Being the Spirit of Winter and the Guardian of fun, together, at the same time, was not, by any means, easy.

Because, yes, snow was fun; snowball fights and sledding down snowy hills was definitely fun, the cold that made drinking hot chocolate with your family was fun, that wasn't all there was to winter.

Winter wasn't all "snowballs and fun-times", wasn't always fun. There was another part of winter that no one liked the bring up. The negative aspects of winter.

It was, and always had been a sore subject for him. To be reminded that winter wasn't always postcard-perfect, and that, in fact, winter brought death a lot more than any other season.

That winter froze everything, brought death to shivering forms who couldn't get warm fast enough, that the snow he prided more than anything covered up tracks made by a lost soul who was never found until it was too late.

It wasn't as if he were ignorant of the deaths he had caused, the hurt he had caused to the innocent. Oh, he knew about them, all right, whether someone shouted it at him or he just saw the frozen beings lying in the snow - his snow - not moving, not breathing.

Winter also brought the flu, the heavy traffic, the ice that made cars skid across the roads and people to slip and fall, possibly injuring themselves.

And to mix all of that with his duty of bringing fun? To be a Guardian of children, the children he killed almost every year, in some part of the world? Some Guardian he was.

How could he possibly be both, the Spirit of Winter and the Guardian of Fun at the same time? It wasn't possible. It just wasn't possible.

Bunnymund brought Spring, new beginnings. Sandman brought the golden dreams, the sleep that soothed the hurt children felt during the day. Tooth brought the little rewards, little tokens of appreciation for the children's belief. North brought the childish innocence, the anticipation for family. What did he bring? Winter. Cold. Death.

The only thing good about winter was snow, and snow wasn't always fun, anyway. The snowstorms he concocted when he was upset did a lot to vent his emotions but little to help the people around him.

Sometimes he just felt like a complete failure.