Authors Note

Hello guys and gals, welcome to my story. Sorry if this is a little dark, but the story got stuck in my head and wouldn't leave. I don't use a beta so any mistakes are mine and mine only. I appreciate feedback and anything you want to tell me. If you feel the absolute need to flame than you can but realize this is my first story. Without further waiting I give you my story Found


I don't own Janet Evanovich or any of her characters. I wish I did, those merry men are awesome. I own nothing!



Steph P.O.V.

"Hey Carlos, come on let's play! We don't have all day!" I yelled at him as I ran around his backyard.

"Steph come on its lunch time and I'm hungry!" Carlos called. My name is Stephanie Plum and I'm six years old. Carlos Manoso is my best friend. He saved me in elementary school when the bully Joyce Barnyard tried to beat me up. I live with my mom, dad, and my older sister Val in our home in the burg. As I ate my peanut butter and olive sandwich with Carlos a knock came at the front door.

"That's my mom." I told him. I finished my sandwich and grabbed my bag off the floor. "I'll see you tomorrow." I told him as I stood to leave.

"Bye Wonder Woman!" He called to me as I walked down the wooden hall way that led to the door.

"Bye Batman!" I called back to him as I pulled the door open. Only it wasn't my mother there, it was an old man. He was balding and fat. He had on a plumbers outfit and had a weird glint in his eyes.

"Your not my mommy, let me get Carlos. Are you here to fix the plumbing?" I asked him. He nodded and grabbed my arm.

"Hey let go! Carlos he..!" I called before he put his hand and a piece of cloth in front of my mouth. He scooped me up bridal style and walked out of the house. The last thing I saw before it all went dark was Carlos' horrified face.

Carlos P.O.V.

"Hey Carlos, come on let's play! We don't have all day!" Steph yelled as she ran around my back yard her hair whipping around.

"Steph come on its lunch time and I'm hungry!" I yelled back with a smirk on my face. Steph bounded up the stairs and into my house with a smile on her face, her blue eyes sparkling. My name is Carlos Manoso and Steph Plum is my best girl friend. I'm seven years old and live with my mom, dad, four sisters, and two brothers. My mom and dad were picking up Cecilia from grandma and grandpa's house in Point Pleasant today and Alex was watching us. Alyssa and Abby were at Hannah down the roads house and Lydia was out with her boyfriend. Mario was away at camp, with his friends. While Steph and I ate our sandwiches the door bell rang.

"That's my mom." Steph said finishing her sandwich grabbing her bag and walking down the hall towards the door.

"Bye Wonder Woman!" I called on a whim. She turned around and smiled at me.

"Bye Batman!" she said before opening the door. I turned around and started cleaning up the dishes from lunch. I put the plates in the sink and was going for the bowls…

"Hey let me go! Carlos he..!" Steph screamed. I turned and ran into the hall. The last thing I saw was Steph's terrified blue eyes before they drifted shut and the man shut the door locking Steph out forever.

11 years later

Carlos P.O.V.

I'm eighteen today. It should be a happy occasion but it's not. All I can think about even after all this time is how Steph should be here experiencing everything with me. Her terrified blue eyes still haunt my dreams, every once in a while. My family and friends look at me with pride and nervousness. Tomorrow I leave for the Army. I need something to keep my mind off of Steph. I need this. I put on my fake smile that I've gotten so good at over the past 11 years. Once the party calms down and everyone leave I lay in my bed thinking of Steph. My last thought before my eyes shut and darkness claims me is 'I'll find you Wonder Woman. I'll save you, I promise.'

Steph P.O.V.

It's been 11 years. Today is Carlos' eighteenth birthday. I wonder if he still remembers me, or if I've faded into a memory not worth remembering. I hope he's moved on or at least I tell myself that. In reality I hope he never does, I need to hold on to the hope that one day he'll find me. That someone cares enough to still look. I shift a little and my injuries protest in pain. I stifle a groan and drift off. My last thought is 'Come find me Batman I'll be here waiting, and happy eighteenth birthday, I hope.'

Authors Note

Well what do you think? Is it good? Bad? Ok? Please review, I will read them all. Any questions ask and I will try and answer. Thanks for reading this far. I will try and update every Wednesday but no promises especially with finals coming up. Thanks
