Tilte: Entrapment

Rating: PG-13 this chapter

Notes: written with truedespair. Fem!Fai

Warnings: sex

Summary: After getting detention Fai is snowed in along with her teacher Kurogane.

Part one

"Okay, pick up your pencils." A gruff voice called out as the clock was ticking. "Now...start your test." A pair of red eyes looked around the room as students were taking their finals. It was a couple days before winter break and Kurogane was more than ready to get the hell out of school and back home by himself; enjoying a cup of green tea. That was his vacation.

Moments later the door opened, Fai slinking inside and trying to close the door quietly, no one was surprised she was late.

Kurogane was less than impressed that she was late again. Even for finals, she was lacking in her attendance. He glared at her before sighing. Of course a classroom isn't without a tardy student.

Fai slipped into her chair near the back, it wasn't enough that she had run across campus to get here, but Kurogane was always one of the toughest teachers when it came to tests. Fai just wanted to go home and crash on the couch.

Ignoring the student for now, Kurogane glanced at the clock. "You all still have about an hour. Pace yourselves."

Fai hovered over her own test, she had fallen asleep last night over her computer and hadn't been able to study fully so while she did remember some of the questions, the blonde was second guessing herself and making a mess on the paper.

The students were to give the teacher their test when they are finish. Since this was the last class of the day, they can just leave the school. So one by one Kurogane was given a finished test as his students were leaving for the break. Soon there was only a couple left. He though, was not surprised that the blonde female was eventually the very last student in the classroom.

She hadn't even really noticed the room was basically empty as she flipped another page to work.

The time for the test taking was long since over but Kurogane felt a bit soft since it was winter break coming up and in a way, it was punishment for the female who came in very late.

When Fai did finished she knew she'd done terrible, could feel it in her bones as she slid out of the chair and walked up to hand it to Kurogane. "Here you go Kuro-sensei."

"That's Kurogane-sensei to you." But the dark-haired teacher took the test anyway; knowing it was futile to even argue. He looked over it quickly and when he got to the last page he just sighed.

Shoulders slumped at that but she smiled sheepishly all the same. "Not that bad is it?"

"...It's not..." Kurogane then grunted. "Look, it's not the worst thing I have seen. But hell, I've seen better too."

"Wah...history's too hard. Why can't you teach baking, or art, or gym?" She pouted turning away to grab her things and head home.

"It wouldn't be so hard if you studied." Kurogane rolled his eyes as he started putting the tests into his bag. "But since it is winter break and stuff, I might curve it a bit."

"Maybe it's the end of the world. Kuro-sensei thinking of grading on a bell?" She shook her head as she slipped her coat on. They sort of had a frenemies thing going on though they weren't really friends at all. Fai prodded at the history teacher, joking and making fun much more than she did with her other teachers and friends.

"I'm not some hard-ass out to get people." Kurogane knew that they weren't friends or anything. They just /know/ each other and while she would make jokes, pouts and whines at him on a daily basis, he never found a reason to just avoid her. It wasn't him and it was something about the young lady that...he can't see in other teachers and students. "Well, off to be alone this winter break." Finally.

Fai slung her bag over her shoulder just glad to not have to deal with school for a month. "Hyuu~!" She felt almost giddy at the prospect as she headed out of the room.

The teacher watched her go with a cheerful disposition. Shaking his head, Kurogane put on his coat and got his bag. However he took a side glance and sighed in dismay. "Fuck, it's already snowing."

It had been snowing all day and while the day had progressed it seemed a small snowstorm had hit and it looked like none of the buses were out either.

Walking quickly down the hallway, the teacher hoped that he can get to his car before the roads were blocked with snow. It was winter break, damn it and he's not going to get stuck in a damn snowstorm.

She really wished she hadn't worn a skirt today. Wrapping a scarf tight around her neck Fai walked out and was instantly hit with a blast of freezing air.

Kurogane wasn't far behind and while he saw the blonde, he also saw a short wall of snow behind those doors. "...Shit..."

Fai saw this as well and wondered how far she could get. It wasn't like her house was too far away, maybe a few miles.

"Hey," Kurogane can see that this can be a dilemma. "Wanna ride? I don't think you'll get far by walking in the cold." And especially not with that damn skirt of hers either he thought.

Fai looked back at him and nodded. "Yes Kuro-sensei."

Nodding back, Kurogane used his bag to make a padded path for the blonde as he went to his car as quickly as he could.

Fai hurried, though when they got to he car her stockings and shoes were completely soaked and covered in bits of snow. Her toes were numb from the cold, her fingers on the same route.

The teacher opened the passenger door for the blonde quickly before getting into the driver's seat; already cold and a bit wet.

Fai got in quickly shivering still as the inside of the car wasn't much better.

Turning on the car, Kurogane turned on the heater and cranked it up on high. "Put your seat belt on." He did the same before putting the car into reverse.

Fai did as told for once not wanting to joke as it was too cold.

Getting the car in gear, Kurogane looked back as the car started to move...only to found out that it was more or less stuck in the spot.

Fai could hear the wheels spinning in place just digging itself deeper in the slush. "I don't think it's working."

Growling, Kurogane revved the vehicle more, making it screech. But after another couple attempts, he gave up. He placed the car in park and hit his forehead on the steering wheel. "Great...just great." Now they really are stuck.

"So do we go back inside?" Fai searched her bag hoping she had her phone on her for once.

"We have to or we'll freeze." Kurogane sighed. "This car can only keep us warm for so long and who knows how long we'll be here." With that in mind, he turned off the car. "Come on. Let's run back."

This was not how she wanted to spend her last day of school as she got out and hurried back inside the school nearly falling once on the packed snow.

The teacher was following behind; making sure that the student wasn't getting hurt. Winter break or not, teachers looked out for their students.

Once inside Fai was shivering, arms wrapped around herself. "I have to call home."

Taking off his coat, Kurogane placed it on the student. His coat was thick and while it was wet on the outside, it kept him warm through even the toughest of winters. "Come on then." He placed a hand on the back. "I think the teacher's lounge is still unlocked. There's a phone there that you can use.'

Fai nodded as the snow melted on her and soaked through her stockings completely. She'd have to take them off when she sat down or risk getting sick too.

Luckily, the room wasn't locked yet as Kurogane went in and turned on all the lights. "The phones by the wall on top of that shoddy bookshelf." He pointed to the coffee maker. "I'm going to make something warm to drink."

Making a beeline to the phone she tried calling home, but no one answered. Figures her uncle would still be at work. She really had no luck.

Getting the coffee maker to work was a cinch as he got two cups ready. One for tea and one for hot chocolate for the blonde. He looked over his shoulder and saw the blonde a bit distressed. "No one's answering?"

Fai hung up then, shaking her head. "My uncle is at work, I was hoping because of the storm he would have been back early today."

"He must be stuck too." Kurogane got some boiling water and poured into two cups. He then grabbed the two cups and walked over to the blonde. "Nothing you can do now but call later. Here, want some hot chocolate." He lend out a cup of it to the blonde.

Nodding Fai took the cup with both hands and sat down silently.

Looking at the blonde, Kurogane drank some of his tea; bitter and plain, just how he liked it. "Well, this sucks." He idly commented.

"We won't have to stay the night will we? I mean word crews will be out clearing roads." Fai offered hoping she wouldn't have to camp out at /school/.

"That's true." Kurogane then another sip. "But even then, we still have to wait awhile. Maybe for hours." He shrugged.

Fai slumped in her seat. "Worst day ever."

"I've been through worse but yeah, sucks." Kurogane then finished his cup. "At least I have tea."

"Kuro-sensei's boring." Fai sipped at her own drink as she very slowly warmed up.

"Like you're any better." Kurogane scoffed.

"Yeah, and it's reflecting on your grades as of late." Kurogane countered. He then walked to the coffee maker to get another cup of tea.

Fai frowned. "It's not my fault /someone/ makes things too difficult. I'm passing my other classes."

"I do things my way." Kurogane shrugged. "Not my fault that some students can't keep up."

"Then don't assign so much." Fai set her cup down her legs freezing still and toed off her shoes before rolling down the stockings she had on.

"I'm a teacher. I'll assign as much stuff as I want to. If you all ever going to learn, I might as well drill it in your f-heads." He almost cursed but held back. Still a teacher with a student. Nothing changed.

Fai laughed. "You don't have to watch the language, I'm old enough that it won't offend my precious ears.""Like I would do it for your sake." Kurogane rolled his eyes. "And it's no good cursing in front of a girl...even if that girl's the annoying student on the face of the planet."

"So mean~!" Fai cooed as she gathered her stockings and set them aside before slipping her shoes back on.

"Shut it." Kurogane got another cup of tea and drank. He saw the stockings being set aside and he yawned. For annoying girl, she sure has good taste in clothing.

Eventually she shrugged off the man's coat putting it beside her. "It's already been half an hour or so...do you think someone's coming?"

"If they haven't came by now then it's not likely at this point." Kurogane tiredly sighed.

Fai slumped over onto the couch arm then and whined. "It's not fair. The snow won't melt away by tomorrow and I don't want to stay in this school all night."

Though he can sympathize with the blonde, whining won't make time go faster. "We just have to make due with our situation then. No use moping over it now." He drank more of his tea.

"Well what if I want to?"

"Then I'm leaving your butt here while I'm going to the cafeteria to get something to eat." He placed the cup down. "Have fun moping by yourself." Unbuttoning a bit of his shirt, the teacher opened the door.

Fai watched him go still pouting at her luck. It could have been worse, she could have been alone or with some stranger, but this was Kurogane. A man she lived in the same neighborhood with, their parents had even known each other and it wasn't like there was too much of an age difference between them.

The teacher didn't walk too far before he just leaned on the wall. He almost wanted to keep his word but something inside of him made him linger in the hallway. This was what would happen. He saw her from a distance; watch her go on with her life and go on with his own. They may live close but they were as much as neighbors as anything. Not much more.

Sighing she got up to follow after thinking she wouldn't know how to get her own food later and that Kurogane was a teacher, it'd be okay if he grabbed something from the school kitchen.

Hearing some footsteps it wasn't long before Kurogane saw the student. Pushing back from the wall, he then continued walking; making sure she wasn't too far behind. He didn't want to make things weird. He was just a teacher trying to care for a student in this...damned situation.

Fai followed after across the building, thankfully the cafeteria was in the same building they were in. She really didn't want to go back outside unless it involved going home.

Once they reached the destination, Kurogane saw that the cabinets were locked. Sighing, he cracked his knuckles and went to the large one and with one forced grip; ripped the lock before opening the cabinets. His hands hurt a bit but he rather not starve.

Fai stared. "Kuro-sensei's like a beast."

"Nah, I'm just too hungry to care anymore." Tossing the lock on the floor, he looked at what's inside. "There's bread, cheese, cold cuts and fruit." He commented. "Hmm..."

"Sandwiches then." She smiled shoving the man out of the way and reaching up into the cabinet.

Grunting, Kurogane just let the woman do what she wanted. "I'm going to check the other cabinets to see if there's anything else."

"Alright." While Fai wasn't short she still wasn't at Kurogane's height so she had to grab a footstool to climb up and check everything out.

After checking a few more cabinets (and bruising his hands a bit as a result), Kurogane found a bit more food but it was all cookies, cakes, ice cream, soda and juice. He never really liked anything that had too much sugar in them.

Fai was still rummaging up on the stool wondering why the school would need such large industrial sized ones to begin with when they had so many other cabinets and freezers and the like in every nook and cranny back here.

Going over to the sink, Kurogane was at least glad for hot water. His hands were aching a bit.

"Find anything Kuro-sensei?"

"Just sugary sh-junk." Kurogane dried his hands. "Nothing filling to eat anyway."

"You're funny." She smiled before moving back down with a few things in her arms.

"I'm not funny." What the hell did he say to make the blonde think that he was? Weird girl.

"Dorky then." She said after thinking over it for a few seconds.

"Dorky? As if!" It was getting really hard not to bluntly curse at the young lady. The girl was pushing his buttons already.

"Nerdy then? No that's not right...hmm." She replied.

"Oh my god, shut the hell up already!" Kurogane snapped before realizing what he just said. He groaned as he slapped his hand on his face. So much for that. Fai laughed at him then as she grabbed some paper towels to wrap the food in.

"Stupid, annoying, irritating..." Kurogane murmured as he crossed his arms. Of all people to stay inside a school after-hours in, it had to be her. Great.

"Here Kuro-sour." She offered some food for him smiling teasingly.

Frowning, Kurogane took some of the food. "T...Thanks." He grumbled as he took a bite. He blinked; liking the taste of it. The girl certainly knew how to make sandwiches that's for sure.

"Welcome." With that she smiled and grabbed some things for herself before cleaning up and leaving.

After finishing, Kurogane cleaned up a bit before leaving himself. He shouldn't leave the blonde alone no matter how annoying she was.

Back in the lounge Fai sat on the floor setting her haul on the coffee table.

Kurogane went to a storage closet to find something for the blonde to keep warm. He managed to find a blanket in an emergency drawer. Taking it, he ventured back to the lounge.

Fai was already eating a fruit cup when he returned and she stared at the blanket. "So we really have to stay the night?"

"I'm still not sure about that." Kurogane then went and draped the blanket over her shoulders. "But I rather not have you any colder then you were before."

"I took my stockings off. Had I known I'd be stuck here, I would have worn something warmer." She said before noticing he didn't have an extra one. "What about you?"

"I'm more clothed then you are so I'll be fine for the time being." Kurogane then knelled on the floor; sighing tiredly.

"But your pants got soaked from the snow."

"They're mostly dry now with all the walking I did. Aired them out a bit." Kurogane grunted; waving it off.

"I'm not stupid."

"Never said you were." Kurogane calmly stated.



Fai pouted around the white plastic spoon she had found. She almost felt like flinging a piece of sugary peach at the man. Kurogane almost chuckled at the look Fai had on her face. It reminded him of his cousin Tomoyo.

When she finished eating she got up and tossed her trash before sitting back on the floor. "So...now what?"

"I guess..." Kurogane looked around. "We can read books or something. Pass the time." He was opting to take a nap but he need to keep an eye on the blonde.

"Reading? That's your idea?" Fai stared at him unimpressed.

"Well fuck, fine! What's your brilliant idea?" Kurogane scoffed.

"TV? Board games? Internet?" Please, she was unlucky already, at least let there be a television that got more than two channels in this place.

"TV's next door, you know the computer room's down the hall if the internet still works, and please, like we have board games in this place anymore." Kurogane then moved to lay down on the floor; not caring how cold the floor was. "Geez, it's like you hate books or something."

"I like reading some, just I don't want to do that now, it's quiet enough as it is." She pouted wanting to kick him.

"Some people would kill for some quiet." Kurogane's voice went soft for a moment. "Never a moment's peace or tranquility. Might as well take as much as you can."

"I think that was a shot at me..." She frowned and crawled over to pull on his hair for it.

"Ow!" Kurogane slapped that hand away from his head. "Only someone like you would think I'm trying to insult you or anything. Can't I say anything without the assumption that I might be talking about someone?"

"You're always saying I should talk less." She sat back frowning still.

"While you're in class." Kurogane clarified. "I couldn't give a shit if it's outside of it as long as you're not being too loud."

Fai huffed. "Kuro-sour is just mean."

"And you're too cute to be that annoying." Kurogane lowly murmured; so low that it almost wasn't heard.

"What was that?" Confused, she could have sworn he had said 'cute', but really that couldn't be right.

"Hmm?" Kurogane opened one eye; hoping the blonde just misheard.


Suddenly silent, Kurogane just turned his body; his back facing the blonde. "I didn't say that."

"Awww are we getting shy now?" She teased knowing Kurogane hadn't mean to say something embarrassing.

"Shut up." Kurogane felt his face heating up a bit. Damn his own big mouth.

Fai laughed thinking Kurogane was acting like a kid now.

"J-Just go do something already!" Kurogane grunted; wanting nothing more than forget this moment.

She reached over patting his arm. "You're not blushing are you?"

"No!" Kurogane snapped. "The hell would you say that for?"

"Because you're embarrassed?"

"Fat chance!"

"Uh-huh." Fai smiled. She wasn't offended by it or anything it was an innocent remark.

With a huff, Kurogane moved to lay on his back; groaning on how sore his muscles were at the moment.

"Maybe you should get on the couch? You're too old to be lying on the floor."

"I'm not old you moron." Kurogane closed his eyes. "And I prefer the floor then on the couch. That way I know my spine is still aligned." A nasty one time experience with an old couch led him to that conclusion.

"You're impossible." She sighed.

"And you're not?" Kurogane raised an eyebrow.

"Nope~!" Fai smiled brightly.

"Moron." Kurogane got up. "Fine, might as well lay down on the couch." As he stood up, he stretched a bit; hearing a few cracks along his neck and shoulder blades.

"Maybe you really are an old man." She joked moving away to give him room.

"Screw you." Kurogane then laid on the couch; groaning as he was getting comfortable.

Fai sat in the floor beside him laughing before she pinched his cheek."Such a potty mouth."

With a twitch of his eyebrow, Kurogane tried to move his face away from the blonde. "Annoying brat."

"I'm seventeen, not twelve."

"Could have fooled me." Kurogane sighed.


"Brat." And Kurogane stuck to that unless proven otherwise.

Fai turned them facing him pouting. "But Kuro-sensei shouldn't say such awful things. It's not nice."

"I'm not nice." Kurogane stated as if it was fact. "And you're figuring that now?"

"Well I always knew you were a hard ass." She shrugged.

"At least I know you're not a lady." Kurogane rolled his eyes. "And if you knew that then there's nothing else to say."

"You're no fun at all." She sighed bored and with nothing better to do she could always aggravate Kurogane.

"I'm not some toy you can come and poke at." Kurogane huffed. "And why me of all teachers? There are others who would gladly spend lunch or shit with you." He knew the blonde had friends so she could have just hang out with them more and hopefully leave him alone.

"Well last time I checked it was just the two of us here." The blonde argued. "And Kuro-grump is so fun to tease."

"Yeah, I can see that." Kurogane wished he can fall asleep already. "And it's not Kuro-grump or any of that shit. It's Kurogane. Geez."

"But that's so un-cute and hard to remember." Fai pouted.

"Last time I recalled, my name isn't meant to be cute and it's easy as hell to remember." Kurogane countered.

"You're wrong." Standing up then Fai grabbed her stockings and took them over to the window sill in hopes the sun would dry them a little faster.

Hearing that statement, Kurogane blinked at the blonde. "How so?"

She shrugged bending over the large heater against the window to stretch out the stockings. "Just is I guess. You sorta remind me of a puppy that likes to act tough."

Frowning, Kurogane sighed. "A puppy. Right. Like I'm some sort of damn dog." He laid back down. "And I am tough for your damn information."

"Of course you are." She laughed before checking to see if the heater could be turned up from here.

"I am!" Kurogane sat up; not liking to be made fun of. "Like you said before I'm such a freaking hard ass. There's no way that I'm not tough." He huffed.

"I mean you're tough on tests and work, but I can't really see it otherwise."

"I'm a teacher. What else do you want from me?" He found himself asking.

"Yuuko is too, but she's super nice." She said then sitting on the heater next to one of the vents as it kicked on.

"Pfft. That witch is nice to anyone as long as they're cute." Kurogane waved it off. Or do her bidding.

Fai smiled as she swung her legs. "There's others too."

"Well good for you." Kurogane glared at the other.

"Don't be like that. We have to be friendly while we're stuck here." She melted at the heat moaning softly as she finally started to feel warm.

Hearing that moan, Kurogane turned away. "We don't have to be. We're teacher and student. Not all students have to be friendly with teachers and teachers don't have to be nice to students. That's how it is."

"Nope. Teachers are suppose to be nice and caring and all that."

"Not me." Kurogane grunted.

"That's because you're a sourpuss."

"I'm just being realistic." Kurogane countered; not letting his soft heart come out.

"Then if you don't like the students you shouldn't be a teacher."

"I have my reasons in being a teacher." Kurogane argued. "Not like you'll listen or anything."

"Since there's nothing to do you can talk all you want." She argued,

"Hmph." Kurogane then sat on the couch. "I'm not one for conversation."

"You brought it up though." Fai pouted leaning back, her skirt gently swaying with the hot air pouring into the room.

Got him there. Sighing, Kurogane closed his eyes; trying to ignore how that skirt was just flapping against the hot air. "I just like the school life, you know. My grandmother used to be a teacher for younger kids. She wouldn't shut up about but then again, I didn't give her reason not to. I was convinced that being a teacher can be very rewarding even if it's hard work."

"Well good then." Fai hoped off to go and grab the blanket, she didn't need it now and so she tossed it on Kurogane.

Grabbing the blanket, Kurogane sighed. Well, he can admit when he's a bit boring. That story didn't sound interesting now that he thought about it.

Fai moved then grabbing up some chips before heading to the door,

"Hey, where you going?" Kurogane asked; not wanting to seem like he was worried or anything.

"Bathroom, why? Did you want to tag along?" Fai smiled.

And just like that, the worry deflated; irritation replaced it. Grumbling, Kurogane laid back on the couch. "As hell." Just when he thought things weren't complicated enough.

Fai rolled her eyes and left.

As the blonde left, the teacher found it easier to fall asleep. But thoughts of the blonde were keeping him awake. That damn smile and that cheery attitude. Shaking his head, he got up from the couch. "Damn. I need something to do." Then a thought came to him. Well, he just had students take tests and those needed to be graded...

...it was better than being alone, that's for sure.