Disclaimer: I do not own Kuroko no Basuke.

He had no idea as to how they ended up watching The Lion King, for the umpteenth time, on that rainy Sunday afternoon.

It was one of those days in which you wanted to do nothing more than wake up, look at the rain falling outside and go back to sleep. It was exactly what Kasamatsu Yukio was planning to do as soon as he woke up, but he wasn't that lucky.


"Shh, they're about to face the hyenas."

Kasamatsu Hikari, before known as Shirogane Hikari, was the woman he confessed to on his senior year of high school and got married to. A year younger than him, she was Kaijou's untouchable beauty, and to this day he didn't know just WHY she chose him of all people.

Not that he was about to complain. Far from that. He loved Hikari with every fiber of his being, even if he'd rather die than admit it out loud to anyone but her.

But sometimes she was almost too much.

Having just discovered she was pregnant, the two had been ecstatic. He'd forgotten how many nights they'd stay up wondering how their kid would be –he betted the child would have her moon white orbs and his spiky black hair.

Pregnancy, he learnt soon, wasn't just rainbows and butterflies. Pregnancy meant an unstable Hikari, which could either lead to extreme mood swings or insane cravings at 2 AM.

On that particular Sunday she told him they'd watch The Lion King, and he had no option but to oblige. One, because he wanted her happy no matter what. Two, he'd no longer be able to have kids should he ever upset her, threat courtesy of the generation of miracles.

You may imagine his panic when he saw the tears streaming silently down her face.

"What the- Hikari?! What's wrong? Does it hurt? Is it kicking? AM I GOING TO BE A FATHER NOW?"

She slowly turned her head to look at him, her eyes a mixture of amusement and sorrow.



"Please don't refer to our child as 'it'."

"…Right. Sorry."

Yukio turned to face his wife in the sofa, brushing a strand of wavy snow white hair behind her ear before cupping her face in his hands.

"What's wrong?"

"Mufasa just died."


"Mufasa, Simba's father."


"Weren't you paying attention?"




"What if our kid doesn't like me?"

Hikari said it so softly he thought he hadn't heard it, but then the former basketball captain saw the tears coming faster and sobs fighting their way up her throat, and then he started to panic because she was always a reasonable person and he never had a need to comfort her and he wasn't good with girls in the first place-

So he did what any loving husband would do to comfort his crying wife.

He gave her a good smack on the head.

"What the- Yukio?!"

"Hikari, for God's sake!"

The tear strained face of his wife stared dumbfounded at him as he all but broke into an unsteady pace in the living room.

"How could you even think that –how could you even- how could anyone NOT like you? You're- you're the most adorable, kind, beautiful, intelligent woman on this planet and you DARE think our kid won't like you?"

The pregnant woman just sat there, looking lovingly at her husband who continued to rant on and on, not completing his sentences more often than not.

Yukio finished his speech breathless, turning to face her abruptly. He made her stand up and hugged her, carefully but tightly.



"Sorry. And thank you."

"Che. Just don't you dare pull another one of that on me, stupid."

"Okay. I love you."

"…I love you too /"


Later on, Ryouta had explained to her that a smack meant he cared for you, it was just his way of dealing with things.