This story came to me today, so i decided to give it a go and write it. I know this chapter is short and probably bad (i suck at details), but hey my mind wanted me to share it with you, likes or not,
enjoy :D

Edit: I finished the epilogue but before I post it, I'm going to fix a few of these chapters. Don't worry, I'm not changing the story, just fixing missing words and what not. Hehe enjoy.

"Wasis, can we go to the pawk?" the young blond tugged on his uncles' shirt, trying to get his attention, as he asked.

The taller male was staring at his phone as it flashed back to its screen saver. He just got off the phone only a few minutes ago, but was still in complete shock from the conversation, completely unaware of his nephew tugging on the hem on his shirt.

"Waaaaasis?" The child yanked his shirt more and even kicked the back of his leg.

"What Ventus!" He yelled at the small boy that flinched from the tone. The teen noticed and sighed, asking calmly, "What is it Ventus?"

"Can we go to the pawk?" Ventus asked him again pouting a bit.

Roxas looked at his phone, which was still in his hand and sighed. He put it in his pocket and nodded to the four year old. "Alright, we can go to the park. Go get your shoes and jacket, okay?"


Roxas watched as his nephew scurried away to his bedroom. The older blond chuckled a little before he went into the kitchen to make a small snack for the boy and water for himself. The snack consisted of:yogrut, apple juice, half a sandwich, and a cookie. He packed it all into his messenger bag along with two bottled waters.

"Weeeadddy! let goooo!" Ventus came running down the hall, ran past the table and straight into the kitchen where his uncle stood. "Let go let go!" He demanded as he took Roxas' hand trying to drag him around the corner, and down the short hall to the front door.

"Alright, Alright. Ventus you should really learn some manners." The teen sighed as he let the boy drag him outside, but stopped him so he could lock the door. Ventus then began to drag him toward the side walk where Roxas took his hand. "Alright, what do we do when we want to cross?"

Ventus didn't say anything he merely looked both ways then looked up at his uncle, who nodded and smiled at the boy. He looked both ways as well, double checking, in case any cars went by. When everything was clear, the two walked across the street and down the road. The walk was about fifteen minutes and by five, Roxas found himself giving Ventus a piggy back ride. He let him down once they got there.

The blond noticed that there were more children there today. He also noticed the excited look Ven had on his face. The young blond ran straight to the slides ignoring his uncle's calls. Roxas sighed again and rolled his eyes. 'That kid never listens.' The teen followed his nephew around the bottom half of the playground which had the usually play set of monkey bars, slides, and a small bridge connecting to more slides. They stayed until Ventus got bored and wanted to go on the swings, however he got bored of that and made Roxas go up the hill, to the other play area.

This area was about the same but had a small a marry-go-round. There were trees all around with some picnic tables placed randomly. Roxas sat at one of the empty tables, put his bag on top, while he watched Ven play with some other kids. 'Lucky kid has nothing to worry about.' He took out his phone only to stare at it, remembering the conversation he had. 'Don't cry Roxas. Not here, not in public, and not in front of Ven.' The blond put the phone away, biting his lower lip as he thought back to a week ago.

"Hey Hayner." The blond answered his phone happily to his boyfriend.

"H-Hey Roxas, how are you doing?"

"I'm fine, just a bit annoyed at my father." He pouted even knowing Hayner couldn't see.

"I thought you were staying with Cloud?"

"I am, but I went to go visit him. Just to see how he was doing. And before you ask he was okay but just wouldn't leave me alone about my love life. 'when are you going to get a girlfriend Roxas?' You know the usual." Roxas tried not to sound pissed while he spoke to his lover. The thing about Roxas and Hayner, they were secret lovers. Neither had the guts to come out to their families.

"Geez again?! Well what did you tell him?"

"I-I told him I liked you...N-not you specifically, but I let him know my feelings..." Roxas voice started to get small.

"Oh?..what did he say?"

"He told me to get the hell out of his sight and that he never wants to see me again, until I get over my 'phase'."

"Regret it?"

"What?! Hayner of course not."

Hayner sighed. "Roxas, you know I love you right?"

"R-right.." Roxas didn't like where this was going. He got a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach as well as in his heart.

"And I really care about-."

"You're going to dump me aren't you...?"

"Roxas...It's just not working out. I can't keep this up anymore. I love you Roxas but I just can't do this anymore."

Roxas didn't trust his voice at the moment, he knew something was going to happen. Hayner had ignored him for two almost two whole months. It was easy for him too since they went to different high schools. But that didn't stop the two from meeting up and going on dates. Roxas had to be strong, he was in the middle of baby sitting his nephew. If he gave into his emotions, the little blond boy would see him and ask him why he was crying, then later tell his dad. (in Roxas case, his brother). He took a deep breath trying to calm down. "I-Is there somebody else?"

"...Of course not babe, it's just we go to different schools an-"

"You're lying.."



"Hayner, isn't there anything I can do to fix this? I'll do anything you want. Please don't do this."


"Roxas, there isn't anything you can do. I'm sorry. Look Roxas, lets talk later I got to go. I love you but I'm sorry."




"Huh?" Roxas snapped out of his daze and looked down at the pout on Ventus' face. "W-what is it?"

"I'm hungry." He pointed to his mouth. "Can I have some food please?"

Roxas smiled down at the child and took the food out of his bag. Ventus smiled back and happily ate his snack. He ate all but the cookie, he told Roxas that he could have it, then ran off to play with the other kids. The blond ate the sugary goodness, being the only thing he ate in a week. Ever since the break up, the blond had been to depressed to eat anything. When his brother had asked him about it, Roxas simply said he ate before the older blond got home.

He hasn't been able to let any of his tears out yet. He wanted to be strong, no matter how much it hurt. But after today's phone call he didn't think he would last much longer. The teen thought back on it. Hayner had called him and told him that he loved him but it really was over. He said he just wanted to make sure that the blond knew and that he wasn't hurting himself. The teen told him nothing but lies about how he was doing, besides feeling so much hurt. Hayner only sighed and told him he was sorry again and basically everything from the last phone call. Before he hung up on the blond this time he added that he had indeed found someone two months ago. A girl named Olette, and he was crazy about her. He said that he finally didn't have to hide from his family and it felt great. That stung Roxas like a thousand knives stabbing his already shattered heart.

"O-our anniversary i-is today...i-it would have been four years Hayner..."

"Roxas, you didn't really thing it would last did you? Roxas, love I'm sorry,...oh? ...sorry Roxas gotta go Olettes here and i think I'm getting lucky tonight."


Roxas sniffled, and the tears ran down his rosy cheeks. He buried his face in his arms on the table. He just wanted to crawl in a hole and never come out. He forgot about his surroundings and just let everything out in a quiet sob.

"Hey, you alright?"

Yes hehe i made Hayner an ass hole, and i don't regret it -evil smile- but i do feel bad for Roxas :( Again i know this is short but the next one will probably be longer and it will explain more...maybe XD well thanks for reading