Phil rammed against the door with his scrawny shoulder, the key turned in the lock and his expression growing more and more embarrassed by the second. Dan had offered to help moments earlier, but Phil had refused, he took a few paces back and hit the door with the side of his body, explaining that- "Sometimes it just gets a bit stuck, it's no big deal!"

But in his mind, he was dying of the shame; he couldn't even get into his own apartment? Dan was bound to be completely unimpressed, maybe he'd just leave eventually, what if they couldn't ever get in?

Just as his thoughts were about to get the better of him, the wood gave way and the door swung open. Phil's expression turned from frustrated to gleeful and Dan couldn't help but laugh at the dramatic change.

"Were you really that worried we'd be locked out? I'm sure we could have found something to do out here, you worry too much!"

He entered the room, letting Phil lock the door behind them, replying, "I worry just the right amount!"

Phil turned around and saw Dan standing in the entrance to his small room, gazing around as if taking every tiny aspect in. He let his own gaze wonder over the room, wondering what Dan might be thinking.

It occurred to him that he has a rather enormous collection of plush toys, some Pokémon, lions and other animals, littered around all the surfaces of the area, including many on his bed. He'd never felt self conscious about this before, but he suddenly wished his room looked a bit cooler, a bit less... fluffy? He was about to say something, when Dan's eyes lit up and he crossed the room to a poster hanging above the small bedside table.

"This is an AWESOME Once More With Feeling poster Phil! I didn't even know you watched Buffy!"

Phil almost laughed with relief.

"Are you kidding it's one of my favourite shows! I cannot watch that episode enough times!"

Dan nodded his agreement and grinned back at Phil. "You have awesome taste in everything, I suddenly feel so much more judgemental of my room mate, his favourite show is the football!"

Phil walked over to the cabinet and pulled out the season 6 box set, waving in Dan's direction- "Up for a rewatch?"

A few minutes later the two boys were bundled onto Phil's beanbags, a bowl of fresh popcorn between them and the opening credits of the episode playing across the small television screen.

Dan was leaning back against Phil's arm and even though he was sure that his arm would be numb by the end of the show, Phil couldn't bring himself to care.