2004 Final Goodbye Part 2

It was a shock when Ross walked into Central Perk to tell Chandler, Monica, Phoebe, Mike, Joey and Lizzie that Rachel needed them to meet her at some boutique near NYU. They had been sitting, talking about stuff when Ross told them Rachel said it was an emergency. The group headed over to the store to find Rachel in a completely deserted space, sitting on a chair with Emma sitting next to her. Rachel was staring around at the wide open space.

"I may have just lost my mind," Rachel said.

"Why?" Ross asked.

"Phoebe and Mike inspired me and-and I was eating lunch with a couple of friends of mine who are designers and they said that if I ever had a store they would sell their designs in my store and...and I thought about that and one of the things I was super good at when I worked at Bloomingdales and even at Ralph Lauren was cultivating friendships with designers and I'm still friends with those designers and...and I'm insane, I am...but I can't-" Rachel said.

"What are you saying, Rach?" Monica asked, confused.

"I bought a store...this store. I talked to my parents and they helped and I bought a store. I can't...Ross, I can't take Emma away from you and take her to a whole other country. You never see Ben and I know how much that kills you and I can't do that to you but..."

Rachel's parents paid for the store? That seemed unlikely. She knew Rachel's parents and knew they would never do that. There was something fishy was going on. Someone else had to do that, someone with a trust fund perhaps? She looked at Chandler who was staring straight ahead.

"Rachel...if it's what you want..." Ross said.

"And I want you, Ross," Rachel said. "I want us to be together. I can't go and leave...but I can't stay if things are going to be the way they were before. No. You can't get insanely jealous if I work late or if I have to travel. I want this to be right...I wanna take this risk...if Phoebe and Mike are taking a risk, then I will too but-but this relationship needs to be a healthy one...no more craziness and no more...just no more-"

Ross walked over to her and immediately kissed her. She stared at Ross and smiled at him as she kissed him back. The rest of the group stared at each other uncomfortably, not sure what to say or if they should be saying anything at all.

"That's my ex girlfriend," Joey whispered.

"Wow...you're a man whore," Lizzie grinned.

"Yeah, baby," Joey said, which made Chandler laugh.

"I don't want to be here now," Monica said.

"Wanna get coffee," Chandler said as the rest of the group left the store, leaving Rachel and Ross to sort things out on their own. As the walked out, Monica grabbed Chandler's arm and motioned for Phoebe, Mike, Lizzie and Joey to walk ahead of them. When they were alone, she stared at him.

"Rachel's parents didn't help her get this store, did they?" Monica asked.



"No, it's just...Rachel can't leave too...Phoebe and Joey leaving is gonna be hard enough and then I thought, G-d, if she leaves Ross is gonna be devastated and you...I mean, you already have one best friend leaving with Phoebe moving to Nashville, Lizzie is starting to become your friend and she's moving to Los Angeles with Joey and then...I thought, if Rachel left, you'd have no female friends in New York left and I didn't want you to be lonely and...'cause I know how much sucks it to be lonely and-"

"I'm not lonely. I have you."

"Yeah, but when you want to complain about me...which I know you like to do, it's probably better that I don't hear it."

"True," Monica said, looking at him, her eyes filling with tears as she kissed him. "And...Joey and Lizzie are for sure coming for Thanksgiving. So you will see him again and Phoebe is coming with Mike for Thanksgiving too so we will see them as well."

"Hey," Rachel said as she and Ross walked out of the store, hand in hand, Rachel holding Emma with her free arm. They walked towards Chandler and Monica.

"It wasn't her parents that helped with the store, was it?" Ross asked, Chandler looked over at Rachel.

"I didn't tell him a thing," Rachel said.

"Thank you," Ross said as he and Chandler hugged.

"No, thank you," Chandler said, "and Rach, you sure this is what you want?"

"Yes, I wanna be with my family. I mean, I spent so much of my life wanting a family...wanting to be surrounded by people that loved me for my crazy self. People I can be myself around without judgment and I found it in you guys and I can't leave that. I wouldn't have asked for the money if I felt like I was being forced. I wanna do this. I may need help. Monica, I may need you to make lists."

"I will totally do that," Monica said.

"I know," Rachel said as she let go of Ross' hand and hugged Monica. The two women, crying as they held onto each other. Ross stepped towards Chandler.

"It's gonna be different now," Ross said.

"I know," Chandler said.

"Joey told me you're gonna be his best man whenever he and Liz get married," Ross said.

"Hmmm, yes," Chandler said. "Sorry."

"That's alright, it's how it should be."

Chandler nodded as Ross patted Chandler on the back. Monica, still holding Emma, began walking off with Rachel beside her. At least she'd have Rachel still in New York and maybe when Ross and Rachel got married, Rachel would officially be her sister.

All this change, this moving on, the saying of goodbyes all took a backseat when Erica went into labor. Chandler and Monica were officially parents but not just the parents to one baby, but two. It had been a shock, they had been under the impression that they were only getting one. Getting two felt like getting a prize. Two infants, tiny, so full of life. They were a family, the Gellar-Bings.

"I have babies. I'm a mom," Monica said as tears streamed down her face. Erica had given birth and now Chandler and Monica were holding their new children, little Erica and Jack. She breathed them in, their tiny baby smells.

"They are so gorgeous," Chandler said, "they're ours."

"Oh, G-d. Oh, man...G-d...I just...thank you."

"No, thank you," Chandler said.

He had done this. She could not wait to teach them, to watch them grow. She'd teach them to organize.

"I love them and we have one of each, " Monica said.

"Hi, kids...it's your mom and dad," Chandler said as Monica kept crying.

"I...I have everything I've ever wanted. I do. I have everything. This is all happening. To me. To us. This is amazing," Monica said.

"Okay, kids...we're gonna start with the silent movies first. We'll begin with Birth of a Nation. Four hour silent movie...quite possibly the most racist movie of all time, so you know, don't get freaked out by all the lynching. It's fake and you two will probably sleep throughout most of it. Which is fine...then we're gonna go through all the silent movies. You'll love Charlie Chaplin and...and.." Chandler began when he felt Monica kiss his arm. He looked at her as she smiled at him.

"We're a family."

"We are," Chandler said. "Hmmmm, just thought of something."


"I have to buy more things at FAO Schwartz."

Monica laughed as looked down at Jack, sleeping in her arms and over at Erica's sleeping in Chandler's. They were finally a family, a family of four. They were responsible for these two.

"I can never drink again. I will never drink again...or take a drug. I can't. I can't let these two down. They're depending on me. I'm their dad."

"You'll be amazing," Monica said "I can't wait for the others to meet these two."

"Me neither."

"And we have to say goodbye them...oh, G-d."

"What?" Chandler asked.

"It's not fair. Just as we start our family, we have to say goodbye to the family we've had for ten years. I don't wanna let any of them to go."

"They're our family. We're not gonna lose them."

"How do you know?" Monica asked.

"I know. Let's bring our babies home?"

"We need an extra car seat," Monica realized. They now needed two of everything. Chandler nodded and gently handed the baby he was holding to Monica and raced out to go buy a new car seat leaving Monica alone with Erica and Jack. She couldn't look away from them. Who would they grow up to be? Would they take on the personalities of Monica and Chandler? This was it, it had all come to this. Soon, Chandler arrived back with another car seat and a plastic bag.

"What do you have?" Monica asked. Chandler reached into the bag and pulled out two journals. Two new books.

"Baby books….you needed two new books."

"I do," Monica said.

"Alright, we got the okay to go? I'll drive 'em home," Chandler said.

"You drove into a house," Monica said looking at him. Chandler raised an eyebrow and stared back at her. She laughed a little as the two got ready to go. They had taken the Porsche and Chandler made sure the seats were in and put the babies in their seats. The drive from from the hospital to the apartment was only about five minutes away but with two newborns in the car, it took about a half hour. Chandler drove about two miles an hour the entire way although Monica didn't care, she kept staring at them.

"They're so gorgeous," Monica said as Chandler let out a grunt. "You alright there, Chandler?"

"I can't talk while I'm driving with Jack and Erica in the car," Chandler said, staring straight ahead. Monica smiled as him as she turned back to look at them, fearing that if she looked away one more time they would vanish.

When they arrived home, they were surrounded. Even in the now empty apartment, they were surrounded by friends. Everyone watching them, watching Jack and Erica, wanting to hold them and take care of them. Rachel carefully introduced them both to Emma who was now two. Emma was amazed by the two little babies. It struck Monica how they were no longer a group of six singles, they were couples, individual families It was different now and soon would come the goodbyes.

Those were brutal. There were tears, hugs, promises to reunite during Thanksgiving. Joey, Lizzie and a now fourteen year old Lauren left for Los Angeles. Phoebe and Mike left for Nashville and Ross, Rachel and Emma stayed in the city. Rachel and Ross deciding to get a new apartment as way to start new memories and feeling it would be too difficult to be in either one of their buildings without being surrounded by the others. Then there were Monica and Chandler. They were now calling Westchester home. Ellie and Andy were next door, Grayson and Jules across the street and Laurie and Travis were next to them. It felt so strange though now.

That first official night, they couldn't sleep. Monica kept walking out to check on the babies in their new rooms. When she walked back into their room, she lay down next to him and let out a sigh.

"This is too weird. It is….it doesn't feel like home yet," Monica said.

"I know. I was thinking….we now have to knock on each other's doors and keep ours locked. It's just….we haven't done that in years."

"I know. I miss home."

"We are home."

"Yeah….I'm glad you're here with me. I'm glad it's you and me."

"Me too," Chandler said as the two shared a kiss and and slowly rang in their new home. It took a few months to feel settled in, to break in a new routine. Chandler commuted to and from the city to work at his advertising firm although he was contemplating working a little closer to home. Monica quit her job a Javu's and concentrated on being a full time mom and decided to devote herself to that and also to starting a catering business. While Chandler was at work, she would watch her children and hang out with Ellie, Laurie and Jules. She was truly loving this new world. Of course there were almost daily phone calls to the rest of the group, checking in, keeping each other up to date on the changes in each other's lives.

"So I got a car," Joey told Monica over the phone. It was now October and she was sitting in her home, talking to Joey in Los Angeles. Seasons was a hugely successful show, very funny and both Monica and Chandler considered themselves fans.

"Congratulations," Monica said.

"It's for Chandler," Lizzie yelled from the other end.

"What?" Monica asked.

"He drove Sally into a house, right? I replaced Sally," Joey said.

"You bought him a Corvette," Monica said.

"And I'd like you to know," Lizzie said, now she was speaking directly into the phone, "this was before an engagement ring. Joey said, 'I have to get Chandler his car first and then I will get you an engagement ring.'"

"Lizzie, I told you this already. You and I will always come in second with those two boys," Monica laughed.

"I know, Jandler forever. Geez, I really regret not introducing you and Chandler earlier. The love affair could have started sooner," Lizzie said.

Joey grumbled something. Monica could hear Lizzie laughing and soon Joey was back on the line.

"We are not that close. But I bought him a car and I need your help….and Ross and Rachel's," Joey said. It was an elaborate plan. Joey had the car shipped to Ross and Rachel's place. Monica left the twins with Ellie and took the train into the city and walked into Central Perk where Rachel was waiting for her. As Monica walked in, she noticed the Corvette parked on the street, Sally 2.0. She walked in and she and Rachel, who was sitting with Emma, hugged tightly.

"The car is amazing," Monica said.

"I know. I can't believe I got to drive it but Ross had a class, so ha," Rachel said.

"How are things with Ross?"

"Good. I think...I think it's gonna work. Maybe it's 'cause we're older or maybe 'cause we don't have easy access to you guys anymore but...it's working. We get along. Ross helps out at the store sometimes which is amazing. The store is doing well. How is everything in Westchester?"

"Amazing," Monica said. "Phoebe and Mike are doing well. Their lounge is apparently very successful.

"Oh, I know. I'm so happy to see you."

The women hugged more and talked until it was time for Monica to head back. It was amazing to reconnect with Rachel again, to see her. On the way back though, Monica made a stop. Ever since they found out they couldn't have children, they hadn't focused too much on having children naturally but she hadn't been feeling well and she had this strange feeling. She picked up a pregnancy test and drove home where Ellie was waiting for her.

She took the test and her mouth dropped. She told Ellie immediately and she took the Corvette out for another drive, to get another car seat. She knew she probably should not get too excited, there was always a chance she would miscarry given how difficult it was to get pregnant in the first place. After driving around, she parked the Corvette in Grayson and Jules' garage until Chandler was home and then Grayson parked the Corvette in Monica and Chandler's driveway and secretly handed Monica back the keys during dinner. It had become a thing. Monica had missed having everyone over for dinner so she started dinners at the house which made it all feel like home.

After the dinner party, Chandler and Monica were lying in their bed watching the Late Show with Craig Ferguson. The twins were finally asleep and the two were watching Joey in one of his first late night talk show appearances. Monica was nervous watching him. She knew the next part of the plan, Joey would reveal the car by telling the Scottish comic how his buddy back home in New York had once driven a Corvette into a house. Craig Ferguson seemed amused by it. Monica watched as the recognition soon dawned on Chandler. She grinned at him as he grabbed his cell phone and ran out of the room. Monica heard the door slam shut and she walked into the bathroom and grabbed the pregnancy test out of a tampon box she had hid it in and walked downstairs to wait for him to come back in as soon as he noticed the three carseats in the back.

When Chandler finally returned, he looked at her curiously as she held the test. She could not stop smiling.

"You saw the Corvette?" Monica asked.

"Yes. You made it child friendly."

"I did."

"But Mon...why are there three carseats?" Chandler asked. Monica kept smiling as she walked towards him, holding up the pregnancy test.

"I'm pregnant," Monica said. "I guess a couple of your guys finally got off the barcaloungers and my uterus felt it was time to let them in."

Chandler's mouth dropped as he took her in his arms and kissed her. She let out a squeal.

"Seriously?" Chandler asked.

"I don't wanna tell everyone yet. Just in case. Ellie and Andy know but….I don't want everyone else to know until we're completely clear."

"Got it...and I got a Corvette."

"Yeah. Don't drive into any houses."

"Will I ever be able to live that down?"

"No, probably not," Monica said as he laughed and kissed her again. Even though she she had decided to keep her pregnancy a secret, there was enough to keep them busy. By the time they all reunited that Thanksgiving, Phoebe was three months pregnant. Rachel and Ross were engaged and expecting again and Joey and Lizzie were engaged and that summer, Monica finally accomplished one last dream: giving birth to a child of her own. A little girl named, Sophia Grace. They were now a family of five. Now her home officially felt like a home and it was her happy ending. She had a husband and three kids, her ultimate happy ending.


Thank you one and all for following the True Story of Monica Geller….who do you think should be next? Rachel? Ross? Joey? I'm kinda partial to Rachel because I think it might be the most fun.