A/N. Oh hi! I'm new here so I hope you like my story :) This is going to be a Clato fanfic, but it takes place in a modern day.. so really no Hunger Games related, in case it's not what you're looking for. Please do review!

Cato's POV

I open my eyes and slap myself a little in the face, just to make sure the dream was over. Yes, the same dream again.

That dream was about my first day in Rushton Elementary School. First day, first grade. I always thought first days was boring, and I did, I did thought that day was going to be a hell of a boring day, but it turned out that I was super wrong.

I looked around, as if I knew anyone. I searched and searched among the crowds, looking for familiar faces.

But then, the black-haired girl caught my eyes. She was sitting in the corner of my class. MY class. How lucky am I? She turned around as I walked towards her, and looking through her emerald green eyes, I knew I wasn't going to forget it quickly.

"Hi, there." I said as I sat beside her.

"Hi there yourself." She replied.

"What's your name? Mine's Cato." I gave away my sweetest smile along with the question.

"Clove. Clove Daniels..." She said, her voice was so smooth, that I thought she was whispering to me.

"Well, hi Clove. Do you mind if I sit here?"

"Do you? Because to me, there's no one planning to sit beside me except for you."

"Their loss." She smiled.

It has been 9 years since then, and how strange it is to say, that I'm practically attached to her now. I laugh a little remembering that I didn't know how special that smile was, that I didn't know, later, I would die to see it everyday.

"Cato! You're gonna be late!" My mom yells, as usual, but her voice gets me back to reality. I should get going now. I don't want to be late to meet the black-haired girl, do I?

I take a fast shower, I put some clothes on and comb my dirty-blond hair as I always did. Then, I run off to Clove's house.

Clove's POV

Shit! I'm late. Now Cato's going to laugh at me. I literally jump out of my bed and get ready.

Shower? Check.

Hair? Check.

Dress? Uh. Messy. A simple shirt with a black skinny jeans.. but I guess it's enough.

I quickly go downstairs, just to see that my older-sister, Diane is smirking at me.

"What?" I demand.

"You look like a hot-mess. Messy, but hot. I don't think it's gonna turn on your boyfriend, anyway." She smirk, again.

"First thing off, he, is not my boyfriend. We're just, friends. I don't even think he knows that I'm actually a girl. Thinking that he never treated me as one."

"So, you were hoping that he treats you like a girl? Come on, Clove, who are you kidding? You've been together like, 8 or almost 9 years. And you're saying nothing is happening? He was cute the first moment he walked through our doors, Clove. He was cute when he got you 80 roses for your 8th birthday. But let's face it, he's now 15, and I've got to say, he's not cute anymore, he's turning hot. And I know, we, both know, that girls are running after him. He's yours, you're his. But you act like nothing, and nothing is happening! Why am I suppose to trust you, sissy?"

"Because that's the truth." I give her a smile and she shook her head, like she always did when she lose on an argument. I finish up my breakfast just in time when I hear a knock at the door. I run a little, I have to admit, just to see that icy blue eyes.

I open the door, and what I see is a familiar smile of the most important boy in my life.

"Whatcha doing here?" I tease.

"Picking you up, duh?" He said. I know exactly what he's doing, since we have been doing it as long as I can remember, from the moment he was allowed to walk alone to school. And with him by my side, I always feel save.

"Want some bread?" I ask, he said no politely, so I grab my bag and yell a goodbye at my sister.

"Why don't I get to pick you up to your house?" I say as I close the door.

Cato raised his eyebrows, probably thinking where did I get this question, he takes a breath and gives me the answer of my question.

"Because the Prince always comes for the Princess, and not backwards."

"Haha! You consider yourself as a Prince? You've got to be kidding me."

"Um, why not? I'm tall, I'm handsome, and super strong, if you haven't notice. And girls line up for me, so why am I not the Prince?"

"You snore everytime, you're lazy and big-headed, not to mention your super arrogancy." He raises his shoulder as his reaction, and then he simply says,

"It doesn't really matter, like, really. At least you're still able to bare with my attitude."

"I almost can't." I say with a smile.

Cato's POV

That smile coming from that lips always drives me crazy. Clove has know idea of how much I want to lean and kiss her lips everytime she smiles at me. But then, I know she's not aware about any of my feelings for her. I've been keeping it to me, and to me only, since she's the only other person than myself I can trust with my secrets.

"What?" She says.

"What is what?" I reply.

"You've been staring at blank air. And you were smiling to yourself, like you're crazy. Not to say you are not crazy, because you are, Cato. You're super crazy and I still can't get enough of you. Guess I'm crazy too."

"But in a good way, Clove, come on, we'll be late!"

I know it's a short chapter but.. another one in the way! :)