JJ walked into the BAU, arms crossed over her chest as she walked out of the freezing weather of Virginia. She walked to the elevator and pushed the button for the third floor repeatedly, desperate to get to the coffee machine in the office. JJ looked down, bouncing in place as she thought about the case files that waited for her on her desk. As the doors were closing, a hand got in the middle of them, opening the doors once more.

"Oh! Sorry. Do you mind if I-" Prentiss looked up from her bag and saw JJ, just as JJ had. Emily smiled widely, "Oh hey you! How was your weekend?" JJ looked Emily over, noticing she was wearing a short sleeved shirt that was slightly too small for her, and a pair of regular blue jeans.

"What are you wearing? It's freezing outside! Jesus, woman!" JJ chuckled for a second, then went back to shivering. Emily laughed, "Well you are obviously not a 30 degree weather person." Emily grabbed her coat from under her arm and set it around JJ's shoulders, holding her close and rubbing her arm a bit.

"Oh I don't need this-" JJ said as she started to take it off. Emily held it against her and smiled warmly,

"Oh please. Just wear it til we can get to that coffee machine." JJ looked up slightly at Emily and smiled back. She nodded her head, then went back into Emily's warm hug, desperate to warm herself up.

A brief moment later, the doors of the elevator opened and they walked out together, almost sprinting to the coffee machine. JJ picked up the coffee pot and poured herself a cup, "Mmm..." JJ hummed as she watched the cup fill up. While JJ was putting the pot down, Emily secretly grabbed the coffee off of the counter and put it to her lips.

"Yum indeed." Emily said, making JJ look at her. JJ's jaw dropped and she chuckled, "Em! Come on give it back, I've been waiting for that all morning. Emily smirked from behind the cup and shook her head, taking a sip. "Mine now, blondie!" and she walked away. JJ put her hand on her hip and laughed, watching her walk away. In fact, JJ spaced out for a second watching her leave. Soon, she poured herself a cup of coffee, even though, for some reason, she felt like she didn't need it anymore.

JJ made her way to her desk, setting her bag down and looking over the files on her desk. She slowly sipped her coffee and wrote a few notes, when she felt her phone buzz. She pulled it out of the pocket of her pants and read the text she had gotten. It was from Derek: Someone's seriously captivated by you right now ;)

JJ rolled her eyes and wrote back: Stop flirting and work, Derek. Almost immediately, she got a response: Damn! Alright Ms. Bossy! But just so you know, I wasn't flirting. Someone else has got their eye on you.

JJ narrowed her eyebrows, confused: What? Who? she wrote.

Sorry, baby. I got work to do :P

She looked up from her phone slowly, glancing around the room, doing her best to look unsuspicious. Suddenly, her eyes locked with Emily's. The expression on Emily's face looked almost sad. Her eyebrows were raised slightly, and there was a certain look in her eye that made JJ feel sympathetic. JJ stuck her tongue out at Emily and smiled warmly, hoping to cheer Emily up. Emily shook her head as if she was snapping out of a dream, and smiled quickly, looking back down at her paperwork. But before JJ looked away, she saw a slight blush cover Emily's face, clearly struggling not to look up at JJ again. JJ felt her stomach flip as she tried to work that out in her head. What was... She must just be embarrassed from spacing out. JJ shook the thought from her head as she went back to her paperwork, finishing her notes then standing up. "Guys, let's get to the round table room. We have a case." Everyone stood up simultaneously, closing up their paperwork, then headed off.

JJ approached Emily and walked with her, "Hey, you okay, Em?" "Oh yea, I'm fine. Long night. Sergio brought in a mouse last night, thinking it was dead, he let it loose in my apartment, so that was swell. Then I had a date with some weird guy who couldn't stop talking about his grandmother in Nebraska, which I guess is cute in a sense, but as soon as he started talking about all 13 of her cats, I checked out," Emily chuckled at the incredible lie she was telling. "13?! Jesus, if I was so lonely that I needed 13 cats I would just pull the plug." "Tell me about it." They both chuckled as Emily took her seat at the table and JJ stood at the front. Garcia could be hear walking to the room from a million miles away as she strolled in, wearing a pair of 3 inch blue and green heels, perfectly matching her cool-tones outfit. "Hello my lovelies, today you have a case in Nebraska," Emily and JJ looked at each other, and in a quick moment, Emily rolled her eyes to say 'what are the chances?' and JJ replied with a shrug. "Specifically, Nebraska City, how original they are with the names." Garcia turned slightly to face the monitor as JJ walked around passing out the case files. When JJ handed hers to Emily, their hands touched for just a moment. JJ quickly moved on and didn't notice, but Emily's stomach was quickly filled with butterflies. "6 women, all between the ages of 17 and 20, were found dead in the woods, all along the same trail, except for one, Lily," a picture of 5 of the women flashed up on the screen as she spoke, but a larger picture of Lily popped up, showing pictures from before she was abducted, then pictures of the crime scene. "she was found in the parking lot at the beginning of the trail, and the ME reported that, due to the hemorrhaging on her body, it seemed that cause of death was a fall of 25 feet from a cliff over the lot. Mama mia..." Garcia whispered the last part under her breath as she looked away from the disturbing pictures on the screen.

"These women all had similar bruising and cuts, looked to be made by the same weapon." Morgan said softly. "Eh, I'm not to sure," Spencer chimed in. "Although these bruises are all located in the same place, the diameter of the bruise itself seems to be consistent on the same girl, but different between the six. It look as if he is experimenting with weapons, finding what works for him." Morgan looked at Reid, "Well then why did he hit them and cut them? The bruises look to be at different stages of healing, so these were made over the period of time that they were with the unsub. Why is the cutting significant?"

"That's what we need to find out," Hotch said. "Everyone get ready for Nebraska. Wheels up in 30." That was the cue to get up and head back home to get their away bags and meet back at the jet. While everyone else filed out, JJ's eyes were glued to the screen. Prentiss saw her and came back into the room, "Jayje?" she said as softly as she could before placing a hand on her shoulder, hoping not to frighten her. "Look at these women. They aren't even women, they're girls. Look at them Emily, look at how happy they were, they were just starting their lives." Emily closed her eyes and sighed, letting JJ's words sink in. "I know Jayje, that's why we have to go. It's out job to bring closure to those families and prevent anymore lives from being lost, by catching this guy. But in order to do that, we need you to be on top of your game. We need you to be as amazing as you are in the other cases. Can you do that for me?" JJ looked Emily in the eyes and smiled sadly, huffing, "You always know what to say, don't you Em?" Emily shrugged and pretended to sweep her shoulder. JJ laughed and wiped the tears from her face. Emily smiled warmly and wrapped her arm around JJ, "Let's go to Nebraska!" she said, pumping her fist in the air. "Let's go to Nebraska!" JJ repeated as they walked out together.