This is my last chapter on this story :'( I absolutely loved writing it though and may make a sequel in due time or add things like behind the scenes footage, bloopers and character interviews at the end if you guys ask me some questions in your reviews! (This can be for every single character mentioned in here, whether they spoke or were only mentioned by one of the other characters, they can be asked questions!)

Where was he?
That question had been flicking in and out of his mind for the past ten minutes, the reason being that Dan hadn't shown up yet.
What if he blew me off?
What if he was pretending to be my friend and then left?
What if he can see me from where I'm standing?
What if he's laughing at me?
What if…
Phil's thoughts trailed off. He didn't want to think like this but he was so nervous about meeting Dan that he couldn't help it. He sat down on a nearby bench and scanned the town centre. Dan didn't appear to be anywhere and Phil's nerves started to get the better of him.
He stood up and began to walk towards Starbucks, hoping that a muffin would calm him down. He walked towards the shop and was just about to push the door to go in when someone walked out. He glanced at the person, who glanced back.
A bustling street.
Phil blinked before carrying on into the shop, but made it no further than two steps before a hand grabbed his arm and pulled him round. He looked back into the face of the person he had just passed.
the Manchester eye.
Phil shook his head, what was going on?
"Phil?" The voice brought him back and he looked closer at the brown-haired boy- Could he say boy? He looked quite grown up but no older than 18.
"Phil, it's me, Dan." He stared at Dan for a moment before recognising him finally and grinning.
"Dan?!" Phil asked, when he nodded Phil gave him a light slap on the arm.
"Ow, what was that for?" Asked Dan, imitating immense pain.
"That was for the past ten minutes of my life that have been wasted waiting for you!" Phil replied before stealing Dan's muffin. "Therefore, I must take your muffin." Said Phil triumphantly. "Saves me buying one." He added under his breath, dodging an attack from Dan as he tried to regain possession of the chocolate chip cake.

Three hours later they were in line for the Manchester eye and Phil was trying his best not to jump up and down while squealing loudly.
They reached the front of the line and paid for two people before literally leaping into the cart that had just moved into the boarding area.
"Phil, calm down!" Dan laughed, mocking embarrassment as Phil jiggled about impatiently, waiting for the cart to start moving.
"I can't, I'm too excited!" Replied Phil, practically bouncing onto Dan's lap. Dan laughed and pushed him off, but subconsciously kept his hand on Phil's shoulder.
Phil noticed this but didn't say anything, enjoying the warmth of Dan's skin on his checked shirt.
The cart began to rise and Phil looked out over Manchester, admiring it's beauty while taking sly glances at Dan every now and then, admiring his beauty and noticing that their fingers had somehow become entwined.
Brown hair, brown eyes.
Phil snapped back and inwardly scolded himself for blacking out on a day that he really should be paying attention.
Dan was also doing the same, admiring Manchester from a birds-eye view and admiring Phil's eyes up close. They were so much more brighter and bluer in person.
Phil's eyes wondered towards Dan again, not realising that the other boy's eyes had done the exact same. Their gazes met but they didn't break it.
2 seconds.
1 second.

It hit Phil like a tonne of bricks. He remembered now, it was all too clear to him who his soul-mate was.
"Phil?" Dan asked, uncertainty filling his voice.
"Where were you when your numbers hit zero?"
"Answer me." Phil's voice was harsh and raspy; Dan had never seen Phil like this and thought it best to answer.
"In Manchester, why?"
"Was it near here?"
"Did you bump into anyone throughout that time?" Phil's heart was thumping so hard he was afraid Dan might hear it.
"Yeah, they person who looked like you. But it wasn't you beca-" Dan cut himself off, his eyes filling with realisation and horror. "Phil, I-" He couldn't carry on. A tear rolled down his cheek as he stared into Phil's eyes, also welling up.
"I don't think either of us could even imagine that our soul-mate would be the other, I think we thought it was ridiculous." Phil said, noting that their hands were still linked.
"Don't even try and think of a logical explanation for this Phil, that's my job. Let's just say we were stupid and blind." Dan said, hating the fact he had to admit that. Phil huffed but didn't press the matter and they sat in awkward silence for a few minutes.
Great, it wouldn't be so awkward if we didn't figure it out. We would have been great friends if this hadn't of happened. This is exactly what happened to everyone else. But I promised myself that I wouldn't be like this. But what am I to Phil, and what is he to me? Are we friends, best friends, soul-mates… Other things? Don't be stupid Dan, Phil doesn't think of you like that. You're both straight. Haha, no you're not, you're thinking about one of your friends like that. Oh shut up, we're soul-mates, I'm allowed to. A soul-mate doesn't mean you have to be gay for them. I'm not gay! Yes you are, don't deny it. I can deny it for as long as I want to. No you can't, think about it. You're currently telling yourself that you're not gay but yourself is saying that you are. Listen to the part that isn't filled with fear. I am not gay. Yes you are, I'm just telling you what you want. Now Phil looks like he's about to say something to you, this is your moment to decide what you are to each other. We're nothing more than friends! That's why you're holding his hand. He doesn't like me like that, that's why he didn't pull away. That means nothing. That's why he's holding your hand back. Oh just shut up. Shush, Phil is about to speak, this is your chance, possibly your only chance to decide whether or not you and him are a thing! We are and never will be a thing. Well just look at him and then decide Urgh, fine.
"Dan… Urm… Can I ask you somethi-"
What the fuck am I doing?! Seriously, I'm like a little love sick puppy! One look and I kiss him! Something is definitely wrong here. But it feels right. Now I sound like I'm in fucking High School Musical. Urm, Dan? WHAT?! Phil's kissing you back. What? . .Back. Oh my god he is as well! Yes, now stop talking to the bit of your head that was right and answer him.
"Huh?" Dan's eyes were unfocused.
Maybe he didn't mean to kiss me…
"Dan, what was that?" Dan snapped back to reality and stared at Phil with a goofy grin on his face.
"Phil, I think I love you." Said Dan, still a little woozy and swaying slightly.
"You look high as fuck! What have you been taking?!" Phil looked genuinely worried and Dan suddenly felt very sheepish. He pushed his weird, happy state away and composed himself before glancing back at Phil.
"Sorry about that Phil…" His face was bright red which contrasted with his brown eyes and hair nicely, it made him look sort of Autumn-y.
Phil's face dropped and he nodded slightly while turning to look back out at the city.
"S'fine." Said Phil, still not looking at Dan. "Hey look, we're at the top." Dan looked and saw that they were indeed, at the very top. A thought came into his head.
No! That is the biggest cliché ever! It's worse than kissing in the rain! Seriously, way to fuzzy and romantic! Oh come on Dan, Phil would love it! He loves clichés, so why not give him one? Oh fine, just this once.
Dan pulled on Phil's hand, realising that his and Phil's fingers were still entwined tightly together. He turned and Dan could see that he had been crying. His eyes were red and blotchy, and there were many tear tracks running down his face, some still sporting tears. Dan took a deep breath.
"Philip Lester, I know we have only met for a while but it feels like I have known you my entire life. You are my friend, no more than my friend, my best friend, my other half, my Fred to my George, my foot to my ball, my Doctor to my Rose, and mostly, my Phil to my Dan. You are my soul mate and I love you." Dan finished but didn't wait for a response from Phil before closing the gap between them. And this time absolutely no thoughts were running through his head while their lips fit together perfectly and they both felt something in their stomachs that they had never felt before. They eventually pulled away for air, much to Dan's protesting.
"I love you too Daniel Howell." Phil replied, staring into Dan, his soul mates, face.

Is it bad that I cried over my own Phanfic?
I don't care if it is, I just want your opinion:')
I want to say thank you too:
GingerTips: Haha! I did do a shameless self-promotion post, you found my personal Tumblr… I would run and hide before it eats your pets… Yeah, it's actually quite amusing, out of all the posts on Tumblr, you found that one:') and you love this story?! Thank you! I really appreciate that!^.^
Notweirdgifted- It did help the story! It gave me a whole new chapter to write!:D But this is the last chapter (unless there is character interviews and behind the scenes footage (I don't even know))
AmazingChloeIsNotAPigeon- Yeah, this is my favourite story by far! And I do like your username! (It's my favourite one so far:D but shush, don't tell the others) And thanks:') Not very often I get that compliment:)
Plus; your photo thing, I've seen it on Tumblr for an account or something… Idek, I'm sure loads of people have that photo, just thought I'd point it out though:L
Sasaphrinascream- Aw, sorry to disappoint. I hope this chapter makes up for it though:)
a-light-of-hope- You, my good person, are what we authors like to call… one of the super amazing people who like our stories (I hope you got my pun therexD Idek) Yes you were mentioned and again, another very long review that I enjoyed reading!^.^ You are special, Ron is amazing and I have updated! Your welcome^.^
And I would also like to thank you, yes you, the person reading this right now with the amazing eyes and beautiful personality. Thank you for reading this story and actually giving me a reason to carry on writing, I hope to see you again soon in one of my other Phanfics or on Tumblr or in the Phandom mental hospital that will be open very soon considering the amount of people in the Phandom who are going crazy from the feels.
So again, thank you for being… well… you.
You are B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L.3
ThatOneOverTheTopPhanGirl x