Chapter 15: Birds of Paradise

Ciel and Alois were laughing loudly when the slat haired teen came up with an idea, "Alois, what do you think of the tropics?" he asked after a moment. In reality he wanted to spend as much time as possible with the blond teenager, they were growing closer as they spoke. However, he wanted to make things even more intimate. He loved hearing Alois laugh and wondered if he would be even more open alone on a white sandy beach. "It sounds like fun," replied the blond, "too bad neither of us can go." Ciel's lips curled as he let out a laugh, Alois really had no idea what money could do. Even though Sebastian avoided allowing Ciel to taste the power which came with funds the size of his, he still found ways to sample the forbidden fruit. "What's so funny?" asked Alois angrily.

Ciel shook his head and looked at his feet, the pair had moved to Ciel's home to talk. The café was nice, but he proffered hanging out in the living room of his home. It was spacious, and he loved the lush and supple leather sofas he had selected with the warm red walls and cherry furniture. The hearth was lit, and he simply enjoyed chatting with the other boy. "Simple, we can go," said Ciel with a broad grin, he was confident in this decision. Alois' sky blue eyes widened with shock as he stammered, "H-How?" Ciel shrugged, he honestly didn't realize how little Alois was aware of what money could do. "We use my jet," he replied, "The Pilot and Crew, are on stand by." There was silence as Alois looked at Ciel dumbfounded, "We could go to a small island off the coast of Puerto Rico or the Bahamas," he stated.

Alois hummed and looked at Ciel, "The Bahamas?" he asked curiously. Ciel nodded and slipped his hand into his pocket to grab his mobile, "Sure, want to call your guardian to ask?" He honestly could do with a short get away, he needed a break from it all, besides it was nice this time of year and there was no way Sebastian would be able to pass up the surf.

Ciel Phantomhive:

Can I borrow the jet?

After pressing send he placed the phone on the table and looked at the blond, "I asked, all I have to do is wait he is probably," the phone buzzed loudly, "busy," Ciel finished. He looked at the small device curiously before picking it up. He hummed as he opened the envelope, "What did he say?" asked Alois curiously as he jumped over the back of the sofa and landed beside Ciel.

Sebastian Michaelis:

Where do you intend to go? Some place warm?

"Why would he ask where?" asked Alois as he looked up at Ciel. Sebastian always asked where he intended to go before he was even allowed to think about flying. The Phantomhives were wealthy, and famous, two things which were very dangerous to be while traveling. He could remember how Vincent complained about the security, only to find it important after a group attempted to kidnap him. Soon after he had Sebastian assign security to every flight, it was a bit much in Ciel's mind. However, Sebastian would never budge on it. "It's his way of knowing what I'm up to," replied Ciel as he typed his reply.

Ciel Phantomhive:

Puerto Rico or the Bahamas, why?

Ciel was about to set the phone down when his phone buzzed again, oddly the reply was nothing like what he had expected. "What?" asked Ciel in confusion as he read over the message. Alois looked over his shoulder and asked, "What's it say?" Ciel held the phone in front of the small blond.

Sebastian Michaelis:

Then hurry up and get on the helicopter, or you'll miss your trip to paradise.

Ciel and Alois looked at one another, "What?" they asked and then looked back at the phone. Ciel had honestly thought that Sebastian would say no way or come up with some other flamboyant way with a ring of reason and superiority to it to deny him. "What is he thinking?" asked Alois as he plucked the phone from Ciel's hand. The slate haired teen looked at the blond and replied, "I honestly don't know.


Claude watched as Sebastian typed away on his phone and chuckled after sending a message. "What's up?" asked Claude curiously, his golden eyes never left those long delicate fingers. Sebastian looked at him curiously and replied, "Just having a little fun with two confused boys." A grin swept across his face as Bard continued to drive, Sebastian hadn't said where they were going to next, which excited him. It had been a very long time since anyone had taken the time to plan an entire day to spend with one another. He seemed to know just what he wanted to do, usually Claude would be objecting by now and demanding to know what the raven was planning to do. Yet, here it was all a game, and it was currently Sebastian's turn.

Every step he had taken so far was quickly countered by the CEO, the man honestly seemed to know every move Claude would make. Even before Claude did. "Dinner," Sebastian stated, drawing Claude from his train of thought, "I was thinking something Brazilian." Tropical food in the winter was dangerous and never tasted as good; Claude wrinkled his nose at the thought. "You're joking, right? Over half of those ingredients aren't in season," he stated skeptically. There was a chuckle which left those lips which were quirked up in a coy smirk; clearly Sebastian was up to something. "There are ways to indulge in such things during the winter," he commented.

Claude felt even more confused, Sebastian was clearly up to something. "No matter how good the restaurant there is now way in hell they can get their hands on fresh produce," he commented. Sebastian hummed and looked at Claude with a large smile, "Actually where we are going, it will be the freshest possible, picked the same day," he responded. There was another pause as the Jeep pulled into another air field, waiting on the runway was a large Bombardier Global XRS waiting for them. Claude's golden eyes were locked on the large script across the side, Phantom Acquisitions and Holdings, sprawled across the side in large bleu letters with the Phantom logo. "Isn't this an abuse of company property?" asked Claude in confusion as Sebastian stepped out of the Jeep and began to walk over to the plane. Even on the tarmac Sebastian looked as though he were gliding, "Not really, I'm the boss, and it's my plane," he replied with ease as he continued to walk toward it, "Besides I promised you dinner." There was a broad grin on his face, and Claude's lips parted, "Something tells me we aren't going back to New York," he commented as he attempted to hide his shock.

Crimson eyes danced as he looked over his shoulder, "You never said I couldn't take you out of the country," he replied. Claude grit his teeth as he remembered Alois, he couldn't leave the teen at home with the triplets and not know when he was going to return. Sure, he had hired the triplets to handle looking after Alois, however they also had respectable jobs. He quickly stepped in front of Sebastian and glared, he wasn't going to do this, he needed to stay in the States for Alois. "You've over stepped the line, Alois will be," Claude began only for Sebastian to gaze over his shoulder with a grin.

"Alois looks fine to me," he commented with a smile. Claude was even more confused until he heard the familiar cry, "Claude! You're coming too?" The golden eyed insurance agent paused and looked over to see Alois and Ciel hanging out of the doorway of the jet. "Sebastian, we'll be late if you keep chatting," called Ciel with irritation. Alois was standing in a tank with a pair of booty shorts on and sandals, he was waving happily his linen shirt was open, and the sleeves had been rolled up. He looked ecstatic, "What?" asked Claude in confusion. Sebastian hummed as he took a step up the stairs leading upward. "Ciel wanted to take him out, and I had a feeling you would like them close so we can watch them," replied Sebastian as he trotted up the steps and smiled at Ciel.

Ciel was in a pair or slightly longer shorts and a white linen shirt, a Panama hat rested on his head, and he wore a brown leather band with the Phantomhive crest on his arm. Claude sighed, he didn't want to give into an impromptu trip, he just couldn't stand seeing Alois upset. He had heard from the other caretakers that the boy rarely smiled. "You have our passports right?" asked Claude with a hint of defeat. Sebastian chuckled as he fanned out four booklets, one from England and the other three from the US. Clearly he wasn't going to be able to get out of this.

Claude leapt up the stairs after Sebastian and was welcomed by the smell of leather and lemon; it seemed to be a favorite of Sebastian's. He took a seat in one of the warm caramel colored seats and noticed how the two boys were clearly enjoying their conversation. "Hey Ciel where are we going?" asked Alois. Claude paused, Alois didn't know, and neither did he, clearly the pair were up to something. "I have no idea actually, ask Sebastian," stated Ciel. There was a pause as Claude looked up at the smiling raven, "We are going to one of the most exotic places on earth," he replied happily as he took a seat across from Claude. The insurance agent felt slightly nervous at the thought of Sebastian selecting where they would be, he wasn't sure what to expect. "Sir, we will be stopping in Miami for fuel," stated the pilot. Sebastian nodded and replied with a grin, "Thank you Dagger, tell Doll to go easy on us," he commented. The young man nodded, his hair was a combination of bright red and blond. It was a mess, and he wore a little too much eyeliner. "Yes sir," replied the pilot smoothly before disappearing into the cockpit. "Dagger?" asked Claude curiously, nothing about the slender and stout young man seemed sharp like a knife. Sebastian nodded, his black bangs swayed as he did so, "That was his nickname in flight school, he was the best of his class, he used to fly Boeing 747s," he replied smoothly. Claude blinked, Sebastian had hired someone from an international air line, "Which one?" he asked curiously. Sebastian chuckled and replied, "Korean Air."


After a quick stop in Miami they continued down ward, Claude gazed out the window until he noticed land growing nearer, he could see a beautiful lush green forest bellow. He looked even more confused as he watched the plane glide over a sandy beach. "Sebastian?" asked Claude nervously as he watched the coastline vanish as they flew closer to an open air field. "Hm?" replied the other man, Claude's golden eyes glanced over to see Sebastian's legs crossed and he was leaning his chin in his hand. A book was in the other, he smiled when he read the title, Game of Thrones. He was also a personal fan of the series, however he wasn't about to tell the CEO that. "Where are we?" asked Claude after a moment.

The two teenagers who had chatted the entire time fell silent and looked at Sebastian, who still had a pair of readers on his nose, his eyes were pasted to the book. "Just outside of Rio," he replied as he slipped a book mark in the volume. Alois looked slightly confused and asked, "Nevada?" A light chuckle filled the cabin; it was seductive and filled with amusement. "Brazil," he replied with a triumphant smile. Claude's jaw dropped, and he blanched, he didn't apply for a visa, "What?" he asked in a panic. Sebastian sighed and folded his glasses before placing them on the table beside him. "I don't have a visa, what the bloody hell are you thinking? You can't just fly to Rio and expect them to welcome you with open arms!" he shouted angrily.

Sebastian sighed with irritation, his eyes fluttered closed before he replied, "Simple, I have them, it didn't take much to get your info, after all your office was far too happy to give it to me." Claude glowered, he didn't like to take vacations, he was usually reminded of how alone he was. Sebastian seemed to enjoy the fact that they were traveling, "Clearly they felt the need to meddle in my personal affairs," he hissed. Sebastian straightened up as a voice cracked through the speakers of the cabin, "We will be landing shortly, please fasten your seatbelts," stated the captain. Sebastian slipped his seat belt on and clasped it smoothly. He clearly wasn't irritated by the comment; in fact he seemed a little sad. If Sebastian had asked the office he would know that the last time Claude had vacation time was for the funeral of the former CEO of Trancy Holdings. "They felt you needed and intervention," he commented with a small smile.


The streets of Rio were full of life as Sebastian drove his car through them. The smell of the spicy native food filled his nose, and the vibrant colors flooded his sight. Claude had never been in a place this vivid or expressive. Alois was in the back and pointed at a group of women dancing in the street, "Look Claude, they move so beautifully!" he cried as Sebastian continued to drive. Claude looked over to see a woman turning swiftly, her skirts fanned, and he could see every layer of color. Her hands were in the air, and she looked as though she were about to bloom. His golden eyes were locked on the man who moved with a hint of aggression as he captured in his arms and moved his hands over her body. He looked like predator of the night who was finally satisfying his hunger, sensual beautiful and expressive, all things which seemed to be Sebastian.

"Look, that's one of the stadiums for the next FIFA World Cup!" called Sebastian as he took a side street. The boys stared, however that wasn't what caught Claude's attention, it was the smile on Sebastian's face. His eyes were hidden behind those blue and yellow tinted aviators again, however this time his lips were parted fully, and he looked as though he had lost all his inhibition. His shirt sleeves had been rolled up showing off his beautifully white forearms. "I can't wait to get to the cabana, I need to change into something lighter," he commented off-handedly. A bead of sweat rolled down the side of Sebastian's face and continued it's journey down his neck, it was taking everything Claude had not to lick it.

Now he understood why a number of men chased Sebastian, the man was charming, handsome and utterly seductive. Every movement had a sensual air to the point it was driving Claude nuts. "Cabana?" asked Ciel curiously, "I didn't know we owned a place down here." Claude paused, Ciel had lived with Sebastian for a great deal of time, yet he knew nothing about the man. The flirtation, the wits and most of all the game Sebastian was playing. "We don't, I do. I bought it with one of my checks. After working for two years for Vincent he sent me on vacation, he said I spent far too much time in the office. That I needed to party, samba and have all sorts of fun," replied Sebastian.

There was silence, Sebastian had used Ciel's father's first name, his given name. Part of him wondered just how close they were. "How long will we be here?" asked Alois after a moment, he was probably making a shopping list in his head. "Three nights, and four days," he replied. Alois' eyes glowed with glee as he turned to Ciel, "We have so much time! I can't wait to look around this place!" he chirped. Claude chuckled, he hadn't heard Alois sound so happy in a long time, perhaps what he needed was a vacation.

Sebastian turned down a side street and continued toward the coast, "Beautiful," breathed Claude as he looked at the expansive line of white sands and the crystal blue water. "Just wait until we get in it, there's a current coming off the South which is going to make some nice waves. The swell is going to be phenomenal," commented Sebastian as he pulled onto a privet drive and continued down the road. There was a grin of excitement as Sebastian continued, "The waves get to 30 feet easy in some places, others even higher." Somehow Claude could see the CEO surfing, ripping out a board and shredding, a movement which seemed almost second nature to him. "You really love the water," commented Claude absently, the words fell from his lips without thinking.

Sebastian sighed and smiled tenderly, "Yeah, it's always been quite fun for me. I learned how to surf down here from a cute girl. She was sweet and gay but nice," he replied. A beautiful traditional cabana rose from the horizon as they drew closer. It was larger than Claude had anticipated, a single floor but expansive. He could tell it was mostly an open floor plan with a few rooms blocked off. He pulled into the gravel driveway and stopped the keys. Claude stared, Sebastian's place was literally on the beach all that had to be done was the person had to step off the back porch and they would be standing on it. Yet it was high enough up and far enough away where it wouldn't get swept away by a wave.

"Wow," he whispered as he slowly walked under the lush canopy of green and looked at all the exotic flours which decorated the exterior. Several birds of Paradise caught his eye and he walked over to the bright flower. "Such a flamboyant flower, you wouldn't know that they were difficult to cultivate when you first look at them," Claude commented as his fingers caressed the petals. They were soft but nowhere near as supple as a rose. Many would compare Sebastian to this flower, vibrant, emotional and overall resilient, however that wasn't the flower Claude saw Sebastian as. He smiled as he thought of the enigmatic flower, he had been told by a girl he had attempted to date that everyone had a flower they resembled. She had told him, he was an Orange lily. It wasn't until later that he learned the Orange Lily meant danger and suspicion.

Ciel and Alois jumped out of the car and dashed through the house, "Loser has to carry the luggage!" called Ciel over his shoulder as he sprinted through the house and kicked his shoes off after hitting the beach. "HEY!" shouted Alois as he scrambled after him, "You're supposed to count!" Claude chuckled as he watched them run by and shook his head, the air smelled of salt and the fragrant flowers which seemed to bloom every where. Sebastian walked up behind him and asked, "Would you like to get out of that hot suit?" His hands slipped over Claude's chest and gently tugged on his collar.

Claude felt his mouth go dry, and a bright red blush appeared on his cheeks, "It would be nice," he replied. Sebastian smiled and guided him through the house, "Alois packed clothing for himself since you didn't have anything suitable for the weather here, I took the liberty of picking up some things for you," he commented as he showed Claude to his room. The man looked slightly confused, "My own room?" He had honestly expected to be bunking with Sebastian. His eyes followed the slender CEO as he opened a pair of closet doors to show an expansive wardrobe which had been purchased for their trip.

There was everything from swim wear to evening clothes and everything in between. There was even a suit there, "What's this for?" asked Claude curiously as he pulled the suit. Sebastian tilted his head to the side, "I got the color just right, it's for dinner tonight, I'm taking you into the city we will be dining at a beautiful restaurant and staying at a hotel for the rest of the evening. "I intend to drink so, I won't be able to drive," commented Sebastian. Claude paused as he felt the light weight fabric of the suit, "It gets cool at night, you won't bake in it," Sebastian stated before going to his room. He glanced over his shoulder and smiled, "By the way, you are free to come into my room when ever you please, it's connected by that door," he commented as he pointed to the door in the wall and slowly walked through it into his room.

The spider chuckled, "Always three steps ahead," he commented. He snatched a light silk shirt out of his closet and then a pair of plum swim trunks, he loved the black webs on them. After doing so he walked over to the bathroom and picked up a box of contacts, Sebastian had even bothered to have those purchased. He shook his head and wondered how thick that file of his was exactly. He slipped his glasses off and quickly put the contacts in. He wasn't used to seeing himself without his glasses, his eyes looked so powerful and stern. His simple rectangular metal frames made him seem far less intimidating. "Do you really like seeing me this way?" he asked as he looked at his reflection.

He had never been a fan of his golden eyes, his parents used to call him a creepy spider for them. He hummed as he picked up one of the pairs of sunglasses sitting off to the side for him, there were four total, counting the pair Sebastian had given him from the glider. It was clear he wasn't sure which Claude would choose. The man simply went with the same pair of Revos he had worn earlier. He could hear the waves lapping on the shore and both Alois and Ciel laughing. He looked out his window and stared in wonder, he didn't think Sebastian would like something like this. "No, he's a criminal," he muttered. He sighed as he walked through the house and caught something interesting. At first it was Sebastian's figure under a lose fish net sweater, it was light weight, and he could see Sebastian's delectable skin. He wore a pair of black jiggers with a red racing stripe down the side. They hugged him like a second skin, "Oh that's not playing fair," whispered Claude.

He was about to call out when he noticed a pine create being exchanged between Sebastian and a man from FedEx. He paused and stared, there was no way he would bring the painting with him, he wasn't that dumb. Claude's eyes were locked on the box, Sebastian waved and walked back inside, "Oh, hey. Package," said Sebastian as he lifted the painting teasingly. Claude's eyes narrowed there was no way he would bring it, that was far too daring. "I see, what is it?" asked Claude curiously. Sebastian grinned and walked out onto the porch; he placed it off to the side and walked out onto the beach. "Beautiful, it's been such a long time since I'd been out here."