A/N:I would like to apologize in advance for any misspellings or incorrect use of grammar as I don't have a beta. But other than that I hope everyone enjoys this chapter.

First of all I want to say I know I've been gone for a while but I have a good excuse. I recently moved and with packing and unpacking it has taken up a lot of my time but now things have settled down I can get back to writing again.. So without further ado here is the next chapter…

"Ugh." Dean mumbled under his breath.

Dean began to come to as he slowly opened his eyes. He looked around and saw that he was in what seemed to be a basement. He tried to move his hands but felt his hands restrained behind the wooden post. He took a deep breath before trying to see if he could slip out of the tight knot of the rope.

He quickly searched and skimmed the room before his eyes fell upon his brother who was hanging by his hands and was still knocked out cold. He mentally kicked himself because he hated that they were in this situation. He hoped and prayed that his brother wasn't dead. With his current objective of trying to break free he was more concerned about his brother.

"Sam." Dean called in a hushed tone.

"Sam." Dean said walking up behind his brother wrapping his arms around his waist.

"Hey you." Sam said laying his head back letting it fall on Dean's shoulder.

Dean tightened his grip on his brother and just took in his scent enjoying this closeness that they were currently encountering.

Sam closed his eyes and just inhaled his brothers aftershave. He loved the smell of it and the smell made him incredibly horny. Just one whiff would have him rock hard. He felt one of Dean's arm release from around him which quickly caused him to open his eyes. He looked down and saw there was a small box in front of him.

"What's this?" Sam asked picking up the box.

"Open it." Dean said in his ear.

Sam began to lift the lid off the box to be surprised at what was inside.

"What's this?" Sam asked turning around looking confused.

"What does it look like?" Dean responded in a smart tone.

"Besides the obvious answer what is it a key to?" Sam asked.

"This is were it gets interesting." Dean said grabbing his brother's hand leading him to the car.

Dean opened the door for Sam allowing him to climb into the passenger seat. Getting in the driver's seat and taking off down the street his occasionally glanced over to see a concerned look on his brothers' face.

"Where are we going?" Sam asked getting impatient.

"We're almost there." Dean answered with a smile.

After about 10 more minutes Dean pulls up in the driveway of a house. It was a nice house in a middle-class neighborhood. The house was white and had a garage to it and everything. It was too nice for them though.

"Is it what I think it is?" Sam asked opening the door.

"Yeah I brought us a house." Dean said walking over to a stunned Sam.

"But why?" Sam said as his eyes instinctively searched the area.

"Because you're always saying that one day we are gonna get outta the 'hunter' life and live the 'apple pie' life. Start a family and have 9 to 5." Dean explained.

"Okay. First of all, You've never heard me say 'apple pie life'. Second, how did you get this?" Sam asked.

"Don''t worry about that." Dean said with a sly smirk.

"Dean." Sam said.

"What Sammy, you know I'm always go do whatever I gotta do to make you happy." Dean said.

"Okay." Sam said shaking his head.

"So we're gonna give it a try?" Dean asked.

"Yeah." Sam said putting his arms around Dean and giving him a kiss.

"So who's gonna tell Bobby?" Dean asked pulling away.

"Us being brothers and lovers was one thing. But leaving everything to try and live a normal life. I'm not completely sure how he'll take that." Sam said.

(end of dream)

Dean had managed to stand up from his position but heard the door crack open and quickly dropped down to the ground.

He watched as the lady from earlier walked up to him.

"I see you're awake now." she said

"Bite me bitch." dean hissed back at the woman.

"Are you always this rude? Do you have any idea who I am?" she asked him.

"Some crazy bitch who's into s&m." dean said receiving a confused look from the woman.

"Oh Dean, you have no idea what you're in for." she said walking over to the table and grabbing a chair.

"What did you do to my brother? Dean asked.

"He'll wake up when he's ready." she said before hearing movements from the other side of the room.

"Dean." Sam said in a hushed whisper.


I hope that everyone enjoyed this chapter. Don't forget to review!

All feedback good or bad is welcome…