Hey, this is an FF my elder sister (Who's too lazy to make her own account) wrote.

Amy and 11, The Pool

I don't own Doctor Who

Amy was wearing a red bikini. This time, she was going to find the swimming pool. She opened and closed doors, discovering new rooms, like the tennis court, and the door that opened to all the supplies in the TARDIS. Finally, she opened the door to the swimming pool, with the Doctor in it, who was enjoying a nice swim. "Hey Doctor!" Amy said. "How come you never told me about the place of the pool?" The Doctor stared at his lovely assistant, his eyes roaming up and down her body. Never before had he seen such a beautiful young woman, not to mention her being ginger.

Amy noticed the Doctor inspecting her body. A mischievous grin flooded her face. She was going to have some fun. Just as she was about to talk, the Doctor came out of the pool. Amy gasped when she saw his figure. He was actually quite muscular, despite him looking tall and lean. Amy's mouth just popped open. She walked to the Doctor and looked at him, up and down. Suddenly, without knowing why, she put her arms around his neck and stared into his eyes, the man she truly loved ever since they met. The Doctor held her close and stared in her eyes deeply, passionately. Unable to resist, he engaged in a passionate kiss. He carried her to a lounger and sat there, enjoying the kiss he wanted for so long.

Amy's hands roamed on the Doctor's back. She finally got them off and started unclasping her bikini top slowly to tease him. The Doctor was still kissing her, his hands on the bra to pull it off the moment she unclasped it. Finally, he managed to pull them off, and took a second to look at those beautiful, puffy breasts. He then engaged in the kiss again, playing with Amy's left breast. Amy moaned softly. No one was able to make her feel so good, not even Rory. Right now, she didn't even want to hear of Rory, the stupid man who kept them apart. Her hands went down the Doctor's body, quite unable to stop. She teased him, making him moan and grunt. She couldn't stand it any longer. She pulled his swimsuit off, and started getting out of her bikini bottom, again, very slowly, teasingly. Amy was just lying there, defenseless. He could have her all he wanted. He started kissing her, and positioning to enter in.

When he did, Amy screamed in ecstasy. She was his now. There was no other option. She grabbed him and kissed him. Finally he came inside her, both of them panting. Amy looked into his eyes lovingly. She whispered. "I want to be yours Doctor. Screw Rory! He wasn't right for me." The Doctor gazed into the eyes of the woman he loved deeply and truly and found himself nodding. "Amy, I-so do I! That was extraordinary! Something much beyond beautiful! You're the only person I can live this with, oh Amy, you vixen!" The Doctor looked at Amy, who was practically screaming in joy.

Then they heard footsteps approaching the door. Amy put on her bikini in a record time and pretended she was reading the Time magazine on the coffee table while the Doctor jumped into the water. Rory came in, looking very angry. He was holding a CD, and was pointing to the camera on the ceiling.

I can get her to write a sequel, if you like it. I'll get her to create her own account soon. xD