Author's Note: I wanted it to be longer, but I stopped it where I did. I have the next chapter planned out, just not written yet. Bear with me for updates, I'm trying. Thanks for reading this, I know it's a little weird but oh well.

The next day Logan finds himself a companion of sorts in Camille. She tells him more about the school and Broadway and her upcoming audition for Julliard. He joins the conversation when necessary, but usually just finds himself watching the world around them as she speaks.

During lunch they share a bench out on the quad. Camille pushes Logan to open up, but when the farthest she gets is where he came from she gives up. After a break in their conversation, Logan's the first to speak up, coloring the girl shocked. "So we can only leave campus on the weekends?"

Camille snorts just before taking a sip of her water. "No one actually follows that rule, just like the staff doesn't enforce it."

"We can leave whenever we want then?"

"Yes...and no." When she pauses Logan urges her to continue with a confused look and questioning eyebrows. "It all depends on the timing. If you leave when you have a class scheduled, that's a huge no. But if you feel the need to explore in your own time, then no one's going to stop you. Timing is everything, but only when appropriate."

Logan nods to show he understands. "So those guys, right over there," Logan points to them, the same three from last night. Together they lean against the wall of the main building, slightly hidden from view underneath the shade of a tall oak tree. "Let's say they were roaming around the halls at two in the morning. That's okay?"

Camille follows his gaze over to the trio. He can't be completely sure but he swears he heard her curse beneath her breath. "You don't want to tango with them."

Not that Logan couldn't have guessed that from the night before, but he didn't expect her to jump right in and say that. "Why not?"

"They're not good guys… except for Carlos maybe. But he's wound so tightly around James finger that it doesn't make a difference." There's an edge to her voice that is so tangible Logan can almost taste it on his tongue. She's jealous of them, which one he's not sure, but the envy is there, seeping between her words like hot lava, and suddenly Logan's intrigued.

"What did they ever do to you?"

Camille's taken aback, her lips parted in an 'o' as if Logan is suggesting something terrible. Yet under his scrutinizing glare, her skin flushes; cheeks reddening and finger fumbling with the cap on her water. "They didn't do anything, despite the fact that he exists." Logan doesn't miss the he instead of they. He doesn't miss the way her lips curl back in a snarl as the simple word falls from her tongue.

Logan's overtaken with concern. "He...he didn't hurt you did he?" Then Logan realizes he doesn't even know which one of the three she's relating to. "Who's he?"

A sigh escaped her soft lips and she puts her lunch away, no longer hungry. "Do we have to talk about this? I mean you don't tell me anything about yourself. Why should I be the only one to open up? A conversation consists of two people, but you hardly put any effort into it."

Logan tenses under her steady gaze of brown that matches his own irises, he's almost completely sure. When he opens his mouth to speak it's barely louder than a whisper. "You're better off not knowing anything about me."

Camille's eyes soften. "You'll never know until you try." At an attempt to comfort him, Camille snakes a cautious arm around his shoulder. He doesn't push her away, or snap at her; instead he leans into the touch, because it's all he has. "You're not like most guys Logan. You're different."

"Yeah, I know," and I'm sick of it.

Logan's in the library, bent over a desk with his eyes scanning the pages of some text book or other. It's been two weeks since the semester started and he's already due with a book report and a test or two. The school wasn't joking when it mentioned it worked its students down to the nitty gritty.

He doesn't hear the footsteps walk up to his table. He doesn't notice the lean figure slide into a chair across from him. Logan's sole focus is on hard bound pages sitting before him as he reads up cells and tissues and their many different functions in the body. He's beginning to hate biology.

A voice clears, a prominent "Ahem" filling the silence and Logan's heart speeds up drastically. He takes his time, lifting his head to meet the source of the interrupter, his breathing leveling out once he realizes it's just Kendall. "Howdy," the blond smirks, casually lounging back in a way that hardly looks comfortable to Logan.

"What do you want?" It comes out as more of a snarl than Logan planned but it works, Kendall's features falling and the cocky smirk leaving his lips.

"Snarky, aren't you?" Logan keeps his mouth shut. "So, you and Camille, huh?"

Her name brings a smile to his face. She's such a sweet girl, so nice and welcoming. Maybe a little deranged around the edges but Logan's learned to ignore that aspect of her personality. "What about her?"

Kendall leans forward, over the table top with his face just inches from Logan's, lips curling at the way the brown eyes widen. "You know what."

Logan forces down a gulp and sits back in his chair, forming some distance between himself and the blond. "No, I don't. Just go away Kendall."

"What, I can't offer you a hand at studying-" Kendall lifts up the text book and his eyebrows knit together as he reads, "AP Biochemistry." He says the name as if it's a disease.

With a sigh Logan rubs a hand over his face. "Do you even know what biochemistry is?"

"No," Kendall chuckles. "But I bet you could teach me."

"As fun as that sounds I really need to study. Please go find someone else to bother."

An unfamiliar expression clouds Kendall's features. "What did I ever do to you?"

Logan answers with a completely different question. "What's my name?"

"Well that's a dumb thing to ask for a smart guy. You're Logan and I'm Kendall. Now that we have that established, what did I do?"

"Never mind," the brunette mumbles, forcing his eyes back down to the page drowning in words and diagrams. Kendall obviously doesn't remember the night in the hall, too drunk for the moment to commit to memory. "I'm surprised you even know what the library is, or where it is for that matter."

"Hey, I know how to appreciate a good book, remember?"

Logan remembers as if it happened that morning but he finds it hard to believe. Kendall's not the guy he met at the airport. Sure, he's an ass, it's a main part of his personality. But he's not a good guy, just like Camille told him, and he trusted Camille, at least he tried to anyway. "Just leave me alone okay? I have a test to study for."

"Maybe I don't want to leave you alone." Logan feels something tap against his foot, before he realizes its Kendall nudging him playfully. "Ever thought about that Mr. Genius?"

Knowing he's not going to get anything done with blond around Logan closes his book with an abandoned sigh and looks up to meet Kendall's steely green gaze. "Fine. What do you want?"

"Nothing, I just like bothering you."

"You're ridiculous, Kendall."

Kendall gives him a mocking smile. "You're ridiculous Kendall."

"Don't do that."

"Don't do that." Kendall even tweaks his voice to match the brunettes as best he can. Logan's already annoyed.

"Stop it."

The blond shakes his head as he mouths "Stop it." He cocks his head to the side and gives Logan a puzzling glare. "But if I stop you won't pay attention to me."

"My book is closed, it's been closed. You've had my attention for the last ten minutes what more do you want?"

"There are a lot of things I want, let's talk about what you want."

I want you to leave me alone, is the first thing that comes to Logan's mind. He purses his lips to keep the words from falling off the tip of his tongue. Instead he totally switches it up, catching both himself and the blond off guard. "Why is this book," Logan extracts it from his bag. Ever since the airport he hasn't let the book leave his side, and he doesn't know why. " of your favorites?"

The light in Kendall's eyes dims slightly. "Okay, weird question. It just is, I mean the whole idea of living in a dystopian world, it shows how much worse the universe actually could be, but it's not. We're lucky, compared to the characters in those books. It just makes me realize that I shouldn't dwell on the bad shit that happens to me, because it really could be so much worse."

Logan catches the way Kendall talks about it, as if bad things have happened to him. His curiosity gets the better of him. "What bad stuff Kendall?"

The blond's expressions goes blank, as if he's remembering things that he's tried hard to forget. Without a change of face he scoots his chair back from the table and stands up, already walking away from Logan. "I changed my mind, I don't want to bother you anymore, sorry."

When he's gone Logan slowly opens back up his textbook and continues where he left off, as if Kendall never interrupted him in the first place.

That night rain falls in endless buckets that never seem to empty. The streets are flooded, the late summer air is frigid. Instead of occupying his coveted sanctuary on the roof, Logan lays in his bed, listening to Anonymous just like he has every night before. Drops of water pitter patter against the window pane, adding a soothing lull to the music drowning in Logan's ears. Because of Anonymous his spectrum of music has increased tremendously and he loves it. Anonymous gives Logan something to look forward to after a long day of school and Camille and just life in general. Logan just wants to know who the guy is, he swears he could be his - THUMP.

Despite knowing it'd be better to stay in bed rather than check out the sounds from the hall, Logan's curiosity tugs him out from under the warmth of the sheets and towards the door. Opening it just a slit he sees out into the hall where a figure is slumped helplessly against the wall. Logan has a feeling he knows who it is but something keeps him from venturing out into the hall and helping. He doesn't like Kendall when he's drunk. But before he has the chance to close the door he hears that voice. "Hel-llo?" It's deep and raspy, the word cracking as it escapes those pink lips that Logan can easily picture in his head.

All he can think is that he's missing Anonymous for this stupid blond kid that doesn't know what's good for him. Kendall speaks again, or croaks is more like it. "Are you still there?"

Logan wants to whisper out no and close the door. He wants to forget Kendall's there and just crawl back into bed. He wants to sleep.

He steps out of his room and into the hall, leaving his door open just a crack behind him. He crouches down to Kendall's level where he's up against the wall. "I'm still here, Kendall. Jesus what did you do to yourself?" The blond is drenched, his clothes completely soaked through with his hair matted to his forehead. There's a bruise smarting on his left cheek. Logan reaches out to touch it, Kendall's skin unbelievably soft and heated under the tips of his fingers despite the chill outside. Kendall shies away from him, Logan's touch hurts.

"Logan dooont. Do yanno which room 'smine?" His words slip by each other with ease as Logan gets to his feet, tugging Kendall up with him, the taller boy shivering in a sopping pair of vans.

To be honest Logan has no idea where Kendall lives, he just knows it was one of the six doors along the opposite wall of his own. "You really don't recognize your own room number?" Logan asks, looking at the blond for any sign of recognition.

"They all look d'same."

Cursing under his breath Logan wraps one of Kendall's arms around his shoulder while wrapping one of his around the blond's waist. He drags him the few feet to his own room, thankful he left it open a crack. Inside he holds Kendall up, fearful the blond may sway and fall flat on his face if Logan lets go. "How come you doon't hafa roommate?"

Logan giggles. "I don't like people, remember? Now stay still." The brunette starts on Kendall's hoodie as he lifts up the hem of it up, Kendall's shirt underneath riding up with it. "Raise your arms."

"What're you doin' to me?"

"You can't stay in these clothes you'll get sick, okay? Just listen and raise your arms up." Kendall complies, lifting his gangly arms up higher than Logan can reach. He reaches the blond's elbows and stops. "Just pull it off the rest of the way."

Kendall wrestles with the wet clothing, twisting his arms and neck in order to snake his way out of the clingy fabric. "You jus' wanna see me naked, don't you?" Kendall flexes what muscles he does have and Logan rolls his eyes to the ceiling. "I know, I'm hot shit." Kendall's words were beginning to sound much more like words instead of slurs. "People jus' can't get 'nuff of me."

"Sure, I bet that's what it is." Logan says, voice dripping with sarcasm. He reaches for the belt on Kendall's pants before cautiously backing away. "You can take your pants of on your own."

"Ya sure? I don' think I can." Kendall's long fingers rumble with the belt, haphazardly tugging it through the loops and dropping it on the floor. His thumb pops the button and undoes the zipper with a sigh. "Shoo shoo." Kendall mumbles towards Logan, waving him away so he can drop his pants to the floor. "Fuck my boxers are wet tooo. Hey Loges I'm going commando." Logan hears the rustling of the sheets and instantly feels a lump in his throat. He turns around, shielding his eyes with his hands before realizing Kendall's all covered up and snugly. He nuzzles his head into Logan's pillow and smiles a smile that counters the innocence of a child. "S'comfy. I can stay here?" Kendall yawns for a long time as Logan just gawks at the boy in his bed. Kendall snuggles deeper into the sheets as the warmth invades his body.

"You're naked. And you're in my bed! Kendall!"

"Shhhhhhhh. Loud noises." Kendall groans, sinking deeper under the covers. Before he knows it a pair of boxers are being tossed at his head.

"Just put those on? And yeah, you can stay," Logan mumbles softly as he settles down in the chair he recently put by the corner, draping a blanket over his body and flipping back to Anonymous' radio station.

"What're we listenin toooooooo?" Kendall yawns again, rolling his body over so that he's facing Logan, his green eyes slipping closed around the edges, already drowsy with sleep.

"Just some music."

Logan thinks Kendall's asleep. His eyes are closed and his breathing is steady, air slipping and sliding past his parted lips. "I like him." Kendall breathes and Logan can barely hear him, but he does.

Although he's sure Kendall won't hear him, Logan nods his head and whispers back, "So do I."

He continues to listen until the jockey signs off for the night. With a yawn Logan cuddles his somewhat smaller frame into the chair and leans his head on the armrest. He sleeps until morning.

Logan's up with the sun, refreshed with the few measly hours of sleep he was able to get. Kendall's still sleeping as he gets ready. Since it's a Saturday he knows there's no point in waking the blond up, but he does all the same, just to spite him.

"S'too early to be alive." Kendall groans when Logan strips him of his blankets. When he notices the blonds hand down his pants he looks away sheepishly.

"Really regretting what you did last night aren't you?" Logan stifles a chuckle and forces Kendall up into a sitting position by pulling on his arm.

"Dude what fucking time is it?"

"Seven am."

Kendall's grunts something along the lines of "what the hell is wrong with you," before falling back onto the bed with ease. "Normal people are still sleeping right now." Kendall's words are muffled by the pillow, and Logan can only guess it's full of the blond's drool. Lovely.

"Normal is overrated. If you want to go back to sleep get out of my room."

"But whyyyyyyy? If I go back to my dorm I'll wake up Dak. And no one ever wakes up Dak, unless you have a death wish or only want nine fingers or some shit."

"Must you always swear?"

Kendall lifts his head from the pillow and shoots Logan a glare. "Must you scrutinize everything I do because it's not something you like? The world isn't here to please you, just in case you didn't know."

"Whatever, I'm leaving. Get out." Logan opens up the door in exasperation as if expecting Kendall to jump up and leave. Instead the blond takes his sweet old time, pushing back the covers and stretching his long limbs before stepping out of the bed. He grabs the pile of his still damp clothes off the floor and gives Logan a cocky smirk. "I want my boxers back when you get the chance." Logan adds, just before Kendall reaches the door.

With a glance to Logan, Kendall shoves the clothes in his arms at Logan and stands there. Tucking his fingers underneath the band of the boxers, Kendall snaps it once against his waist before pushing them down his legs and letting them pile around his ankles. Logan stares wide eyed, because Kendall's standing there naked as if it's not a big deal that he's about to show his tallywacker to everyone on the second floor (not that anyone's awake yet but still). "At least my balls can breathe now. Plus those weren't my size anyway. Have a merry fucking day." Kendall grunts and takes his clothes back from Logan, leaving the brunette with the perfect view of pale legs and a round backside swaying back and forth as he struts away.