Thanks to: Mormeril Dark Lady of Insanity, Maiqu, Preciousat, PurpleLady and Leila for reviewing last chapter… I really appreciate all of them. Everyone please check out the poll I posted in my profile about this story… I would really appreciate to know what you think :D

Here's chapter 8 :D

"You're saying we should do what?" Enjolras asked, once Grantaire told him what his 'great idea' was on their way to the market with Eponine and Gavroche following a couple of steps behind them.

"It's not a bad idea," Grantaire said. "It will make both of them happy… and you will win her heart like a knight in shiny armor".

"I don't want to win anyone's heart," Enjolras scowled. "I have better things to do".

"Of course you do," Grantaire laughed. "Fight for your dear Patria… your one and only mistress, but don't you ever want to be with a real women" he added as they saw Gavroche run ahead of them and stop by a flowers shop. "What is he doing?"

"Looking at flowers," Enjolras answered. "Isn't it obvious?"

"I know," Grantaire replied his eyes. "But why?" he asked as he turned around looking for Eponine. "Where did 'Ponine go?"

"I don't know," Enjolras shrugged as Gavroche came back to them holding a white rose. "Who's the flower for?"

"My sister," Gavroche smiled. "Her birthday is almost here… and she likes white roses… so I'll give her a flower before I forget or she makes me forget".

"She'll make you forget her birthday?" Grantaire asks.

"Yes," Gavroche nodded. "She usually does…"

"Why?" Enjolras asked.

"Don't know," Gavroche shrugged. "You can ask her".

"Where did she go?" Grantaire asked, looking around.

"She said she wanted to go look at something," Gavroche answered. "Then I ran off to get her flower so I didn't notice where she went".

"What a nice brother you are," Grantaire smiled. "And what a lovely girl you sister is".

"She looks like a doll," Gavroche said. "Well, kind of… like the one she used to have".

"You think very highly of your sister," Enjolras noticed.

Gavroche shrugged. "She's my sister".

"Not everyone thinks 'highly' of their siblings," Grantaire laughed.

"I know…" Gavroche replied. "'Ponine doesn't like Azelma much".


"My other sister…"

"How many siblings do you have?"

Gavroche stopped. "Four… as far as I know".

"And Eponine is the oldest?"

Gavroche nodded. "She's the only one that cares about me and my brothers".

After that Gavroche convinced Enjolras and Grantaire to go to the café without Eponine. Telling them that 'She was a big girl'. A few hours later the found themselves at the café with the rest of Les Amis, Enjolras going over some speech he had written last night, Grantaire drunk with a bottle in hand, Gavroche was talking to Courfeyrac; Combeferre, Feuilly and Jehan were talking, Bossuet was nowhere to be seen and Joly was talking to Musichetta, his lady love.

They were all in their small little worlds when they heard Marius' voice coming up the stairs, but he was not alone, he was with Eponine, who was back looking like a gamine.

"'Ponine!" Gavroche yelled, making everyone turn to the girl in question, who was standing next to Marius.

"What?" she asked.

"You look different," Grantaire slurred.

"And you look drunk," she replied with a smile, making some people in the room laugh. "But that's nothing new," she added as she next to Enjolras and Marius went to talk with Jehan.

"As much as I hate to say this, Grantaire is right," Enjolras whispered to her.

"Well, I just couldn't stand wearing those clothes," she whispered back. "They get in the way".

"In the way for what?" he asked.

"Stuff," she shrugged.

Their conversation died there, Enjolras went back to his speech while Eponine spend her time with Grantaire; who made her laugh.

In the other side of the room Musichetta was trying to convince Joly that a person does not die from paper cut.

"It can get infected," he said. "And God knows what else may happen".

"Honey, that simply won't happen," Musichetta smiled.

"It could, especially in thi-" Joly started saying, but was cut off by Musichetta's lips on top of him.

"You need to be quite," she smiled. "And to relax at little or God knows what else may happen to you," she smiled, repeating his earlier words. "You need stop worrying so much".

"I simply can't do that," he stated.

"Pry tell why not?"

"Have you not seen this city? It's filled with diseases."

"That doesn't mean you'll get them," she smiled. "Knowing how you are…"

What's that supposed to mean?" he asked.

"Nothing," she kissed his cheek. "Now, will you accompany me home? Before it gets too late and I would hate to walk home all by myself at night".

"I can do that," Joly smiled.

A few minutes later he and Musichetta said their goodbyes and left the café.

"Those two are either going to mess up or get married," Grantaire told Eponine in a whisper that only she could hear.

"Mess up," she asked, confused.

"Yes, mess up," he replied as he laid his head on the table.

"What does that mean?" she asked, not getting a reply since Grantaire had already fallen asleep, probably thanks to all he had drunk that afternoon.

"Is he asleep?" Gavroche asked as he stood beside Eponine.

"I think so," Eponine replied with a smile.

"Maybe I should make Courfeyrac drink as much so he can talk about something other than the girl he met today," he said, making Eponine laugh louder.

"Maybe..." she answered. "But it can also get worse".

"I don't think so…" he said. "You haven't heard him," he added, making Eponine laugh again. She always laughed when she was around her little brother or Les Amis, especially with Grantaire and Courfeyrac, those two were like the older brothers Eponine didn't have, always looking after her and Gavroche; though they had strange ways of doing so, she still loved all of them.

So I added a little of 'Chetta/Joly, because I just love them together. I hope you guys liked it since I'm planning on writing more about them and just for the record I see Emmy Rossum as Musichetta, I don't really know why but I do and Jamie Muscato (He played Joly in the 25th anniversary) as Joly. I was also wondering if you guys would like me to add some characters from other musical that's also set on Paris at a different time (POTO). Tell me what you guys think about that and about this chapter :)