A/N: Dearest readers, I RETURN! Haha, thank you all for staying with me, I will talk about my long hiatus at the end so you can get right into the chapter! Big hugs!
Oh, and I don't own Kamisama Hajimemashita.

Chapter 31: Laundry

Pinks, blues and lilacs were placed neatly into individual piles. Tomoe paid little attention to the design of each, sparing time only to fold each cloth to perfection and colour coordinate.
An irritating shriek pierced the serenity of the Shrine and Tomoe grinded his teeth in annoyance.
'Fox-san!' the voice yapped again. Mizuki skipped into the kitchen to find an irritable familiar.
'There you are! I was – wait. What are you doing with… those?'
Tomoe glanced down at his hands. He was cradling a pair of lacy pink panties – similar to something he'd expect to find on the Tanuki women, but not quite as risqué. His pale face flushed.
'Tomoe, you creep! Why are you playing with Nanami's panties?!'
'I'm not! Shut up, Snake!' Tomoe snapped, flinging them at him.
Mizuki jumped abruptly as they landed on his head, and then giggled childishly. Tomoe glared at him but the sight of Mizuki in pink panties was too much, and he permitted himself a laugh.
'Tomoe, Tomoe, watch this!'
'No, Mizuki, I just washed those!' – but it was too late. Mizuki had shrugged off his yukata and stood before him in pink panties that barely covered his modesty and nothing else. He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively and posed, hand on hip, and preened.
'I expect those to be off you in five seconds, or else you will suffer the penalty of death, you crazy pervert,' Tomoe muttered vindictively.
Mizuki winked at his fellow and whispered flirtatiously 'I'll take them off if you do.'
This was apparently too much for Tomoe, whose blood drained from his face. Despite this, he sighed, rooted through the laundry and emerged with some more modest cherry patterned panties. Much more Nanami. He shrugged them on and stood before Mizuki after disrobing. He left his sandals on.
'Ha!' Mizuki chortled loudly, and sought further undergarments. He emerged with a blue bra on his head and a yellow one around his chest. The band was pulled tight against his back, but just about fit, and the cups were almost the right size.
'She's not very large chested, is she, Tomoe? I couldn't squeeze a note down here!'
Tomoe popped his jaw in annoyance, but allowed Mizuki to saunter towards him and garb him in assorted bras and panties. Eventually, when they were fully decked in underwear, Mizuki took Tomoe's hand and led him on a parade through the house, accompanied by the tune to The Safety Dance. Tomoe didn't know whether to laugh or become embarrassed, so he did both, allowing a wide grin to permeate his face, despite his heavy blushing. Perhaps Mizuki wasn't as bad as he'd originally thought, despite being a criminal pervert.
'Guys, I've got a crazy headache, could you keep the noise do-' Nanami stopped mid-sentence, mid-breath, mid-heartbeat, and stared.
Tomoe and Mizuki blanched and paused comically through a conga. But there was nothing comical about the flare of Nanami's eyes as she glared at Tomoe and Mizuki.
'N-Nanami-chan… I thought you were out…'
'I've been trying to sleep, actually, Mizuki-san,' she muttered through gritted teeth, 'did you ever plan to tell me about your cross-dressing hobby, you two?'
Mizuki gulped and forced an ashamed smile onto his face. Tomoe, ashamed and embarrassed, said nothing, but probably couldn't if he wanted to.
'Tomoe, you ever thought about telling me you were into women's clothing? Particularly mine? The both of you. Kneel.'
Tomoe and Mizuki fell to their knees, shaking.
'Go stand outside, now. If you like my underwear that much, that's all you can wear for this entire week. Don't come back in until I say so. Goodnight.'
Nanami turned on her heel into the kitchen, picked up Tomoe's yukata, and put it on, and fell to sleep comfortably and happily.
Mizuki and Tomoe dragged their feet outside.
'This is all your fault, Snake.'
'It wouldn't have happened if you weren't molesting her underwear, Fox.'
The plop of rain on their heads silenced them both.

A/N: Ahh! Sorry for such a short story! This was a request I had a looooong time ago written down! I have a whole lot more to come, hopefully!
So I started using an old browser I haven't used in a while, and fanfiction came up in the task bar! So, curiously, I clicked it and can you believe I've got 210 reviews on this story? You guys are amazing! Thank you SO much for staying with me this entire time!
Reason for my hiatus? Laziness! I 'finished' this story (that is; got to thirty chapters) and never had the urge to write more! But after seeing my beautiful cult following, how could I not? Now I am willing to write more fluff than a cotton bud! Please send some prompts, that would be lovely!
Now I have the urge to write more, though! I may start writing fanfictions for other novels/manga/anime/media so don't give up on me!
As always, I love you all indefinitely, even my little critiquers! (Appreciate that made-up word, didn't Shakespeare do that too?)
And I may even be willing to write more moderate stuff, should so you desire it!
Love you all!