I'm incredible sorry that you had to wait so long for this up-date, the story isn't nearly over! I have some pretty heavy stuff going on in my personal life. I hope you bear with me, I'm trying my best.

Thanks for all reviews and pas, I'm trying to do better.

Have fun with this little chapter and I hope to up-date soon. If you are interested in Fifty Shades of Grey, check my story and crossover.

Twilight belongs to wonderful Stephenie Meyer.

Love u guys!

xo Anna


Finally getting home again I found my beautiful wife humming in the kitchen, chopping vegetables.

"It's been too long that I've seen you this happy, Mrs. Cullen" I whispered in her ear.

"True" she said "but we have forever." I smiled and kissed her slowly and lovingly.

"Where are our kids?" I asked after a few minutes.

"They disappeared to the HQ" she chuckled.

"So I guess Isabella loves what you did?" She nodded and her smiled turned into a huge grin. "I knew she would, you did the most amazing job!" Knowing that the kids would be happily occupied for the next couple of hours I swept my wife in my arms and carried her through our bedroom to our in-suite. I started the water for our huge tub and turned back to the biggest blessing of my life. She sat at her vanity and combed through her caramel-colored hair. Our daughter got her chocolate brown hair from her mother's side of the family and although Esme's hair was much brighter, you saw the resemblance. Caramel and Chocolate, both just too sweet for their own good.

Notwithstanding that we never stopped loving each other or showing us our love, the past years did take its toll on our relationship. We stick together, held and comforted each other, but I missed our carefreeness, the laughing together and the purely enjoying of each other, the losing yourself within the other. Of cause it was understandable why we felt that way, especially given the fact that we were both vampires which meant that we had so much more space to think and multitask, switching off thoughts and worries were nearly impossible. On more than one occasion we had to stop because Esme broke into tears, well dry sobbing. Our love making reminded her too much of how we conceived our daughter and it would take her days to function again.

But for now we were fine, our daughter was enjoying herself, our son would be home within a few days and then our family would be complete again. Sure new tasks would arise, there were still a few things that needed to be addressed and issues to be handled, but for now I could concentrate on my first priority: my soul and my reason - my wife.

Esme always made sure that our private rooms were as soundproof as possible because our kids made it more than once clear that they didn't want to hear us and we tried to meet their wish but today we certainly pushed our luck. Thankfully the kids were still in the basement in their own soundproof bubble. After our wonderful reunion we got back on the first floor and Esme returned to the kitchen. Isabella seemed to prefer homemade food right now. When she was little she refused human food at all and preferred to hunt, wanting to be a vampire like her siblings and Edward, but we insisted that she would eat human food at least twice a week. She finally got some favorite meals, but eating outside, as she called it, was always her first choice. Again I wondered how her past few years had been and I decided that I would need to address this sooner than later.

Suddenly I heard my children shouting "Carlisle, help!" and Esme and I ran toward them. We met them in the livingroom where Emmett laid an unconscious Isabella on one of the sofas.

We rushed next to her, Esme softly crying and holding her in her arms while I started to check her vital signs. Alice appeared next to me with my dark brown doctors back in her hand.

"I didn't knew hybrids could faint." Jasper pointed out.

"If you are interested in hybrid medicine I'm happy to teach you at a later time, but for now I need to know what happened."

"We were downstairs in the HQ and checked the cameras around Forks when Bella recognized a person near our house on one of the monitors. I managed to get a picture of his face and when Bella saw it she closed her eyes and fell to the ground." Emmett explained.

"My guess would be that she went into shock. Does anyone know who the man was?"

My kids shock their heads, but Alice piped "Well I don't know him, but I've seen him before. I saw him come visit and told you to stay home, remember?"

"That would meet the timeline, but why didn't he come in?" Emmett wanted to know.

In the meantime Rose and Esme had wrapped Isabella in a blanked and whispered loving words to our daughter. Rosalie disappeared but came back a minute later and held a photo in her hands.

"Here I printed it for you. You might know him."

"Thank you sweet pea." I took the picture and showed it Esme, but we both didn't recognize him. The picture showed a male, human hunting vampire, but he could easily pass as a human except for his burgundy eyes. He had regular features and was very non-descript. He held nothing of the beauty of a normal vampire.

"Emmett and I head out and see where his scent leads us." Jasper announced and they took off.

I cradled Isabella in my arms and carried her in her room to lay her in her bed. I had come to the conclusion that she actually fainted and that I couldn't do more than to wait till she came back to us.

I sat next to her and hold her hand and waited for her thinking about what had happened.

When I heard Jasper and Emmett returning I told the family that we would have a family meeting as soon as Isabella would awake.

Esme and Rosalie joined us and they put a cool towel on her head.

Nearly 20 minutes later I felt Isabella stir und she opened her eyes.