Author's note: I'm actually pretty sad as I write this last part. But like most good things, it must come to an end. As much as I will miss writing for this story, I'm happy with how far it has come and how it has concluded. Thank you to all my readers who have read this story; whether you started from the beginning or only today. Thank you so much for all your constant support! So, please, without further ado, enjoy the last part to 'Refusing To Remember'.

My replies to everyone's reviews are in the second A/N because I just wanted it to be convenient and quick for you all so you could just dive into the chapter!

Much love and thanks to you guys, Sarai :).


Claire was pacing back and forth, her shoes clicking on the linoleum. She was biting at her nails and if she had to wait on more minute, there would be no more nails left on her fingertips.

"Babe, will you please sit down?" Leon asked as he watched his newlywed wife go back and forth.

Claire shot him an annoyed look, "How can I sit at a time like this?!"

Just as Leon was about to answer her rhetorical question, a nurse came walking in looking at the two with a smile on her face. Claire walked right up to the woman and waited for her to say something.

"You can go in now, but please keep your voices down," the nurse said politely.

Claire nodded impatiently, "Yeah, yeah. I know. What room are they in?"

The nurse gave her directions to the destination and Claire nearly ran in the direction it was in. Leon followed but decided to just walk at a quick pace. Claire stood outside room B9 and slowly turned the handle. She opened the door slightly and peeked into the room. Her eyes saw a sleeping Sheva on the bed in the center of the room and she saw Chris with his back turned to Claire and it looked as if he was rocking back and forth on his feet.

Claire pushed opened the door fully and quietly walked to Chris. "Pst! Hey brother," she whispered her greeting. Leon closed the door behind him and sat down in the chair against the wall. He wanted to give the siblings some time alone together.

Chris turned around and smiled warmly to Claire. That's when she caught sight of the small infant in his arms. Her first nephew. She held her arms out for Chris to pass him over, but Chris shook his head.

"It's my turn to hold him. Sheva had him for the past hour and now that she's asleep, I get him."

Claire pouted at him but didn't argue. The baby was his son after all. She walked to his side and looked over his shoulder to see the infant in full view. His eyes were closed and he was wrapped tightly in a tiny blue blanket that had little rockets patterned all over it. She wanted to squeal from how cute he was but contained herself. She didn't want to wake the baby or Sheva.

"So, what's his name?" she asked. She hated that the whole time Sheva was pregnant they kept the name a secret. They had found out as soon as possible that they were having a boy and thankfully told her that much.

"Noah Piers Redfield."

Claire smiled widely, "What a perfect name. Leon, get your butt over here!"

Leon stood and made his way over to the two and stood next Claire. He looked down to the newborn and tried to decide which parent he looked like more. "Let's hope he gets Sheva's looks."

"Shut up," Chris retorted quickly.

Claire rolled her eyes at the two. She noticed her brother's left hand was wrapped in a bandage. "Chris, what happened to your hand?"

Chris furrowed his brows, "Shev has a firm grip."

Leon and Claire both covered their mouths, muffling their laughs. It was easy to believe that Sheva could break his hand while giving birth, but from the looks of it, she went on easy on him. After a while Chris finally braved up enough and handed Noah to his aunt.

"He's so…cute!" Claire whispered in excitement. "You are such a little cutie pie, Noah. Yes you are!"

"Don't wake him up Claire, he needs his baby sleep," Leon said as he looked over her shoulder, looking down at Noah in her arms.

Claire stuck her tongue out at him and went back to cooing over the baby. Meanwhile, Chris sat down in the chair by Sheva's hospital bed and made sure she was alright. He kissed her forehead and whispered words of love into her ears.

"Welcome to the family, little guy," Leon said softly, still behind Claire.

After about a half hour, Claire gently put Noah in his crib. She complained that the hospital should give the babies nicer and more personal cribs, instead of these tiny, plastic-sided ones. Leon patted her back and reassured her it was for the convenience of the medical staff and the baby. Claire pouted but nodded her head, understanding what he meant. Claire walked over to Chris, who was now asleep next to Sheva, holding her hand while they both slept. She kissed her brother's forehead and said she'll see him tomorrow. When he didn't reply, they decided that it was their cue to take their leave. As Claire was shutting the door behind her, she stole a glance at her family and felt nothing but happiness and love for the new parents and their newborn son.

Sheva slowly opened her eyes and raised her hand to rub her eyelids. But when she felt her left hand stuck in a grip, she looked down to find Chris leaned over in his chair and his forehead resting on their joined hands. She heard him softly snoring and as gently as she could, she sat up in her bed and brushed her free hand through his hair. He furrowed his brows and murmured in his sleep. She leant over him and kissed the back of his head. This time his eyes opened. He blinked a few times and looked up to the now awake Sheva.

He smiled brightly and got out of his chair to sit on the bed with her. She crossed her legs to give him more room and when he was comfortable, she leaned over to him a planted a sweet kiss on his lips. She could only imagine how bad she looked right now. She had just gone through childbirth, so she probably looked disheveled and gross. Nonetheless, Chris kissed her back and wrapped his arms around her gently, making sure not squeeze her too much.

He leaned back a bit and inspected her face and body, "How are you feeling, Shev? You look beautiful."

She blushed and giggled. She cleared her throat and smiled, "Much better. A little achy, but I can't feel it too much."

In all honesty, Sheva could feel slight pain all over her body. But she knew it wasn't serious, especially for the fact that she had just given natural childbirth only hours ago. From the beginning, Sheva wanted to have a pain reliever during birth, but Noah decided otherwise. After her water had broken, Chris rushed Sheva to the hospital, but Noah was coming so fast that the doctor and nurses didn't have enough time to give her an epidural. So, in the end, she gave natural birth and she had to admit, as painful as it was, she was happy that that's the way her birthing went. Honestly, she couldn't really remember the pain now. She was just so happy that she finally could hold her son in her arms and knew that she loved him from the first time she discovered she was pregnant.

She looked at the necklace Chris was wearing. It was the one that she had given him nearly nine months ago; the one that her father had worn himself many years ago and now Chris wore it every day. Whether it was hiding in the collar of his shirt or gloriously displayed around his neck for the world to see, he always had it on.

"Can I see Noah?" she asked.

Chris nodded happily and walked over to the crib he was sleeping in. He delicately picked him up and held him close. He walked back over to Sheva and carefully handed Noah to her. She pulled her son close to her chest and admired his precious beauty. She swept her forefinger over his sparse eyebrows and down the bridge of his nose. She quietly gasped when he opened his eyes to tiny slivers, trying to look at his mother. He was still too young to open his eyes fully, but the fact that he was trying to open them was the sweetest thing. He wiggled around in his blanket and yawned. Sheva slipped her finger into the tightly wrapped blanket and found his hand. She could feel tears of joy coming to her eyes when she felt his tiny hand and fingers wrap around her own.

"Chris, honey, can you get me the tissue box?" she asked him through sniffles. "Sophie's going to love her new little brother. She's going to be so protective of him."

Sophie the kitten was now Sophie the cat. She was fully grown now but she still acted like the small kitten she believed she was. Every morning Sheva woke up, she'd be greeted with bright green eyes and she'd press up against her leg. Sheva was right when she said Sophie would be protective of Noah, because when Sheva was pregnant and people would rub her belly, Sophie would eye them carefully and be on guard if someone was going to harm Sheva or the growing baby inside. At night she tried to get between her and Chris so she could cuddle up next to Sheva's swollen belly. She was going to love her new little brother and he was going to love her.

Chris chuckled and grabbed the box next to the bed and quickly became nervous as he handed her the box. He watched as she set the box down in her lap and pulled out a tissue waiting for her to notice the little surprise he had hid in the box earlier. She gave him a confused look when she felt how heavy the tissue was. He just smiled at her sheepishly and shrugged. She unwrapped the tissue with her free hand and gasped aloud when she saw what it was that was causing the weight in the tissue. She was frozen and couldn't move her hand to pick up the shiny object.

Chris noticing her state of shock picked up the silver ring that had fallen out of the tissue and grabbed her hand. He took a deep breath and looked into her eyes. "Sheva, I know we've only been together for 9 months and I know that it seems we're doing things backwards. But, I've never loved anyone more than I have you or Noah and I don't ever think I could thank you or God or whoever enough for you and my son. It's hard to believe how much we've gone through together; from when we fought in Kijuju, to when you found me in Edonia and I had no idea who you were, and to now. I'm the luckiest man to walk this earth. But Sheva Alomar, will you help me top that luck and be my wife?"

Sheva could feel the tears rolling down her cheeks and she could feel herself hiccup every now and then. Suddenly, she felt no more pain in her body. All she could feel was butterfly's in her belly and her heartbeat quicken. She stared into Chris's eyes and parted her lips to speak but her mind was racing so fast that it was hard to say the one simple word. After a few deep breaths, she smiled so warmly and beautifully.

"Yes! I'd love to be your wife!"

She switched Noah to her other arm and made sure he was safe and secure in her right arm. She lifted her left hand to Chris and watched through tears as he slipped on the silver ring with one large diamond in the center and little diamonds lining the entire band onto her finger. The ring fit perfectly on her and once he was done, he lifted her hand to his lips and kissed her fingers.

"I love you so much, Shev," he said lovingly against her skin.

"Oh, good, I was beginning to worry," she said sarcastically. He chuckled as he leaned over and kissed Noah's forehead. He looked at her and kissed her lips with all the passion and love he had in him. She broke the kiss and looked deep into his brown eyes, "I love you so much, too, Chris. I love you and Noah more than life itself."

Chris stood and pushed Sheva a little forward on the bed and crawled behind her. He hugged her from behind and rested his chin on her shoulder. He sighed happily as he wrapped his arms around her waist and locked his hands together.

"I think we make some pretty good-looking babies, wouldn't you say so Shev?"

Sheva chucked and rested her temple against his and stared down at the sleeping Noah, "I think you're right. We do make beautiful babies. I can't wait to see what the next one's going to look like."

The End

Author's note: There you have it, my friends. In a way, I'm relieved I finished this! It's a major accomplishment on my part that I actually finished a project that was for fun and not work. Boo ya!

To Sheva Redfield: I'm sorry I couldn't write more about their time with the baby, but I hope that what time we've seen that they've spent together was good! Thanks for reading and thank you for reviewing all the time :)!
To Mss. KB: I'm so happy that I was able to convey the love and compassion that these characters hold and that you could feel it as well :). You speak such kind and motivating words! Thanks for reading and I hope you have a splendid day!
To Justsomegirl17: If you could feel things for these fictional characters, then I did my job! Haha :). I'm happy and sad that it was the last, but I need to move on! Psh, haha. I was thinking the exact same thing about me and from what you've told me about yourself that we seem like the 'Claire' in friendships! We're the listener and advice giver but we're carefree and say inappropriate things at the oddest times! It's true. Having a 216 pound man tackle you might kill you, but if it was Chris, it'd an okay way to go! Hahaha. Arrivederci, my friend!
To Sivan IXXX: Haha, a parfait? Yum! Haha. He did it! He popped the question! I'd love to read more of your RE stories when you get back to them :). Thanks for sticking with the story! Au revoir!
To Potiphar's Wife: Hey, you're weird, I'm weird. Weird is a good thing. And thank you for your words. I feel as if I'm sailing off to another country and saying farewell to my family and friends. Well, not completely but it does feel like a big moment such as that or graduation. I won't lie, a few times I had to give some thought into your reviews to decipher what is was that you were saying, but I have always enjoyed reading them. I encourage you to finish your story, even if it takes a year or more! If other's continued their Creva's, then I'd personally take a break from writing to read them. But I always feel the need to write and I'm afraid I will never stop! Chris is my favorite male character as well, but Piers still should have lived. And I hope the mention of Sophie was enough for your favorite character in the story! I will take my bow, bite down on my rose and watch as the shadows of the curtains engulf me! À la prochaine.
To Fujisawa Loser: As much as I'd love to continue writing this, I think it would just end up dragging on and on =/. Thanks for reading and I will miss your 'business time' comments!

I hope you all enjoyed my story and again, thank you so much. I had so much fun writing this and truly, I will miss it. I hope you all have a wonderful, super, fantastic, splendid, amazing day!

Oh, yeah, one more thing. I've written another story. I'll see you all in about a week, Sarai ;).