*waves* it's been a while eh? Sorry! I literally was going to post this on Saturday...but then I accidentally deleted it from my iPod...oops? It's all good though because I LOVE this new version better!

Eponine: ME TOO! I get to-

Me: WHOA Ponine! Don' spill the beans.

Marius: *scratches head* what beans?

Me: Don't fret about it. Please. Don't. I'm begging you.

Marius: Fine. I'll go hide behind my new barricade from that one reviewer who keeps trying to KILL me...

Eponine: Can I join you? I hate the bloody hospital. *they walk off*

Me: Well who's gonna help me tell the story now?!

Cosette: I'm still here for you Snow!

*ENJOY xoxo*

Eponine sat on the cot in the hospital, Marius next to her. His shirt was in the corner and his ribs were now bandaged to cease further damage. The nurse had left the room briefly to go get another nurse to treat Eponine's wounds. Now, Eponine was trying desperately to get out it. "Marius, really, I'm perfectly fine. The bullet doesn't even bother me!"

Marius chuckled and wrapped an arm around her waist. "Oh 'Ponine, can't you let someone take care of you for once?"

She groaned. "I could, but I don't want to let anyone. I can take care of m'self Monsieur."

He kissed her temple. "I know, 'Ponine. I know."

"So we can leave then?" she asked.

"No 'Ponine! You may be perfectly fine in your eyes but I'm worried about you. We are staying here and that is final," he told her sternly.

Eponine crossed her arms stubbornly. "Fine."

A few moments later, another nurse came back into the room. "Eponine Thenardier, I swear you never keep out of trouble do you?"

Eponine's face broke into a smile. "Azelma!" She jumped up and gave her sister a hug. "So this is where you ended up, eh?" Azelma nodded, biting her lip. "Well," Eponine continued," you look wonderful! How've you been?"

Azelma chuckled. "I've been well 'Ponine. After I left home, I got a job at the local pub as a server; then, once I'd finally made enough money to get m'self a place, I left the pub and came to the hospital here. Didn't know I'd be treatin' my own sister though!" she teased, elbowing Eponine.

Marius stood in confusion. " 'Ponine, you have a sister? Any more siblings you'd like to have show up?" he asked jokingly.

Eponine laughed. "I'm sorry Marius. Meet Azelma. My younger sister."

"Only by a year," Azelma muttered. She curtsied. "An honour, Monsier Pontmercy."

Marius shook his head. "Please, call me Marius, Mademoiselle. You're 'Ponine's sister after all."

Azelma blushed and stood. "Of course. Um, 'Ponine, shall we look at this wound of yours now?"

Eponine sighed. "I suppose so." She sat back down on the cot, allowing her sister to sit beside her. Marius stood against the wall, giving Azelma some space in the small room.

"We're going to need to take your blouse off 'Ponine. Would you prefer Marius leave to give you privacy?" she asked Eponine.

Eponine shook her head. "Nah, I've known Marius long enough, he can stay."

Azelma looked between her sister and Marius. Her eye widened, finally realizing who Marius was. "Alright then," she said slyly causing Marius to blush. She helped Eponine lift the blouse over her head. "Eponine, you bound your chest?! Why on earth were you in the barricade in the first place?"

Eponine blushed. "I wanted to make sure Marius wasn't harmed," she mumbled.

"Course you did." Azelma grinned. "Let me get this binding off you then. Eyes up, Pontmercy!" she barked over he shoulder. Marius looked away, embarrassed as Azelma slowly unwrapped Eponine's bound chest to reveal a white bandage wrapped around. "Eponine? Had you bandaged the wound at all?"

Eponine looked down in surprise. "No I hadn't. Why would there be a bandage already on me?" she wondered aloud.

"Someone saved you Eponine," Marius replied. "Whoever did wanted us to happen."

Eponine smiled softly. "So I have a secret savior..."

"Not quite," Azelma said gravely. She had undone the bandage enough to see the hole in her sister's stomach. "The bandage slowed the bleeding greatly, yes, but the bullet is still in there. We're going to need to extract it..."

Eponine's face went white. "Extract?" she asked, her voice catching in her throat.

"I'm afraid so, Sis. If we don't you could die from infection." She stood. "I'll go get the doctor, give you two some time alone." Azelma quietly left the room.

Marius immediately went to Eponine's side, not even phased that she was almost completely topless. He pulled her to his chest as she began to cry. "Shhhh," he soothed gently, stroking her hair, "It will be alright 'Ponine, everything will be alright. I promise."

Eponine wrapped her arms around his back and held to him tightly. She looked up into his eyes. "I know. As long as you're mine, I'll always be safe."

Marius lowered his head and their lips met gently.

Cosette groaned as she sat up. It was dark. Extremely dark. She blinked several times, letting her eyes adjust. There a few feet away were the Thenardiers, sitting at a table, talking quietly. The only light in the small room was from the lantern on the table. Cosette stood and walked to them.

"Ah good, Colette, you're finally awake," Thenardier said casually.

Cosette clenched her fists in anger. "What do you want with me? My Papa, he'll do anything-pay anything you ask for. Just let me go."

Thenardier chuckled. "That's what I'm hopin'. See it's Jean Valjean we want. Your father's got a pretty price on 'is 'ead. You just happen to be our bargaining price. Him for you."

"Monsieur, you must be mistaken. Papa's name is Fachlevont not this Valjean man," Cosette argued. As confused as she was, she decided that she might be able to talk her way out of the situation.

Thenardier laughed loudly. "Fachlevont? Fachlevont?! That's what 'e is callin' 'imself now!" he exclaimed.

Madame Thenardier nodded. "I believe so, yes."

Thenardier's laughed slowed to a small chuckle. "Fachlevont my ass." He turned back to Cosette. "Seems to me, Cojette that your father's been lyin' to ya. His name's Jean Valjean. An old con. 'E broke 'is parol when you were barely born I reckon. Inspector Javert's been searching far an' wide for 'im. And I plan on turning Valjean in for that reward. I'll be filthy rich."

"We'll..." Madame Thenardier corrected.

He waved her off. "Same thing."

Cosette shook her head. "No. No I won't let him do it. I won't let Papa throw his life away!" she said in anger.

Thenardier grabbed her wrist. "But you will. If you don't, we'll just dispose of you Colette."

"It's Cosette," both women muttered.

"What?" Thenardier snapped at Cosette.

Cosette started to speak, but Madame Thenardier cut her off. "Her name is Cosette." She stood angrily. "Not Colette. Not Cojette. It's Cosette. And we will not be disposing of her. If her father doesn't show, we let her go. Like it or not, this girl was our daughter for almost ten years. I was wretched to her and you were even worse. I realize now what I'd done to her. And if you even think of laying a finger on her, so help me god, I will not hesitate to kill you."

Thenardier dropped Cosette's wrist and turned to his wife. "You best watch your mouth." He raised his hand and slapped her across the face.

Cosette stood frozen to the spot as he hit his wife. She wanted to help, but didn't know what she could do.

Finally, Thenardier stopped and walked to the door in the corner. "That's a lesson ta you as well, Colette. You'll watch your tongue." He opened the door. "I'll be back with Montparnasse within the hour. No funny business." With that, he slammed the door behind him.

Cosette quickly went to Madame Thenardier's side. "Madame! Are you alright?"

She nodded, pulling a handkerchief from her pocket and coughing into it. "I'm fine Cosette. It's not the first time he's done this."

Cosette pulled a chair up beside her. She set her hand on Madame Thenardier's. "Thank you."

"It wasn't any trouble dear. It's the least I could do after all the hell I put you through." She set down the handkerchief. "Now, tell me, have you seen my daughter, Eponine?"

"Yes, earlier today she was in Café Musain with Marius," Cosette said sadly.

"And what of her and the student boy?"

Cosette sighed and her shoulders sagged. "I'd suppose they'd probably be together. Most likely at this hospital, Marius was in a lot of pain from the battle."

Madame Thenardier smiled softly. "Lovely," she whispered. She placed her hand on Cosette's cheek, wiping a tear. "Oh my dear, there's someone out there who will want to be with you quite dearly."

"I hope so..."

She chuckled. "It worked for Eponine did it not?" Madame Thenardier stood and began to pace back and forth. "Now, we need to think of how we're going to get you out of here. There's two things I know with a certainty, the first: Montparnasse will have found your father by now and second: once they are back, there's no way you will have a chance at escape."

Cosette stood and crossed her arms. "What do you suggest?"

Madame Thenardier took her hands. "Run. Get out of here. Find Eponine and the student boy, Marius. Tell Eponine hello for me. And then you have to forget completely about your father."

"No, I-"

"Promise Cosette!"

"I can't just-"


"I promise!" she exclaimed, tears forming in her eyes.

Madame Thenardier nodded. "Good. Now, go. Get out of here. Quickly!"

Cosette gave the woman's hand a squeze. "Thank you," she whispered before running out of the room, door slamming behind her.

~Meponine~Meponine~Meponine~ lesmisfan248-It's in the process of being outlined and figured out and there's a bunch of shit that I've gotta figure out and how I want to write it and whatnot lol. I'm glad you think it sounds cool though! I'm hoping to get the first chapter up before spring break starts on the 15th. Anywho yep Ep was quite the stubborn one in this chapter wasn't she. But then again, so was Cosette...*Cosette: Hey! I wanted to help the woman!* I try as hard as I can to stay in touch with y'all! You're my inspiration :)

Beckaa24601-Haha glad you like them;) Eponine sends her love, she and Marius are a little busy at the moment...*Eponine: I heard that.* Glad you like the story!

MissFiyerba-Well I did bring Azelma in :) You already know who the mysterious woman is though... *Marius: ALRIGHT. You and I need to have a bit of a chat missy. I don't know what I did to you. But you need to stop trying to hurt me. I mean, you threw a turtle at me, blew up my first barricade, and wanted to set my hair on fire?! not okay man...please let's talk like civil humans?* Well, it looks like Marius wants to chat with you :p

Obscure-Reference-Girl: Wellll nothing revealed yet :P Unless you're super clever and caught the hints...



...only 4 reviews... :( I know y'all are still out there though! No spoilers for what's up next though since there was a review lag. If you want to bargain for a sneak peek, PM me. Also, if you catch the musical reference, PM me and if you're right, you'll get a sneak peek as well!

*Eponine: DO IT You guys WANT to know what's gonna happen next!*

You 'eard her;)
