the floor.

"Go away, Mimi, I'm sleepy." Pauly grumpily mumbles. I pout as he lays back down. Well, I have no choice! I sigh before sinking my teeth into Pauly's thick arm. "Sam, come get your psycho-brat!" Pauly yells as he tries to shake me off relentlessly. I stiffen as I hear daddy's footsteps.

"Mimi" I hear daddy's light but strict voice enter the room. His deep voice looms over my head. I silently look at my daddy. "Let go of Pauly's arm and come give daddy a hug!" he refers to my nickname for Paul.

I drop off of Pauly's arm as I let go and run over to daddy and jump up into his arms. I giggle as daddy kisses my cheek and walks down the steps. "Come on, Mimi, uncle Jakey's here." I gasp and jump down from daddy as I run down the step and jump up onto Jakey.

"Uncle Jakey!" I cheer "Is it true?" I ask as Jakey looks confused. "Is it true you're a wolf. I heard daddy on the phone" I feel him and everyone else tense and freeze. Before he can answer I continue talking. "If you are, then you can change me into one like Finn!" I smile looking at him pleading "Finn and Jake says that if you hug me I'll turn into a wolf then we can spend lots of time together!"

"Who's Finn and Jake?" he asks curiously

"From TV remember," I smile "and we can hug all the time just like the hug wolf!" I exclaim as I hear snickers amongst the pin dropping silence

"How about you ask Paul to do i-"

"Why's she asking you for a hug?" I hear Pauly grumble

"Pauly!" I grin before stretching out my arms to him as he smiles at me as he picks me up